LOL: I am a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 280 The cruel truth

"Thank you for the compliment, manager."

Quinn bowed slightly without being arrogant.

Xin Zhao handed the list to Jarvan III. After taking it, Jarvan III looked up, his calm eyes getting colder and colder.

Then he handed it to Jarvan IV.

Jiawen IV knew what he meant, and after taking it, he said seriously: "My son, I will handle this matter right now."

He gave Galen a look, and the two of them had a tacit understanding without saying anything. They quickly led a group of people and separated from the team.

Apparently to deal with the names on the list.

In the face of such a major event, anyone who is related to Turt, Josie, Croger, and Eldred cannot escape the relationship.

They must be interrogated one by one.

And this is also an idea that Lu Qi has been brewing for a long time.

Today's Demacia looks bright and beautiful on the outside, but in fact it has long been corrupt internally. The ministers and nobles have their own evil intentions.

From the fact that these ministers can easily plan a mage rebellion in the royal capital when they join forces, it can be seen that the parasites parasitic in the country are already everywhere.

In fact, Turt, Eldred and others were right.

Today's Demacia needs a crisis to wake up, and a heavy slap in the face to wake everyone up from the dream of honor in the past.

However, Lu Qi took advantage of this a little bit.

Otherwise, if you want to dig out these borers one by one, you will have to wait until the end of the year of the monkey.

Lu Qi's original intention was to use this mage rebellion to start a cleansing from the inside out!

And Quinn's investigation day after day for nearly half a year has finally yielded results.

As the rebellion of the mages was gradually suppressed, peace did not return to the capital.

On the street, there are armies heading in all directions. The atmosphere in the entire king's capital was always highly tense.

Things are clearly not over yet.

As the time came to five o'clock in the afternoon.

Under the leadership of Quinn, Lu Qi and others walked along the streets of the royal capital, and met Fiona, Bobby, and Sona along the way.

Anticipating that something would happen today, Lu Qi arranged for them to go to various streets in advance to suppress the mage who initiated the rebellion as soon as possible.

In fact, today's mage rebellion seemed to be very big, but it only took more than two hours from the time they launched the rebellion to the time it was suppressed.

In fact, at this moment, it has not even reached evening.

The real highlight was all staged in the palace.

Along the way, they also met up with Lux and Galio. Colossus followed at the end of the group, attracting the attention of many people.

As a result, more and more people followed the team, and Lu Qi did not stop the people from following them.

What happens next needs to be witnessed by everyone.

"Where are you going?"

"have no idea."

"The king and the two princes are in the procession, and the colossus is also following."

"Anyway, we will follow."

"I see there are more mages."

"Isn't that the mage who will be beheaded at noon? Silas from Biangou Town."

"Yes, it was him. I still remember that he was the one who led the rebellion."

"So what's going on now? Have these mages surrendered?"

"I also saw Miss Crown Guard using magic. She is actually a mage."

"What I saw was Sona. If it weren't for her, we might have been hurt by other mages."

The crowd was talking a lot, and as the incident subsided, the panic caused by the mage's rebellion also gradually subsided.

The crowds attracted by Galio from various neighborhoods kept talking about what they saw and heard today.

Among them, the most mentioned ones were mages. They didn't understand the current relationship between the army and these mages for a while.

So when I saw such a strange team, I couldn't help but follow them.

When they learned that Miss Crownguard and Sona were both mages, this surprised some people who had just learned the truth.

They were a little confused about the situation, why the mages and the army could seem to be walking together in harmony.

The team walked out of the royal capital and arrived at Clarion Bay outside the royal capital.

This place is not very far from the royal capital, and is close to the river port of the royal capital. There is a harbor that is the size of a small town, and it is Clarion Bay.

The incident in the royal capital has obviously spread here. People in every household on the street are hiding in their houses, with only soldiers patrolling.

The usually bustling harbor can be said to be relatively quiet at the moment.

It wasn't until the team arrived that people from every household dared to come out.

On the street, Quinn said: "I discovered the base of the Demon Searchers after following a Demon Searcher cadre named Hesbeth, and he seems to be the chief scientist in the Demon Searchers."

"This guy has a cautious personality. I've been following him for half a month, and it's usually hard to find an opportunity to make a move. It's only today, a day like this, that I found an opportunity."

With that said, she came to the roadside, kicked down a wine barrel and box, and rolled out a tied-up demon seeker.

