LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 309 “Leaders” everywhere

Yipu River Port and nearby countryside.

The young Kayn was still in the Noxian army at this time, under the command of General Lester Buckley, doing his job with a promising future - a scout.

Scouts were cannon fodder in wartime, and in peacetime they were handymen close to slaves.

So, after the city massacre ended, Kayn spent another half month washing clothes and emptying the toilet in the military camp.

Finally, on this day, he received a new task from his superior:

Follow a hundred-man team to sweep the countryside, searching for traces of the leader.

This is not a good thing.

Because Kayn heard that the Wind Leader has been active in the villages and towns near Yipu River Port. Many Noxian soldiers who went to sweep the countryside have encountered the legendary Leader guerrillas in the past half month.

This sounds dangerous.

But Kayn was just a boy trooper, and he had no choice but to follow orders.

General Lester, who was diligent and frugal, was never willing to spend money on equipment for the Scouts.

Kayn could only put on the thick clothes he ripped off the dead bodies, which was better than using them as cotton armor;

Then he picked up the agricultural sickle he snatched from a nearby farmer's house, which could barely be regarded as a weapon;

Finally, he put on a tattered and rusty helmet that had been sent away by several owners. It was snatched from the house of a wealthy man in Yipu River Port a few days ago. His only unpatched trousers, Shoes and socks with holes...

Kayn has finally managed to piece together a set of "Six God Outfits".

"Hey! You, you guys!"

On the muddy road in the country, the centurion rode his divine steed, a subspecies of dragon lizard, and shouted rudely behind Kayn:

"Everyone, walk faster, don't delay the team's march!"

"Yes!" Kaiyin nodded respectfully, but turned around and cursed in his heart:

Damn it!

You are a centurion and an extraordinary warrior. Instead of leading a group of fully-armed adult legionnaires to clear the way, you instead let a group of young soldiers carrying scraps of metal go to the front of the team to fight the thunder.

Let children protect you, why are you so shameless?

Kayn cursed secretly in his heart, and then he suddenly realized:

In the past, before he came into contact with those leaders and read the book "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts", he had never dared to scold his superiors so heartily. Even if it's just in my heart.

Unconsciously, he has changed.

"Wind Leader..." Kayn quietly covered his chest with his hand, where the booklet Riven gave him was hidden.

He never lost this booklet and kept it secretly

So he feels very complicated now. He was afraid that he would encounter the leader's guerrillas during the sweep.

After all, they are still enemies now.

Of course Kayn didn't want to be killed by the Windleader's guerrillas.

But at the same time, for some reason, he didn't want to see the leader die in front of him.

They'd better not show up.

"Hey, kid!" Kayn was thinking a lot.

His immediate superior, a veteran soldier who was responsible for looking after the scout team, quietly walked up to him and his companions.

"Boy, is this your first time to participate in a mopping up operation?" the veteran asked in a low voice.

"Yes, sir!" the young soldiers replied in unison.

After all, Scouting is a job that is not very sustainable. It is always sending talents to the underworld and absorbing new blood.

Kayn and the others were all newcomers who had just joined the battle.

It was their first time to participate in this kind of mission of breaking away from the large army and going to the countryside to conduct raids and searches.

"Okay." A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of the veteran's mouth: "Since it is your first time to perform a sweep mission, I have to remind you of some things in advance."

"You said it." The young soldiers waited respectfully.

Kayn also pricked up his ears curiously.

At this time, the veteran solemnly reminded: "You have to figure out what should be said and what should not be said after you go back. Only you can say what you can say. You can't talk about what you can't say. If you don't say it, everyone will give it to you. You are just trying to save face, but what you say is not good for anyone..."


Kayn: "???"

What on earth are you talking about? !

"You will understand." Kayn and others were confused, but the veteran only showed them a subtle smile.

Then he asked: "Kid, do you know what mission we are here to perform this time?"

"Yes, sir." Kayn took the lead in replying: "Search for the whereabouts of the Windleader Guerrillas."

"Haha, that's right." The veteran smiled.

Then, with a smile, he took off his backpack and took it out...

A large stack of "A Brief Account of Janna's Thoughts".

Kayn: "??!"

The almost brand-new "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts" and the vivid blue bird emblem on it all made him doubt his own eyes.

Sir... could it be that he is the leader lurking in the imperial army? !

No, even if he is the Wind Leader... he shouldn't reveal his identity so blatantly in front of a group of Noxian soldiers, right?

Kayn subconsciously looked back at the Centurion riding on the tall dragon lizard behind him, as well as the adult soldiers marching steadily in neat columns.

They all saw what the veteran did, and they all saw the stack of "A Brief Summary of Janna's Thoughts" in his hand.

However, everyone, including the Centurion, turned a blind eye.

"Could it be..." Kaiyin's immature brain couldn't function properly.

Could it be that this entire team of 100 people are undercover agents of the leader?

Did he accidentally break into the leader's den?

Kayn was puzzled. He saw the veteran holding the stack of "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts" and said to them coldly:

"This is the Centurion's order - when you enter the village and see the villagers later, regardless of men, women, old or young, you will kill them without mercy."

"Don't let anyone live, do you understand?"

"What?" Kaiyin's eyes widened in surprise: "W-why..."

Didn't they come to the countryside to sweep up and hunt for the leader?

Could it be that the Centurion had received intelligence in advance and knew that the village was actually the headquarters of the Wind Leader, so he had everyone prepare to massacre the village in advance?

"Haha." The veteran smiled but said nothing.

He did not answer. Instead, he distributed the "A Brief Description of Janna's Thoughts" to the still confused young soldiers in front of a group of imperial soldiers and the Centurion, just like distributing equipment.

"This operation doesn't require you brats to work hard."

"What you are responsible for is just stuffing these books into the arms of those dead people, staining them with blood, and crinkling them a little. Do you understand?"

Kayn's little head froze for a moment.

The next second, his eyes suddenly widened: "You, you want us to..."

"It's not me, it's the Centurion, and it's all of us." The veteran glanced at Kayn.

He pointed at the silent centurion behind him and the one hundred fully armed adult legionnaires, and gave a cold warning:

"Kids, do you want to join everyone in getting promoted and making a fortune through military merit, or do you want to be 'unfortunately sacrificed' on the battlefield... I'll give you a chance, you can choose for yourself."

Kayn: "..."

He was holding the brand new "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts" in his hand, and he felt like he was holding a piece of bitingly cold thousand-year-old ice.

This chill made him almost unable to move, and his voice was so cold that it trembled: "Sir, sir..."

"Is there a leader in the village we are going to?"

"Haha." The veteran sneered before finally telling the truth: "Does it matter whether there is a leader in the village?"

"We say they are leaders, then they are leaders."

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