LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 283 The quarrel between mother and daughter

"Has she figured it out?" Mrs. Ogesha's first reaction was not surprise, but suspicion.

After all, this girl Lacus could persist in the "prison" for ten days without begging for mercy, which shows that she is not a childish rebellion of a little girl, but really has some kind of belief.

So Ogesha was not in a hurry to see her daughter.

She pondered for a moment, and then asked the maids thoughtfully: "Are you sure that Lux hasn't seen anyone else these days?"

"Yes." The maids replied in a serious tone: "Mrs. Ogesha, we have been strictly monitoring Miss Lux according to your wishes and have not given her any chance to contact the outside world."

"In the past ten days, except for Miss Sona who can come into the room every day to keep her company, Miss Lux has never seen anyone else."

"And when Miss Sona and Miss Lux were playing together, we were always watching."

They were sure that Sona and Lux ​​didn't talk about Janna's thoughts and theories.

Sona is mute after all. Even if I ask her to talk, she won't be able to talk.

"Are you sure there's nothing unusual?" For some reason, Mrs. Ogesha felt a little uneasy.

"Is this... abnormal?" The maids thought about it seriously.

"If I have to say something unusual..." Their expressions became weird: "That's the relationship between Miss Sona and Miss Lux... Well, it's a bit strange."

Ogesha frowned slightly when she heard this: "Strange?"

"Yes." The maid said: "They sat hand in hand as soon as they met. They didn't chat much after they sat down. Most of the time they just held hands and leaned against each other, listening to music together..."

"I listen to it for hours at a time, and I don't see them loosening their grip."

"Later, they may have felt that sitting and listening to music was too tiring, so they... even slept together."

Ogesha: "..."

Good guy. The problem between Ran Mo and Ran Feng hasn't been resolved yet. Will Lux have any weird new problems?

"I'll go take a look." Mrs. Ogesha finally decided to go see her daughter.

Accompanied by the maid, she walked out of the room and within a few steps walked to the "cell" where her daughter was held.

In order to make Lux reflect, Ogesha has been cruel and has not come to see her daughter for several days.

Now that I see it, I realize...

Lux, who was in jail, actually became more energetic as she sat.

She is not at all decadent as she was in the first few days. She is neatly dressed and tidied up. Her pink and tender little face no longer has the moody and rebellious expression, but only represents maturity. and the serenity of a strong will.

"It's over." Ogesha confirmed that Lux was definitely not introspecting.

She asked bravely: "Lux, you said you figured it out?"

"Yes, mother," Lux said, "I figured it out."

"What have you figured out?" Mrs. Ogesha desperately waited for the verdict.

But Lux's answer gave her a surprise: "I understand, after all, I am the legitimate daughter of the Crownguard family, and I have an obligation to contribute to ensuring the family's inheritance."

"What?" Ogesha was slightly startled.

She was afraid to think of her ears: "Lux, you..."

You prodigal girl, finally remembered that your surname is Crown Guard?

"Yes, even if I am no longer a noble, I am still Lux Crownguard, the child of you and your father, and the sister of brother Galen." Lux said sensibly.

Then she solemnly announced: "So, in order to ensure the inheritance of the Crown Guard family, and for the future of you and your father and brother, I decided-"

"I won't go back to Demacia. I want to officially join the Wind Leader Association!"

Ogesha: "..."

"Lux! You..."

"I'm just thinking about the Crownguard family." Lux answered confidently.

"Mother, haven't you seen that the leader will definitely rise in the future? The wind of change will blow throughout the entire Runeterra. How can Demacia be immune to this wave?"

"Think about it, what did the Myrdalda family of Noxus do?"

"After Miss Mel became the leader, did they take Miss Mel back and lock her up like you, mother?"

of course not.

The Myrdalda family was quite opposed to Mel's self-assertion at first.

But when the Wind Leader established a foothold in Zaun, and even the goddess Janna was dismissed, the Myrdalda family immediately changed its attitude 180 degrees. Taking advantage of Mel's position in the Wind Leader Association, they happily Came here to have a relationship with the leader.

"..." Mrs. Ogesha fell silent again.

Of course she understood what her daughter meant.

Hedging your bets and hedging risks is what those big families with thousands of years of heritage do.

It's just that the Crownguard family is too firmly established in Demacia and has not had the chance to use this trick for hundreds of years. And to this day, the Crownguard family, as high-ranking dignitaries who live with the country, have long been inseparable from Demacia.

So Ogesha instinctively did not think about this option.

But Lux thought of it.

"Can you come up with this?" Ogesha looked at her young daughter who still had a little baby fat on her face with suspicion: "Tell me, Lux - who taught you these words?"

"Ahem..." Lux's face turned slightly red, and her forced mature temperament disappeared in an instant.

"You don't need to worry about this." She bit her lip and continued: "Anyway, mother, I am also thinking about the Crown Guard family."

"Runeland is facing a major change that has never happened in ten thousand years. Don't you want your family to have one more retreat and one more choice in the future?"

Ogesha's heart skipped a beat.

Needless to say, after getting to know the extraordinary nature of the leader these days, she was really tempted by the proposal.


"Right now, the Wind Leader only occupies the city of Zaun, which is still thousands of miles away from our Demacia. Isn't it too early to consider this now?" Ogesha frowned slightly.

"You have to vote for Janna as early as possible!" Lux said.

