Liyue Fengxiangren of the original god

Chapter 409 Golden Retriever's Perception

Just when Wendy was gnashing her teeth and wanted to trouble Gu Sanqiu, and had to endure the ruthless ridicule from her family members in the different space, Gu Sanqiu had already brought her to the dining place.

Then, the fact that Gu Sanqiu got Fengshen's response as a foreigner became the most important topic at the dinner table.

Because everyone here is not too convinced that such a thing can happen. If Barbara hadn't brought up the actual case of being entangled by Albert, everyone would still be half-believing.

After being confirmed, everyone's focus changed from Fengshen's response to congratulations to Barbara.

Due to the fact that a certain idiot fan has not clearly violated any of Mond's laws, even if Barbara has a bunch of friends in the Knights, she can't do anything substantive to Albert.

Mother Qin is even more impossible, everyone in the system understands it.

But Gu Sanqiu made a different move. He directly used the seed of elements to imitate Fengshen's response, and still dealt with Albert under the witness of the Mond people in Fengshen Square and the nuns of West Wind Church.

Even if this guy's morbid enthusiasm for Barbara continues, at least for a long time, he probably won't have the guts to make trouble.

To be reasonable, the Seed of Elements is really easy to use, and it is really convenient to pretend to be the will of the gods to do something harmless.

Gu Sanqiu's mind was already churning with some strange thoughts.

Liyue's site doesn't need to use rock elements to play like this, and Mond already has the elemental seeds that Dekarapian gave him.

Whether Daozuma can go to Daozuma in this life is a question, let alone.

Even if it is possible to use the power of other elements by means of cultivation, there is still a big difference between having magic organs and not having magic organs.

Do you want to ask the old man another day to see if there is any demon god in this world who is still breathing and can control several other elements. It would be great if he could get some good things.

However, there are still risks in doing so. He dared to play like this in Mond because of his relationship with Wendy.

Don't even mention that it happened in the Winter Kingdom, if you dare to go to Dao Wife and do similar things, you will probably be hacked to death by the one who pulled out Meng Yixin from the scabbard.

Well, let's discuss this matter again. If it doesn't work, wouldn't there be a golden retriever that can stand on top of it? This guy can resonate with an element every time he touches a statue of another country's god.

At that time, he would not believe that he would not be able to make a big scene if he used various auxiliary methods for Kongtai.

Although there is definitely a huge gap with the power of the gods personally attacking, making the enemy suspect that the relatives of the gods are here is also a psychological method to scare people.

Now, it would be more appropriate to have a good meal first.

Except for the two brothers who evolved from the Ice and Fire Man in the Forest to the Ice and Fire Man in the Snow Mountain, everyone he could shout had already sat at the table.

Gu Sanqiu raised his glass: "Come on, everyone, let's have a toast for everyone to have a meal together this time."

Barbara clinked glasses with everyone, holding a glass of mint water with a light taste and soothing effect, except Keli, Kong, and Bennett who were younger, and Paimon, who looked like a young player, after drinking juice. Besides, everyone's glasses are full of wine.

That's right, the juice in the hand of a certain scouting knight had already been drunk by the captain of a certain guerrilla team, and then poured half of the wine from his own cup.

Gu Sanqiu had reason to suspect that this guy was giving away dog ​​food (crossed out) and legally hiding alcohol.

As for Abedo, the paralyzed face didn't show any special emotion after seeing the golden retriever, and what Gu Sanqiu brought from Liyue was also the good wine in his hand.

But to be honest, he was curious whether Abedo could drink such things as motor oil, gasoline, diesel, and lubricating oil.

Creations that do not belong to the same system should most likely not be possible, but I am just curious!

Gu Sanqiu restrained his inexplicable thoughts, this man-made man has a very keen mind, he doesn't want some of his malicious thoughts to be discovered by him.

The guests and the host enjoyed themselves, or it could be said that Gu Sanqiu and You La, the neurotics at the dinner table, were frantically leading the rhythm, abruptly leading the scientific research lunatics at the dinner table and social fears, and colleagues with little friendship stirred up the atmosphere.

After eating, not to mention Barbara who pays attention to her figure, even Bennett, who is carefree, has a serious face and worries that she will gain weight.

But, Gu Sanqiu was very happy that he didn't encounter natural disasters and man-made disasters when he brought Bennett out for dinner. In other words, the combined luck value of everyone here can still compete with this guy's bad luck.

"Ah, I'm so full, I feel like I won't want to eat for the next day."

Paimon didn't bother to fly anymore, but let the golden retriever carry him on his back, and even lazily rubbed the golden retriever's hair.

"It's decided. When I make a lot of money in the future, I must eat such a big meal!"

Gu Sanqiu added abruptly: "Eat such a big meal every time, not to mention whether the sky can carry you, but whether you can fly is a problem."

The palm of Paimon, who was holding onto a lock of golden hair, suddenly froze. Brother Kong only felt a pain in the back of his head, and was worried that his hair might be pulled out.


Just when Paimon roared, Kong's expression changed, and then his eyes subconsciously looked at a certain place.

"What? Is there something there?"

Gu Sanqiu noticed Kong's abnormality, and followed the other party's line of sight to look in that direction, and then his heart was shocked.

Above the fountain near the Deer Hunter restaurant, on the side of the alchemy table, Sora's sight stopped there!

"Hey, that's interesting."

Gu Sanqiu smiled: "Is there anything there?"

Sora nodded, and jumped to the top with Paimon's back on his back, and then gently pasted his right hand.

"Something is attracting me."

Crap, because the location there is a teleportation anchor.

Gu Sanqiu was smiling, but according to common sense, things like teleportation anchors shouldn't have existed for a long time, why didn't they manifest.

Except for the Seven Heavens God Statue, he has traveled so many places, and he has never even seen the shadow of the teleportation anchor point anyway.

Or does it need to wait for the right person to activate it before that kind of thing can appear in the world?


The sound of wind and tremors sounded, Kong trembled all over his body, and his face paled at a speed visible to the naked eye!


Gu Sanqiu's expression changed, and he immediately walked over to pick up Paimon who hadn't reacted, and put his other hand on Kong's shoulder, pulling him away abruptly.

"Hoo, hoo—"

Kneeling on the ground for air, Gu Sanqiu had no choice but to draw elemental power from the world into the opponent's body to help the opponent make up for the momentary consumption.

"This thing needs elemental power to activate?"

Gu Sanqiu frowned and looked at the pale golden hair. He felt that it was not just as simple as elemental power, it might also have something to do with the golden hair's own physique.

"Is this thing important to you?"

Kong looked up at Gu Sanqiu, hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Very, important, feeling, can be used."

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