LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 321 Give Brother a Hand

Urgot never expected that there would be such a monster among the enemy army that could decapitate an admiral in an army of millions.

His mood at this moment was similar to that of Sun Quan who met Zhang Liao at the foot of Hefei City.

First the smile froze, then shock and astonishment, then panic and panic, and finally shame and anger.

"B-bastard..." Urgot hurriedly raised his axe, struggling to meet Master Yi in front of him.

As for the robbery that appeared behind him, he could no longer care about it.

Yi's Wuji swordsmanship is extremely powerful, but after all, he has never killed anyone or fought a life-or-death battle. There is less murderous intent and more hesitation in his moves.

Urgot exerted all his strength and raised an ax head-on. The fatal blow from Master Yi's head was deflected, interrupting his follow-up attack.

"Shadow Secret! Ghost Killing!" Master Jie is not as young and inexperienced as Master Yi.

His first attack was a killing move, and it was a backstab that Urgot couldn't even care about.

The rapidly rotating shadow blade seemed to be able to cut Urgot's strong body in half in the next second.


Urgot has bodyguards.

The hundreds of extraordinary beings surrounding him, especially the mages among them, were not something they could completely ignore just by using their moves to cross over.

"Protect, protect the general!" After a moment of astonishment, someone immediately reacted.

The moment Zed slashed at Urgot's crest, a mage guard next to him released his magic in time, creating a solid energy shield on Urgot's body out of thin air.


Jie slashed down with his sword, and there was a sound of metal collision on the shield.

Although the shield was easily cut open by this sword, Zed's fatal blow was still severely reduced due to this shield.

The blade tore through the shield, then penetrated Urgot's expensive rune-enchanted armor, and finally came into contact with Urgot's thick-skinned, muscular body, with the fat protective layer alone being at least half a foot wide. Tough body.

Urgot's plump body like a fat bear may not look toned, but it is the most practical body type with the strongest resistance to strikes on the battlefield.

Take this knife and go down...

It's like drilling an oil well.

No blood was seen, only oil was produced.

Urgot, as a standard Noxian ruthless man, did not even cry out in pain for this.

"This..." Jie was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted.

He prepares to launch his next deadly offensive.

But the best opportunity has passed.

As Zed and Yi's raid failed, more and more extraordinary warriors responded to Urgot's side.

"Protect the general! Protect the general!"

There was a roar on the chaotic battlefield.

Subsequently, the terrifying nature of the Noxian army of extraordinary beings became apparent.

The mages cast magic immediately to shield, buff, and heal Urgot when he was in danger.

Urgot's magical light of various colors, red and blue, kept blooming like fireworks...

Nearly a hundred mages each showed their magical powers, and a set of skills was given...

The injured Urgot not only showed no signs of decline, but also seemed to be full of blood rage, and started killing everyone with red eyes.

"Go to hell, bug!"

Urgot raised his giant ax and slashed at Master Yi crazily.

Master Yi nimbly dodged out, but was blocked by Noxian warriors from behind, in front of him, to the left, to the right... from all directions, and had no way out.

And Jie's situation was not much better than his.

Taking the head of a general out of a million troops is a precise beheading action, which is the beginning of a perfect team battle.

If you can't do it, then you can just flash into the crowd and take the initiative to kill them.

The individual combat capabilities of these extraordinary warriors are far inferior to masters like Jie and Yi.

But if there are too many super soldiers, they will kill people.

Even if you can't kill them, you can at least stick to them.

Jie and Yi were like this, stuck to the endless stream of extraordinary warriors who were fearless and fearless of death, unable to get away at all.

"Huh..." Urgot finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation was stabilized.

The most dangerous calamities for him and Yi had already been stopped by his personal guards at the risk of their lives.

And with the shields and buffing spells given by the mages, even if he was suddenly attacked by these two masters again, he would still have the confidence to engage in a head-to-head melee fight with them.

As for everyone else...

Those dozens of Wuji Swordsmen and dozens of Shadow Stream Assassins are not as capable as Master Yi and Master Jie.

