LOL: I am a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 191 If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have been such a bitch

Had breakfast.

Lu Qi had nothing to do and decided to go out and buy some painting tools to kill time.

As for Lux and Kashina, they still have to go to their respective colleges to make final preparations for the holidays.

Quinn went to the Janissaries.

After Fiona learned that Lu Qi was just going out to buy things, she had no intention of following him. She planned to continue practicing her sword while she was in good condition after the meal.

As for Poppy, she was lying in the living room happily in a daze after having a full meal.

"Let's go." Lu Qi sat on the carriage and said to Yuerna outside the carriage.


After a reply, the carriage started driving slowly.

The goal this time is also very clear, heading straight for Dulan Street.

It was a famous art center in the royal capital, with many craftsmen, sculptors, painters, musicians, etc. concentrated there.

After passing through the noisy streets in the morning, about an hour later, the carriage stopped.

"Your Highness, we have arrived."

Urna's voice came from outside the carriage.

Lu Qi, who had closed his eyes to rest, opened his eyes after hearing this, yawned a little, then got up and got out of the carriage.

The street is very lively with people coming and going, and it looks very spacious. There are various storefronts on both sides of the road.

You can also see some sculptures and paintings placed on the roadside for people to enjoy.

From time to time, you can hear some musicians playing their own pieces. Various pieces of music sound, but there is a sense of harmony that does not disturb each other.

Although he studied music with Sona for a while, Lu Qi still didn't know much about music.

But he can now understand the sculptures and paintings on both sides of the street.

While walking on the street, I looked around and found a few good exhibits.

After walking for a while, Lu Qi saw a bunch of people gathered together, looking quite lively, and he suddenly became interested.

So he also stepped forward.

There are a lot of people here, but the place is big enough so it's not crowded.

In addition, many people noticed Lu Qi and made way for him.

The appearance of His Highness the Prince indeed attracted a lot of attention, but at this time more people's eyes were still focused on the front.

When Lu Qi got closer, he discovered that this place was an art exhibition.

Many excellent paintings are on display here for people to appreciate.

Whichever painting has more people in front of it indicates which painting is better.

Lu Qi came to the painting with the most people and looked up. He could see at a glance that the quality of this painting was indeed higher than other paintings of the same period.

What is in front of me is a painting of sunflowers. The weather can tell that it is when summer is approaching autumn, when the sunflowers are about to mature.

Sunshine, fields, woods and blue sky can catch people's attention at first sight.

"This painting is really good."

"It gives people a very comfortable feeling."

"I don't know which artist painted it."

"Is the painter here? I intend to buy it privately."

People also praised the painting very much, and some even wanted to pay to buy it directly.

"Your Highness, what do you think of this painting?"

While Lu Qi was watching, a clear female voice suddenly came from beside him.

Hearing the sound, he turned around and looked over, and saw a young woman standing not far away in front of him. She had an elegant and beautiful face, a slender figure, long brown hair flowing down her shoulders, and a white skirt. She looked very beautiful. There is still a bit of nobility in it.

At first glance, it is the kind of noble temperament cultivated in a big family.

At this moment, her blue eyes were looking at Lu Qi, with a hint of surprise in them.

Although I had seen it from a distance just now, if I look at it up close, I can see that His Royal Highness is indeed as handsome as the rumors say.

Very rare.

And his eyes were extremely clear, like two gems.

This made her feel like appreciating art when she looked at it.

Lu Qi withdrew his gaze from the woman and looked at the sunflower painting again: "I think this painting is indeed quite good."

A smile appeared on the woman's face, and she was about to thank His Highness for the compliment, when she heard that there was a follow-up to his words.

"However, there are still a few flaws in it."

Lu Qi continued.

The woman blinked her eyes and couldn't help but asked curiously: "I wonder where they are?"

"First of all, the priorities are not clear enough."

Lu Qi did not hide it, and pointed out casually: "At a glance, the sunflowers, blue sky, white clouds, woods, and fields are all painted well, but if you want to express everything, the protagonist will not be so conspicuous. , this is the first shortcoming.”

The woman listened with a thoughtful expression and asked, "Where's the second place?"

"The second point is that the light and shadow depictions are not deep enough and the color contrast is not enough."

Lu Qi heard this and continued: "Such a painting is indeed pleasing to the eyes, but this is also the problem. The impact is not enough, and it does not have the kind of impact that impresses people at a glance. Maybe if I look at this painting now The painting is not bad, but after I go back, I will forget everything about it within three days.”

His comments at this time also attracted the attention of many people who were watching the painting.

After hearing what he said, they looked at the painting again and had the same feeling.

The woman also took a look at the painting, observed it carefully, and then looked at Lu Qi with an expression that suggested she was asking for advice humbly: "Where's the third place?"

