After Bai Ying entered it for about half a minute, Gu Sanqiu tentatively pulled the fishing rod in his hand, but as expected, he could only retract the fishing line.

"Tsk, although I have expected it, it is indeed the feeling of being pulled up after the bait is eaten."

Gu Sanqiu put away the fishing rod and closed the black hole: "So, this guy has successfully traversed now, and it's still the active version?"

As we all know, the ways of crossing include but are not limited to being struck by lightning, being hit by a car, being drunk and drowning after being greened and other accidental death methods. Anyway, they are the types that normal people should not learn.

But Bai Ying's self-defeating way of time travel is the first time he has seen it. As for the effect, it's really hard to say.

"However, this time there is nothing inside the golden finger. I thought there would be something in exchange."

Gu Sanqiu shook his head, removing this strange thought from his mind.

There is no exchange item, which is good news for that guy.

If there is an item, it means that the other party may be walking through the channel or assembly line labeled "item".

But if there is no item, it proves that the other party is likely to encounter a manual channel, that is, a channel with customer service.

Of course, as for whether the customer service is a lady with a sweet voice or an intelligent creature whose race is unknown, this can only be said to depend on God's will.

"However, let's focus on what I'm doing now."

It was Shiro Shadow's own choice to get out of Tewat from the black hole. As for whether he went there to become a slave or something, that was beyond his consideration. The other party must have thought about this issue before going out.

Everyone is an adult and should be responsible for their own actions. Simply put, they have reached the age to be sentenced (crossed out).

Gu Sanqiu went underground, took out a purple-gold jade box from a storage box, and slowly opened it.

Item: Rebirth Pill

Quality: purple

Source: Cangdao Palace

Remarks: The degree of danger in practicing "Cang Dao Zhen Jue" is too high. In addition to the body that is carefully preserved, the flesh made by technology often explodes due to practice.

Before actually getting started with "Cang Dao Zhen Jue", the monks in the palace need to replace the artificial body many times, and the birth-returning pill can help the soul reshape the mismatched parts of the artificial body.

Special note: Cangdao Palace is also unique in the whole world in terms of scientific research ability to reshape the physical body, but their research purpose seems to be a bit wrong, all reshaping abilities serve the self-destruction of the body.

Gu Sanqiu revisited the notes quite calmly, it may be because of the existence of a "novice gift package", and the purple light he drew out during the period when he just came here is also quite a lot.

In addition to this birth-returning pill, there are many things in the storage room that are not needed now, but may come in handy at certain critical times.

"The only thing that needs to be considered now is whether there will be any influence of the "Cang Dao Zhen Jue" in this birth-returning pill."

"You need to use other physical bodies for entry-level training. I have never seen a technique that can only be practiced on the main body after the mastery is full, but won't this really blow me up?"

How much he now hopes that the name of this item will say "external sales version" in six characters.

However, after remembering what Bai Ying said to him, Gu Sanqiu somehow became more open-minded.

If this cheating finger wants to kill him, why not use so many opportunities, and it's not some psychopath who wants to see a specific way to die.

Eat, afraid of a hammer!

Swallowing a golden pill into the stomach, the metal exceeds the standard and eats a big feast (cross out)

The process of body transformation was a bit painful, but the more it was like this, the more Gu Sanqiu admired that cultivator from Cang Dao Palace.

The fit between him and this body is so high that it's uncomfortable. Those guys use artificial flesh bodies, and every time they do this kind of operation, they don't hurt to death.

And that kind of artificial body is still a consumable, that is to say, they have to suffer every once in a while, and it is absolutely appropriate to use pain to develop steel nerves.

In the early morning of the next day, Gu Sanqiu came to the agreed place like a fugitive with big bags on his back.

"Hmm, Brother Mandrill?"

The ink-colored light surged, and Almond Tofu Zhenjun, who was holding his hands, glanced at Gu Sanqiu quite calmly, and then glanced at the things he was carrying.

"It's all supplies?"

"Uh, almost, and some small toys for self-defense."

Gu Sanqiu nodded: "The existence that the immortals need to deal with, logically speaking, I may not be too good at fighting, one fight is probably the limit, so I choose to bring more self-defense props."

"You just need to activate the supernatural power on that pen, and leave the rest to me."

Subtext: Afraid of wool, the boss will take you to fly!


Afterwards, Gu Sanqiu really flew up.

"right here."

Mandrill put Gu Sanqiu down, and seeing the latter standing firmly on the spot with his legs, he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

If the other party is only quite calm in terms of demeanor, then one or two reasons can be explained by the reason that the big heart is adaptable, but some physical twitches are still unavoidable.

In a day, the person who could even shake his legs could stand firmly, which made him a little curious about what happened.

However, it was just a trace of curiosity, and Mandrill quickly suppressed this emotion.

"let's start."


Gu Sanqiu took out the Canxinbone Pen, and calmly poked it at his arm, allowing it to be inserted into his arm like a small antenna.

Paperman supernatural powers, start!

"It may be a bit slower to attract God of God, and this pen is strictly a consumable, and I don't know how long it will last."

Gu Sanqiu looked at Mandrill: "Brother Mandrill, I think you can analyze the composition principle of this supernatural power, and then find some evil spirits as raw materials and try it out to see if you can achieve the same effect."

"I'm not very good at Yaksha's killing and protecting dharma."

Mandrill shook his head: "You can't rely too much on external things, we'll discuss this matter later."

"Don't, it's the same to deal with the treasure robbers with your fists and weapons. It's all work, but it can save your time, so why not do it?"

"The gods can't be killed forever."

Gu Sanqiu was taken aback for a moment, it seemed to be the same, if the demon gods who were defeated and sealed were not erased from the source, then the broken dreams and demon gods' residues would exist forever.


Gu Sanqiu is thoughtful, I have a bold idea.

"Brother Mandrill, can you find a chance to subdue a god for me to study later?"

"Do this kind of thing yourself."

"Oh, let me change the subject."

Gu Sanqiu took out his spear: "Then can you tell me one thing, why some evil spirits rushed towards me like crazy when they saw my gun, what did my ancestors do at that time?"

"Is there no record of such a thing?"

Mandrill said lightly: "Back then, those guys from your family followed the emperor and participated in the battle with the Qianyan regiment. In order to ensure the amount of damage, this long spear kept poking wounds on the body of the demon god."


Gu Sanqiu opened his mouth wide: "So, that ancestor used a long spear to constantly open wounds on people's bodies, which was even equivalent to torturing the body of a demon god?"


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