LOL: I am a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 116 I knew you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, don’t look like a good person!

At noon, the weather in the Royal Capital was surprisingly sunny today, and the wind and sunshine made people feel a little better.

Lu Qi sat on a chair in the courtyard, drinking herbal tea and sighing with emotion.

"The wind is a little noisy today."

A slight breeze blew in the air, stirring his hair back and forth.

Hearing this sigh, Fiona put down the newspaper in her hand and said with a smile: "I'm afraid it's not just the wind that will be noisy today."

After reading the content in the newspaper, she had a vague hunch.

Sure enough, as expected, after a while, a slightly hurried carriage stopped at the door of the yard.

Then, a figure hurriedly got off the carriage.

Lu Qi glanced at the entrance of the courtyard and greeted cheerfully: "Brother, how about lunch."

"What a ghost!" Jarvan IV walked towards the yard, looked around, and then his eyes fell on Lu Qi's face, and he smiled bitterly, "Second brother, you are really hurting me!"

A smile appeared on Lu Qi's face: "Sit down first and speak slowly if you have anything to say."

As he spoke, he glanced at Yourna.

Yourna picked up a cup knowingly, poured a cup of herbal tea, and brought it to Jarvan IV.

"It can't be slowed down!"

Jarvan IV sighed heavily, feeling a little thirsty. He took the cup and drank it in one gulp, then paused and said, "Hey, this tea is good."

After taking a sip of tea, he felt that his anxious state had calmed down, and his energy became energized.

Not to mention, this tea tastes fantastic too.

"Not bad, I'll send some to brother some other time."

Lu Qi smiled leisurely.

Now the Tianshan tea that the system signed in is almost finished.

But the Tianshan tea grown in the yard is not slow at all and will be ready to be picked in a while. Naturally, he will not be short of it.

"Hey, why am I embarrassed to accept your things?"

When Jarvan IV heard this, he immediately waved his hands seriously, "But you and I won't talk about this either, just give me a pound or two."

"But speaking of it, this yard looks nice. It has a small fan and a small umbrella. It's nice to be able to bask in the sun during your free time."

Jarvan IV looked around the courtyard, looking here and there.

I felt that there were many novel things in his second brother's yard.

"I made some gadgets when I was bored." Lu Qi smiled and took a sip of tea. After the tea moistened his throat, he said, "Brother, why did you come to see me?"

Jarvan IV was stunned for a moment: "Yes, what's going on?"

He glanced at Lu Qi and then remembered it.

"Forget it about the newspaper, it's too late to say anything more. I'm going to go out to avoid the limelight during this period."

Remembering that there was a sharp sword hanging on his forehead, Jarvan IV hurried out of the courtyard as he spoke.

I originally came here just to complain, and wanted to say that this newspaper was really a scam, but after seeing Lu Qi, I thought that he was my younger brother after all, so I held it back in the end.

At this juncture, there is no time to chat.

It's important to save your life!

"Second brother, I'll take the first step."

Before boarding the carriage, Jarvan IV turned back and waved.

Lu Qi also raised his hand and waved: "Brother, take care."

Immediately, Jarvan IV left in a hurry, as if he had come in a hurry, as if he was facing some formidable enemy.

I have to say that he is quite far-sighted.

Not long after he left, a man and a horse rushed over quickly.


With a neighing sound as the horse stopped, the man behind it also turned over and landed.

This person was Galen. He was a little anxious as he entered the hospital. When he came in, he saw Lu Qi and opened his mouth. It took him a while to hold back a sentence.

"Your Highness, is this the full character you are talking about?"

Galen recalled what Lu Qi said before leaving yesterday, "You don't mind if I flesh out your character, right?"

At that time, he didn't think much about it.

I don't regret it until today.

If God could give him another chance to come back, Galen would definitely refuse and say something to that man.


In the past, when people saw him on the street, they would talk about some of his glorious stories.

Nowadays, more and more people know him. Even children of several years old know his name.