"The third thing is the problem of painting skills."

Lu Qi smiled: "There's nothing much to say about this. It can be seen that the painter has a good standard, but the heat is still not enough. Obviously this is a work she painted when she was growing up."

"His Royal Highness is absolutely right."

The woman's eyes were bright at this time, and she said with some admiration: "This is exactly the painting I made two years ago. It was well received by many people at the time. Even now, I am somewhat proud of it. Now when I hear it .There are still too many shortcomings. If I were to paint the same painting again now, it might be different."

When the people around him heard this, they immediately understood.

This woman was the artist of this painting, and she was a little surprised.

This woman looks like she is only twenty years old, and she was even younger two years ago. Can she draw paintings of this level at such a young age?

"I didn't expect you to be the owner of the painting. I'm disrespectful."

Lu Qi couldn't help but take another look at the woman.

A beautiful smile appeared on the woman's face: "It is an honor for me to receive comments from His Royal Highness. I wonder if I can detain you for a while?"

Lu Qi thought for a moment and said, "Okay."

When the woman heard this, she immediately started to move. She ran to her painting, and then moved the easel and the easel in front of Lu Qi.

Then he quickly took out various oil paint brushes and looked at Lu Qi expectantly: "Can you please, Your Highness, change this painting for me?"

Lu Qi paused for a moment, not expecting this woman to be so direct.

How can there be such a request to change the painting?

Moreover, this painting was made two years ago, so it is not easy to change it.

People who didn't know better thought that this woman was deliberately trying to embarrass Lu Qi.

But Lu Qi didn't feel the woman's malice. From the twinkling eyes of hers, it could be seen that she really just wanted Lu Qi to help her refine her work.


After thinking for a moment, Lu Qi did not refuse.

It is still a bit difficult to refine this painting. After all, this painting is already outstanding.

But for Lu Qi now, it is just a trivial matter.

He has full confidence.

Picking up the brush and dipping it in paint, Lu Qi without any hesitation placed a single stroke on the painting in front of him, immediately breaking the tranquility of the painting.

At this moment, the surrounding audience felt a little distressed.

If the painting is not done well, one stroke can ruin the entire painting.

The owner of the painting was very focused at the moment, watching Lu Qi's movements seriously.

She could tell from the feeling of Lu Qi holding the pen that the prince in front of her must have good painting skills.

Lu Qi's movements were also very skillful, and there was no hesitation from the moment he started writing.

It was as if he had conceived the same painting countless times in his mind.

Various paints, various tones, no pause at any step, giving people a sense of confident beauty.

The people watching were all entranced, but no one said a word.

The woman couldn't help but shift her gaze from the painting to Lu Qi's face for a few seconds. Staring at this handsome face, she felt the urge to make a portrait of him immediately. .

Resisting this impulse, the woman shifted her gaze back to the painting, her eyes shining brightly.

The painting in front of me has changed differently from just now.

She can naturally see the difference in changes.

Just like that, more than half an hour passed.

There were many more people watching around, and they all looked at the nearly finished painting and exclaimed in amazement.

After putting down the last stroke, Lu Qi stopped, and after looking around, he also showed a somewhat satisfied look.

“It suddenly feels different!

"Yeah, if it just gave me a very comfortable feeling before, now it feels like I've been there."

"This is called being there!"

"With this change, the value of this painting has more than doubled."

"Looking at it makes me want to eat melon seeds."

"Let's buy ten pounds now!"

Surrounded by comments of exclamation.

The painting refined by Lu Qi can still see the shadow of the previous painting, but it gives people a completely different feeling.

If it could only make people feel comfortable and have a sense of beauty before.

So at this moment, this sunflower painting brings people the feeling that summer is passing and autumn is coming, which is immersive and touching.

The woman was fascinated by what she saw, and when she heard the comments from the people around her, she came back to her senses and said with unabashed admiration in her eyes: "This change is great!"

She even had the urge to rush forward, hold the painting and look at it carefully.

Only then did she realize that in front of Lu Qi, even now she was at best a newbie.

She originally thought that if she painted the same thing now, it would definitely be better than the one just now.

However, after reading Lu Qi's painting, she immediately knew that even if she painted the same one now, it would not be as good as the one in front of her.

"As long as you're satisfied." Lu Qi smiled.

At this time, there is a sense of vanity that every time I finish cooking, I will get a lot of praise from the girls.

He still quite liked this feeling.

"More than satisfied, when I return to China, I will definitely hang it in my bedroom!" The woman's fair face became rosy, with a sense of joy as if she had found a treasure.

"Go back home?"

Lu Qi heard this keyword and repeated it.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself."

