LOL: I am a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 237 Before that, collect some interest first

The meeting dispersed.

The ministers left one after another, still talking loudly about the dragon's skull on the way.

Lu Qi followed Jarvan III and Tiana and moved to the III's office.

Here, Lu Qi saw someone he hadn't seen for a long time.

General Manager of Germany——Xin Zhao.

He usually protects Jarvan III in the dark, just like the secret guards he trained.

After not seeing him for a while, Xin Zhao still looked upright, with a natural dignity in his unsmiling face.

"Uncle Zhao, long time no see."

When Lu Qi saw him, he said hello.

"Your Highness, long time no see."

When Xin Zhao saw Lu Qi, the corners of his majestic eyes became much looser, and there was a smile on his face.

After closing the door, Lu Qi sat down.

Tiana then asked aloud: "We have read the letter you wrote from the border. Please explain it in detail."

Lu Qi knew what he was referring to, so he said: "There is probably a Noxian assassin leader who came to us for some unknown purpose."

Hearing this, Xin Zhao and Tiana both frowned slightly.

In this matter, they believed that Lu Qi would not joke, so they secretly increased their vigilance as soon as they received the letter.

And Zhao Xin also began to secretly investigate this person.

However, no clues were obtained, and after so long, nothing happened.

After thinking for a while, Tiana asked again: "How did you know about this?"

The letter didn't say much on this point, but they were quite curious about Lu Qi's intelligence source.

Lu Qi said: "I said it was the assassin's daughter who told me, do you believe it?"

Hearing this, Tiana and Xin Zhao’s frowns never relaxed.

Tiana looked at him angrily: "We are talking about business, don't be so serious."

Lu Qi said helplessly: "What I said is true."

So, he briefly explained what happened to Catalina.

He felt there was no need to hide this matter, and he had said everything that needed to be said.

After the three of them listened, they were silent for a few seconds, not knowing what to say.

Call this kid big-hearted, he saw Catalina's disguise at a glance.

But let’s just say this guy is attentive. He even brought people directly to the royal capital.

Normally, in this situation, Tiana should have directly ordered Catalina to be captured and imprisoned in the dungeon.

But after pondering for a few seconds, she sighed: "So you believe the story about their father and daughter killing each other?"

Lu Qi nodded: "I feel like I can trust you."

"You kid!" Tiana looked at him helplessly and said angrily: "In that case, keep an eye on her. If she causes some trouble, don't blame me for not remembering the old relationship."

She glanced at Lucci with a dangerous look.

Upon seeing this, Lu Qi immediately assured: "Don't worry, aunt."

"I don't care."

Tiana was too lazy to look at him anymore and waved her hand: "Okay, let's go. The three of us have something to talk about. We will pay attention to what you said."

"Then I'll leave first." Lu Qi nodded and stood up, walking out.

After he left, the three of them began to discuss in the office.

Tiana thought for a while and said, "What is the purpose of Noxus sending the assassin this time? Has he already hidden in the royal capital at this moment?"

Jiawen III was sitting in his seat, also pondering: "This move is probably someone's instruction, and it must have an ulterior purpose."

Even if they don't say who gave the instructions, the three of them already know.

Xin Zhao said seriously at this time: "No matter what the situation is, I will definitely protect your majesty's safety."

"You don't have to be so nervous." Jiawen III looked at him and smiled: "Now that I am in this palace as solid as a fortress, there will be no danger. At this moment, the focus should be on the people of the royal capital. If this The assassins are not coming for me this time, but for them."

Before he finished speaking, the office became quiet.

All three of them realized a problem.

If the assassin is in the capital, then this is like a time bomb that may explode at any time.

"Let go and investigate. You must find clues."

Jarvan III ordered Xin Zhao with a deep gaze: "Send your secret guards out, including those families, and don't let them go. And remember, don't alert the enemy."

Xin Zhao bowed and accepted the order: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I know what's going on."

Lu Qi did not leave the palace at this time.

He had brought Poppy in earlier and let him wander around on his own.

Poppy looked like he missed this place very much, and he didn't know where he wandered.

He had to ask the guards patrolling the palace while searching, and finally learned that Poppy went to the back garden of the palace.

In the back garden.