After Sona's advice from the experts behind her, she knew that her mother had passed the age where she could reshape her ideals and was completely immune to those beautiful slogans.

So Lacus simply stopped talking about ideals and only talked about interests with her mother:

"The Myrdalda family and the Gilamann family that were previously in power in Piltover have now lost their previous privileges, but they still have strong vitality and considerable influence in Zaun."

"But the Philos family, which made its bet late, has already declined. It's just that some of the bloodlines of the branch families continue."

"And those wealthy plutocrats and alchemy barons who chose to resist to the end in front of the leader are now completely wiped out. Except for the numerous evidence of their dark and cruel past, no traces are left."

"Mother, can't you see this lesson?"

Ogesha: "..."

Seeing her mother's silence, Lux quickly struck while the iron was hot and said: "Joining the Wind Leader is ultimately my personal choice. Even if the failure is exposed in the end, it will only cause the Crownguard family to lose some face."

"And if the leader can really achieve great things, then the investment you make in the leader today will reap huge benefits in the future..."

"Okay, okay, I know everything you want to say." Ogesha helplessly stopped her daughter's awkward persuasion, which was comparable to memorizing a text.

It doesn't take a child like Lux to teach these principles, she already knows them all.

It's just the patriarch's wife of the Crownguard family and one of Demacia's most die-hard patriots, she instinctively found it difficult to accept this betrayal of the kingdom, the royal family, and her own class.

But what Lux said was right.

If we only consider the interests of the Crownguard family, since this girl is determined to become a "traitor", there is nothing she can do to stop her...

Then why not go with the flow and let Lux represent the Crownguard family and place a bet on the leader in advance?

Although the leader who pays attention to "saint politics" cannot give them privileges, if the leader really wins the world in the future, can keep the family safe through Lux, and let the name of Crown Guard continue in another form, then Also very good.

"So, what does the leader want?"

"Although I don't know how you, the girl, got in touch with those leaders... But Levi and the others asked you to tell me this. They probably want to get some convenience from me now, right?"

Ogesha asked her daughter rudely.

"Well...yes, yes." Lux finally became a little more mature.

She tried hard to memorize the lines that Sona helped convey, and then she barely managed a tie with her mother who was showing off her momentum: "I want your permission, mother, to allow Sona and I to participate in Demacia's Ionian expedition." .”

"What?!" Ogesha was stunned for a moment.

Then she quickly reacted: "Lux, what do you want to do?!"

"Do you want to avoid the surveillance of the domestic demon-seeking corps, and while the expeditionary force is fighting overseas, you want to infect all our Demacia soldiers with traitors like you?"

"Traitor? I'm not a traitor!" Lux retorted angrily at this ugly word: "We are truly for the good of Demacia!"

"That's enough!" Mrs. Ogesha also seemed a little angry.

She thought her daughter was just a rebellious youth, but she didn't expect her daughter to be so courageous.

This is simply a hundred times crazier than the farm division plan that Lux had thought of before.

Going to the front line to promote Janna's thoughts to the soldiers... At best, it is disturbing the morale of the troops, and at worst, it is a conspiracy to stir up rebellion. This is going to be beheading!

"Lux, what do you think of our Crownguard family?"

"We are the shield of the kingdom, the most loyal and reliable arm of the Demacian royal family! How can you have the face to say such filthy words? Let me use the glorious name of the Crownguard family to help you carry out the dirty evil of treason and surrender to the enemy. OK!"

Mrs. Ogesha was furious.

She asked again: "What benefits did the leader promise to you, so that you can even forget about the king and your family?!"

"Wind Leader promised me a new Demacia where everyone is equal!" Lux did not flinch.

"Oh, it's just a fairy tale?" Mrs. Ogesha dismissed it.

"It's, it's not a fairy tale..." Lux blushed and shouted excitedly: "I believe I can do it, the leader can do it!"

"Watch, mother! If you don't let me follow the expedition to Ionia, the Wind Leader will take me to Ionia! Even if you don't agree, you can't control me!"

"I will definitely develop my own team of leaders, become the future president of the Demacia Leaders Association, and bring real change to Demacia!"

"Bastard!" Ogesha was furious.

crazy! This girl is completely crazy!

How could the Crown Guard family, which had been loyal to the German royal family for generations, have such unscrupulous descendants who betrayed their master? !

Just for the beautiful fairy tale promised by the Wind Leader, and what kind of bullshit is the president of the Demacia Wind Leader Association?


"Wait a minute." Mrs. Ogesha was angry, but she seemed to suddenly catch some key words:

"The president of the Demacia Wind Leader Association?"

She barely suppressed her anger and looked at her daughter thoughtfully: "Lux, did Levi promise you to be the future president of the Wind Leader Association?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Lux was still pouting, immersed in the unpleasant quarrel just now.

But what her mother is now concerned about is: "What kind of specific position does the president of the Demacian Leader Association that Levi promised you have? How much power does it have, and how many places can it control?"

"The guild president of Demacia, of course, is in charge of the entire Demacia!" Lux still groaned angrily.

"Just like a king?"

"Um...that's about right?"

Ogesha: "..."

The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

The bickering stopped.

"What, what's wrong?" Lux calmed down and realized that her mother looked wrong.

Mrs. Ogesha just stood there blankly, as if she was struggling with something.


"It's nothing." Ogesha came back to her senses with a subtle expression: "I just suddenly felt..."

"Lux, it seems that your proposal can still be discussed."

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