“Everyone get out of the way, the most beautiful person is here, everyone applauds and welcomes my eldest wife!”

Lu Yuan shouted loudly, and the others also applauded in cooperation, giving Lu Yuan face.

That’s how it should be, Parrot That’s quite a face.

Zhao Rongrong took a deep breath, stood up, and then took the props given by the program group, a small copy full of lines, and said: “I found that all parents will show their children’s talents. ”

“I believe that everyone who is doing it has had such an experience, as long as your parents take you out to meet relatives, or relatives come to the door, there must be a process that is necessary, that is, performing talent.”

“When I was a child, my parents used to tell me, come and perform a singing performance for my uncle, or perform a dance or something.”

Zhao Rongrong brought up this topic, which instantly resonated with everyone.

“That’s right, I have been singing since I was a child, and every time any uncle and aunt come to our house, my mother will let me perform and sing to them, and I think my musical talent was cultivated from that time.”

Du Wei looked deeply touched.

Lu Yuan immediately answered: “Is it that after you finish singing, those relatives of yours will praise you for singing well?” ”

“How do you know?”

Lu Yuan did not have any hesitation, and directly splashed a basin of cold water.

“Because everyone is just being polite again, you can’t say, wow, your son sings so badly!”

Hearing Lu Yuan say this, everyone laughed all of a sudden.

Qian Xiaofeng also rushed over to join in the fun: “I’m different, every time a relative comes to my family, my parents let me go there, without any talent performance, everyone will praise me for being good-looking.” I think I ate by my face. ”

When he said this, Qian Xiaofeng was quite proud.

In fact, Qian Xiaofeng used to be really handsome, and he was still the school grass in the school at that time.

It’s a pity that the years are a pig-killing knife, and Qian Xiaofeng does eat by his face, but he eats a little too much, resulting in a face that is a little too big now.

Acting handsome, this is not nothing, Yang Qi also seems to think of the previous unpleasant experience, and then said: “This is nothing, my mother is very strange, other people’s children are performing singing and dancing or something, as far as my mother, as long as someone comes to the door, she will quickly call me out and let me perform Allegro for others.” ”

Performing Allegro, this is also considered strange.

But compared to Jiang’s extraordinary experience, these are nothing.

“I’m so good at this, I loved to draw when I was a kid. So whenever someone from the family came, my dad would say to me, son, put on a show for my aunt. Then I took the drawing board and started to draw people, and my longest time took more than three hours, and finally when the relative left, he looked at me with resentment. ”


Jiang’s extraordinary experience immediately made everyone laugh.

Performing painting, Jiang Fanfan’s parents are also strange.

But the strangest thing is that the relative actually did it for three hours, and he didn’t even change his movements, he was simply a professional model.

Everyone else also mentioned it separately, but compared to Jiang’s extraordinary paintings, it was really nothing.

Wang Han also fell into memories: “I remember when I was a child, my parents did the same, but at that time I didn’t have any talent, so I had a headache every time and felt stressed. ”

“The chief knows from this look that he likes to read and is not interested in other things.”

As soon as Qian Xiaofeng found an opportunity, he would slap a horse fart at Wang Han, and he was still unabashed.

However, when several other people heard this, they suddenly found loopholes, and one thief after another was excited.

“Director, Qian Xiaofeng said that you are a nerd, the kind that can only read.”

Jiang Extraordinary immediately reported that the speed was so fast that before Qian Xiaofeng could react, Jiang Extraordinary had already caught the sick foot.

“No, I didn’t! Don’t listen to Jiang Fanfan’s nonsense there, what kind of person I am, Brother Han should be the most clear. ”

Qian Xiaofeng kept shouting injustice, and finally escaped.

Lu Yuan was not to be outdone, he was not forced to perform talent, but he also knew that there was a person who just bumped into such a one.

“I reported in my real name, Comrade Lao Bureau is definitely a reliable parent, when we came, he said that he would let Xiao Mumu perform his talent for us, you say yes, big wife.”

Lu Yuan asked Zhao Rongrong.

After hearing Lu Yuan’s words, Zhao Rongrong glanced at Wang Han a little apologetically, and then told everyone: “This is all true, when Brother Han picked me up, he said that he wanted his daughter to perform and sing.” ”

It was the first time everyone heard this kind of thing, and they were all very curious to know what happened later.

Then they overestimated Zhao Rongrong, and Zhao Rongrong did not despair, but felt that board shoes were easy.

In short, the proposal put forward by Zhao Rongrong immediately resonated with everyone.

Parents under the world are the same, they like to let their children perform talents, and they also show that they are really powerful.

Of course, there is the urge to let children perform talents, but also to gain recognition.

His parents praised him 100 times, and they were not as good as strangers.

In the end, Wang Han ended this topic, otherwise, even if it lasted for three days and three nights, he might not be able to finish it.

Anyway, the same world, the same parents, except for some differences in the performance content, everything else is exactly the same.

As the first proposal, it was naturally adopted unanimously.

Immediately after, it was the second proposal, and Qian Xiaofeng successfully grabbed the qualification for the second proposal by constantly playing treasures and selling cute.

After having the qualification, Qian Xiaofeng suddenly became a little arrogant, and he walked with his own wind.

“I’ve found that women only need three sentences, which is enough to cope with everything.”

Why are these three sentences? Are you sure? That’s awesome! ”

After speaking, Qian Xiaofeng immediately gave an example.

Qian Xiaofeng looked at Huang Fu, and then said: “Saturn Intelligence Bureau is really good-looking!” ”

Huang Fu also knew how to cooperate.




“Because the Saturn Intelligence Bureau has Wang Han.”

“That’s awesome!”


Naked horseshit, Qian Xiaofeng really did enough homework to come, at least now, Wang Han looks very good.

However, if there are people who cooperate, there are naturally people who do not cooperate.

Yang Ji was not convinced and stood up to refute.

“I don’t believe that with just these three sentences, you can handle all topics.”

Qian Xiaofeng smiled confidently: “You can try.” ”

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