But what's weird, when people see him now, they have a subtle smile on their faces.

Just tell me if your eyes are clear.

Oh, that's the Galen who wet the bed at the age of eight, and framed his sister.

Whenever he saw these looks on the road, Galen felt so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

A famous name for a lifetime, a famous name for a lifetime! ! !

"Isn't it full enough?"

Looking at Galen, whose face turned dark, Lu Qi walked up to him, hugged his shoulders, and said earnestly, "I know, you may think that the last few paragraphs have had a bad impact on you."

"But you are wrong to think so, and you are absolutely wrong!"

"A hero, a great person, is it enough to just have some glamorous stories?"

Having said this, Lu Qi looked at Galen sincerely and continued before he could speak: "Not enough!"

"In that way, people's understanding of you will always be only one-sided, distant, and out of reach."

"But what now? You are so real in people's minds. It's like you have entered their lives. Today's fearless rookies are no different from ordinary people."

"Your glorious deeds once spread throughout the streets, but people always regarded you as an object of worship and were untouchable."

"But what now? No one in the capital knows your name. They realize that you are just like them. You are an ordinary person, not out of reach."

"In everything, you can't just look at the surface. Put aside the phenomenon and look at the essence. You can try to think about it."

"Do you think that when people see you, they think of Galen Crownguard as an eight-year-old who wet the bed?"

Looking at Galen's blank eyes.

Lu Qi looked serious, and his voice dropped like a hammer: "Wrong!"

"I'm telling you, what people actually see is a kid who wet the bed at eight years old and is now a fearless rookie!"

“Think about how many people you can inspire virtually!”


It was like a lightning strike, causing Galen to freeze on the spot.

A child who wet the bed at the age of eight is now a fearless rookie!

Regardless of the fact that this is my own personal experience, looking at it from the perspective of a bystander, it is indeed very inspiring!

So, is this the true intention of His Highness?

Put aside the phenomenon and look at the essence!

This sentence immediately made Galen realize something.

Unexpectedly, what seemed to him to be such a random stroke had such a profound meaning?

At this time, Lu Qi looked at the stunned Galen and continued: "Maybe you lost something, but while you lost, you also gained a lot, right?"

"A lot of people will follow your example, a lot of kids will want to be a man like you, and they will want to protect their home and country like you do."

"In a sense, you have added strength to the country's progress."

"Galen, thank you for your service to Demacia!"

Lu Qi finished his speech.

Galen was stunned for a moment.

So my bedwetting at the age of eight was such an important thing?

Can you contribute to the country even if you wet the bed?

This was something Galen never expected.

Fiona, who was playing chess with Sona, raised her eyes and glanced at Lu Qi, sighing in her heart that this guy is really good at pulling off tricks.

A person who wets the bed can even have a relationship with his family and country.

Lu Qi looked at Galen at this time: "Do you have anything to say?"

Galen: "."

For a moment, he really didn't know what to say.

I originally wanted to come here to seek justice, but now that justice has not been sought, I feel the urge to urinate a lot more.

Why do you want to pee again?


At this time, a roaring voice came from outside.

Then, a beautiful figure rushed into the courtyard and stopped in front of Galen.

I saw Lux pointing her little finger at Galen, glaring angrily, and yelling at the same time: "I know you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, don't look like a good person!"

Her small breasts were rising and falling because of her shortness of breath.

The white onion-like fingers and the delicate body were also trembling slightly.

This is an extremely angry expression!

God knows what kind of mood Miss Crownguard felt after reading the newspaper in the Royal Academy.

No wonder Lu Qi didn't want her to know yesterday. If she had known yesterday, she would have killed Galen directly!

She had forgotten many things from the time she was four years old.

But the beating she received out of nowhere that day has always left a lasting impression on her.

She didn't remember why she was beaten that day, but she only remembered that she cried miserably that day and cried heartbreakingly.

Now she knows the reason!

