LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 243 You can still be saved

Siddar Kayn, like most heroes of Runeterra, was an orphan.

Born in Noxus, he was drafted into the army as a child soldier at an early age.

The chief said that the empire gave him a second life. Without the Empire, orphans like him would have starved to death in the slums.

Kayn thought what the officer said made sense.

After all, he hasn't seen his parents since he can remember. No one had raised him, and every bite of his food was earned by begging, stealing, and "hunting for treasure" in the garbage dumps of wealthy families.

Only after entering the military camp did he have his first full meal in his life. The only one who had raised him like this since he was a child was the Empire.

Therefore, now his life has only one meaning: to serve as a weapon of the empire and fight for Noxus.

"For Noxus!"


Riven slapped the broken scythe away from the young man's hand and lifted him up.

"..." Kaiyin was stunned for a moment. When he came to his senses, his short legs that hadn't had time to develop were already hanging off the ground, kicking up the air feebly.

The gap between a soldier who has experienced hundreds of battles and a child who is used as cannon fodder is too big.

"Let's go." Riven held the restless little devil with one hand, turned around and told the civilians: "Escape quickly, as far away as possible."

The civilians came to their senses and quickly fled in all directions.

"No, don't leave!" Kayn yelled angrily and struggled wildly.

But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from Riven's hand.

"Be honest." Riwen was trying to comfort him.

Unexpectedly, the kid turned around, took out a dagger from his arms without any warning, and stabbed her directly in the heart.

"You?!" Riwen's hair stood up.

She instinctively used her other hand to intercept Kayn's dagger, broke his wrist with her backhand, and stabbed the dagger back into the attacker's throat.

It all happened in a flash of lightning.

Years of life and death experiences have already formed instincts in Riven's muscle memory.

Facing the enemy's fatal attack, she will only instinctively respond with more deadly moves.

So in just a short moment, the dagger stabbed Kayn in the throat.

The young man's life is about to pass away before his eyes.

"Yeah, don't kill him!" Until Fiya's instinctive scream sounded from the side.

Riwen suddenly woke up and restrained the vicious attack with great difficulty.

But the dagger still barely grazed Kayn's neck, leaving a shocking blood mark on his neck. Blood gurgled out, ferocious and terrifying.

The average person should have recognized the difference in strength at this time and either fled for his life or gave in.

However, Kayn still didn't stop. He covered the bleeding wound on his neck with one hand, picked up the broken sickle with a trembling hand, and stepped tenaciously in the pain of constant blood loss.

"Why do you have to reach this point? You can't beat me." Riven sighed.

"For Noxus!" Kayn seemed to only answer this.

Riven was silent for a while, then she said, "But Noxus is just using you as cannon fodder."

"Nonsense!" The young man's eyes were red and he couldn't listen to a word.

As he spoke, he waved the Broken Scythe wildly and rushed forward without knowing the pain.

This kid is a born warrior.

If he had been in the Noxian army, Riven would have admired his stubbornness and madness.

But now, there was only complicated and unspeakable pity and sympathy in her eyes.

"Don't stand up this time." Riven sighed, and had no choice but to face Kayn, who was fighting desperately. She dodged and struck him horizontally with the sword, tapping him on the knee with the sword blade.

Although it was just a "light pat", the boy still covered his knees in pain and fell to the ground without any strength to fight back.

Riven came over with her sword in hand, and Feiya also walked over slowly. The two stood beside the young man who fell to the ground, looking down at him.

"Stop working for Noxus." Riven said in a complicated tone: "Have you not seen yet that you have been abandoned by your commander?"

"Shut up!" Kayn stared back with red eyes, refusing to admit defeat: "Kill me if you can! I will never betray the empire!"

Riven looked at Faia inquiringly.

Feiya didn't speak, she just squatted down slowly and put her hand into the package she carried with her, as if to get something.

Want to get a weapon? Or rope? Are they going to kidnap me?

Kayn is not a real machine after all, he can still think.

Finally, Feiya's hand got closer and closer.

The pointed cat ears on her head now seemed to have become the ears of a wolf spirit, a symbol of death.

Kayn was not afraid of death, but he still instinctively closed his eyes. A glorious ending awaits.

The commander said, the death of an Imperial soldier is honorable.

Qian Jue cannot take away his life, and Hades is not his way back. After his death, he will only enter the Hall of Heroes in the Immortal Fortress, where he will be with thousands of comrades and enjoy the admiration and admiration of countless Noxians in later generations.

"Well, come on..." Kayn closed his eyes to face death.

But Feiya just stretched out her hand and used her not very good magic to cast a healing spell with acceptable effect.

The life energy inspired by Ionia's magic slowly poured into the wound in the Noxian boy's throat like a warm current.

The bleeding finally stopped.

His cheeks, as pale as paper, finally gained a little color.

Then Fiya took out the bandage and gauze and bandaged him carefully.

"You...what are you doing?!" Kayn's eyes widened: "Ionian, why did you save me?!"

"If you continue like this, you will bleed to death." Feiya said without answering the question.

Kayn was silent.

Then, he opened his mouth and cursed: "Get away! I don't want the help of the Ionians!"

"Alas..." Riwen sighed helplessly.

She knew that once such young soldiers were successfully trained, it would be difficult for them to return to normal.

Even death may not wake them up.

So, Riven looked at Feiya inquiringly again.

Feia is an Ionian. Feia should be better qualified to decide how to deal with this stubborn Noxian soldier than she, a Noxian.

"But you can still be saved." That's all Feiya said to Kayn.

Then she continued the treatment.

Riven was also moved for a moment.

She looked at Kayin's still green and immature face and thought of the "recruit trial" he had just gone through, and she seemed to recall some more distant memory.

"Are you willing to leave Noxus? We can take you in, give you food, and keep you away from the war." Suddenly, Riven asked.

"Impossible!" Kayn was like a beast trapped in a cage, but he cursed with red eyes: "Even if I starve to death and have my head chopped off by you here, I will never betray the empire and take a bite of your food! "

"Okay." Riwen suddenly asked: "Are you literate?"

"...I know you!" Kayn replied subconsciously.

"You actually know each other?" Riwen was a little surprised.

"I want to be an officer when I grow up. I learned these things myself in the military camp!"

"Then have you read history?"

"Of course. How can someone who wants to be a general not learn war history!" Kayn said stubbornly.

He didn't seem to have considered how difficult the road from young soldier to general was. This road is probably a hundred times more difficult than the one Riven took.

In short, he has always fantasized about it and insists on working hard for it.

He can fight and dare to fight, and he also knows how to read and read. Even in the harsh environment of the Youth League, he trained himself.

"That would be great." Riven also knelt down and quietly stuffed a pamphlet into Kayn's arms.

This booklet had changed her and saved her. Unfortunately, it came too late. She has lost and owed too much.

Kayn didn't know what was going on, he just stared angrily: "What are you doing? What did you stuff into me?"

"Book, our leader's book." Raven said.

"Why did you give me this?".

"Because what Feiya said is right." For some reason, Riven's look at Kayn became complicated and unspeakable: "You are still young, you still have time to look back -"

"You can still be saved."

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