Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 797: Gammar triumphantly

Since Sharlayan came to the Shadowlands, every Marquis he has met has said the same thing about Gamal.


Sharlayan didn't know how he got this scornful title. He hadn't seen the rare and highly intelligent Hate Marquis with his own eyes, so he couldn't jump to conclusions.

Sharlayan's desire to see Gamal was quickly granted.

It was unknown if the usurper faction had planted high-level spies in the army camp of the military master faction. Not long after Kexus set off, Gamar launched a hysterical counterattack on his own initiative.

The strength of the Secret Academy of Creation is the construction of various war weapons and fortifications. In terms of combat effectiveness alone, they are only stronger than the Sharp Eyes Academy for intelligence and the Withering Academy for logistics. Court opponents.

Sindani is very good at serving water, and the troops she distributes to the sages account for exactly 50% of the total troops of the Ritual Academy, so bet accurately.

With the assistance of this group of elite liches, the Secret Academy of Creation, with the assistance of war weapons, galloped across the battlefield for a long time, and even once split 50-50 with the Secret Academy of Soul Selection.

But this is only an illusion after all, because the Soul Selection Secret Academy did not move the real thing at all, and only sent a newly promoted baron to command part of the troops, and it was more to use this actual combat to train troops.

When Kexus personally took over the command, the originally balanced situation changed instantly, and Gamar's side had almost no room to fight back.

It's not that Durotan's ability to lead troops is insufficient.

There is one thing to say, in the orc tribe, there are only two and a half people who can really be called skilled in war.

That half is the first-generation Great Chief Blackhand. Blackhand in a normal state is quite charismatic, and his personal strength is also very strong. He can subdue many rebellious clan chiefs, including Grom Hellscream Xiao.

It's a pity that Black Hand is just a puppet chief supported by Gul'dan. In many cases, he can't decide the general development of the tribe, so he can only be counted as half.

As for the other two, Durotan and Orgrim were good brothers who often visited Draenei cities when they were teenagers and had received formal military training.

Orgrim's overall outlook and military command ability have undoubtedly been demonstrated in the war between the Horde and the Alliance that lasted for several years.

Durotan's son, Thrall, the future savior shaman, studied under Orgrim, and learned a superb art of war and a broad view of the overall situation.

Compared with Orgrim, Durotan also has excellent strategic vision, leading the Frostwolf clan away from disputes is a typical example.

When the orcs who invaded Azeroth lost the catalysis of the blood of demons, became tired and lazy, and were chased away by the human army, the Frostwolf clan settled peacefully in the Alterac Snow Mountain, living a life in harmony with the world. Live without contention.

If it wasn't for the future copperbeard dwarves wanting to develop Alterac Valley, the Alliance would not have found the Frostwolf clan reclusive in the snow-capped mountains so easily.

Durotan saw the hidden dangers of the Horde earlier than Orgrim. As long as Gul'dan is still in power, the Horde cannot truly be free. puppet.

If he only considers his own clan, there is absolutely no need for Durotan to take the risk of informing Orgrim that he can hide in the snow-capped mountains with his wife to raise the young Guyin.

But for the sake of the future of the entire orc group, Durotan embarked on this journey with an unknown future despite knowing that there was danger, and eventually lost his life because of it.

From the alliance's point of view, if Durotan hadn't died, he would definitely be a formidable enemy.

But in the eyes of those orcs who knew the inside story, Durotan was undoubtedly the hero of the tribe, and it was precisely because of the intangible legacy he left behind that it would be logical for Thrall to become the great chief in the future.

After Kexus left, the command of the battlefield was transferred back to Durotan's hands, and Sharlayan finally saw this legendary figure of the orc tribe in the central army account.

The Frostwolf clan was one of the few orc clans that did not drink the blood of demons, and Durotan's complexion was the original brown of the orcs known as the Sons of the Stone.

He held a huge double-sided battle ax in his hand, his whole body was full of muscles, and his appearance alone seemed to be full of strength.

Unlike other orcs Sharlayan had seen, Durotan wore a white wolfskin shawl.

This shawl did not remove the wolf's fur from the head, and the open wolf's mouth covered his forehead, and the wolf's teeth in the wolf's mouth still looked sharp.

This unique shawl adds even more wildness to Durotan.

