Piltover is neither small nor big.

Li Wei flew across the canal in a grand manner, and made a big fuss on the busiest commercial street in the city center. Naturally, this disturbance caused a storm all over the city and caused a sensation in all directions.

So just after he left, not long after, the current owners of the city, Amistan and Camille, arrived at the scene with Noxus soldiers and Piltover law enforcement officers respectively.

They came late, of course, but not too late.

Just in time for countless Picheng citizens who came to watch the news, they saw a few Noxus soldiers struggling to get up in the ruins, as well as Marit and Riven who were also disheartened.

"What's going on here?" Under the crowd of Piltover, his subordinates appeared in embarrassment like refugees, which made Amistan look unhappy.

"General Amistan, that's right." Marit immediately stepped forward to report.

She reported Levi's appearance and the harsh words he said before leaving to Amistan in full.

Although she didn't add oil and vinegar, for the Noxians, Levi's words were enough to irritate:

"General Amistan, this guy is so arrogant! He even threatened Noxus with war and ordered us to surrender?"

Such an overbearing request has always been made by Noxus to other countries. When will it be the turn of other countries to ride on Noxus?

Li Weiguang deserved to die for making this request.

This is nothing short of naked provocation, no, diplomatic humiliation.

Marit was naturally very angry.

Camille, who also rushed to the scene, echoed in her lukewarm mechanical tone: "Lee Wei's out-of-bounds provocation this time is indeed too arrogant. If we don't take strong countermeasures, I'm afraid Even the Noxus Empire will be underestimated, right? General Amistan?"

Amistan's face was gloomy, but she didn't speak.

Then she looked at Camille with displeasure, and said coldly: "It seems that your goal has been achieved, old friend."

The cause of this incident was the wave of terror that Camille set off in Piltover.

And now the person who least wishes for peace between the two cities is by no means Levi, let alone Amistan.

They had just signed a non-aggression pact and made so many business deals.

Zaun needs the food, raw materials and huge markets provided by Noxus, and Noxus also needs various industrial products such as arms, ships, machinery, and alchemy potions produced by Zaun.

Amistan and the great nobles of Noxus also took the shares given by the leader and established a joint venture company, waiting to make a fortune from this business.

The two are actually a politically hostile stalemate and economically mutually beneficial relationship.

At least, for a long period of time from now to the foreseeable future, leaders will not be able to get rid of their economic dependence on Noxus, and Noxus can also grab enough benefits from trade.

There is still room for cooperation between the two sides, and there is still a long time to go.

So Li Wei didn't want to fight.

Amistan didn't want to fight either.

Only Camille, and those Ziben families in Piltover who are afraid of the leader from the bottom of their hearts, can't wait to see Amistan and Levi turn their faces and see the leader's association collapse.

It can be said that this upcoming war is entirely caused by Camille.

"General Amistan, I'm afraid I can't blame all of this."

Facing Amistan's murderous questioning, Camille looked extremely calm.

She said calmly: "I just lit the fuse, but I am not the one who chooses to make the fire flourish."

"Hmph!" Amistan snorted displeasedly.

But she knew that the Gray Lady was right. The situation has developed to the point where it is today, and the responsibility is indeed not entirely on her.

Whether it's Amistan himself or Levi, both sides have countless opportunities to put out the fire.

She is the overlord of Piltover, and she can stop Camille from the very beginning.

But Amistan didn't do that.

Because she didn't want the leader's influence to infiltrate Piltover, and she also wanted to take this opportunity to beat the leader.

She wants Levi to understand that even if she temporarily compromises and cooperates with the leader because of her own interests, in the process of cooperation, the empire should be the dominant one, and it is her Amistan.

And if Li Wei wants Camille to stop the crazy anti-Gana activities, he should be more vulnerable in the cooperation, and he should take the initiative to ask for help and transfer more benefits to her and the empire.

But Levi didn't do that either.

Not only did Li Wei not come to the door to ask for help, but instead of saying hello, he publicly issued a statement request that was almost a declaration of war.

This made Emistan very embarrassed.