Poppy was sitting on her hammer, and not far in front of her was a white statue. The man was wearing heavy armor, had a beard, and had a hearty smile. He was carrying the same hammer on his shoulder as she was wearing.

The man's name is Oren.

The first king of Demacia.

The sculptor's craftsmanship was very good, and when Poppy saw him for the first time, she felt as if she had gone back many years ago, when she and Oren were sitting in the same place, laughing and chatting.

It was a very happy past, but now things and people have changed. The people and things from the past are no longer there, leaving only these things that make people's eyes sore after looking at them.

Poppy likes to face life with a smile, so even when Oren was about to die, she quickly made preparations and lived happily with his last wish.

So she didn't like the feeling now, but she didn't want to leave.

"Oren, your hammer, I have found a man worthy of it."

Bobby seemed to be talking to an old friend, talking non-stop: "How should I put it, I seem to have been looking for a while, and many times I thought I had found someone who could really use this hammer, but in the end the result was always It’s not ideal. But I’ve never been more sure of someone than I am now. He must be the best choice.”

She said, raising her head and seeing Oren's hearty smile: "You feel the same way, right?"

There was no response, but Bobby felt that he had found a common topic with Oren.

"He is still your descendant, but he is nothing like you. But he is as good as you, and I like him very much. Speaking of which, we recently killed a giant dragon together, which was even bigger than the one we had. Be a little bigger.”

Bobby was minding his own business and shared many things. The childish voice of the yodeling kept ringing in the back garden, and there was a hint of sadness in his childlike innocence.

It seems that time is ruthlessly dividing something.

After saying a lot in one breath, Poppy sighed: "But he doesn't seem to like this hammer very much. Do you have any good ways to make him accept it?"

She looked up at Oren, but of course the statue didn't respond to her.

But Poppy didn't need to respond. She clenched her fists seriously: "But don't worry, I will definitely let him accept this hammer. We have made an agreement that as long as the demon hunter can't be found, he will Accept this hammer, I have been looking for it for many days now!"

Of course she remembered the original agreement. As long as the demon hunter could not be found, Lu Qi would accept the hammer.

But it's hard for a simple Bobby to think of what a despicable person would do.

If you can't find the witcher, can't you just keep looking?

This didn't occur to her at all.

At this moment, I am confident and pumping myself up.

After hearing the footsteps behind him, Bobby stood up and glanced at Oren one last time: "Okay, let's stop talking here for today. I'll come see you another day."

After saying that, she waved her hand, picked up the hammer, and walked towards Lu Qi who came to find her.

The short-legged man followed Lu Qi, and both of them seemed to be in a good mood.

After leaving the palace, nothing could stop Lu Qi from returning home.

Soon he was sitting on the carriage and driving towards home.

About half an hour later.

The carriage stopped slowly, and he could see Lu Qi in his courtyard through the curtain, and he really missed him.

After getting off the carriage, the yard looked like it was being cleaned from time to time. It was very clean.

And the door is open, which means there is someone inside.

Walking towards the main house and entering the living room, you can see Lux already lying on the rocking chair in front of the fireplace with a comfortable look on her face.

Her little mouth curved upward, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

Hearing the movement behind him, he didn't even look back and continued to lie down comfortably.

Sitting on the sofa were two sisters, Sona and Kashina.

It's warm inside and the fireplace has been burning for some time.

Lu Qi first pointed at Catalina and told Yuerna: "Arrange a room for her."

Yourna responded: "Yes."

Lu Qi's house is quite large. It is a villa with about three floors. There are many empty rooms on the first and second floors.

Anyway, it is definitely enough to live in.

Moreover, the sound insulation effect of the room is also very good, so there is basically no need to worry about any bad sounds coming out in the middle of the night.

Otherwise, Lu Qi wouldn't have specially installed a microphone to talk to Yuerna.

Catalina was also looking at the unfamiliar environment at this moment, thinking that she might have to live here for a while, and her mood was quite complicated.

Before leaving Noxus, she never expected to encounter such a thing.

Now, she has become someone else's bed-warming maid.

If this matter was reported back to Noxus, Katarina wouldn't have to hang out there in the future.

Thinking of this, she sighed slightly in her heart.

At this time, a familiar sound came from the backyard.

Lu Qi walked towards the backyard.

