LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 365 Catalina’s “sincerity”

Katarina returned to the barracks with ease, a smile that seemed like she was returning home in triumph.

"How is the situation?" Tai Long looked at his rookie junior sister and asked with some worry.

"It's effortless." Katarina crossed her arms and sat down at the table, raising her chin half in disgust and half in triumph: "That guy named Galen is just a Demacia in appearance. Just a dirty nobleman."

"He pretends to be sanctimonious in front of others, but when others see a woman taking the initiative to embrace him, he half-rejects and half-heartedly wants to accept it. Ha, I think it won't be long before he takes the initiative to put his head under my knife."

Catalina talked about her victory in a relaxed tone, but what she received was Tyrone's deep and hesitant gaze.

LeBlanc slowly walked up to her and asked meaningfully: "Katerina, are you sure this guy is really so easy to deal with?"

"Of course." Catalina was confident.

The way Galen looked at her at that time could not deceive anyone at all. This guy was completely smitten with her.

Even if she had no professional training, she could easily take down this fool just with her extraordinary talent.

Thinking of this, Catalina was quite proud. It was like an amateur fighting champion judging a beauty queen, which gave me an unexpected pleasure.

"Are you happy?" LeBlanc raised his lips: "Don't forget, if you want the fish to take the bait, you must throw out bait that satisfies the fish."

"If Galen is really as eager as you say, and can't wait to have an 'in-depth communication' with you, then what you need to sell next may not just be your appearance, but..."

LeBlanc narrowed his eyes and said pointedly: "Your body is gone, Katarina."

Catalina: "..."

She fell silent for a moment, and her face turned extremely ugly.

The assassin's body is also a weapon, and if the weapon is required for the mission, it must be put into actual combat.

"What?" LeBlanc gently touched her cheek: "Katerina, don't you have this determination?"

"I..." Katarina was in a state of excitement.

"What? For the sake of the Empire and His Majesty Darkwill, are you not even willing to make this sacrifice?" LeBlanc's voice seemed to reach straight into her soul, and it rang directly in her mind.

"I, I..." Katarina struggled to organize her words.

Finally, LeBlanc let her go: "Okay."

She still held Catalina's cheek gently with her palm and did not put it down: "I have read your mind."

"Your soul tells me that you are indeed a loyal Imperial warrior. That's good."

"This..." Catalina suddenly woke up.

The cold touch from LeBlanc's pale palm made her feel an inexplicable chill.

This chill was not even an actual feeling, but an unexplainable and dangerous intuition left in her by her years of almost masochistic assassin training.

"You, what did you do to me?" Katarina looked at LeBlanc nervously.

"Don't be nervous." LeBlanc finally took his hand back: "I just read your recent memory to see if Galen's reaction is as easy to deal with as you said."

As she said that, she used her harmless girlish face and winked mischievously at Miss Carter: "By the way, I also did some tricks in your brain."

"What?!" Catalina broke into cold sweat.

She was actually unknowingly being manipulated in her brain and soul by this woman?

This, this is such a terrible spell...

"I'm helping you, idiot." LeBlanc said with a cold face: "Do you really think that guy Galen is as easy to deceive as you see?"

"It's ridiculous! Do you think that the people in the Crown Guard family are all fools and would accept such a stupid man who can be easily obsessed by a village girl as the heir of the Crown Guard family?"

"Don't forget, Galen's father, Peter Crownguard, was a famous German general who faced off against your father, General Du Couteau, for several years on the Western Front without losing any ground."

"Do you think that a young man who can openly express his approval to a famous general, entrust his family with important responsibilities, and even be trained by King Jarvan as the next auxiliary minister will be a big fool without any scheming?"

LeBlanc scolded her with a slap in her face, making Katarina extremely embarrassed.

But she still couldn't believe it: "Sir Lanfu, you mean... I, I was deceived by that man?"

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Catalina didn't want to admit it. She actually lost to a muscular man wielding a big sword in terms of intelligence attributes? How can this be?

"Just wait and see." LeBlanc looked at Catalina disdainfully: "You have already exposed your flaws, fool."

"If I'm not mistaken, that guy is already looking for someone to investigate our identities behind the scenes."

"What should we do?" Katerina was a little nervous.

She thought she could outwit Galen, but she didn't expect that she was the lowest ranked rookie in this game. Fortunately...

"I have already considered this." LeBlanc smiled: "I knew that if a rookie like you couldn't defeat the descendant of the Crown Guard family, it would lead to a counter-espionage investigation by the leader."

"But it's better this way."

Without checking, no matter how well Katarina performs, Galen will always have some doubts in his heart.

After checking, the target can feel at ease and completely put down his guard.

"Our identity background comes from the careful arrangement of the Imperial Assassin's Guild and the War Stonemasons. It is absolutely impossible to find any flaws using conventional investigation methods."