Only then did the woman remember that she hadn't announced her name yet, so she made an elegant lady's salute, "First meeting, Your Highness, I am Panice Margaret from Groland."


Lu Qi had some impression of this name, and after about two seconds, he suddenly said: "First meeting, Princess Margaret."

"You can just call me Panis." Panis looked at Lu Qi, winked and smiled.

Lu Qi was still a little surprised at this moment.

Groland is a country located in the southeast of Demacia, and its strength is pretty good.

It has been an ally of Demacia for many years, and the friendly relations between the two countries go back a long time.

And the Panis standing in front of her was the only daughter of King Groland.

In terms of status, she is on the same level as Lu Qi.

"I didn't expect that I would meet His Highness by chance on the first day I came to the capital of Debon. I wonder if this is fate?"

Panisi looked at Lu Qi with her beautiful eyes at this moment and said with a smile.

"I guess it's some kind of fate." Lu Qi nodded.

Panis looked at Lu Qi and said proactively: "What is your highness going to do next? If you don't mind, can I come with you? This is my first time in the capital. If your highness can show me around, It would be great."

Lu Qi was a little confused when he heard this. If it had been anyone else, he would have refused directly.

But the person in front of me is the princess of a neighboring country after all, so it would be a little bad if she refused.

After thinking about it, he said politely: "I'm going to buy some painting tools, but I don't have much time."

"Then please leave this to me!"

Panisi's eyes lit up when she heard this, she left these words and trotted away immediately.

Lu Qi was left confused.

Soon, he saw Panis walking over with several servants behind her.

And those servants held many painting tools in their hands, all of which looked brand new.

At this time, Lu Qi remembered.

Although Groland is small in area, it is a famous country of art.

Many famous works of art spread in Runeterra come from this country.

And this country is naturally indispensable for the art of painting.

During this National Day, there was also trade between Groland and Demacia, and that was mostly the things traded.

"These are some high-quality painting tools from my country. Your Highness, please accept them."

As Panis spoke, she was afraid that Lu Qi would refuse and added, "Just think of it as a thank you gift from Your Highness for helping me change the painting."

To be honest, the quality of so many painting tools in front of me is better than those on Rue du Lang.

After accepting it, Lu Qi could paint for a while without worrying about running out of tools.

However, he had a vague feeling that there would be a lot of trouble after accepting it.

However, looking at the very enthusiastic Panis at this moment, he didn't know how to refuse at all.

At this moment, a voice came from not far away.

"Panis, why did you sneak out when you just arrived in the capital today? I told you not to come out until you have finished your business!"

A strong male voice sounded.

Lu Qi looked around and saw a middle-aged man wearing a brown coat and also with brown hair walking towards him, looking a bit majestic.

Panis's expression changed, she looked towards the man and lowered her head: "I'm sorry, uncle, I couldn't hold it back."

"Okay, come back with me first. We will go to see His Majesty the King later."

As the man spoke, he noticed Lu Qi and was slightly stunned. After reacting for a second, he also saluted and said, "First meeting, Your Highness, I am Dupont Margaret."

Although it was only their first meeting, it did not prevent him from recognizing Lu Qi's identity.

One is because Lu Qi wears the emblem of the Light Shield family.

The second is his outstanding temperament and excellent appearance.

The recognition is very high.

"first meet."

Lu Qi bowed slightly and saluted.

This man also had the same surname as Margaret. He seemed to be Panis's uncle, and he seemed to be the king's brother.

"I didn't expect to meet His Highness here, but we are going to see His Majesty the Third soon, so we have to say goodbye first."

Dupont spoke to Lu Qi politely.

When Lu Qi heard this, he immediately nodded: "That's a pity. I was also planning to take her around. In this case, let's see you later."

Dupont smiled and said, "If you have this idea, after meeting His Majesty the Third, I can ask Panis to find His Highness."

Lu Qi: "."

If I had known earlier I wouldn't have been so mean.

Seeing the anticipation flashing in Panis's eyes, he immediately added: "We can only wait for a while. I have been a little busy recently."

"Then it's settled." The expectation in Panis's eyes did not diminish at all, and she waved goodbye: "Then see you another day, Your Highness."

After saying goodbye, she left a bunch of painting gifts and left with Dupont.

Yourna asked at this time: "Your Highness, how to deal with these things?"

Lu Qi sighed: "Take it."

This time, it saved a lot of time.

After loading all the painting tools that Panis left behind onto the carriage, the entire carriage became heavy.

Then, he drove slowly and headed back home.

In the carriage, he took a few glances and found that all kinds of painting tools were readily available, including paints, brushes, canvases, and easels.

It can be seen that this batch of tools is still worth a lot of money.

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