When they arrived in the backyard, they saw the proud figure of Miss Sword Girl. She was stabbing at the dummy not far in front of her with a good aura.

The swordsmanship seems to be a bit more powerful. Apparently when Lu Qi went to the border, Miss Sword Girl was also constantly working hard to improve.

Hearing the footsteps, Fiona stopped and turned around. Lu Qi was reflected in her cold eyes, with a hint of smile in them.

Lu Qi smiled at her: "I'm back."

"You didn't keep me waiting too long." The smile on Fiona's face made her cold temperament a little brighter and very beautiful.

"There are a lot of things happening outside the customs. Do you have time to listen?"

Lucci sat on a chair in the backyard and extended an invitation.

"I'm extremely happy." Fiona chuckled, walked towards him, then sat next to him and said, "But before that, I need to collect some interest."

Lu Qi was startled for a moment, and the next second he felt a warmth coming from his lips, and then a dexterous tongue broke in.

In his nose, he smelled the close body fragrance of Miss Sword Princess.

The cold winter temperature suddenly rises at this moment.

After a while, Fiona sat back down, her beautiful eyes sparkling with brilliance, her rosy cheeks and moist red lips making her look a little more charming.

After collecting the interest, she raised the corners of her mouth and said, "Go on, I'll listen slowly."

Lu Qi now understood what interest was, and suddenly remembered that he indeed seemed to owe a lot of debt.

To be honest, his mood at the moment was half happy and half sad.

After thinking about it, he slowly talked about the border.

Fiona sat quietly aside and listened carefully. Even though she had already received news about some things, it was always fresh to hear Lu Qi tell them again.

The cold winter wind blew Fiona's short hair on her forehead, and she listened to Lu Qi's slow talk with a smile on her face.

Obviously this guy was just sitting here, but her heart was already filled.

In fact, she also had a lot to say to Lu Qi, but she was not in a hurry. When he finished speaking, she would be the one to talk.

It was winter, but the two of them sitting in the backyard didn't feel cold at all.

Even though they didn't say it explicitly, their longing has been conveyed to each other's hearts.

After talking about the border affairs, Lu Qi asked: "What about Miss Sword Princess's affairs in Mithril City? How is the progress?"

Fiona returned to Mithril City in order to clear the name of the Laurent family there.

Fiona heard this and smiled: "In terms of Sword Hall ranking, I have already entered the top twenty."

Lu Qi asked in surprise: "So fast?"

"It's already considered slow." Fiona's face showed a hint of helplessness: "If they weren't worried that my physical strength and condition would be affected due to too many consecutive challenges, and they prohibited me from launching consecutive challenges, I estimate that the ranking would be higher. Go forward a little bit."

There are many swordsmen on the Sword Hall list, and they all add up to more than two hundred.

As a newcomer, Fiona naturally started the challenge from the last place.

After returning to Mithril City, she began to challenge continuously, one after another, with almost no rest.

Naturally, the rankings are constantly played, and sometimes there are two games a day.

Later, the family members were worried that she would be exhausted if she continued like this, so they issued restrictions.

Although she could refuse, she didn't want to let down the people who cared about her, so the progress of the challenge slowed down.

But entering the top 20 on the Sword Hall list so quickly is already very impressive.

Lu Qi felt in his heart that she was worthy of being an unparalleled swordswoman, and said, "So are you planning to go back after the New Year?"

"Yes." Fiona nodded slightly: "After all, my goal is to be number one on the sword list, so naturally I have to rush forward with all my strength."

When she said this, the arrogance and confidence that belonged to the Sword Princess emerged from her body.

Lu Qi also believed that she could do it, but after thinking about it, he said to himself: "There are only four days left before the Chinese New Year."

Today, the 27th, January 1st, is the New Year.

I've only seen Miss Jian Ji for four days, and she's leaving again.

Fiona glanced sideways, with a smile on her lips and said, "But if I'm in a good mood, I can stay a few more days. After all, someone has to pay off a debt."

Lu Qi's expression changed and he coughed dryly: "Why don't you just leave after the New Year?"

It was Fiona who changed her expression this time. She narrowed her eyes and confirmed: "Okay, then we'll stay a few more days before leaving."

Lu Qi: "."

Happy Dragon Boat Festival to everyone

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