"It's just that, in addition to conventional means, the leader also has more effective unconventional means."

The so-called unconventional method is very simple, it is mind reading.

Although spiritual mages are rare, they are not rare in the world.

Which major force these days doesn't have a few spiritual mages who are good at manipulating souls to assist their intelligence work?

As a master of playing with people's hearts, Black Rose is even more proficient in this. As for the Leader Association... Not to mention others, the whole world now knows that President Levi's girlfriend Seraphine is a soul singer who can read minds.

"They will definitely invite spiritual mages to use mind-reading skills to investigate our identities."

LeBlanc said confidently. Because Black Rose often uses this trick when investigating unidentified suspicious persons.

Who wouldn’t like to use such a useful trick?

"Then what should we do?" Catalina was puzzled: "How should we deal with a mage who can read souls?"

That's mind reading! No matter how well they disguise themselves, can they still be fooled by mind readers?

"Of course." LeBlanc smiled and pointed at herself: "The best way to deal with a spiritual mage is..."

"Hire a stronger mental mage."


In the evening, Galen, Sona, and Lux ​​finally arrived at Katarina's barracks together.

"All the other prisoners of war and civilians have been checked, and only Miss Kana and her family are left." Sona wiped away a thin layer of sweat from her forehead with her hands, and said to Galen and Lux ​​slightly tiredly.

Yes, she is talking.

Ever since she became the leader and moved away from Demacia, Sona has stopped acting.

She no longer communicates with people in a "baby, baa, ba" manner. Instead, she learns the method taught to her by the leaders, controlling the airflow to simulate the vibration of her vocal cords to produce the sound she wants to express.

As for whether this counts as magic, and whether it violates Demacia's ban on magic...

Don’t ask, ask: Sona’s “Hex DJ booth” also integrates a brain-computer voice function.

Anyway, Sona can speak now, and her voice is very sweet and ethereal.

"Sona, Lux." Seeing that he was about to inspect Katarina's head, Galen did not forget to remind her and his sister: "Remember to be careful."

"Yes." Sona and Lux ​​both nodded solemnly.

Galen, on the other hand, quietly clenched the giant sword in his hand and looked at the treehouse barracks where Katarina was with complicated thoughts.

Walking further, he gently knocked on the door, and Catalina's beautiful oval-shaped face appeared in front of him again.

"Lord Galen? Why are you here!" The girl opened the door to welcome him in surprise.

"I'll see you if I have anything to do." Galen also smiled warmly on his face.

I hope she's not an undercover agent.

Such thoughts came to him instinctively.

But this did not affect Galen's movements at all.

He was still secretly clutching the great storm sword that had killed countless enemies, and his eyes were always watching the three people in the tree house:

Katarina, LeBlanc, and Talon, the so-called three siblings.

Once the situation changes, Galen will not hesitate:

Level A receives the fatal blow and severely injures Katarina, receives the buff from Courage and receives Judgment, crippling Talon and LeBlanc in circles, and then uses a big sword to finish harvesting the target with remaining health...

"Ahem." Galen concealed the hostility in his heart.

He still said to Catalina in a calm tone: "Miss Kana, actually I am here this time because there is a routine inspection within the coalition for new recruits. I would like to trouble you to cooperate..."

Galen briefly explained the situation to the three Carters.

Catalina's expression suddenly changed.

Only, it's not nervousness.

It's an unspeakable hesitation.

"G-Sir mean, both you and this mage master can see my thoughts, right?" Katarina clenched her silver teeth and her face turned red, as if she was very reluctant. look.

"Can I not check it?" she asked.

"No." Galen's eyes were quietly sharp, and he emphasized pointedly: "This is all to prevent spy infiltration. Miss Kana, you don't want those evil Noxians to appear around us again, do you? ?”

"B-but..." Katarina blushed so hard that she could almost drink water from her mouth.

And she wasn't even acting.

In order to assist her, LeBlanc designed a very bad love brain character for her. She really doesn't want people to see the things that are in her head now. If it were not for the great cause of the empire, she would even rather commit suicide here than let her "sincerity" be exposed in front of others.

But at this time, Galen didn't show mercy at all.

While tensing his body and working up his strength, he secretly glanced at Sona, gesturing for her to step forward and check Katarina's memory.

So Sona plucked up the courage, hugged her Hexagonal Guqin, and stepped forward with the magical support of Lux's ready attack.

She reached out and caressed Catalina's cheek. Catalina subconsciously dodged, but in the end she resisted and did not move away.

And then...

"Yeah!" Sona pulled away her hand in fright.

Her fair little face flushed instantly, and her chest heaved up and down with joy.

The little girl looked at Catalina, then at Galen, and finally at Catalina: "You, adults, what are you thinking about all day long?!"

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