It turned out that it was Galen who framed her for bedwetting! ! !

ah! ! !

Just thinking about it made Lux so angry that she was about to explode. At this moment, she really wanted to bite someone!

Galen looked at Lux who was glaring at him. Although he didn't have any expression on the surface, he fell silent.

But in fact, my embarrassed toes started to touch the floor!

Originally, Lux would never know about this in her life.

He had buried it in his heart for so many years, but he didn't expect that one day he would be exposed by that bitch IV!

Damn it!

At this moment, it wasn’t Lu Qi he was blaming, it was Jarvan IV who was blaming him!

If he hadn't been able to keep his mouth shut, there wouldn't have been so many bad things.

"Do you know how much harm a beating at that time would do to a four-year-old child?"

"Galen, I really misjudged you!"

"It's a shame I gave you candied haws to eat that day!"

"Give me back the candied haws!"

Lux gritted her teeth and stared at Galen, angry and aggrieved.

"Oh, let me forget it, it's been so many years."

Lu Qi cleared his throat, looked at Galen who was silent and wanted to stand up and be a peacemaker.

As a result, as soon as he got closer to Lux, this guy directly picked up his arm and bit him down.

Summer itself is hot, so Lu Qi wore short sleeves.

This bite really hit the meat.


He felt that his soul was twitching in pain at this moment, and he took a sharp breath of cold air.

Then he looked at the little golden retriever in disbelief.

I suck!

It’s not me who framed you for bedwetting!

Why are you biting me?

Galen looked over with sympathetic eyes and sighed in his heart, it seems that His Highness is still young.

Even he knows that when a woman is completely angry, it's best not to get involved.

At this time, Lux had already let go.

Lu Qi withdrew his arm and saw that although there was no blood from the bite, there were two clear lines of teeth marks on it. He also looked at her with wide eyes: "Are you a dog!"


Lux glanced at this guy and felt that she felt much better, even a little happy.

He was already very angry, but this guy still moved forward, so who would bite him if not him?

I have been holding back this mouthful of Lux for a long time!

Lu Qi was also angry. He pointed at Lux and trembled his lips without saying a word.

Turning around bitterly, he came to the faucet first and put the bitten arm on it.

Cold water rushed over it, and he felt better. He lay on the gun for no reason, and wiped away a lot of tears.

I will definitely not try to break up a fight next time.

At this moment, Lux, who was looking at Galen, was still angry, and snorted coldly: "I don't care, you must give me an explanation for this matter, otherwise we will never end it!"

I was inexplicably wronged, and even though so many years have passed, I still feel uncomfortable thinking about it!

Galen didn't know what to explain at this moment, so he sighed and said, "You now have a wishing coin."

Lux's expression softened a lot: "Then it's settled."

The wishing machine was something the brother and sister decided on when they were playing games when they were children.

The person who wins the game will get a wishing coin.

The wishing coin can be used with the wishing machine to make a wish, and the person who loses will have to realize this wish.

For example, once when she was a child, Lux made a wish that Galen would be beaten for her.

So Galen actually did it.

But later, as the two grew up, the relationship between the brother and sister was not as good as it was in childhood, and the wishing machine was abandoned for a long time.

Now, it has moved out again.

Galen sighed again: "Go ahead."

Based on his understanding of his own sister, he was afraid that she would make another unreasonable wish.

But there was nothing he could do. The sins he committed when he was a child had to be repaid.

"Well," Lux tilted her head and thought for a moment before saying, "I haven't thought about it yet. I'll wait until I think about it."

With this wishing coin, you can control Galen at any time!

Then this wish should naturally be cherished and put to use.

When Galen saw Lux's proud look, Jarvan IV flashed through his mind again, and a ball of anger arose in his heart.

If it weren't for him, there wouldn't be such a mess!

So, turning around, Galen walked towards Lu Qi: "I have a lot of little-known secrets from the fourth life."


Lu Qi didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise, so he smiled and said, "Tell me more."

