
It is the most powerful country in the West, and its comprehensive national strength is no worse than that of Xia Guo.

At this time, in the strong country of Jordan, in an underground laboratory, countless scientific researchers were busy.

In the laboratory’s most heavily secured huge warehouse is a strange object in the shape of a black hole.

In the Takla Desert base of Xia Country, the “black hole” is almost the same.

It’s just that the “black hole” on Jianguo’s side is bigger.

Compared to Xia Guo, the black hole on Jianguo’s side appeared earlier!

The scientific researchers of Jianguo also obtained more data than those on Xia Guo’s side.

For example, a black hole is most likely a wormhole on another planet.

Wormholes can be crossed, but there are high requirements for the material that crosses.

Non-living beings, unable to cross!

Electronic parts such as mounting cameras and monitors on animals are useless and will be damaged once the animal crosses.

Only the pulse and locator can be stuffed into the animal’s body, then stitched together and sent into the wormhole!

It’s not any animal, it can be crossed.

Generally, primates with some intelligence cannot be crossed.

Single-celled organisms cannot be crossed.

A scientist once proposed to send a virus into a wormhole, but it failed, almost causing the virus to spread in the laboratory.

The various traversal restrictions of wormholes made scientists study for half a day, and they could not find any reason.

The animals sent in, even rigorously trained hunting dogs, will die within minutes.

After losing as many as thousands of animals, the scientists of Jianguo were ruthless!

Just now, they sent a pig infected with swine flu into a wormhole.

As a result, the crossing was successful…

Scientists have yet to recover from the joy of discovering wormhole “loopholes”, and after a few minutes, wormholes suddenly become extremely unstable.

The wormhole first slowly shrinks, and then suddenly skyrockets!

From the original diameter of one meter and five meters, it has skyrocketed to four meters in diameter, becoming extremely large and huge.

This strange phenomenon has aroused the vigilance of scientists.

The next moment.

A strange creature came through the wormhole.

This strange creature, very close to an earthworm in shape, also has no eyes, but has a mouth, and its body size is a hundred times larger than an earthworm, and its length is more than one meter, almost the thickness of a child’s arm, and it is slimy, very similar to the tentacles of an octopus.

It’s like a super big bug!

Anyway, this is the first “alien creature” to come to Blue Star!

An old white man immediately ordered excitedly: “Quick, grab it, and study it immediately!” ”

When the two young assistants heard this, they took the container and approached the monster.

Unexpectedly, the strange insect, which was originally slow-moving, quickly catapulted from the spot when it sensed that a creature was approaching, flew up, and shot at the young assistant on the left like a bullet.


The chemical protection suit worn on the leg of the young assistant, like paper paste, was shot through a hole by a strange bug.


The young assistant’s thighs were suddenly bloody.

What made him even more terrifying was that the monster actually followed his wound and drilled into his body!

“Even buy Ka! Help, save me…”

The young assistant desperately wanted to grab the monster and drag it out of his body, but found that the monster was so powerful that he couldn’t stop it at all, and the monster penetrated into his body…

It only took a few seconds.

The slender body of the monster completely penetrated into the body of the young assistant.

Soon, the young assistant began to spit out blood, convulsed all over, and within a moment, he died tragically on the spot.

Anyone who has studied medicine knows that spitting blood in his mouth is his internal organs, which are destroyed by monsters in a short period of time, causing heavy bleeding in the abdominal cavity…

In other words, the cause of death of the young assistant was because the monster got into his stomach and shattered his internal organs.

From the young assistant being attacked by strange insects to being violently killed in place, the whole process is only ten seconds.

Many people didn’t react!


Suddenly, a female doctor let out a scream, and her face turned white with fright.

The others woke up like a dream, panicked, and fled one by one.

Cries for help, screams, fleeing…


The whole laboratory was a mess.

Thump! Thump! Thump……

More and more strange insects came out of the wormhole.

A few minutes later, the area around the wormhole was dense, and the ground was full of strange insects.

Even people without dense phobias will definitely be scared to the point of numbness when they see this scene!!

In the laboratory, there are actually military guards.

After all, it is a wormhole leading to another planet, and the government does not dare to be careless and send troops to guard it, just in case.

When the alarm sounded in the laboratory, a unit stationed in the laboratory immediately took up its weapons and rushed to the scene of the incident.

What greets these strong soldiers are endless monsters!!

“Destroy these monsters and fire!!”


In the laboratory, the sound of machine guns was constant.

Human weapons can indeed cause fatal damage to this monster.

However, there are too many monsters…

Even if the soldiers later used grenades and flamethrowers, they could not kill cleanly.

More and more soldiers are dying at the hands of monsters.

Once caught by the monster, it will be drilled into the body by the monster and destroyed indiscriminately, and the end is extremely miserable.

“Call home, call home, a large number of abnormal creatures have appeared in laboratory D32, our soldiers cannot resist, ask for support!” Repeat…” The leader of the squad hurriedly asked the headquarters for help.

The order given to them by the headquarters was to block the monsters and wait for the support of the large army…

The headquarters believes that this strange insect must not be allowed to leave the laboratory and appear in the human city.

With the attack speed and destructive power of this monster, appearing in the city will be the end of the citizens!


A carnage begins!

Although the monsters died more, their number seemed endless, and more and more soldiers and scientific researchers died in the mouths of the monsters…

Fortunately, the squad closed the main door of the laboratory before the entire army was destroyed.

This gate is made of alloy steel, once it is urgently closed, the C4 explosive cannot be blown open, and can only be opened from the outside with a code.

The strange insect’s progress was temporarily stopped.

But everyone in the laboratory is destined to be buried with them!

When the military troops arrived, they opened the main gate of the laboratory and saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood!

Endless bugs are eating the corpses of these people.

“Destroy them!”

The colonel who led the team gave the order.

After two hours of fighting, the prepared army used incendiary bombs to destroy all the monsters.

Wormholes, which have also temporarily restored stability…


The fourth is more, and the fifth is later.

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