LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 303 Zu An’s “Business Miracle”

These words made Prince Jiawen's blood boil.

He also instinctively yearns for a beautiful world where pure friendship exists between countries and selfless assistance can be given just because of a word of comrade.

"Common faith, pure friendship... this is as beautiful as a fairy tale." Prince Jarvan sighed: "No wonder Lux admires the leader so much."

"Ahem." Galen coughed in embarrassment next to him with a big face.

Brother, wake up! If the boundaries between countries gradually disappear, how can you, the Demacian royal family, continue to exist?

He really wanted to remind Jiawen this way.

But Prince Jiawen didn't think of this at all, or in other words, he didn't even bother to consider the interests of himself and his family, and was completely immersed in yearning for the beautiful ideals of the leader.

So he continued to ask the snack bar owner: "I know how to ease the pain of development."

"Then how do leaders solve the problem of dividing the cake after development?"

"Well..." The snack bar owner thought for a while.

To answer this question, the first thing to introduce is of course the sage politics unique to the leader, which has been mentioned many times before.

"I know this." Prince Jiawen said impatiently.

The leader's divine selection system has the most obvious advantages and is also the most desirable. So before coming to Zaun, he had already understood the special features of the Wind Leader's system from Lux's introduction.

What he wants to know more is the specific governance strategy of the leader.

"Haha, don't worry." The snack bar owner introduced: "System is the foundation of everything."

"It is precisely because the saintly politics of the leader ensures the purity of the team that the rest of the story can be established."

The leader carried out a large-scale public ownership transformation in Zaun, concentrating as much as possible the production materials that used to belong to the Ziben family into the hands of the organization.

And if we consider the organization as a "company". The leader's sage politics ensured that the shareholders of this company would always be all the people of Zaun.

Because this point is established, the public ownership transformation carried out by the leader in Zaun can be regarded as concentrating all the means of production into the hands of the people of Zuan.

To put it simply, the leader represents the public and takes the cake away from Ziben’s family.

This is the first step. Only when the cake is in hand can we talk about dividing the cake.

"There is direct distribution." For example, wages, allowances, social security, and various benefits.

"It's more about indirect distribution." For example, infrastructure construction, scientific research investment, industrial investment, education and medical improvement, and so on.

The money allocated indirectly will not be distributed directly to everyone. But the benefits it ultimately generates will also benefit all people.

At this time, the leader's sage politics ensured that in this indirect distribution process, there would not be any wealth belonging to the public, because personal selfish factors were damaged by internal friction.

"I see..." Prince Jiawen became more and more fascinated as he listened.

He felt that what the leader was doing was right.

But after thinking about it, he realized a problem:

The first step for the leader to share the cake is to snatch the cake from Ziben's family.

"Then those Ziben families, will they be happy?" Prince Jiawen asked with a frown.

This question was childish, but it was what he was most concerned about.

Because what troubles him is the aristocrats in the country - if he wants to change, he has to touch their cake. And Prince Jiawen was unwilling to take an overly radical approach to dealing with them.

That's why he hesitated to ask this seemingly childish question.

"Hahaha." The snack bar owner couldn't help but laughed: "Guest, what are you thinking about?"

"Do you think that the Ziben family is a philanthropic family, and they will willingly donate their family property to the leader when he comes? Don't be was the leader who beat them to pain and killed them, so they became obedient. The ground will cooperate."

"..." Prince Jiawen couldn't help but fall silent.

Sigh... Could it be that Demacia really couldn't avoid rivers of blood and a brutal civil war?

Is there any way to alleviate this contradiction as much as possible?

He was very confused.

At this time, the snack bar owner told him in a funny way: "But, having said that..."

"After experiencing the 'little unpleasantness' before, those Ziben families are now quite happy to be friends with the leader."

The Ziben family is willing to be friends with leaders, which sounds counterintuitive.

But this is really not a joke.

Because Levi believes that the leaders are still far from being able to achieve an absolute planned economy. Thousands of small social production units, as the capillaries of the economy, their role is still irreplaceable.

Therefore, the current policy adopted by the leaders is still to protect small property owners.

If the market and small property owners are allowed to exist, there will always be people who will make their business bigger and stronger in the competition, and small property owners will continue to produce large-scale businesses.

"An old Noxian man with a pet crow on his shoulder also questioned me about this problem before." The snack bar owner recalled: "I told him that the leader's way to solve this problem is to Enterprises adopt transformation and joint ventures.”

After the joint venture, more than 70% of the company's profits will be used for employee benefits, turned over to the national treasury and expanded reproduction.

The individual shares of the Ziben family are only 25%.

If this condition had been heard in the past by the plutocratic merchants of Piltover and the alchemist baron of Zaun, they would have been furious and sent out family spies and gang thugs to fight the leader.

