LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 240 Orianna’s big plan (please subscribe)

"Get the untouchables out and let us in!" These words sounded very harsh to Riven.

Even if it wasn't based on her status as the "Leader of the Wind", even if she was just a Noxian serf, she wouldn't be able to hear such words.

Rabbits bite when they are anxious, and pigs also know how to bark when they are caught in a car.

But these untouchables are like unconscious plants, so "peaceful" that it's puzzling.

“Get the untouchables out!

"The citizens are still shouting.

The servants and sailors who were untouchables were all silent at this time, and they all looked at Riven and Feiya who was following Riven.

It seems that as long as Riven and Feiya give an order, they can leave here willingly and give up their spots to these real Ionian "people".

"That's enough!" Riven finally couldn't bear the bad atmosphere anymore.

"I don't care about your bullshit about the balance of all things, about being untouchable or not, I just want to ask you this - do you want to live?" she asked.

"Well..." the guards answered honestly. Although the world after death is said to be beautiful, people's genetic instinct is to survive.

"That's it." Riven looked at the citizens angrily: "I don't care what you think or what customs and traditions you have here. Anyway, this refugee camp is run by our leader, Janna. The pure land blessed by the goddess!”

"If you want to come to the Wind Leader's territory to seek protection, you have to listen to us -"

"Everyone should be equal here."

"Those who violate the true meaning of Goddess Janna have no right to enter our sanctuary to seek refuge!"

Riven's roar caused the scene to fall into silence for an instant.

And everyone finally understood why they were not qualified to let the untouchables make way for them.

But, from another angle:

"Only believers of the goddess Janna can receive protection, right?" The citizens suddenly realized that the refugee camp in front of them belonged to the leader who came across the sea and to the believers of a heretical god.

They are all pagans who have no understanding of the goddess Janna, but those untouchables are believers who have converted to the goddess Janna, so they are not eligible for salvation, but the untouchables are.

The citizens understood it this way.

"..." Ruiwen stopped talking.

She wanted to tell them that even without the goddess Janna, the untouchables were still the same people as them.

But think about it and let it go... Reasoning with these Ionians is too much work.

No matter what, she couldn't save more people.

So Riven made up her mind and said: "Yes, you all should go back."

"We have used up all the places here, and since you are not believers of the goddess Janna, we have no obligation to help you."

As soon as these words were spoken, the air dropped a few degrees again.

Everyone who was blocked outside the refugee camp realized that they really had no chance of being rescued.

"Go back." Riven sighed again.

"No..." The citizens gradually fell into despair.

The Noxian's looting in the city has escalated to another level of intensity. From early morning to now, scattered screams have not stopped in the city.

"Please, miss. Please have mercy and let us in too..."

The citizens have completely lost the arrogance they had when facing untouchables. Facing the butcher's knife of the Noxians, they are no more noble than untouchables.

Instead, because they were generally wealthier, their homes were more likely to be visited by Noxians.

"The Noxians have searched our neighborhood several times, but they keep coming."

"If we go back now, they will definitely come back..." the citizens begged helplessly.

"..." Riwen was speechless.

She didn't dare to look at the victims who were oppressors a second ago. She could only turn her head and look at Fiya in silence.

But Feiya, a fledgling girl, was much weaker than her.

Seeing the desolate and pleading faces of the citizens, and looking at the faces of these compatriots who were familiar and unfamiliar to her, she couldn't even say a harsh word.

In the end, Riven was determined and stood up and said, "Go back! I can't help you!"

Then the scene was noisy again.

The helpless sighs of men, the miserable sobs of women, and the endless crying of children all echoed at this moment.

"At least..." Some citizens seemed to accept their fate.

But they held the baby in their arms and handed it to Riven: "At least let our child stay here... Please, kind lady."

Now Riven was at a loss.

Feiya looked at her pleadingly, as if hoping she could come up with a solution.

But what can she do?

"Go back..." Riven tried hard to find her past ruthlessness as a Noxian officer: "Go back!"

"I can't save you all, no!

! "

"No..." The citizens still refused to give up.

Someone seemed to have thought of something: "Miss, did you say that as long as you are a believer of the goddess Janna, you can receive blessings?"

Riwen: "This..." She didn't say that, everyone understood it that way.

"Then we can also believe in Janna!" The citizens seemed to be grasping at straws: "I, we want to believe that the untouchables are equal to us. Is this okay?"

"This is not enough." Riwen said helplessly, "Goddess Janna's thoughts are not that simple, and it will not make sense for a while. And..."

"Then we can learn now!" the citizens interrupted her excitedly. They even knelt on the ground and begged: "Please, give us a chance to hear the true meaning of Goddess Janna!"

"Um..." Riven was a little over the top.

Why is her refugee camp open and open as a cram school for Janna’s thoughts?

Although it is also a good thing to allow these citizens to take the initiative to learn Janna thought and actively accept the concept of equality for everyone.

But now is not the time for theoretical lessons!

You will all be dead soon, so what's the use of understanding those theories?

"Wait..." Riwen suddenly realized something.

"I know!" Feiya understood faster than she did.

The girl's cat ears trembled, and she looked over with bright eyes: "Orianna, is this your plan?"

"Do you want to use this method to urge everyone in the city to seize the time to learn the true meaning of the goddess Janna?"

As she spoke, Feiya raised her hand and looked at the wisp of breeze swirling in her palm.

There is a threshold for becoming a leader who firmly pursues Janna's ideas, but it is not difficult to become a casual believer who understands and is close to Janna's ideas.

It actually took her and the sailors less than two weeks to understand Janna's thoughts on the way back and became believers of the goddess Janna.

Riven has analyzed before: Noxus generally loots and plunders in the first few days of massacre, and will gradually escalate to large-scale massacres on the 5th and 6th days.

It is now the morning of the second day. Looking at it optimistically, there may still be 3 or 4 days left before the real massacre of the city.

"We still have time..." Feiya clenched her fists and murmured: "As long as we can develop enough believers in these three days, maybe we will have the power to save more people! "

The breeze is just enough for one person to keep cool.

The breeze for 10 people is enough to serve as a five-speed electric fan.

Breeze for 100 people can be regarded as a serious spell and can produce effects in battle.

If thousands of people are gathered together, may be difficult to defeat the Noxians. But it seems to be enough to take these thousands of people into the sky and escape from the city before the butcher's knife comes.

"Orianna, so this is your plan! You are so awesome!" Feiya said excitedly.

"Uh... more or less." Riven nodded in confusion.

But she still didn't understand something about "her" plan: "Between the two of us, including those sailors, the total number of leaders who master the theory now is less than 40."

"How can we, the people, teach so many people about Janna's theory in three days?"

"I have a way!" Feiya waved her fist excitedly: "Don't forget, we just came back from doing business in the Twin Cities!"

She was a maritime merchant going to the Shuang Cities to sell grain, so she certainly wouldn't return empty-laden on her way back.

And what is the hottest export product in the Twin Cities now?

“I bought a whole boatload of Walkmans and cassettes, and every cassette came with a free audio copy of The Brief Thoughts of Janna!”

"As long as we send out all these Walkmans and tell everyone that our quota is actually enough - but only believers who understand the true meaning of the Goddess Janna can obtain the blessing of the Wind Leader."

"Those Noxians will only think that we are taking the opportunity to preach to the refugees, and we are using this method to select the 5,000 citizens who are eligible to enter the shelter."

"Then we might be able to develop enough believers before the massacre occurs!"

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