LOL: I am a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 288 I will die behind this bitch!

At night.

In Lu Qi's room, a figure suddenly appeared quietly.

It was Catalina who had changed her clothes. Her eyes looked particularly bright in the dimly lit room. She was standing in front of the bed, staring intently at Lu Qi in his sleep.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Looking at Lu Qi's sleeping face, Catalina's eyes flickered slightly.

This trip to Demacia could be said to be extremely special for her. The two parties, who were supposed to be enemies, actually coexisted harmoniously in the same courtyard.

In these few months, she let go of her anxiety, eased her fatigue, and lived an unprecedentedly relaxed life.

It is undeniable that her mentality has changed greatly during this period.

To be honest, this small courtyard is like a safe haven.

Catalina's tense heartstrings had a chance to soothe.

And this all starts with meeting Lu Qi.

This guy is very strange, and his personality is completely different from the Demacians that Katarina learned about. He can even be described as lazy, cunning, bad, and very mean.

But aside from these, this guy has countless shining points.

He is a monster who cooks delicious food, is good-looking, knows a lot, is not weak in strength, and has rare talents.

So many factors merged together to form the guy lying on the bed now.

Who is the most unforgettable person for Catalina during this trip?

That's probably this guy.

Life here is indeed pretty good, but unfortunately it is not the life Catalina wants.

Although she did feel a little reluctant to leave, she knew that it was time for her to leave.

Naturally, she couldn't stop now. Noxus was being played like a toy by the pale witch, and her sister and mother were always on the verge of danger.

Her top priority was to get back to Noxus as quickly as possible.

After thinking for a long time, Catalina decided to leave immediately without further delay.

I don’t know when I will meet this guy next time, or if there will be another chance to meet him.

This time back in Noxus, Katarina didn't know what chance she would have of winning against the Pale Witch.

Maybe this is the last time we meet.

With this in mind, she leaned down slightly, getting closer to Lu Qi's sleeping face. She thought there was nothing to be pretentious about.

However, it was enough to stop and just take a close look before standing up.

Then, without lingering too much, his body swayed and disappeared silently.

In mid-air, there was a piece of paper as light as a feather, slowly floating down and landing on the table.

Early next morning.

The first ray of sunlight poured into the room from the window and shone on Lu Qi's bed.

His eyelids trembled, and then he woke up. He was still a little sleepy at first, but as he sat up, he felt a little more energetic.

After stretching, Lu Qi felt that he had a very comfortable sleep.

Then he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a piece of paper on the table beside the bed, with only two words written on it.


He picked up the note and glanced at it, then looked out the window: "Are you leaving now? Without even saying goodbye."

He did vaguely feel someone coming to the room last night, but his sixth sense didn't respond, so he didn't bother to wake up.

Come to think of it, it's Catalina.

Although she agreed to stay for a few more days, it seemed that after learning the information about Black Rose, she was still eager to return.

At this time, I am afraid that I have already boarded the fleet heading east.

There is always a banquet in the world, and Catalina's character is destined that she will not indulge in a comfortable life for too long.

Not to mention she's a Noxian.

So the separation was expected, and Lu Qi was not surprised.

I just don’t know when we will meet next time.

Lu Qi got up from the bed and stretched his waist. But he believed that he would see him again.

When we came downstairs, no one came yet, but Yourna was already awake, and there was already a pot of hot water in the kitchen.

Lucci can always have a cup of hot tea after waking up.

She was sweeping the ground outside the yard at the moment, and the broom made a "sasha" sound, which was not unpleasant at all.

After seeing Lu Qi wake up, she put down the work at hand and made him a cup of tea.

I have to say that as a maid, Yourna is definitely of the highest quality.

Although she often has a cold and pretty face, she can understand Lu Qi's needs immediately, and her fighting power is not weak, and she does not lack the strength at all.

So far, I have followed Lu Qi through life and death countless times.

Even going to the battlefield, this personal maid is so perfect.

Lu Qi was recently considering whether to give Urna a raise, but she never seemed to have asked for a raise.

He worked hard without complaint, even Lu Qi's black heart couldn't bear it.

At this time, Yourna was wiping the cabinet over there with a cloth.