Durotan, who had just retreated from the battlefield, was still panting heavily. There were many scars on his soul and body, obviously he had just gone through a difficult battle.

Without the suppression of Kexus, the Marquis of Acalek, who was not strong in frontal combat, had a very difficult time fighting against the powerful Gamal.

Durotan also participated in this battle, even if he didn't serve as the main attacker, he still left many wounds on his body.

Akalek, who returned with Durotan, was not injured, but he looked quite tired.

"Huh" Akalek sat down at the round table a little depressed: "That stupid pig doesn't know why it's crazy, it looks like it will be dragged into the slaughterhouse tomorrow, and it completely ignores defense when fighting."

Akalek was a thief, and his specialty was assassination and stealth. On a battlefield with thousands of people at every turn, his frontal combat ability could not be compared with fighters like Gamal and Caixus.

To give a very realistic example, Kexus can rely on his high rage to endow himself with defensive power, so as to resist the loss on the battlefield.

Akalek, who only wears light armor, can't do it. He has to devote all his energy to avoiding back arrows, and part of his attention is taken away by the bad battlefield environment.

If Sharlayan's plan succeeds, the House of Creation will become truly alone.

Without the magic assistance provided by the Lich from the Secret Academy of Rituals, the Secret Academy of Creation could not stop the ferocious impact of the Secret Academy of Soul Selection, and it was only a matter of time before the fortress was breached.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Gamal rushed like crazy, trying to fight a **** path before Caixus' diplomatic activities made progress.

...Let’s call it a diplomatic activity, although it is diplomacy by force.

Hating the strength and endurance of this undead construct, Akalek barely blocked Gamal's first round of impact with Durotan's assistance.

Relying on his racial talent, Gamar recovered his strength in only ten minutes, and began to lead the charge on the battlefield again. At this time, Durotan and Akalek's hands were still trembling due to excessive force.

Going to the battlefield in their current state and fighting against Gamar is tantamount to seeking their own death.

Kexus went out, Akalek was out of force, and Stradama was exempt from the battle due to injury.

With the three Marquises of Maldraxxus unable to play, Sharlayan's team can only temporarily take the top spot.

Sharlayan had many topics that he wanted to discuss with Durotan, but now was clearly not the right time.

After completing the handover with Durotan and Akalek, Sharlayan walked out of the barracks with three confidantes, and stepped into the tragic battlefield near the Theater of Sorrow.

Gamal was very eye-catching on the battlefield. The giant abomination over 5 meters high was wielding a battle ax and a chain blade to kill, and no one on the battlefield could stop him.

You can see very obvious stitching marks on Gamal's Unlike other abominations with multiple hands installed, Gamal only has two strong and powerful hands, and almost every blow can make a Soldiers lose their combat effectiveness.

Sharlayan's brows were tightly frowned, and he drew out the Valagarr swords from his back and took a deep breath.

"We can't let him continue to be so rampant, otherwise the formation will be defeated by this monster sooner or later."

After reaching the demigod realm, one soldier already has the ability to change the situation of the entire battle.

If there is no opponent in the same position to block him, Gamar alone can penetrate the encirclement net, which in turn affects the overall situation on the battlefield.

Sharlayan looked at Onyxia who was moving her arms solemnly: "Oni, you are the protagonist in this battle."

"Don't fight too aggressively, first carefully test Gamar's combat power, and we will do our best to assist you."

Onyxia nodded solemnly: "I will be careful."

There is also a power gap between demigods and demigods, such as Malorne and Cenarius.

The father and son are both demigods, but their strengths are vastly different from each other.

Gamar, who had mixed up in Maldraxxus, was extremely rich in combat experience. Compared with him, Onyxia, who often fished, was still immature, and she didn't have much confidence in her heart.

Valeera patted her on the shoulder and comforted her: "Don't panic, we are behind to help you. Our task is to slow down Gamal's footsteps, there is no need to fight him head-on."

Stellagosa had already taken out her meteor staff. Seeing that Gamal was about to break through the line of defense, she started by pressing down on Gamal with five times the force of gravity, temporarily restricting his evil activities.

Sharlayan clenched his swords and reminded loudly: "Concentrate! The battle has begun!"

"Oni! Let's go first!"

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