LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 324 Identity Exposed

Seeing this scene in front of him, Urgot's face turned green.

He realized he had made a big mistake.

He said that these Ionians were "deeply banditized." Unexpectedly, they were really deeply banditized!

These people already have faith in the goddess Janna, and with his "help" they gather together in thousands, and are forced to unite at the moment of life and death. The scene is simply...

Everything is turned upside down!

Thousands of threads of faith point to the sky.

Thousands of weak winds also gathered into the sky.

Each wisp of air flow is weak and harmless. But when they gathered together, the whole world was trembling.

In an instant, everyone on the battlefield forgot about fighting.

Because when they looked up they could see that the sky had changed.

Riven raised her sword high, and the storm gathered on her sword, forming a tornado vortex visible to the naked eye.

This tornado vortex continues to absorb the weak airflow coming from all directions, and finally continues to condense and compress until it is almost as solid as iron...

It's like a miniature "black hole" surrounding Riven's sword.

Although its size is small, the air in all directions in the sky and underground, with a radius of several thousand meters, is swept along by this vortex...

On the battlefield, with this "vortex" as the center, centripetal airflow with astonishing speed swirled.

Ordinary soldiers could hardly stand firm in this air current, and even powerful warriors like Urgot had their feet trembling.

And all the clouds in the sky were swept away by the strong wind.

"Quick, quick... protect me! Protect me!" Urgot roared in fear.

While he poured precious life-saving magic potions into his mouth as if for free, he scolded the mages for casting protective spells on him.

Even the few personal guards around him were frantically pulled in front of him and used as human shields.

But it's all in vain.

Riven was seen using all her strength to swing her storm sword forward:


This is the most powerful sword Riven has ever wielded. Because it was not just her who wielded this sword, but also thousands of people.

This sword embodies the hatred and anger of tens of thousands of people, as well as the hopes and ideals of tens of thousands of people.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the strong wind poured out like a long river.

A large fan-shaped area in front of Riven, with a radius extending perhaps thousands of meters, was instantly swallowed up by this terrifying storm surge.

Urgot, his bodyguard, the soldiers of Noxus...

Hundreds of enemies were swallowed up by the storm and disappeared without a trace.

People around could only see howling winds and surging air waves, and even the Yipu River not far away stirred up turbulent waves.

Finally, the storm subsided.

What appeared in front of everyone was a huge fan-shaped depression that seemed to have been plowed by a giant plow, and countless Noxian soldiers fell among the churning soil, even their armor was shattered by the storm.

"Huh..." Riven's sword consumed most of her divine power, and she couldn't help but fall to the ground weakly.

She was now showing signs of fatigue.

But the surviving Noxian soldiers did not dare to approach her at all, or even look at her.

While they retreated unconsciously, they watched as Riven walked toward their general with her sword raised.

Yes, Urgot was still alive at this time.

As a tank warrior, his little half a ton of flesh is not in vain.

Coupled with his expensive enchanted armor, magic potion, the shields and buffs of the mages, and the personal protection of the soldiers, he finally managed to barely save a life under that sword.

But he only barely managed to save his life.

Urgot is now like a puddle of rotten flesh embedded in the mud, lingering there with his last breath.

Riven slowly walked up to him, raising her sword high, ready to give him the final blow.

Urgot's eyes widened unwillingly.

He stared at Riven's face, as if he wanted to remember that the person who killed him would die and become a ghost and come back for revenge.

Riven didn't hesitate at all, her sword was about to fall...

"Wait, wait!" Urgot struggled and yelled.

"Do you have any last words?" Riven frowned, giving Urgot some time to explain his funeral.

"I..." Urgot stared at her and said in disbelief: "I recognize you..."

"I remembered, I recognize your face!"

He had been fighting fiercely at close quarters, with Riven's wide sword waving back and forth in front of him, and he had no chance to carefully observe Riven's face. Even though it seemed familiar at first glance, he didn't have time to recall it carefully at the critical moment of life and death.