She had just negotiated with Midarda and other Noxus nobles, and she wanted to start a joint venture with the leader in the car business.

Now that the funds are in place and the channels have been opened up, the purchasing department of the imperial military has been well organized, just waiting for you, the leader, to build a factory, expand production, ship and sell, and everyone can earn gold coins together...

Then you told me, you want to fight me?

Isn't this a scam?

Because she didn't want the war to delay the business, Amistan has tried her best to downplay the impact of this statement in the past week, trying to make a major event into a minor matter.

And she also exchanged opinions with Li Wei several times in private in the past week, trying to persuade the leader to withdraw the statement and save the situation.

But Li Wei seemed to have been taken away by the savages of the Freljord. He only wanted to fight, and would rather die than give in.

Now he even flew directly over Piltover, and publicly read out his "Declaration of War" in front of so many Piltover citizens.

This completely made Amistan unable to step down.

Now that she doesn't want to fight, she has to fight. Otherwise she would be the laughing stock of the entire Noxian Empire.

"Camille, notify your law enforcement officers."

"Regardless of whether the leader will come in a week or not, prepare for the battle with all your strength!"

"Yes." Camille nodded slightly. Her expression was still calm, and her movements were still graceful, but the blue magic energy flickering in her eyes showed that she was not as calm as she appeared on the surface.

"Riven, Marit?" Amistan looked back at her two subordinates.

"General, what's your order?" The two of them immediately stood up straight.

And Marit thought that Amistan also wanted to tell them to go back to prepare for war.

But Amistan looked at Crete who was hiding aside and dared not look up, and those Noxus soldiers, and said: "The people who violated military discipline and robbed civilian women in the street today are just a few of them." ?”

"Huh?" Riven was still in a daze.

Marit, who came from an aristocratic background and has a more sensitive "sense of smell", already felt something was wrong.

The first thing the general said was "corrupting military discipline and robbing civilian girls", this gave them a certainty for their behavior today.

"Oops..." Mary Teton felt bad.

Sure enough, I only heard Amistan say: "Go. Dismiss them from the army, remove their armor, and send them to the slave army for hard labor."

"What?" Riven was slightly taken aback.

She unconsciously looked at the fellow villager Crete who still knew nothing about it in the distance, her eyes were extremely complicated.

"Didn't you hear?" Amistan frowned: "Execute the order."

"General..." Relying on her noble status, Marit boldly wanted to mediate again.

But Amistan was extremely serious this time: "Did I order a purge of military discipline a few days ago, asking you to restrain your behavior and not disturb the law and order in Piltover?"

"But what about you?"

"Soldiers broke into houses and robbed young girls in the street; officers did not report what they knew, covered up at will, and even assisted in planting and framing."

"This is a total loss of face to our warband!"

Amistan was strict with justice, and angrily reprimanded the officers and soldiers under her command in public.

This drew applause from the onlookers.

But Riven and Marit were silent for a while:

shame? No, our battle group still has face to lose...

Who in Noxus doesn't know that you, Amistan, love to use incendiary bombs and gas bombs, use slave legions as cannon fodder, burn, kill and loot, and slaughter villages and cities?

The soldiers have this kind of ethos, isn't it all brought out by you, the leader of the battle group?

But no matter how much slander they have in their hearts, it does not prevent Amistan from performing justice at this time.

"What are you still doing?" Amistan just looked at Riven and Marit coldly: "Go now, send them to the slave camp for me!"

"..." Riven looked complicated.

Marit seemed to realize something, and her expression became very ugly:

The soldiers were identified by Amistan as corrupt military discipline, were removed from the military, and demoted to slaves.

Then she and Riven are characterized as wanton cover, will they...

"Don't worry." Just when she was nervous, Amistan calmed down quietly.

She walked slowly to Riven and Marit, patted their shoulders, and whispered: "In order to clean up military discipline, I must take this opportunity to set an example for the whole army."

"The death of those soldiers is not a pity, but Riven and Marit, you are our right-hand men."

"Do it well, I won't do anything to you."

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