After the banquet, Liyue Port always has a special kind of tranquility. Even the young people who like to spend their youth in the nightlife can't play anymore. The peaceful atmosphere creates a static beauty in the whole city.

Abedo and Kaiya live in Xingqiu's house. Our second young master Xingqiu has been longing for a high-quality painter for a long time, and he can't wait to bring Abedo and them to have a long talk all night long.

Kaiya, who is the king of socializing, is more able to chat with Xingqiu's eldest brother. One is a headache for his restless younger brother, and the other is feeling frustrated with his stepbrother.

The truth is that it fills him with the feeling of meeting an old friend in his hometown, and the two of them can't wait to have a long talk all night to confide in each other.

Ke Li was brought back to the Hall of Rebirth by Hu Tao, and Gu Sanqiu didn't bother to say anything about it, just begging the two little lunatics not to do things that would affect public order in the middle of the night.

As a temporary sister, Hu Tao will subconsciously imitate what Gu Sanqiu did before, and there is no need to worry about Keli learning any strange knowledge.

But the problem is that this kind of imitation is likely to learn some strange soft-hearted characteristics, so the probability of explosions at night will instantly increase by two levels.

Gu Sanqiu didn't sleep either, he was still waiting to confirm one thing, that is some kind of "copy shaping function" that might exist in Paimeng.

This kind of magical power of the intersection of dreams and time, not to mention the flower of the earth veins breaking through the ground in the end, the principle of it is very interesting.

Due to the relationship between everyone and the possible super boss behind Paimeng, Gu Sanqiu couldn't afford to put Paimeng on the test bench, so he could only wait and see.

But at least there can be some omens, just like after solving the snow mountain problem last time, Paimon's appetite suddenly increased and he ate a lot of things crazily. This is an omen that the secret realm may be in a state of construction.

Finally, under Wendy's reminder, Gu Sanqiu finally saw the first trial secret realm. As for Andreus's one, it doesn't count. Whether you can start the trial depends on your mood.

If the Battle of the Golden House can be condensed into a secret realm, both advantages and disadvantages will coexist.

If this secret realm is in some wilderness, Gu Sanqiu can just assign that piece of land to Jin Mao casually, and the bad thing is that the most likely place for this secret realm to be stationed is Liyue Land.

But in all honesty, he was also full of curiosity about the secret realm that might appear.

The next day, after Gu Sanqiu heard the rumor that "a small man with a big stomach was surprised in Wanmintang", he resolutely gave up on fishing with Uncle Tian and came to Xiangling's territory instead.

Then, he saw the golden retriever brother who seemed to have been emptied out of his wallet. To be precise, it was very likely that he had already been emptied out.

The helplessness and pain on his face were very similar to those once when the old man bought a bunch of useless things and went home, and the hostess told him that the walnuts were still paid for by the public account.

I can't do this question, it's too difficult.


Kong breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Gu Sanqiu, there was an acquaintance present, even if his wallet was not enough, at worst he could have the cheek to borrow money, he would definitely pay it back!

Uh, so to speak, he didn't pay back the previous debt.

That's fine.

As a well-known adventurer with a monthly stipend from the title of Honorary Knight, it stands to reason that Kong's life should not be so tight.

But my little Paimon is really delicious, and I want to have a big meal every now and then!

What can the Golden Retriever do? His own little baby is pampered by himself, so Paimon always responds to his requests when he wants to eat a big meal. It has been difficult for Mora to save up for a long time.

"But this time, I seem to eat more."

Kong made a bitter face, and after realizing that he still owed a sum of money, he was already embarrassed to speak up. I wonder if Wanmintang supports credit and part-time debt repayment at the same time?

He is very capable. During the day, he will accept the commission from the Adventurers Association, and after that, he will come to Wanmintang to work and pay off the debts. It is enough to provide one meal a day.

But I don't know if the boss here will subconsciously think that he brought Paimeng here to cheat food and drink after he said that he would bring his own restaurant down.

"Squad leader, you came here only after hearing what others said."

Xiangling said proudly: "Hey, the guests can eat so much, this is also a proof that our Wanmintang has a good taste."

With such a super big eater like Paimeng in front, even if it is not time for meal, the onlookers still feel empty stomachs, of course, the greater probability is that they are hungry, and even the food stall next to it has risen for no reason. wave performance.

An hour later, Pai Meng was digesting food with a bulging stomach, Xiang Ling and Master Mao were calculating the meal cost, and Kong was negotiating business with the neighbors around Wan Min Tang with a bitter face.

They want a joint venture to hire Paimon as the mascot of the Tiger Rock Meals Association.

It doesn't mean anything else, it's just that Paimon's combat power is too scary, and many people who eat melons wonder where all the food goes, and how such a small person manages to pack so many things.

These foods are definitely several times higher than Paimon's, and the strong contrast is particularly impressive, which is also the main reason why food stall owners want to hire Paimon's.

Under the influence of the God of Contract, most of the people in Liyue are more down-to-earth, and occasionally there will be a few strange-looking nouveau riche and nobility patients, but they will definitely not appear on the food stall owner.

What they pursue is to contribute their efforts to earn a share of money and live a real life.

Being able to get a sponsorship, although I may come to Huyan often to do some activities in the future, it is better than having no money in my pocket.

"Actually, you can also sell another portrait right."

Gu Sanqiu reminded: "For example, what kind of mascot badge or something, they still don't have an association badge or anything like that."

As for the image on the badge?

This is too simple, little Paimon is holding a sunset fruit, anything like that will do.

The small badge basically predestined that the picture on this thing should not be too complicated, otherwise it would not be clear to people, but too complicated to be bothered to take a look at.

Concise and clear, these are the characteristics that a badge of identity must have.

As for whether Paimeng can become the mascot of Quanliyuegang Catering Association in the future, it is open to debate.

Wanting to be a big eater in high-end restaurants like Liuli Pavilion and Xinyuexuan is really embarrassing for Kong's wallet.

After all, the popularity of high-end restaurants is basically doomed that they do not need the blessing of mascots, and the routine of setting up a large table of dishes for Pymont to feast on as a promotional routine no longer exists.

It can only be said that there is a long way to go.

After hesitating for a moment, Kong shook his head: "For portrait rights, I'd better wait for Paimon to come back to his senses and I'll talk to her, it's very important."

Kong has always been quite clear about this matter, and he will not control Paimon at will.

If you just use today's traffic hotspots to name it, it's fine, but things like portraits still need to be carefully considered, and the two need to talk to each other before deciding.

Paimon is a best friend, not his property.

"Okay, other things can't support you, but I can still support you as a qualified lawyer."

Gu Sanqiu patted Kong on the shoulder: "By the way, you haven't thought of anything. For example, this time, is there a place that you expected in your heart?"

"Golden House?"

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