He sat on the sofa, took a sip of tea, and said.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Yourna stopped what she was doing and glanced at Lu Qi. Her voice was like an orchid, with a natural coldness.

Lu Qi then said: "It seems that you haven't taken a vacation for so long. You should have nothing to do in the next period of time. I grant you a week's vacation with pay, whether it is to relax or do whatever you want."

After the words fell, a trace of doubt clearly flashed in Yourna's purple eyes, as if she saw a black-hearted boss suddenly getting a salary increase.

"Don't look at me like that. It's hard for me to see you."

Lu Qi waved his hand and said, "If you feel tired, just say it. As a boss, I am still very considerate."

Upon hearing this, Yourna had no expression on her face and leaned forward slightly: "Your Highness has thought too much. I am very satisfied with the current situation."

"Really?" Lu Qi glanced at her and couldn't tell anything from that pretty face with no expression at all, and said, "What about the vacation? Do you need it?"

Yourna calmly replied: "It's not really necessary."

"Okay, you continue."

Lu Qi decided to continue drinking tea. It was obvious that she didn't really need it.

After hearing this, Yourna continued to wipe the cabinet, but a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

This smile is like coloring a beautiful picture, it is so beautiful.

What she said was true. She was indeed very satisfied with her current life.

Half an hour later.

There was a sound of footsteps outside, and Lu Qi looked and saw Fiona in white walking slowly in.

"How is Auntie?"

Lu Qi asked casually.

"She has recovered. What happened yesterday scared her so much that she didn't even eat well."

Fiona came over and sat on the sofa, and then said.

Not long after, Yourna made her a cup of hot tea.

After a slight nod of thanks, Fiona raised the teacup, took a sip, and couldn't help but praise: "Yourna's tea-making skills are getting better and better."

The temperature is suitable, the aroma is lingering in the mouth, sweet and slightly bitter, and the flavor is endless. In addition to the tea itself being good, the craftsmanship of the tea maker must also be somewhat exquisite.

After all, although this tea is good, if you add too much, it will taste bitter, and if you add too little, it will taste a little bland.

Then there is the temperature of the water, as well as the amount of water.

Lu Qi smiled faintly and said, "No, I don't care who the maid is."

Fiona glanced at him and sneered: "Some people will put gold on their faces."

"Then there must be gold to stick with, don't you think so, Yourna?"

Lu Qihe seemed not to hear the irony.

Yourna wiped the table and then responded: "Yes, it's all because of His Highness's teachings."

Fiona glanced at Lu Qi with disdain, and then glanced at Yuerna helplessly, her eyes seemed to say, "Just pamper him."

After a while, there was another sound of footsteps outside.

There were many people coming down here. First, sisters Kashina and Sona walked in together, followed by Quinn and Bobby.

They probably met on the way and came together.

"Good morning, Your Highness!"

Kashina greeted Lu Qi angrily.

"Good morning. I'm in a good mood, Kashina."

Lu Qi looked over and said hello as well.

"Hey, it's because I upgraded."

Kashina's expression was a little prouder.

Her performance yesterday was also very outstanding, and the reward came directly that night. Not only did she officially become a knight, she also became the captain of the knight squad.

Qualified to manage a team of ten people.

This promotion speed can be said to be very fast. You must know that she just passed the assessment to become a trainee knight not long ago.

Now he has become a knight captain without relying on family connections.


Lu Qi smiled, sincerely happy for her.

He still remembered that when he first met this girl, she said that her dream was to become a great knight.

Now, she is already on this road, constantly moving forward.

At this time, Kashina said "Huh", looked around, and asked doubtfully: "Where is Lux?"


Lu Qi followed her line of sight and searched.

Then the next second I saw Miss Crown Guard stepping out from behind the wall of the corridor leading to the living room. She puffed out her chest and said loudly: "Good morning!"

If you observe carefully, you will find that the girl's earlobes are red, and she does not look towards Lu Qi.

"Good morning."

Lu Qi smiled and said, and took a look at the girl. It was not difficult to find that she was a bit coy now, not at all as natural as usual.

The reason is easy to guess.


Lux saw this guy's ungrateful smile, snorted and ignored it.

At this time, she looked around and asked, "Where's Catalina?"

