LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 332 The Past of Tribulation, the Future of Ionia

"Reform..." Yi muttered four words.

Although these two words sound ordinary, they somehow have a murderous meaning when read carefully.

Because if you think about it for a moment, you will know:

Reform, how to change it?

There is only so much land in Ionia, and all of them already have owners.

You, the leader, said that the untouchables and poor peasants should be rehabilitated and that they should have land to farm. What should the original owners of these lands do?

Master Yi just thought about it for a moment and shuddered.

Just as it happened, Li Wei also said this at this time:

"Based on Comrade Riwen's interviews and investigations these days, we can learn that:"

"Eighty percent of the rural land in the Yipu River Basin is firmly controlled by landlords and rich farmers who only account for 10% of the total population. The situation in other parts of Ionia is not much better than here."

“There are too many landless poor peasants and untouchables.”

"If we want to achieve land for the tiller, we have to allocate land from the landlords. Do you think they will be happy?"

Of course not happy.

Landowners also have something to say: Why should we give you the land that our ancestors have worked hard to accumulate for ten generations?

"Then what should we do if they are not happy?" Levi asked.

"This..." Master Yi could already hear the murderous intent in his words.

Sure enough, Li Wei said: "In Zaun, for those entrepreneurs who have no serious crimes in the past and actively cooperate with the reform, we can use the gentle method of redemption and cooperation to reform them."

"But in Ionia, we can't spend money to redeem the land from the landlord."

"The reason is simple. Ionia is too big, there are too many landowners, and we can't afford so much money."

"If we want the landlords to get this money comfortably, then thousands of poor peasants will have to pay for the landlords and pay countless blood and sweat for this huge sum of money."

This method of redemption is only suitable for small countries with a certain economic foundation.

If Ionia, this behemoth, were to forcefully redeem its land, the result would be:

The landowner cannot get enough ransom and resents you;

The poor peasants cannot get enough land and have to bear the huge ransom to the landlords, and they also resent you;

The urban elite has had its business robbed by the landowners who brought money into the city, and their taxes have been raised because of the need to raise ransom, but they still resent you;

Religious people will fight you to the death because of their religious disputes.


To offend all social strata in one go is no different than asking for death.

“Therefore, we must clearly understand the objective conditions, who our basic base is, who we can unite with, and who we cannot unite with.”

"Don't think that you can offend no one and bring about change without bloodshed. Struggle is not a treat. There is no such good thing in the world."

"So, in Ionia..."

In Ionia, it is impossible for the leader to take the moderate route.

You can only use your fists to reason with people.

Other than that, there are no other options.

"..." Master Yi was shocked when he heard this.

How many large landowners are there in Ionia? How many people do you have to be enemies with?

If this land reform is to be implemented thoroughly, it will cause a lot of bloodshed.

Master Yi instinctively didn't want to think about it. He has also become increasingly hesitant on whether to deepen cooperation with leaders.

At this time, Li Wei seemed to have guessed his concerns and continued:

"I know some people will feel that this is too heartless and cruel."

"There are also good people among the landowners, and there are also people who have accumulated their family fortunes through hard work. It is unjustifiable to deprive them of their land."

"But even if we don't think about it, what proportion of such kind people who have committed no crimes can account for among the landlords..."

"When we were doing transformation work in Zaun before, we had already made it clear: a person's good or evil will not affect the progress or backwardness of the class to which he belongs."

"And just from an economic perspective:"

“The original sin of the landowners was not even that they caused social injustice, but that they affected the average output of the land.”

Why does land yield so little in the hands of landlords?

Because traditional landowners are such a group of people:

They will save all their wealth, and their only consumption is to improve their personal lives; their only investment is to acquire land and lend money at usury.


Because land annexation and loan sharking are two investment methods that are too stable, too profitable, and it is too easy to make money.

If you invest in building a factory or doing business, it is easy to lose all your money. Landowners only need to keep a firm hold on the land and tenant farmers, collect rents and lend money at the same time, so that they can have stable rent and loan interest income.

The poor peasants are like the cows they keep in captivity. They only need to occupy this piece of pasture and not let go, and the cows can continuously provide them with milk.

With such a stable and reliable source of income, the landlords naturally do not want to change or make progress.

To increase the average land output, large-scale investment in agriculture is required.

For example, build dams and canals to improve the irrigation system; buy fertilizers to improve land fertility; buy equipment to improve production efficiency.

Of course the poor peasants cannot afford this.

Big landowners can afford it.

However, fertilizers and machinery and equipment are extremely expensive in backward agricultural countries, and importing them costs a lot of money. They don't do business at a loss.

The construction of irrigation system is both a systematic and large-scale project, and few of them are willing to make such a huge long-term investment.

After all, if you can make steady money by collecting rents and lending money, why do you do such laborious work?

"So it is absolutely impossible to expect these landlords to promote industrialization."

