LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 63 The key point, hit the road!

"Okay, BP has started, and we can see that the first-hand ban positions of both parties have been completed!"

Wawa looked at the screen and shouted: "QG on the blue side chose to ban Leopard Girl first! And LGD on the red side chose to ban Ryze!"

The ban positions of the first two hands are understandable, they are normal bans that match the version.

This version does not have a hero that stands out like the S5 World Championship version Tetsuo. This version has many strong heroes.

And even if you choose a strong hero, you still have a way to counter it, so the ban position is quite flexible, and many teams have their own set of ideas.

For example, Xiangguo's play style is more aggressive, and even a jungler likes to catch people, so the male gun is not a hero that he is good at. However, he has a spider to restrain the male gun, so he does not need to be afraid of the male gun. Can also fight.

"As for the second ban position." Banbazi thought for a moment, and then said: "How about banning the captain?"

"No problem." The team members nodded without any doubt.

This captain is not actually aimed at Marin. On the contrary, he has never played a captain game since he came to the LPL.

This ban is for GodV.

Among LGD's few victories, one was won with difficulty by Gao Dewei's captain's hard C, so it is worth targeting.

On the other side, LGDban was also very fast. He quickly held down Jian Ji with his second hand, and also protected Marin from Chen Dongqing with his first hand.

Of course, the QG coaching staff is focusing on studying Ma Datou. In the four rounds of BO3 after he came to the LPL, he only won four heroes.

Mundo, Rambo, Morgana, Gnar.

There are those who switch lines, and there are those who play single lines.

Among these four heroes, except for Rambo who can compete with Jian Ji, the other three heroes are restrained by Jian Ji, so LGD will generally ban this hero.

"Okay, for the third ban position, let's see how both sides handle it! QG took action very quickly, banning the troll instantly. Maybe he wanted to prevent LGD from changing lanes?"

Seeing this, Colonel Guan was a little surprised: "If we don't change lanes, then ilex and Marin will collide head-on. Is ilex so confident? He is facing the FMVP of S5!"

"You can tell from the way he plays, right?" Wawa smiled and said, "This kind of top laner who likes to fight for control is not afraid of anything."

Immediately afterwards, LGD banned Niutou in the third hand, and both sides entered the hero selection stage.

At this time, the QG voice channel is still chatting.

The coach smiled from behind and said, "Chen Dongqing, this one depends on you?"

There is no doubt that this one will be used mainly on the road. This is something they discussed before the game.

After all, LGD is a team that is quite strong on paper, and its upper, middle and lower lines are all quite high.

Generally speaking, QG relies on its upper and lower lane laning capabilities to directly gain an advantage, and then Doinb and Xiangguo collaborate in a wave of advantageous lanes to tear up the wounds and win.

But this time the difficulty is a bit high. After all, LGD's bottom lane is imp and pyl, and even Uzi can't get much benefit.

Taken together, this one still needs to be on the road.

But in fact, this proposal to focus on the top half was proposed by Chen Dongqing.

Because of Marin's arrival, he was kicked out of the team. On the surface, he seemed unaffected and didn't care, but in fact, he didn't mind.

He has been waiting for this moment since the start of the spring split.

Against LGD, he didn't want to change lanes, he just wanted to rely on the lane to defeat Marin in an upright manner!

"No problem." Chen Dongqing nodded and said, "Try to give me a second choice. I'll pick the hero after two rounds."

"No problem, let's take Victor first." Banbazi didn't hesitate. He first took a brush for the mid laner and faced off with Wei Shen in the middle.

"Then, on LGD's side, they quickly locked the fox and male gun! If nothing else happens, this should be the choice of the midfielder."

Banbazi continued to use tricks, locking the excavator and Braum. This time he chose to use the excavator to fight the male gun instead of using the spider, mainly to avoid double AP in the middle and jungle.

Bron is placed in the bottom lane to resist pressure and protect. After all, the bottom half is a branch that is not taken seriously today.