"I left last night. I had something urgent to do and went back to my hometown."

Lu Qi replied simply.

"I haven't even said goodbye yet."

Now Lux and Kashina were a little reluctant to leave. After all, they had been together for so long and they separated without even saying goodbye.

A little too sudden.

This makes them feel like they are missing something.

"Anyway, it was a very urgent matter. She asked me to say goodbye to you and leave that night."

Lu Qi stood up as he spoke.

Almost everyone has arrived, and it’s almost time to prepare breakfast. Frey will not come over, she is still busy with matters in the mage camp.

Outside the city, Luqi organized a group of kind-hearted mages and a mage camp. Frey, who had always been familiar with magic, was the mentor there.

Now that the Third World has pardoned the mage, the mage camp naturally no longer needs to be hidden, and can be shown to others openly.

Therefore, the mage camp can also be moved.

Lu Qi got into the kitchen and got busy, and several girls in the living room sat down and chatted.

Today's breakfast prepared by Lu Qi was particularly rich, and everyone was quite satisfied with it.

Miss Mianwei lowered her head to cook the whole time, and moved the chopsticks to her mouth. It seemed that after the pressure in her heart was gone, her appetite had reached a new breakthrough.

Lu Qi has always admired her in terms of appetite.

In the past, when he was burdened with things, he could eat so much. Now that he is no longer burdened, he would be able to eat more. He didn't even dare to think about it.

In short, with Lux here, there is no need to worry that Operation Disc cannot be carried out.

After breakfast, those who washed the dishes washed the dishes, those who wiped the tables wiped the tables, and those who swept the floors swept the floors. Several people divided the work and carried out the work in an orderly manner, and the work was completed quickly.

At this time, the sunshine outside was getting brighter, and it was bright and bright.

Lu Qi was going to lie down in the front yard for a while. Fiona, Kashina, Bobby and Quinn in the backyard had already started their morning exercises.

After the demon hunter issue was resolved, Quinn no longer had to run around frequently and could take a good rest.

Sona is practicing piano in the house.

In the front yard, Lu Qi met Miss Crown Guard who was also preparing to lie down for a while.

The two people's eyes collided, and Lux ​​immediately thought of the embarrassment last night. When she saw Lu Qi open his mouth, she immediately raised her little hand and stopped him in front.

"Stop it! I know what you are going to say, but please don't say it!"

To put it bluntly, now that Lu Qi sticks out his butt, Lux already knows what this bitch is going to fart.

She stared at Lu Qi closely, her eyes very serious.

Lu Qi closed his mouth as expected, but the next second, under Lux's gaze, he opened his mouth again: "I just feel it."

Just four words directly caused Lux ​​to get a layer of goosebumps from her Tianling Cap to the soles of her feet. At this moment, she wanted to die.

However, the next second, Lux's eyes showed a fierce look, a murderous intent overflowed, and a pair of bright eyes stared at Lu Qi.

Even if she dies, she will die behind this peerless bitch!

"You and I are at odds with each other!!"

After shouting this through gritted teeth, Lux took out the staff and looked like she was going to fight for her life.

Since this guy can't forget, she will use physical means to help him forget! ! !

Facts have proved that you should never try to death by going back and forth on the edge of a little golden retriever's bottom line.

The matter finally came to an end when Lucci ran in front of the great Mrs. Ogesha.

Or rather escaped.

The murderous Miss Crown Guard languished like a discouraged lion cub in front of Ogesha, and became honest in an instant.

Ogesha glanced speechlessly at the two guys who had been making such a fuss all morning, and then said: "You two came just in time, pack up and prepare to enter the palace."

"Into the palace? Why?"

Lux withdrew her fierce gaze at Lu Qi, and then looked at her mother curiously.

Ogesha didn't intend to answer, and said casually: "Don't ask so many questions, you will know when you get in."

In fact, there will naturally be trouble when entering the palace.

After all, such a big thing happened yesterday, and the aftermath of this incident cannot be calmed down in a short period of time.

As Lux performed exceptionally well yesterday, and as a mage, she also summoned the colossus outside the city, so it was naturally necessary to enter the palace.

Similarly, Lu Qi will also take Quinn, Sona and the others with him this time.

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