So Galen, who usually didn't talk much, started talking in the courtyard.

He almost told all the dark history of Jarvan IV that he could think of.

Even when he was a child, Jarvan IV secretly killed and roasted the pets that Tiana raised and ate the meat.

Lu Qi likes this kind of harming each other.

He even forgot about the pain in his arm. He nodded and listened with interest.

It seems that there is no shortage of material for a certain issue.

After a while.

"That's all, then I'll take my leave."

After saying this, Galen said goodbye and simply turned around and left.

He got on his horse and saw that he was gradually showing murderous intent. It was obvious that he was going to hunt down the fourth generation.

Lu Qi originally wanted to keep him for lunch, but he ran away early on his horse.

Fiona, who had been listening to the excitement for a long time, raised her eyes to look at Lu Qi and reminded: "It's dinner time."

It was already noon, and Lu Qi had already taken the initiative to go to the kitchen to cook.

However, at this moment, when he heard these words, he glanced at Miss Crown Guard.

Then he lay down on the rocking chair beside him, closed his eyes and began to rest.

Although he didn't say a word from beginning to end, the three women present still clearly felt it.

Lu Qi, he is in a mood!

In fact, Fiona can understand it, after all, it is uncomfortable for anyone to be bitten.

So, she and Sona looked at the culprit Lux at the same time, and kept telling her to do something with their eyes.

Otherwise, everyone will have nothing to eat at noon.

Lux was also aware of this. Although the bite was very pleasant, it vented all the resentment accumulated in the past.

But I regretted it after biting it.

Anyway, we should wait until after lunch!

Now it's okay, I still have to coax this guy.

After getting hints from Fiona and Sona's eyes, Lux walked up, sat aside and smiled: "Your Highness, did the bite hurt you just now?"

Lu Qi turned over without even opening his eyes.

Lux controlled her mentality and kept a smile on her face: "It was my fault just now, please calm down."


She responded with a cold snort.

Lux took a deep breath, tried her best to suppress the emotional fluctuations, stretched out her little hands to pull up her sleeves, revealing her fair and slender arms, and closed her eyes nervously: "If it doesn't work, you can bite me, and we will be even." !”

When she said this, she was mentally prepared.

Because Lu Qi is definitely the one who can do this.

But for lunch, she could bear it!

However, she underestimated Lu Qi this time, because even though she said so, he was still unmoved.

Lux came closer, lifted his shoulders, and said kind words: "Your Highness, such a tolerant person, will definitely not care about a little girl like me, right?"

However, no matter what she said, Lu Qi always closed his eyes and looked very arrogant.

Fiona and Sona both sighed, feeling a little sad for Lux.

This guy is simply harder to coax than a woman.

After massaging for a while, Lu Qi still didn't respond.

Lux couldn't hold back her emotions anymore and couldn't help but said: "What do you want, at least say something!"

Who can stand being silent like this!

Lu Qi opened his eyes this time, looked at her and sneered: "You don't understand me at all."

Lux was stunned for a moment: "How can I understand you if you don't tell me!"

Lu Qi looked at her: "You don't need to say anything to truly understand."

Lux said blankly: "Wouldn't I understand if you just say it?"

"What's the point of saying it? You should understand even if I don't tell you."

"I'm not a fortune teller, how do I know what you mean?"

"I don't mean anything."

Lux was confused and sighed: "It's really boring."

Lu Qi snorted again and looked at her with cold eyes: "Yes, you find it boring to talk to me now, don't you?"

Lux: "???"

Her little face was dull, and she felt as if she had been forced into a set of punches, which made her dizzy.

After regaining consciousness and looking at Lu Qi, Lux also hesitated to speak.

Can you be normal?

I am afraid.

Fortunately, Lu Qi quickly returned to normal.

Seeing the confused look in Miss Crown Guard's eyes, Lu Qi's mood improved a lot.

After experiencing this process, he also found that it was really cool.

No wonder so many people are fighting for this boxing secret book.

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