"Then, on LGD's side, they quickly locked on Cannon and Titan. These two choices were very fierce! The final counter position was left to Marin!"

"The opposite lane picks last, so there's nothing we can do." Banbazi said, "Chen Dongqing, what are you doing here?"

If you choose first, there are actually not many heroes to choose from. For example, heroes like Riven who can be directly killed by Poppy will definitely not be considered.

"Then it's Jace." Chen Dongqing said, "I am confident in choosing this hero first."

"Okay." Banbazi didn't say much. At this point, his work was over.

QG's last two hands locked on Jace and Lucian. Lucian was of course used to match Braum. Before Lucian's passive skill was revised, his best partner was still Braum, not Nami.

LGD's last move was to replace Rambo, Marin's championship hero, and he was full of confidence in this hero.

"Okay, the lineups of both sides have been determined, let's take a look at the final matchup!" Wawa explained on the stage.

Blue square QG: top laner Jayce, jungler Digger, mid laner Victor, and bottom laner Lucian Gablon.

Red side LGD: top laner Rambo, jungler gunner, mid laner Fox, bottom lane cannon and Titan.

"Obviously, the key point of this game is to hit the road!"

Guan Zeyuan said: "Ilex's Jace is a pure violent armor-piercing armor, which means that the top laners of both sides are carry players, and they are both easy to catch!"

"In this game, let's see which team is better at controlling the top lane! Whoever wins the top lane wins the game!"

Colonel Guan's understanding of the game is indeed very good, and he really hit the point.

At this time, everyone in LGD has begun to discuss the situation on the road.

Jungler Eimy and mid laner GodV are chattering away.

"How about I just go to the top of the road to catch him at Level 3? This guy's Jace likes to press the line, so I'll just go and catch him if I have the chance."

"No way, I can't control the male gun or Rambo. I can just catch him and he won't die."

"Indeed, then I'll catch Victor in the middle first?"

"It's not necessary. Just farm normally and keep your development. Then when I get the lane right in the middle, I will go to the top lane with you. This Jace will definitely die."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your signal."

In a few words, LGD has already discussed the general direction of the early stage.

On the other hand, Marin didn't understand a word of these discussions. He usually relied solely on game signals and imp's translation for discussions within the team.

Imp’s Chinese is not very good either. The translation was stumbling this time, and Marin was filled with questions.

And what about the QG voice channel at this time?

"Come on, come on, get ready!" Uzi shouted with a hint of excitement in his voice: "If you're slow, it'll be too late!"

From the perspective of the live broadcast of the game, you can see that the five QG players are huddled together and walking past the Stone Beetle camp on their bottom lane.

The five people walked from the stone beetle camp to the river and rushed directly to the opponent's blue zone.

"Hey! They seem to want to fight a first-level group!" Wawa couldn't help but raise his voice: "This wave seems to have something to say! They have Braum!"

Because they can also see at this time that LGD is only doing basic defensive positions, and they seem to be defenseless against the first-level team!

It seems something is going to happen!

[The pace is a little slow today. I originally planned to update three chapters, but it is about to be released. In addition, the coding efficiency is a bit low due to the recent positive. I have to save the manuscript as much as possible, so I can only update two chapters. Please bear with me, brothers.]

[When it is released, I will try my best to update it as much as possible! Brothers, just wait! 】

In fact, a small part of the reason is that I was delayed for two hours watching the finals, which resulted in only writing 4,000 words today, but can this be said?

Let me feel sorry for Mbappe first. He scored a hat trick in the final and even a penalty kick in the end, but he still lost, but he still has a future.

It can only be said that Argentina's defense really has problems. Every time it goes to the back, it can't hold back. Fortunately, the penalty kick at the end was so powerful that my heart almost jumped out of my chest. Damn it.

Finally, congratulations to Messi for winning the championship! Crowned the King of Football!

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