He was wearing the attire of a Demon Searcher cadre, with something stuffed in his mouth and could not make a sound, but when he saw Jarvan III, Lu Qi and the others, he still showed shock and fear in his eyes.

With just one glance, he knew that the leader's plan had failed.

At this moment, his heart felt cold, knowing that his ending would not be much better.

"He is weak, but he is obviously a core participant in this incident. The door to the secret base is locked, and he must know how to open it."

Quinn stepped forward and removed the stuff from Hesbeth's mouth.

Hesbeth didn't know whether he was guilty or frightened. He took a few big breaths, turned over and knelt down, and knocked his head on the ground: "Your Majesty, spare your life!"

Jiawen III looked at him without any mercy: "I'll spare you. How should I explain it to the people behind me?"

How can the crime of rebellion be spared lightly?

Most of those mages were taken advantage of by people with ulterior motives, but what really forced them was Demacia's continued oppression.

The real heinous crimes were those who secretly planned the rebellion.

Hesbeth's face turned ashen for a moment, and his whole body trembled with fear.

People brought him to the entrance of the Demon Searcher's base, which was located on the first floor of the sewer at the bend of the river. The Colossus could only stand outside. He was receiving curious and respectful looks from the crowd, and it seemed that he was doing well. Enjoy.

People enter the waterway, the water circulation system inside is running, and they have to continue walking for a while.

Until, people stopped in front of a thick iron door that covered the entire space. The iron door was reinforced with magic-forbidden stones, which would probably be difficult to break open easily.

Here, there were several demon hunters guarding the place, but they were immediately subdued by the secret guards sent by Xin Zhao.

Lu Qi looked at Hesbeth, who had his head lowered and his eyes full of despair, and offered him a chance in a humane manner: "Do you want to live or die?"

Hesbeth heard this and quickly raised his head: "Of course I want to live."

"Okay, I'll give you two choices." Lu Qi showed a gentle smile: "The first one, you know that in Germany we have a kind of torture called death by a thousand cuts, which punishes those who have committed the most heinous crimes. They cut off his flesh and blood, but they would not let him die easily."

"The second option is to be more dignified and kill him directly with one knife. You choose one."

Hesbeth, who originally had an expression of expectation, turned pale as white wax upon hearing these words. He looked at the gentle smile on Lu Qi's face in shock.

At this moment, this smile is almost like a devil.

"I choose the second one."

However, in such a situation, Hesbeth naturally knew how to choose.

Because he knew that even if he did nothing, the secret behind this iron door would not be hidden from everyone.

When the secret behind this door is made public, he may not have a chance to choose. What is waiting for him may only be one choice.

Rather than doing this, it is better to choose option two.

He stepped forward, the rope was already loosened, he reached out his hand, groped on the iron door, and pressed a groove.

Pressing his hand in, there was obviously a password mechanism inside. He latched onto something and adjusted it up and down a few times. After entering a password-like pattern, the sound of gears interlocking could be heard in the iron door.

Finally, with a "click" sound, the iron door slowly opened.

Seeing the iron gate open, people continued to go deeper inside.

Since there is an inlet in front of them, the secret base of the Demon Searchers is actually built in the sewer.

Walking on the steps, torches lit up, lighting up the tunnel.

After walking a few steps, there was another iron door.

"It's like a military center."

Lu Qi glanced at Hesbeth.

The latter understood, stepped forward again, and opened the iron door, but this time his hands were trembling slightly.

After the door was opened, the space inside became a little wider, and some subtle groans of pain could be heard.

When the fire illuminated the inside, small iron cages appeared one after another in people's eyes, like animal cages, each containing a mage.

In the passages along the wall, there are also large cages, each containing multiple mages.

Their expressions were far more desperate and even worse than those in the dungeon of the royal capital.

When he saw the light coming from the fire, he was so frightened that he shrank into the corner. With nowhere to hide, he leaned hard against the iron pole as if he was hiding from something terrifying.

Some blood stains can be seen everywhere, on the iron bars of the cage, on the ground, and on these mages.

Many people smelled the faint smell of blood in the air. The demon seeker sprayed a perfume to cover up the smell, but he could still smell it.

The scene in front of me was as if I had stumbled into some horrific scene.

It was eerie and strange, just like the cult base that Lu Qi had visited.

People who saw this frowned, and Jarvan III ordered: "Open these cages."

Seeing this scene, he already had a premonition of something, but he didn't dare to think any further.

