“Can it be recovered?”

Lu Yuan looked at Wang Biao, who was covered in rotten flesh, and asked.

What surprised Lu Yuan was that after being seriously injured to such a degree, Wang Biao was actually able to recover.

However, this time the recovery was not so fast.

With the naked eye, it can be seen that the rotten flesh on Wang Biao’s body began to squirm and heal together, looking extremely strange.

It’s like a monster in a science fiction movie!

It took about a minute for Wang Biao to recover completely.

After recovering, Wang Biao’s face also looked extremely pale.


His ability to recover cannot be used indefinitely.

Every time you recover, you consume a lot of energy.

“The body … Why? Can’t move…”

Wang Biao looked at Lu Yuan and asked in surprise.

Lu Yuan did not answer him.

“Will die…” Wang Biao continued to speak, this sentence was talking to himself.

Lu Yuan agreed with this point.

Although Wang Biao is very weird and a monster, in front of Lu Yuan’s mental power, there is still no resistance.

With Lu Yuan’s current attributes, even if ten more Wang Biao come, they will only be crushed!

“What the hell are you?” Lu Yuan asked.

Lu Yuan was still quite curious about how Wang Biao became like this.

Wang Biao didn’t answer, looked at Lu Yuan stunned, wanted to escape, but couldn’t move.

Lu Zhizhi did not have ink, and directly started.

Since you don’t want to say it, then don’t say it!

It’s really a society my parrot master, people don’t talk much!

The next moment, Lu Yuan used his mental power to move over a large stone foundation and smashed it directly towards Wang Biao.

At the critical moment, Wang Biao used the strength of his whole body to avoid the big stone foundation with his head…


The stone foundation is actually reinforced concrete, which is very heavy, full of seven or eight hundred catties.

Such a heavy object fell down, and Wang Biao’s body immediately became flesh foam, leaving only solid limbs and head, still intact.

Even if the torso part became mashed meat, Wang Biao was still not dead.

Lu Yuan flew up lightly, landed on the stone foundation, condescending, and looked at Wang Biao’s head.

“So anxious to protect the brain? It seems that you such a monster, the weakness is in the head? Lu Yuan asked playfully.

Wang Biao’s small movements just now did not escape his eyes.

Then, Lu Yuan controlled a small pebble with his mental power and slowly floated to Wang Biao’s forehead.

Wang Biao suddenly showed a look of horror.

The parrot was right, the brain was indeed his weakness.


The next moment, the stone fell quickly, like a bullet, instantly piercing Wang Biao’s forehead.

At the moment when his head was pierced, Wang Biao’s whole person was like a TV set with a power outage, and he immediately entered a state of death and could no longer stand up.

Lu Yuan looked at it twice and confirmed that Wang Biao was really dead, before he was slightly relieved.

If you make it like this, and you still can’t even get a headshot, then you really are an immortal monster.

Even if he has a strong mind, I am afraid that he will have a headache when he encounters this kind of monster.


At this time, outside the construction site, there was the sound of braking cars.

Lu Yuan’s hearing was sensitive and he could hear, and at least four or five cars stopped at the entrance of the construction site.

You don’t have to think about it, it must be from the government.

Lu Yuan did not stay for long, fluttered his wings, and left here.


Just after Lu Yuan left, a worm came out of the blood hole above Wang Biao’s head, and then burrowed into the ground.

Lu Yuan’s last move only destroyed Wang Biao’s brain, but did not kill the worm.

Immediately afterwards, several men with a capable temperament and guns in their hands walked in cautiously.

As soon as these people entered the construction site, they immediately scattered, silently, looking for life.

“Boss, Wang Biao is here!!” A young man found Wang Biao’s body.

When everyone heard this, they immediately gathered around.

Seeing Wang Biao’s fate, several people frowned.

At first glance, Wang Biao seemed to have been killed by a large stone.

But with such a heavy stone foundation, who can lift it?

“The body still has temperature, it should have just died!” A young man judged: “Preliminary estimates, the cause of death should be a fatal wound to the head, not this large stone, but this wound is not like it was shot by a bullet, but more like some kind of blunt object strike…”

The middle-aged man in the lead nodded and spoke, “Get the body away and deal with it on the spot!” ”


Several men around began to work when they heard this.

This group of people moved skillfully, and the blood stains on the ground, sprayed with some kind of spray, slowly dissolved away, showing a very amazing professionalism.

Soon, the site was cleaned up.

Less than half an hour.

Wang Biao’s body was placed on the operating table of a laboratory.

Several researchers in white coats completely dissected Wang Biao’s body, and then in Wang Biao’s head and brain, they found a stone and an empty nest…


Lu Yuan first flew back to the street near the pedestrian street, and found that Zhao Rongrong and Tang Zichen were not there, and the policemen were not there.

Then, Lu Yuan flew back into the community, and the two girls did not return.

He guessed that the two girls should have been taken into the police station to take notes.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan did not go out to look for it, but waited at home.

Sitting on the sofa, Lu Yuan fell into thought.

The Wang Biao I met tonight is obviously a monster, or an incomprehensible monster!

The body is completely destroyed, can not die, destroy the brain to die…

Such vitality, it is simply against the sky!!

Now Lu Yuan’s vitality is also very strong, but compared with this kind of monster, it is not a little worse.

The appearance of this monster also made Lu Yuan very vigilant.

It seems that this world is far from as simple as he thinks!

Secretly, there are hidden secrets…


Zhao Rongrong and Tang Zichen came back at about ten o’clock in the evening.

Back in the rental house, seeing Lu Yuan on the sofa, the two girls suddenly showed a look of surprise.


“Parrot, you’re back!”

The two girls spoke in unison, and then, Zhao Rongrong ran directly to Lu Yuan, picked Lu Yuan up, and began to carefully examine his body, not even letting go of the position under the tail…

Not only her, but Tang Zichen also followed and watched and observed very carefully.

Lu Yuan’s head is full of black lines!!


The second more, a little Kavin…

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