Zed and Yi could at least rely on their unique secret skills and advanced sword moves to penetrate the human wall and sneak towards Urgot.

But they had no such ability at all, so they could only fall into close combat with the Noxian warriors. Even if you fight desperately, it will be difficult to move forward an inch.

As for the hundreds of extraordinary beings brought by Riven, their performance was even worse.

Because like Feiya, they are civilian "masters" temporarily selected by Riven from among the tens of thousands of refugees.

They are indeed extraordinary, but they are not professional warriors, and their combat experience and personal strength are very limited.

Facing the seemingly endless number of Noxians who were not afraid of death, these civilian masters fell into a bitter battle almost as soon as they met.

"Hahahaha." Urgot couldn't help but laugh again: "I thought you had some trump cards, but this is all you have?"

"Come on - since you want to die so much, then I'm here to see you off!"

Urgot raised his ax arrogantly and rushed forward to teach the leader a lesson.


"President Orianna!" Feiya's anxious shout echoed on the battlefield: "Use that move!"

"Yeah." Riven nodded.

She cut down the two Noxian warriors in front of her with one sword, then leaped into the sky, raising her sword high.

"This is..." Urgot didn't understand.

But he still instinctively sensed danger.

Sure enough, in the next second, the Wind Leaders got rid of the thankless struggle and flew into the air with Riven.

At first glance it looks like they are running away, but in fact they are:

"Goddess Janna, please give us strength!"

The wind leaders prayed loudly to the goddess Janna.

Goddess Janna responded to them.

Each of them is surrounded by wind, some strong, some weak.

But these wisps of air currents and groups of storms are no longer scattered in all directions like before, each fighting its own battle.

They came together.

It gathered on Riven, and her sword formed an unprecedented high-pressure storm.

"This..." Urgot winced.

Even if he didn't understand magic, he could see how terrifying Riven's power was at this moment.

Naturally, the magic of ordinary mages cannot be superimposed.

When a small fireball meets a small fireball, it is impossible to combine into a large fireball.

But leaders can do it.

Because the wind magic they use ultimately comes from Janna, from the same goddess.

As long as those who use this power are willing to dedicate their power to their comrades...

That power from the same source can be infinitely integrated and superimposed, becoming unprecedentedly powerful.

Finally, Riven slowly landed on the ground while riding the terrifying wind whirlpool that was almost solidified.

At this time, she was no longer a person, but the fusion of spirit and will of hundreds of extraordinary beings.

"Quick! Stop her!" Urgot was immediately frightened and his hair stood on end.

He hurriedly called for soldiers to stop Riven from gathering the storm.

In an instant, a crowd of people rushed forward.

Riven stood in the middle of the battlefield, as if she was trapped on an island by a tsunami.

But she didn't back down.

She just raised her sword high and shouted: "Get out of the way——"

This move is called "Soul-Calming Roar". It can stimulate the runic energy of the great sword to shock surrounding enemies.

But that was all in the past.

Now in this version of Riven, what she roars out is no longer runic energy, but a powerful storm that destroys everything.

The storm centered on her and poured out in all directions like a torrent.

The Noxian warriors didn't even have time to touch the hem of her clothes, at least dozens or hundreds of them were ruthlessly blown into the sky by the strong wind and shot out.

Finally, it landed heavily on the ground, knocking down a group of Noxian soldiers.

The road between Riven and Urgot was cleared in one fell swoop in such a wild and domineering way.

"This..." Cold sweat broke out on Urgot's forehead.

Oops, things are not going well!

These leaders seemed to be stronger than he imagined.

"Quickly -" Urgot seized the moment and shouted to the guard mage beside him: "Send a message to Leicester and ask that bastard to get on the magic bird and fly back to support now!"

"Quick, must be quick! Otherwise I will..."

"Uh..." Urgot's voice choked.

Even if he is not smart, he still knows that the tone of his words is wrong.

This is not a begging tone.

By this time, he was no longer qualified to threaten Lester.

"Ahem..." Urgot hurriedly changed the content of the "telegram": "Subpoena to General Lester——"

"Let him help his brother for the sake of the empire."

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