LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 231 Ionia also has untouchables? (seeking subscription

Yes, Ionia has untouchables.

Once the proud disciple of Master Kushuo of the Balance Sect, Jie, now the well-known master of the Shadow Stream Sect, the master of the Shadow Stream, Jie, is an extremely rare legend in Ionia who was born as a pariah and became the leader of a sect.

In fact, he doesn't call it "Jie" or "Jie".

His childhood name was "Goufu". This is a typical scumbag name.

As a child, Gou Fu was actually just an outcast of a poor farmer, a servant who swept the floor and emptied the toilet in the Balance Sect.

If it wasn't for Master Kushuo's son, Shen, who secretly helped him and made his father make an exception to accept him as a disciple who was born as a pariah, and renamed him "Jie"——

The current Lord of Shadow Stream, Zed, may still be a pariah sweeping the floor and emptying the toilet for the Kinkou Sect.

"It's a pity that we don't have the good luck of Master Jie..." The sailors sighed and sighed: "Without the names given by the sect masters and clan elders, the untouchables cannot change their names casually. So we can only be called this name now."

This left Riven speechless.

The serfs of the empire had the freedom to name them anyway, so that people would not know slaves just by hearing them.

Fortunately, Ionia actually engraved the identity of the untouchables directly in their names.

Serfs in Noxus can also join the army, and they can stand up with military merits like her.

If you are lucky and make a fortune, you can also get a free status through money redemption.

Although these two roads are very difficult for serfs, they are at least a road to get rid of their births and achieve class transition.

And in Ionia...

"Untouchables can't farm the land, they can't do business independently, they must be given to the people and do handyman." The sailors said.

If you can't farm land or do business, the way to get rich is almost cut off.

And Ionia had no army before. There is absolutely no possibility of turning over with military merit.

Unless one meets a nobleman like the master of shadow stream Jie, one has to be a great nobleman at the sect master level to gain the name and identity of a human being.

This is simply trapping people in the class of untouchables, and they will never stand up for eternity.

"This is too much..." Riven murmured.

No wonder Noxus military propaganda says Ionia are uncivilized barbarians.

In terms of treating untouchables, Ionia is really inferior to Noxus.

She defended the sailors.

But these sailors didn't look so painful: "Actually, it's okay..."

"As long as we meet a good host, we can still live quite easily."

"Just like Miss Fei Ya, her family is very good to us. Not only does it cover food and housing, but it also buys clothes and clothes. There is a doctor when you are sick, and there is still a mouthful of food when you are old. It has never been bad for us."

"Eh..." Riven always felt that there was something missing here.

"What about the salary?" She asked, "How much salary does her family pay you?"

"Salary? What salary?" The sailors looked back blankly: "Miss Fei Ya's parents took us in, so we are members of Fei Ya's family."

"Do you still get paid for working for your own family?"

Rui Wen:"......"

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are all inclusive, free medical care, free education, and free pension, but no salary.

It sounds good too.

Wait, something feels wrong...

"Isn't this riding horse a slave?" Riven couldn't help cursing.

"Nonsense!" Instead, the sailors defended the master's family angrily: "Without Miss Feiya's parents, we would have starved to death outside! We are just servants of the family, not slaves that Noxus has! "

Rui Wen:"......"

No, slaves of Noxus are not as stupid as you.

Riven felt more and more out of place.

She has traveled almost all over Valoran with the imperial army these years, and she has seen a lot of customs and customs.

Slaves are not uncommon in the entire Runeterra, even in the civilization-progressive Piltover.

But a slave who is as obedient and resigned as the Ionian pariah is really one in a million.

You must know that even in the Noxus Empire ruled by extreme pressure, the serfs were driven to a desperate situation, and they would not starve to death, just like the praying mantis.

But these Ionians...

How can they be so "peaceful"?

"You don't feel dissatisfied, don't you feel that Fei Ya's family bullied you?" Riven asked.

"Why do you think so?" The sailors were puzzled: "We have said that we can only live because of the deceased master and madam."

The untouchables have no land to farm and are not qualified to do business, so they can only survive as servants.

