LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 298 Why support Ionia?

"I..." Silas was speechless.

That thin thread of faith has already explained everything. He failed to use his faith to transcend his personal hatred. Instead, his faith in Janna was distorted by his personal hatred.

"Mr. Silas," Lux said, "What you need is to calm down and think."

"If you still have a personal philosophy that is different from the organization's current line after abandoning hatred and selfishness, then I believe President Levi will also welcome your opinions."

There are also various line differences and various ideological disputes within the Leader Association.

And Levi also allowed these different voices to exist. Because he knows that a true leader has no selfish motives. Their opinions are not motivated by personal interests, nor are they intended to achieve any ulterior political purpose.

Therefore, no matter what opinions the leaders put forward, whether they were radical, conservative, moderate, or even some unreasonable and unrealistic opinions, Levi could accept them.

But with Janna here, no matter how fierce this conflict of ideas is, it will never turn into a violent conflict.

All conflicts of ideas and differences of opinion can be resolved through democratic discussions within the leader organization.

"What we object to is not the criticism itself, but the errors in your opinions and your impure motives that are excessively mixed with personal hatred."

"Do you understand, Mr. Silas?"

"I...understand." Silas sat down slumped, lost in thought.

After his debate with Lux, the original mages finally realized that there was something wrong with Silas's theory. He wasn't even sure he was right, he just gave up thinking out of hatred.

And they instinctively agreed with Silas's theory for exactly the same reason, out of selfish hatred.

Now Silas was woken up by Lux's blow to the head.

Of course they woke up too.

"Then what should we... do now?"

After waking up, I was confused.

The mages looked at Lux and Sona thoughtfully.

The original path Silas pointed out to them was to launch a riot and kill Lux and all the knights of the Crownguard family, creating a wave of terror that could frighten all enemies in Demacia.

But now, they have put aside this extreme revenge thought of killing entire families indiscriminately.

And Lux ​​has transformed, from an enemy to their savior, and a guide on the road to their leadership.

So, what do they do now?

"It depends on you." Lux said: "If you don't plan to join the Wind Leader for the time being, don't want to take on the responsibilities of the Wind Leader, and just want to be a liberated free man, then I can let you leave the military camp now. .”

"You can stay in Zaun or go somewhere else. It doesn't matter."

This is already a good enough option for mages. They have been imprisoned in the Demon Forbidden Tower for many years, and what they look forward to most is freedom.

If it had been a few days ago, before coming into contact with Janna's thoughts, they might have chosen this option without hesitation.

but now...

"What if we want to join the Wind Leader now?" the mage who was interested in asking Janna asked.

They all heard something behind Lux's words: "What is the 'responsibility of the leader' that we have to bear?"

"Fight!" Lux straightened her thin figure covered in thick armor and said firmly: "Follow me to Ionia and fight Noxian imperialism!"

"This..." The mages were stunned for a moment.

Isn't this option... the same as what Demacia originally asked them to do?

Before the leader comes, they have to go to Ionia to be cannon fodder. After the leader comes, they will go to the battlefield of Ionia. Then didn’t this leader come in vain?

Everyone's heads couldn't turn around for a while.

"No, this is different." Lux said righteously: "Demacia uses coercion to force you to fight for the kingdom, but here at Wind Leader, you have a choice."

"What we need is not cannon fodder without ideas, but international democratic fighters with faith."

"Well..." The mages nodded. Yes, this is indeed different.

They can choose whether to go to the battlefield or not.

But the question is...since they have a choice, why do they choose this option that is obviously more disadvantageous?

"We're Demacians, we've never been to Ionia."

"Why do we have to travel thousands of miles to the battlefield to fight for these Ionians we have never met?"

Just listen to Lux answer: "Because..."


Similar questions and conversations actually happened not only among the mages of Demacia.

In these days, such conversations have occurred in many places and homes in Zaun.

Just like at this moment, the Zeli family.

"Mom." Zeli was arranging her "unruly" green hair in front of the mirror, and shouted anxiously behind her: "You have adjusted my alchemy battery jacket. ?"

"It's almost time. It's time for me to report to the military camp."

As one of the few born-awakened mages in Zaun, and now firmly in the second line of combat among the Wind Leaders, Zeli almost responded to the organization's call without hesitation and without hesitation, and took the initiative to sign up to join this team that was about to go to the battlefield. Ionian International Brigade".

Zeli's fighting enthusiasm is extremely high.

But her parents were not so enthusiastic.

"Zeli." The mother reluctantly handed the alchemy battery jacket to her daughter that she had carefully adjusted many times.

This is a piece of equipment she specially invented for her daughter. It can help Zeli store excess electrical energy, provide her with additional energy during battle, and make her lightning magic more powerful.

The jacket itself is her mother's recognition and support for Zeli to sign up to fight.

But when her daughter took the jacket, put it on randomly, and finally prepared to walk out of the house and run to the battlefield, the mother couldn't help but hold her arm:

"Zeli, let's not go, okay?"

Zeli's mother seemed to suddenly regret it: "If you stay in Zaun, you usually do research in the Scientific Equipment Department or provide technical support to the construction team. Aren't you also contributing to the organization?"

"Why travel thousands of miles to Ionia to fight those Noxians?"

"Mom..." Zeli tried to break free from her mother's hand.

But her mother, an ordinary person, was surprisingly powerful at this time. Zeli tried hard to break free, but couldn't.

"Alas..." Zeli could only whisper: "Mom, haven't we already talked about it?"

"I went to fight in Ionia, not for anything else, just because I am the leader. For the ideals of the leader, we should go to support Ionia."

"Mom, you've also heard of President Levi's 'theory of continuous advancement,' haven't you?"

Levi already mentioned it in his previous speech "We Should Let Zaun Disappear":

Under a globalized order dominated by the world, it is impossible for a single city-state or country to build a truly harmonious society on its own.

To truly realize the great ideal of Lord Janna, the leader must keep moving forward and keep fighting.

Windleader must succeed not only in Zaun, but in Piltover, Ionia, Noxus, Demacia...everywhere in Runeterra.

Only by blowing the wind of change to every corner of the world can the leader achieve initial success towards their ideals...

Yes, even if the leader unifies Rune Land, the ultimate goal that is far away can only be said to be an initial success.

And if we don't get out of Zaun, then even the initial success will not be considered as an initial success for the entire Janna's cause. It can only be said that there is huge progress compared to the past.

"That's why we have to leave Zaun and support Ionia."

"We are not only helping the Ionians resist the invasion of the Noxian Empire, but we are also helping ourselves and helping the goddess Janna spread the belief of the wind of change in Ionia."

"For the Wind Leader, stagnation is slow death. Only by bringing Zaun, Ionia, more places, and more people together with faith can we have hope for final victory. "

"And..." Zeli was about to say more.

But her mother interrupted her: "I know, I know everything!"

"You are the leader, and you have your own beliefs. I also know what President Levi's theories are talking about."

She understands everything.

But as a mother, she just wants to say:

"Theories are theories. In reality, people will die in war! There are thousands of leaders in Zaun, why do you have to be the one?"

"Can't we just let other people's children go?"

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