Just thinking about it makes my heart feel stinging.

When he thought that this was all because he turned a blind eye, he felt sour in his heart.

The mages in the cage were released. Many of them were already dying, and their bodies were so thin that they seemed to have been drained of blood.

When they saw carefully that some of these mages were missing arms, some were missing legs, and some were even missing eyeballs, people couldn't help but take a breath.

There is a kind of pain that hurts even when you look at it.

Further forward, there is another iron gate.

Behind the iron gate, a group of mages were also imprisoned. The number of mages imprisoned here has now exceeded one hundred.

There were men and women, old and young. The youngest looked like he was only in his twenties.

Almost none of them are in good condition, and just looking at the desperate look of frequency collapse is heartbreaking.

Behind the third iron door, there is no more mage.

Instead, they are work tables. To be precise, they are more like operating tables. You can vaguely see some residual blood on them.

You can see neatly arranged surgical tools on both sides of the wall.

Continue deeper, behind the fourth iron door.

This place is like a storage room, with glass bottles and jars neatly placed on rows of shelves.

At this moment, many people exclaimed, then covered their mouths, their pupils shrank, but their eyes widened.

My mood was as if I had suddenly fallen into a cold river, and my whole body began to stiffen.

Placed inside these bottles and jars were stumps of limbs and even eyeballs, hearts, internal organs, and even skin. They were soaked in a liquid and floating slightly.

Every glass bottle and jar is like this, and the scene is very horrifying.

As long as people make a little association, they will instantly realize where these things come from.

"You are using mages for human experiments?"

Jiawen III's voice was trembling. He could not imagine that such a thing happened under his eyes.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Hesbeth knew that there was nothing wrong with admitting it. He lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty does not know something. Human experiments started a few years ago."

After the words fell, the whole place fell silent.

This kind of experiment has actually been going on for many years.

They couldn't imagine how many mages had suffered similar things over the years.

"Actually, it has nothing to do with me. Even if it is a little bit, it was Eldred who asked me to do it."

Hesbeth lowered his head, not daring to look into people's eyes at all: "The first person who asked me to do this was him. He said that if you want to understand mages, you need to include their hair, toenails, skin, flesh, and internal organs. , we need to understand it clearly everywhere.”

"He ordered me to conduct experiments to find a way to allow people without magic power to use magic. The first way that came to mind was to peel off the organs that retain the magic power of the mage and see if they could pass through certain way to preserve it.”

"In his eyes, mages are not human beings at all. Some mages died directly on the stage during the experiment, but their organs still have magic power."

With every word Hesbeth said, people's mood would become a little more depressed.

The smile disappeared from Lu Qi's face. Looking at the scene in front of him, he felt that sometimes people are far more evil than demons.

You know, Runeterra does not have modern medical technology and equipment.

Many surgeries, once started, are often fatal and directly lead to death.

Even if there are potions and medicines, I'm afraid the magic searchers won't waste them on mages.

If you are lucky enough to survive, the outcome will probably not be much better.

Just like those mages they just rescued, most of them can no longer be called complete people.

This is the cruel truth hidden in the Demon Seeker's secret base.

They used living mages to conduct inhumane human experiments.

Just to explore magic.

Silas and the mages looked at the scene in front of them, their eyes filled with rage, and they all clenched their fists.

However, they were not the only ones feeling such emotions.

Even if they were not mages, everyone present felt empathy.

This is a natural anger!

Looking at Hesbeth, Lu Qi asked: "Among these mages, are there any heinous ones? How many of them have killed people? Tell the truth."

"No one keeps statistics on these."

Hesbeth felt the ice cave-like atmosphere at the scene, and did not dare to raise his voice. He said cautiously: "Because in his eyes, mages are regarded as inferior humans, on the same level as livestock. The mage brought here is Selected at random, some of them are exiled. Some of them may have committed crimes. But most of them are actually just ordinary mages."

This sentence once again made people feel cruel.

A mage, even if he has done nothing, will be brought here to undergo inhuman experiments just because he is a mage.

Eyes gouged out, arms cut off, internal organs removed

Demacia will only use the torture of death by a thousand cuts to treat the most heinous criminals.

However, most of these mages did nothing but faced the same torture.

This is such a ridiculous thing, and it is even more ridiculous that such a thing happened in Demacia.

Who would have thought that under the surface of peace in Demacia, there would be such dirty things hidden.

However, this is only the beginning.

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