But ordinary people can't afford to support so many servants, and the needs of big families are limited. Those untouchables who couldn't find the host's house to take them in naturally could only curl up in a corner to fend for themselves.

So the sailors must of course be grateful to Fei Ya's parents for taking them in.

"But why is this so?" Riven didn't understand: "I heard that the rice in Ionia grows taller than a person, and the ears of wheat are longer than the branches. You can harvest a lot if you cultivate it casually. It's not difficult to fill your stomach. .”

How can there be untouchables who can't eat in such a place that can be called a paradise?

"This..." The sailors thought about it seriously.

It's not hard for them to figure out why: "Because the fields are limited."

There are only so many fields, and people are still growing. Sons beget grandchildren, grandchildren beget sons, descendants and grandchildren are endless.

No matter how fertile your land is, no matter how high the output per unit area is, you cannot support more and more people. Moreover, the land is limited, and it is simply not enough for so many people to divide it.

Therefore, in Ionia, there will always be a group of "superfluous people".

They are the untouchables, the untouchables.

Most of these untouchables are not eligible to marry and have children for a lifetime, and will just disappear from this world naturally.

They will come and go alone, return their bodies to nature, and reduce the pressure of human beings on nature.

"There is not enough land, so can't you go to the mountains to cultivate wasteland?" Riven still couldn't understand.

She asked again: "I heard that there are still large forests in Ionia that can be developed! The land here is so fertile, why don't you go to reclaim the land yourself?"

"Huh?" The sailors turned pale in amazement: "Develop the forest? How can this work!"

The soil of the birth is infiltrated with magic, which can be called animism.

"The life of plants is also life."

"Those flowers, plants and trees are also alive, how can they be killed indiscriminately? It is a felony to develop the forest privately, and the clan elders will sentence them to death!"

"This..." Riven was speechless. She couldn't help asking: "The forests are not allowed to be developed and the trees cut down, so how did you get the farmland you are cultivating and the houses you live in?"

"This..." the sailors explained: "We don't build houses ourselves, but ask the 'wood weavers' in clans and sects to communicate with nature and 'persuade' trees to grow into houses."

"If the tree is willing for us to live in, it will grow itself into a house."

"As for the fields... the fields that we can cultivate now are all that the spirit of nature allows us to cultivate."

"If you want to open up new fields, you have to send the elders of the sect to communicate with the spirit of nature and ask for permission from the nature of Ionia."

"In short, in our Ionia, a 'balance' must be maintained between man and nature. This is a rule, and no one can break it."

Man and nature coexist in balance. This sounds very good.

As for the extra part that breaks the balance, what should we do with it?

That's another story.

Riven was terrified when she thought about it, and even got goosebumps from the shock.

"Are you really not complaining and don't want to resist?" She couldn't help asking again.

Born as a pariah, he was bound by clans and sects and lost his freedom, and was a slave all his life.

How can they be so peaceful, why?

"It can't be helped." The sailors sighed.

They are indeed somewhat resentful. But it was just a small complaint.

And it's not any clan sect that complains, it's not the traditional rules that bind them, but themselves:

"It's all our own fault."

"Ionia has its own way of balance, and our existence will only affect the balance of all things and destroy the natural environment of Ionia."

"We are superfluous, we are the bastards who shouldn't be born."

"As a superfluous person, it's good to be alive now. Why do you want to sabotage with resentment and cause trouble for the elders of the sect who are trying to maintain a balance?"

"Yes." The sailor echoed earnestly: "All we have to do is accept our fate."

"In this life, you have to suffer for the balance of nature, and you can enjoy it in the spiritual realm after death. In the next life, you will be reincarnated into a good family."

After hearing this, Riven was completely speechless.

She got to know Ionia again.

What natural balance?

This is clearly in...

"Cannibalism!" Riven muttered to herself like crazy: "The flowers, plants and trees here have been 'cannibalizing' all the time!"



PS: There are poor peasants and untouchables in Ionia, this is really not something I made up _(:з」∠)_

This is the setting of Zed's official comics.

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