"They are the biggest obstacle to Ionia's modernization. If they are not allowed to withdraw from the stage of history, the Ionians will continue to suffer, be poor, oppressed, and even become pariahs."

Li Wei spoke passionately at the meeting, and his voice spread to the outside of the village without concealment.

Master Yi listened to his explanation and his expression gradually became moved.

"This class should be eliminated..." He believed this.

But it's easy or confusing.

Coming from the Wuji Sword Sect, he was naturally tired of killing.

Now that the leader said that he wanted to use violence against an entire class, so many people, and Ionians...he instinctively felt hesitant.

"Jie." Master Yi was confused and couldn't help but turn to look at his new friend: "What do you think?"

"Me..." Zed thought for a while.

He thought for a long time, but only answered Yi: "I am a pariah."

"Huh?" Yi Wei was startled.

"Do you know what the life of an untouchable is like?" Zed asked him again.

"Uh..." Yi was a little embarrassed.

In fact, he had grown up in Wuji Village, a paradise, and it was only recently that he learned that there were such things as untouchables outside the mountains.

He only knew that the untouchables outside the mountains were very miserable, but he had never had a detailed conversation with the untouchables, so he did not know how miserable they could be.

"I know, I still remember." Zed said.

Jie was born into a poor peasant family.

He still remembered that his family had lost all their land in his father's generation and had become untouchables who could only make a living by farming for the landlord.

Children in Ionia are born with excellent physical constitutions, so children from poor families here become masters earlier.

"I have been doing farm work for my family since I was 3 years old. But no matter how hard my father and I work until we are exhausted, it is difficult for us to have a full meal..."

"No, it can't be right?" Master Yi couldn't understand at first.

The land in Ionia is so fertile that it can produce magic crystals, so what can you grow but not get enough to eat?

The villagers in Wuji Village not only harvest enough food for themselves every year, but also have a large portion left over to raise chickens and pigs, so that the villagers can eat meat every day.

Jie: "..."

He glanced at the inexperienced Master Yi speechlessly and said, "Because, you still have to pay rent to the landlord and repay the loan to the landlord."

"The rent is so high?" Yi couldn't believe it: "Also, how come you still borrowed the money from the landlord?"

Jie: "......"

He stopped talking and just looked at Yi with a look that looked like he was mentally retarded.

Yi gradually seemed to realize his ignorance, and became embarrassed and remained silent.

Jie continued: "The most profound memory left to me at that time was the never-ending exhaustion and hunger..."

"Fortunately, my father loves me very much." Zed still vaguely remembered his father's skinny, shriveled but strong body like a thorngrass: "In order to make me at a young age at least eat a little full, he even Even if I'm hungry, I'll have to share my rations..."

"Huh..." Yi relaxed slightly. He finally saw something that could make people breathe in this dark and suffocating suffering.

"Fortunately, you have a good father." He sighed.

Then I heard Zed say: "When I was 4 years old, my father left me in the mountains. Because I was sick."

"..." Master Yi was suddenly speechless.

And Zed's story isn't over yet.

After he was abandoned by his father, he was fortunate enough to be adopted by the Kinkou sect.

But this is not the beginning of a happy life.

In fact, in the Kinkou Sect, Jie has always been called "Gou Buddha" and is engaged in the most arduous and menial work.

He was just a handyman who didn't even get paid. When people passed by him, they would only look at him with disgust and regard him as a ball of stinking air - Zed even had a feeling that what he had gained after the defection of "The Master Killer" The insults and ostracism were not as severe as the contempt and disregard he received when he worked as an untouchable handyman.

It wasn't until the young man named "Shen" appeared that he began to change his fortune, rising from a handyman to a direct disciple of Master Kushuo.

This seems like an inspirational story.

But if you think about it for a moment, you will know:

Not everyone has a martial arts talent like Jie that can be appreciated by Master Kushuo;,

Not everyone has the help of a noble person like Shen and can advance in life;

Not everyone is as lucky as him to be adopted by the Kinkou;

Not everyone has his physique and can survive in the wilderness under serious illness;


If someone else were to play Jie's script, most people would have died of illness in the wilderness when they were sick and abandoned by their father at the age of 4.

"This is the pariah of Ionia," Zed said.

"..." Master Yi was completely speechless.

He didn't expect that the beautiful Ionia in his eyes would always look like this.

At this moment, Levi's voice came again:

"Ionia's clan elders and landowners tell everyone that in order to maintain balance, the untouchables must sacrifice."

"Then let's use their logic to think about this problem - since maintaining balance requires sacrifice, why are the sacrifices always made by poor peasants and untouchables instead of rich people and landlords?"

The voice became louder and louder, like a battle cry:

"The pariahs have been sacrificing for Ionia for nearly ten thousand years——"

"Now, it's the landowners' turn!"

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