LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 234 The Enemy Across the Sea (Subscribe

Under the threat and coercion of the Noxus warships, the merchant ships of Fei Ya and his party were finally forced to stop in the port of Yipu River.

And at this time, this once prosperous port city appeared in front of Riven and others one step closer:

I saw a ruined and dilapidated city.

The gunpowder smoke over the city has long since cleared away, but the scorched black mark that the incendiary bomb has burned deeply into the city's body after high temperature can still be seen everywhere.

The battle seemed to have been over for a long time, and the corpses were collected by the Noxus.

A small number of them were Noxian corpses, carefully wrapped in body bags, ready to be cremated and sent to a Noxian military cemetery.

Most of the rest are Ionian corpses.

Because Yipu River Port is a typical Ionian autonomous city-state, there is no professional army at all.

Therefore, these Ionians looked like civilians in their clothes, and it was hard to tell how many of them were soldiers who died against Noxus, and how many were civilians who were slaughtered by Noxus.

But there were so many of them that they almost piled up into a hill—

The Noxians really piled the corpses of these Ionians into a hill on the banks of the Yipu River.

Then pour the oil in the incendiary bomb and start a fire.

The fire soared into the sky, and the heat wave even caused the nearby river to evaporate in large swaths.

When Riven and the others arrived by boat, they happened to be able to see the terrifying mountain of corpses standing by the mouth of the sea and beside the Yipu River, burning like a torch.

Thick smoke spread almost throughout the river, and there was still a weird smell of barbecue in the air. You can't avoid it, and you can't wave it away.

"Ouch..." Fiya couldn't help retching because of this scene.

The sailors also clenched their fists angrily in their pale faces: "Damn, these Noxus demons!"

"..." Riven silently lowered her head.

She didn't dare to watch this scene. Although she had seen this scene many times before.

Ionia, on the other hand, does not have the concept of a modern nation.

Ionia was originally a purely geographical term, and did not represent an imagined community.

But Noxus used blood and fire to teach the Ionians a lesson, making them understand that the other side of the sea is the enemy, the eternal enemy of all Ionians.

"Everyone in Noxus should die!" Someone has already shouted such words angrily.

"Kill them all!" Facing this mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, no one could retain their sanity.

Riven could only bury her head deeper.

Ke Feiya, amidst fear and hatred, unexpectedly discovered something: "Those corpses...are they Noxus?"

She discovered that Noxus would throw out some corpses when it was confining its own corpses.

Although these corpses also wore the military uniforms of the empire, they were thrown into the big fire by the Noxus just like the Ionians after death, and waited to be burned by the fire before they were like kitchen waste. Just as casually dumped into the river.

"They are the slave legions of Noxus."

Riven only glanced at it before giving the answer.

The slave cannon fodder of the slave legion is not worthy of owning a body bag, let alone entering a Noxus military cemetery.

Usually, as it is now, when the enemy's corpse is burned, it is burned in by the way.

"But why are there still children?" Fiya was worried to find that among the discarded Noxus corpses, there were actually quite a few petite teenagers and girls.

These children seem to be only 13 or 4 years old; the young ones are not even 10 years old.

But they were all wearing Noxus military uniforms, and died in batches on foreign lands.

Yes, a closer look reveals that Noxus sacrificed the most in this battle were children.

Those adults in armor were actually a minority of those who died in battle.

"This is the Scout troop," Riven said calmly.

She seemed to be familiar with this scene: "These children were forcibly recruited from slums or rural areas. They are basically disposable consumables just like those slaves who followed the army."

"This..." Fiya was shocked.

She couldn't understand: "Why are these children recruited? Can they have combat effectiveness?"

"They don't need to be powerful, they just need to be used as bait." Riven explained: "For some enemies, their childish appearance can also have unexpected effects."

As she said that, she paused: "Especially you Ionians—"

"Your fighters will always hesitate before some seemingly innocent person. For example, a child."

"Yes..." Riven didn't dare to meet people's eyes again: "Noxus has some very insidious generals, and they will even take your pity as a weakness to attack."

This made Fei Ya completely silent.

She never expected that Noxus would be more bottomless than what she had heard in the rumors.

"But these slaves, children, they are also Noxians, aren't they?"

"Mostly." Riven nodded.

"Why is Noxus so cruel to its own people?" Fear asked.