But now... people are dying, and Urgot has time to calm down and think.

"You, you are..." he shouted in shock and anger: "You are Amystan's subordinate. The one who was rewarded by His Majesty Darkwill during the investiture ceremony of the Immortal Fortress a few years ago. The female warrior with the black stone rune giant sword?!”

Riven's status in Noxus is not very high, but because she is an outstanding warrior model who has been personally commended by the emperor, she is somewhat famous in the Imperial Army.

As a close confidant of the emperor, Urgot was in the Immortal Fortress at the time and watched with his own eyes among the crowd when His Majesty Darkwill gave her the black stone rune sword.

"I remember you, your name is..."

"Riven?!" Urgot used his last bit of strength to shout out her real name.

"I..." Riven suddenly fell silent.

The battlefield, which was already silent, became even more silent.

"Wha, what?" The imperial soldiers were confused at first.

This female war goddess who killed their shit was actually one of their own?

Or even a warrior once favored by His Majesty Darkwill?

"Huh?" Master Yi and other Wuji Swordsmen were also a little confused.

They didn't expect that Riven, who had been leading them to help the Ionian refugees for the past 20 days, would be a Noxian or a Noxian soldier.

"This..." Jie was also a little surprised. But he thought about it in silence and accepted the news calmly.

Also silent were Feiya and the leaders.

And everyone's eyes were now focused on Riwen.

Riven felt embarrassed.

She pondered for a moment, then finally said, "Yes, my real name is Riven. I am... a Noxian."

The air became increasingly silent and a little strange.

"Hahahaha." The half-dead Urgot laughed out loud: "You Ionians are following a Noxian soldier?"

"..." Riven became more and more embarrassed. She instinctively doesn't want to face her past.

As a result, only Urgot's wild laughter was left echoing on the battlefield: "Hahahaha..."

"Is it funny?" A firm voice quietly sounded next to Riwen.

That's Fea. She didn't know when she had slowly walked to Riwen's side.

Not just her, all the leaders came.

They still stood firmly on Riven's side, and their expressions didn't even waver in the slightest.

"Everyone..." Riwen struggled, trying to explain.

But Feiya said: "President Orianna... No, President Riven, so what if you are a Noxian?"

"You told us that leaders only look at faith, not family background."

"What unites us is not blood, gender, race, or nationality, but common ideals and a voice of comrade."

"I don't care where you are from, you are the leader, the 'President Orianna' who has saved the lives of thousands of people and led us on the right path, isn't it?"

As she spoke, Feiya spread her hands, showing her thread of faith.

The same is true for leaders.

"I..." Suddenly, Riven was relieved.

She also showed the thread of her faith.

It was a bright, brilliant thread.

"President." The leaders called her sincerely.

The villagers who were watching in shock before now accepted the news naturally.

Yeah, so what if she's Noxian? Isn't this the same person who just fought desperately to save them and saved tens of thousands of lives from the empire?

Riven was completely over-worrying.

Everyone's acceptance of her true identity is much higher than she imagined. Even if she was once a Noxian officer.

After all, there is Kayn's example nearby, and Mel's example far away.

Even among the leaders, there are many Noxians.

A true leader will not question his comrades just because of their "Noxian" identity label.

"You, you..." Seeing the unity of the leaders, Urgot seemed to be very unwilling: "You Ionian barbarians, you are making trouble, but in the end you are not accepting us Noxians. Rule? Hahahaha..."

He scoffed loudly with the last of his strength.


These leaders of Ionia were completely immune to the national hatred card he played.

Especially Feiya. Not only was she not aroused at all, but she said sarcastically:

"Damn fat man, do you still have the nerve to say that? Even the warriors who were personally commended by the Emperor of Noxus are now leaders -"

"Should you think about it carefully? Is this your own problem?"

"You?!" Urgot choked hard.

This choking...

I couldn't catch my breath...

"Uh-" Urgot tilted his head and choked.

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