Livestreaming the Hunt

Chapter 343: Bizarre event

   None of these scents seem to excite canines to such an extent.


   How did this smell attract the rabies virus?

   "Do those dead animals have wounds on their bodies?"

   Wang Kui asked suddenly.

   Chen Wu rolled his eyes and thought about it carefully: "Not all, there are also many people who don't have any wounds on their bodies. This is why we didn't directly characterize it as a rabies virus at the beginning."

   "Okay, let's take a look at the place you said first, big, control!"

   Wang Kui took out the dog leash from his pocket. This was also the first time he used a rope to control the big scorpion in the wild, because he didn't dare to let the big scorpion run around without knowing the reason.

   After all, no matter how disciplined the hound is, it is still a beast after all.

   Even people can't control their desires, don't mention dogs!

  As they approached the plain area, the big scorpion became more and more excited, and even began to act a little against the rope.

   The more so.

   Wang Kui became more curious.

  Thanks to his body strengthening so many times, his arm strength is no longer the original, let alone the big bang, even if it controls a piece of Alaska, there is no problem.


  , when he passed the bushes in front of him, he suddenly roared twice.

   may be a short-lived reason, let it look back at Lao Kui, to remind him that there is a situation ahead!

   Wang Kui nodded, and replaced the leash with his left hand. His right hand was swaying beside the hunting knife on his waist as if there was no ground. Once there was any situation, he would react immediately to draw the knife!

   Chen Wu also seemed to feel that the atmosphere was not right and became cautious.

next moment!

   Just as he stepped forward and pushed aside the branch in front of him, on the grass, there was the dead body of a gray-yellow dog!

   is another dead dog!

Beside   , Daxiao kept scratching the dead leaves and soil on the ground, which means that his heart is very impatient, excited, and uncontrollable!

Wang Kui tied it to a tree trunk next to him, walked straight to the dead dog, picked up a branch, stabbed the dog’s body, and glanced at the dog’s kiss. "The muscles are soft and the mouth is foaming. Also died of rabies virus!"

   "Basically all the animal deaths that occurred during this period are like this, and they are all around here. It's like an appointment to commit suicide. It's very evil!"

   When Chen Wu spoke, there was no change on his face, and he was obviously not surprised.

   "Understood, in that case, let's search nearby!"

   Wang Kui muttered a word, while observing where the big nose was pointing.

   walked all the way, "Wow!" and started to see a stream.

   faintly, he suddenly smelled a bad smell, "Brother Chen, have you smelled a bad smell?"


   Chen Wu sucked his nose twice and nodded: "It seems to be a little bit. I thought it was left by a corpse at first. After all, a lot of people died in this neighborhood. Could it be that the local dog came here because it has something to do with the smell?"

   "If it's just smelly, it's hard to get canines excited like this..."

   Wang Kui stepped on the water and walked to the other side.

   This location is already downstream of the creek. The creek is not big and the water is not deep. The source should be flowing down from the valley between the two mountains in the northwest.

   He glanced upstream, then glanced around.

   is precisely this look that made him discover another animal carcass!

   "Brother Chen, there are also here!"

   Wang Kui hurried over and walked to the side.

   This time it is not a canine, but a weasel.

The body is not too big, it is more than half a meter long, and the tail is less than one meter. It weighs five or six catties. The head, tail and limbs are covered with short black hair, and the body is beautiful golden yellow. The skull is triangular. , Much like the mink in the northeast.

   "Ang, isn't this a yellow-throated mink!"

   Chen Wu is not surprised, "It is like the villagers' native dogs, they always die near here!"

   "Yes, you know this thing too!"

  Wang Kui didn't expect Chen Wu to recognize the yellow-throated mink at a glance. Although the northeast is rich in mink coats, most people can't distinguish between mink, mink and otter, let alone sable and yellow-throated mink!

   "I also asked someone from the Forestry Bureau."

   Chen Wu scratched his head, showing his big white teeth and smiling.

   "Apart from dogs and yellow-throated minks, is there anything else in this concentrated death place?"

   "Yes, there are others like otters, hares, pheasants, oh yes, there is a roe deer..."

   did not wait for Chen Wu to finish.

   Wang Kui interrupted first: "This area of ​​the lower stream, I'm just referring to this area, is there only Canidae and Mustelidae?"

   "Ah... yes!"

   Chen Wu affirmed.

   "Then it's almost..."

Wang Kui grinned and scratched the yellow-throated marten's **** with a branch. "Similar strange incidents have occurred in Scotland in the United Kingdom. There is a mysterious bridge in the Dumbarton tourist attraction. In the past 50 years, there have been hundreds of them. The dog jumped off the bridge and committed suicide!"

Oh my God!

   Chen Wu was stunned. He thought there were a few dogs dead nearby, and even if a few animals were enough, there were still hundreds of dead!

   "The dog on that bridge will be restless and excited as long as it passes by emotional and aggressive, and finally jumped off the bridge to commit suicide."

After Wang Kui picked up his **** completely, he pointed to the skunk gland on his **** and said: "Later, scientists proved that there are often European minnows under the bridge. After many experiments, seven or eight out of ten dogs are against American water. The smell of ferret expresses excitement and mania."

"However, this matter is more complicated than it! According to my current judgment, the yellow-throated mink should be rabies. Because they are group actions, it is easy to produce collective infections. There are two types of rabies, one type. It is the malaise type, that is, muscle weakness, body weakness, and lethargy, while the other is the violent type!"

"This kind of diseased animals will attack all targets frantically, especially the yellow-throated mink itself is very aggressive. It can even kill monkeys, medium-sized deer, and even bite giant pandas in Sichuan and Chongqing! "

"So, in addition to dogs that are attracted, other hares, deer, etc., should have been attacked to death, and dogs have to go back to be close to pigs, cows, and so on. Rabies virus has examples of infecting other animals. It can be transmitted through saliva, mucous membranes of the digestive tract, and **** glands. This is why some animals get sick without wounds!"

   So far.

   Chen Wu finally sorted out this "animal collective suicide death" incident.

   "Brother Wang! You are amazing! You solved the case in just one morning!"

   "Don't, I also happen to read a lot of books, in fact, as you said, I know more about animals, and I know more than you, so I see more clearly!"

   Wang Kui said a few polite words on his mouth, but his eyes never left the yellow-throated mink.

   "Brother Wang, what, are there any questions?"

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