"Noxus believes in the law of the jungle." Riven sighed. "These people may have been born in Noxus, but they're not human beings in Noxus—"

"Like the pariahs of Ionia, only with a more tragic fate."

Fei Ya: "..."

She seemed to have vaguely realized something.

Recalling the Janna theory she had learned these days, she gradually let go of that hatred.

No, to be precise, she positioned the object of that hatred more specifically.

Maybe not all Noxians deserved to die. Those slaves and children are not even counted as human beings in Noxus, so why should they bear such a deep blood feud for the empire?

"We're going to dock." The nervous and trembling voices of the sailors suddenly interrupted Fei Ya's contemplation.

The ship was coming to shore, which meant they would finally come face to face with the Noxians.

No one knows how these bloody butchers who killed a mountain of corpses in the battle will treat them after they meet.

"It should be fine." Riven comforted: "As I said, Noxus is bloodthirsty but not indiscriminate."

Noxus certainly has a bad record when it comes to carnage.

But except for a few psychopaths like Amistan, most of the Noxus generals didn't do the massacre for nothing, and there were practical reasons for it.

For a feudal army like Noxus, massacre generally has three benefits:

1. Political benefits:

To achieve strategic intimidation by creating massacres, and indirectly disintegrate the resistance of the remnants of the enemy.

2. Short-term economic benefits:

This is the most direct, the massacre is to steal money.

Moreover, if the first battle cannot be defeated for a long time, after the victory, the soldiers will loot and slaughter the city, and let the soldiers make a fortune by themselves, which is also the best way to buy people's hearts and restore morale.

Three, long-term economic benefits:

This kind of situation is relatively rare in other places, but it is quite common in Noxus.

Because Noxus, from the generals to the soldiers, is counting on the newly conquered land to add officials and ranks, and count on turning this land into their own territory.

So after the First World War, generals and officers would often become lords at all levels of this new land, and soldiers would also be lucky enough to get a share of the pie and become self-cultivators and small landlords with their own land.

But the problem is... this piece of land already has an owner, what should I do?

Of course, like the colonists did to the natives of the New World, they tried to "clear up" the original owners in advance and let them "make room" for themselves.

"Yipu River Port is a commercial city-state, and there is not much land for them to grab."

"On the contrary, the population here is the foundation of maintaining the value of this commercial city-state. If there are too many people killed, the city will be worthless at all."

"And this battle of Noxus seems to be going very smoothly, and the morale of the soldiers is high, and there is no need to rely on plundering to improve the morale of the battle group."

"So I think there is a high probability that we will be fine."

Relying on her own understanding of Noxus, Riven analyzed it this way.

Fei Ya finally relaxed a little.

"However, you will probably lose a lot of property." Riven added: "And..."

She looked at the handsome Fiya, and couldn't help thinking of the personal lesson Kriter had taught her: "Fiya, you have to find a way to make yourself ugly."

"No problem." Fiya was not at all troubled by this question.

Because of her vastaya blood, she was born with some interesting magic.

Soon, Riven didn't need to be nervous, she used magic power to temporarily change her appearance, greatly reducing the original superior appearance.

Fei Ya also helped Riven make a little change by the way—maybe Riven didn't care much about it, but she also looks quite troublesome.

In this way, after making sufficient preparations, the ship docked, and Fei Ya and the others finally met those Noxus soldiers face to face.

And the development of the situation seems to be pretty much the same as what Riven said.

Those Noxians questioned their identities carefully, and after confirming that they were local maritime merchants, they only let them go with a vicious warning: "Go home and stay honestly, don't leave the city."

Although before leaving, these Noxus soldiers could not avoid slapping Fiya hard.

But in the hands of the enemy, it is not bad to be able to spend money and eliminate disasters.

But Fei Ya and his party left the port and entered the city, and the city was also "peaceful".

Although the streets were filled with groups of soldiers holding knives and weapons and smashing doors to extort money, at least they took the money and left without any bloodshed.

Compared with the scene of the sea of ​​corpses and sea of ​​blood at the port, this is already considered a "friendly exchange".

"Orianna, you are right." Fiya finally breathed a sigh of relief after returning to her mansion, "It seems that we are safe now."

"No..." Riven's expression was a hundred times more serious than before.

Obviously, she didn't see Noxus soldiers killing people along the way, but she was so nervous that she broke out in a cold sweat: "I feel..."

"Noxus, this time may be preparing for a massacre."

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