70%, 70% is still someone else’s! All the free money has been given to the workers. We have worked so hard to be a boss, but only less than 30% is left!

How can I bear this?

The Ziben family couldn't bear it before.

However, after meeting the goddess Janna...the Ziben family who stood in line and were not liquidated in time, they can tolerate it.

“Not only are they tolerant, they’re even happy to do it.”

Here's the weird part.

The cooperation conditions given by the leader to the Ziben family were very harsh, and were even privately called robbery by some Ziben families.

Therefore, these Ziben families tried their best to escape from Shuangcheng at the beginning, thinking of transferring their assets outside Shuangcheng and to the next place where Ziben could be parasitized.

However, here comes the problem:

In addition to the Twin Cities, how many other places in Rune Land are suitable for these industrial seeds to transfer and parasitize?

Noxus, and...

There is no more.

Apart from the Twin Cities, only Noxus in the entire Rune Lands has a certain industrial base that can handle the hedging funds that have escaped from the Twin Cities.

"But can these families really be free to move to Noxus and continue their good life in Noxus?"

Ziben has no borders, so in theory, the Ziben family also has no borders.

But sometimes, the Ziben family actually has national boundaries.

The most direct question:

If a Piltover man wants to invest in and set up a factory in Noxus, does he have to first establish a good relationship with the local ruler of Noxus?

Land acquisition, labor recruitment, factory construction, product production and sales, which one can bypass the help and permission of the local Noxian nobles?

So, how do you build a good relationship and get their help and permission?

Of course it costs money.

Spend a lot of money.

As for Noxus, they don't have any rules about attracting investment or preferential treatment to foreign businessmen.

Foreign businessmen going to Noxus to invest are just like multinational companies going to India - in people's eyes, they are just a big fat sheep delivered to their door.

"Those Piltover merchants who are related to the Noxian nobles can still barely gain a foothold in Noxus."

"And those guys who can't even find connections can only be eaten up by the greedy Noxians."

"So the Picheng family quickly realized a problem -"

The transformation joint venture established by Zu An at least left them with 25% of the profits.

And Noxus... these Taima are a group of real robbers.

Even if they can barely gain a foothold in Noxus, the share of tribute they give to the Noxian nobles is basically 75% higher than the 75% taken by the leader.

Then, a scene of black humor appeared:

"Not long after these Zibens escaped from the Shuang Cities, except for some of the most heinous villains who were afraid of being liquidated, the rest of the Zibens all fled back one after another."

"They took the initiative to hand over their property to the leader and accepted the transformation and joint venture. They just hope to continue doing their business in Zaun."

"And it was only after these Zibens escaped back that they discovered..."

They discovered that it was not so difficult to accept using profits to provide employees with benefits and benefits.

Although this will significantly increase labor costs and reduce product competitiveness.

But now all the companies in the Twin Cities are abiding by the rules of the leader, and everyone's employment costs have gone up, so they don't have to worry about the decline in product competitiveness.

If everyone doesn’t roll the paper manually, then there is no need to roll the paper in terms of labor costs.

And because of Shuangcheng's absolute technological superiority over the rest of Runeterra, the only one that can involve Shuangcheng Enterprises is Shuangcheng Enterprises themselves.

Therefore, when the Ziben family runs a joint venture in Zu'an, they don't need to worry about facing competitive pressure from outside the twin cities for the time being.

Then, an even weirder scene appeared:

"Zu'an under the leadership of the Wind Leader has become the area with the best business environment in Rune Land."

"Zeben and other companies are rushing to gather here, even if they need to hand over control of the company and accept joint ventures after they come."

The snack bar owner said in a laughable tone.

"This..." Prince Jiawen's eyes lit up when he heard this.

I see!

It turns out that the leader's policies are not as radical and ruthless as he imagined. They also left some room for gentleness towards class enemies like the Ziben family.

Since the Ziben family in the Twin Cities can accept transformation, the nobles of Demacia may not be unable to do so either.

"We can use the successful example of the Twin Cities to convince the nobles of Demacia to give up their territories and privileges and transform into private entities."

"Then let them accept the joint transformation of the leaders and retain their family business to a certain extent."

"In this way, we should be able to avoid bleeding as much as possible, right?"

Prince Jiawen murmured.

"Uh..." Another drop of cold sweat leaked out from Galen's thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Wake up, brother! Listen to what you're saying?

Just by confiscating the territory in the first step, the nobles will fight you desperately, right? !

"Um, Jiawen..." Galen couldn't help but remind him.

But Prince Jiawen, who had always had a naive spirit, looked extremely sober at this moment: "Galen, I know what you are going to say."

"Change definitely comes at a cost. And I'm already working hard to find ways to reduce the cost."

"If this can't prevent bleeding, then..."

Prince Jiawen clenched his fists, as if he was making a difficult decision in his heart.

After a long time, he finally sighed deeply:


"Demacia needs change."

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