Liyue Fengxiangren of the original god

Chapter 567: Zhong Li: There seems to be something wrong

Gu Sanqiu almost couldn't control his expression: "Sister, you don't want me to help him find his sister, do you?"

Just kidding, although Kong has improved his strength very quickly, but now at most he can make two moves with the duck who has not used the evil eye, as for the latter two states, it is completely impossible.

In other words, after the incident in Liyue Port is over, it would be considered good if he could post some missing person notices for Golden Retriever.

As for the journey of no return to help the golden retriever find his sister?

No, no, this hurts the body.

After the journey is over, the brothers and sisters will face all the truth at the end, and even fight because of different choices.

So the question is, if such a situation really arises, who will he help?

But with his own personality, Gu Sanqiu felt that he would definitely choose to let the two of them go directly. Besides, when your power is strong enough, you can indeed suppress the peaceful negotiation between the brother and sister.

But before that, I have to go to other countries to get a few more arrest warrants (crossed out).

Really hurt the body, do not go do not go.

At most, it is to give him some help when we meet by chance. Gu Sanqiu said that this is already the limit.

"Eh? Are you worried that his sister is not pretty?"

Ning Guang said with a smile: "Don't worry, seeing that little brother's appearance, you should know that his sister is absolutely beautiful."

Of course I know that his sister is very beautiful, and I even met her once, but we didn't communicate much.

Oh yes, if I remember correctly, his sister even stabbed me a few times, although she said it was to help me.

Gu Sanqiu has no expression on his face. Although his life experience is indeed a bit complicated, he can still be regarded as a person of this era after all.

Yingmei and Golden Retriever are at least a thousand-year-old demon (crossed out).

Wait a minute, the last time I met the cooking woman, the old sister told me earnestly that "the age gap is too big and it is not appropriate".

Could it be that you feel that you have some strange hobbies, so you start looking for a opposite sex who looks about the same age for me?

Gu Sanqiu shook, waved his hands at Ningguang, and then ran away without looking back, jumping in the direction indicated in the information.


Gu Sanqiu went to the place where the fools imitated the talisman of all taboos, and the real king who was forced to become the second and fifth boy began to persuade the two old friends to agree to his proposal to hold the ceremony of sending the immortals in advance.

During this period, if it wasn't for the assistance of Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun who sensed something was wrong, Shayue would almost have been defeated by Liuyun's female intuition.

Master, look at what kind of errand you have arranged for me!

And the instigator of all this, the old man Zhongli, Morax, the god of wealth and contracts, also sensed something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, why did Xiao Sanqiu want to investigate that Liu Sanhu?"

Zhongli was still relieved to have found a loophole, and later discovered this very unreasonable place during the replay.

He shouldn't know my identity, right?

If I really knew, then wouldn't the things I did become black history that will be firmly remembered in the future?

Thinking of what kind of bastard his family members are, Zhong Li's expression darkened, and then he looked in Gu Sanqiu's direction with mental strength.

If my guess is true, some things are probably going to be engraved on the stone, or even go to the person under the Fulong tree to record all the information in the stone amber.

Although it is true that he took him to do some things before, if his identity is known before he can reveal his identity in the future, he doesn't want to recall what happened back then!

Telling him by myself and being bored by Xiao Sanqiu's early detection are two completely different things!

No, he had to see what was going on!

If it doesn't work, he can only unleash his majesty as a father.

Do you understand the power of Yan Gun and Gu Yun?

Zhongli subconsciously glanced at Gu Sanqiu, who was flying silently, and had to say that it was not easy for him to use the majestic and powerful gale force like this.

"So that's the case, was he suppressed back again?"

Zhongli's expression changed: "Since this is the case, it's not surprising. No wonder he arranged the commission a long time ago, the premonition and guidance of fate."

"Interesting, I thought you would stay in a coma until the turmoil, and forcefully suppress that power back. This kind of willpower is not easy."

Zhongli, who consciously understood the whole story, withdrew his mental power at ease.

Since he hadn't been exposed before, he didn't bother to care about other things.

He is now retired, and as we all know, an elderly person who does nothing at home after retirement, and still has to open his mouth to eat and ask for money has no family status.

He, Morax, is just an old tea drinker who has no power and power, and can't even beat the Qiuqiu thugs.

"Ah Choo!"

Gu Sanqiu sneezed suddenly, then looked around in a daze.

My physique sneezed out of nowhere?

Gu Sanqiu moved his fingers slightly and began to make hexagrams.

"Oh, as expected, nothing can be calculated."

Don't think about it, it must be a certain boss who has set his sights on him again.

After thinking about it, Gu Sanqiu still wrapped the power of the gale with a thick layer.

Well, there is always a feeling of being voyeurized, and it feels more secure to wrap it up in an extra layer.

Gu Sanqiu came to the secret factory of the Fools, but it is a pity that this is not the same factory as the one that mass-produced Cyclops, otherwise he would have been happy to continue to sabotage.

Fools manufacturing land cultivators on Liyue's site is basically like running factories in other countries that consume natural resources and cause pollution by the way.

The truth is to understand the transfer of development defects.

The point is that this thing is not taxed!

It would be fine if this was a serious factory, but this factory is not only huge in scale, but also a pure black factory, which is completely negative income for Liyue!

This disgusting thing must be destroyed!

Unless the factory as a whole changed its surname to Gu. (cross out)

Gu Sanqiu made a good disguise inside and out to ensure that fools could not find out his identity.

If it wasn't for the lack of spells comparable to seventy-two transformations and thirty-six transformations, Gu Sanqiu would now be thinking of changing others to play.

In other words, if the information is more detailed, he can conjure up a duck and duck to sneak in with a backhand.

"Forget it, let's go and have a look first."

Gu Sanqiu did not intend to destroy this place in one go, because if necessary, the technology of deciphering and imitating the Bai Wu Taboo talisman is still valuable.

For example, the area of ​​Liyue Port is naturally peaceful and prosperous, but Qingcezhuang and Wuwangpo's surrounding areas are not very stable.

Even near Guiliyuan and Dihuazhou, there are often creatures affected by the "demons and evil spirits" of the remnants of demon gods.

There is a branch of cultivation in Minlin who is on the Qing map, and brother Dihua Zhou is also upgrading on the Qing map, but even so, the pressure on the Qianyan Army is still great.

Even if the 100% no-taboo talisman cannot imitate 100% of its power, as long as it can be fully developed, the pressure on the Qianyan Army will be much less.

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