LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 373 Swain’s Life

The empire is just a tool of the Black Rose, and the emperor is just a puppet of the witchy enchantress.

If these are true, then "For Noxus" and "For Darkwill", these creeds that she has engraved in her heart like a Bible since she was a child, don't they all become a joke?

Catalina was confused.

What is she fighting for? for...

Catalina recalled what LeBlanc had said to her before - it turned out that all the glory of the empire was fake, and she was just fighting for her family's privileges.

However, having been taught since childhood that she could sacrifice her life for the empire at any time, would she really care about such a thing?


"Kana?" Suddenly, Galen whispered her name.

"Huh?" Catalina suddenly came back to her senses.

"Are you okay?" Galen looked at her thoughtfully, as well as Swain not far away.

"It's okay..." Catalina took a deep breath, and her expression returned to normal instantly: "I just watched the movie and was a little curious about him."

"Oh." Galen didn't ask further.

At this time, the movie screen happened to be playing the stage where Swain followed the clues of tracing his parents, wiped out the hidden forces of Black Rose, and beheaded the mastermind "Pale Lady" in public.

"Did the Black Rose be eradicated by Swain back then?" Katarina hoped that was the case.

But things obviously won't be that simple.

Sure enough, not long after the pale lady was beheaded by Swain, another pale lady quietly appeared deep in the palace of the Immortal Fortress.

The so-called "Pale Lady" is just one of LeBlanc's many clones.

LeBlanc has many such clones, secretly plotting various conspiracies and plans in various countries around the world at the same time.

Back then, Swain thought he had killed the Pale Lady, but he actually didn't do it at all.

In fact, the plan to eliminate LeBlanc this time was formulated by LeBlanc from the beginning.

The Black Rose helped Darkwill win the throne, but he refused to include the advisers hand-picked by the Black Rose into the council. So LeBlanc took the extreme measures necessary.

She manipulated Swain into uncovering the secret society's involvement, and LeBlanc later allowed herself and several other most important conspirators to be executed.

In the end, when Darkwill thought that the Black Rose had been completely eliminated by Swain, he completely relaxed his vigilance...

LeBlanc appears again.

She deceived Darkwill's trust, poisoned his mind with magic, and controlled his spirit.

Darkwill, a wise king of a generation, turned out to be "dead" at that time.

"This..." Catalina's outlook on life was greatly impacted.

The truth turned out to be crueler than the rumors. Darkwill isn't just a puppet, he's a literal puppet doll!

In the early stages of the movie, Darkwill is wise, powerful, and ambitious. He is undoubtedly the wise man that Catalina looks forward to and is willing to devote her loyalty to.

But the Black Rose cannot tolerate such an emperor.

"Is this true?" Katarina couldn't help but cast her gaze at Swain again, looking for the answer on his face.

And this time...

What showed on Swain's face was uncontrollable shock.

It seems that he is just like Swain in the movie. He has been kept in the dark for decades and has no idea what happened to his friend and king Darkwill.

"..." Katarina's mood became increasingly heavy.

Even the wise general Swain was fooled by the black rose.

The Black Rose cannot tolerate a wise king, so can it accommodate loyal ministers and generals like Swain?

Sure enough, soon...

After Darkwill was manipulated in the movie, Swain was quickly promoted to a military position due to merit.

Although this is a promotion, leading troops in battle all year round means that he is far away from the capital, the center and the emperor.

Swain's previous job was in government affairs. Without experience, it was theoretically difficult for him to make a contribution in the military. If nothing unexpected happens, he may not be able to return to the Immortal Fortress a few times in his life, and he may not be able to see Darkwill.

However, what I didn't expect was that... Swain was actually a genius with both civil and military talents. His talent and talents in military affairs were even more amazing than his performance in government affairs.

On the southern battlefield, he repeatedly defeated local Shurima warlords in away battles and opened up the vast southern frontier for the empire.

On the Western Front battlefield, he defeated his old enemy Demacians one after another. Even famous generals such as Jarvan III and Peter Crownguard fell into disgrace in his hands.

Swain used his brilliant record to make the Black Rose think that he was an extremely useful tool, and they were reluctant to get rid of him.

"Ahem..." Galen's expression was subtle.

Seeing my own father and my own king being beaten up in a movie was really not a good movie-watching experience.

But as a knight, Galen still admired this terrible opponent sincerely from a military and character perspective.

So...what will be the final outcome of such a pillar of the empire and a peerless general?

The movie continues.

And gradually comes to an end.


Time comes a few years ago, the Immortal Fortress.

It was still the same palace as before, and the two parties talking were still Swain and Darkwill.

But at this moment, Swain is no longer young, and Darkwill is no longer the Darkwill he was before.

"Your Majesty!" Swain urged: "Please seriously consider it again and give up the idea of ​​attacking Ionia."

"What?" Darkwill only looked at him indifferently: "Are you speaking for those Ionians?"

"I am speaking for the empire, Your Majesty." Swain did not give in. "Now the empire is fighting on three sides. If we continue to fully attack the nascent land, I am afraid it will only plunge the army into the quagmire of endless war."

"Everyone who goes to that empire will pay a heavy price for it. The only ones who can benefit are the arms dealers, military merchants, and the nobles behind them..."

"Enough!" Darkwill interrupted him coldly: "Ionia doesn't even have an army, but the Empire has an army of millions."

"1 million versus 0, the advantage is mine!"

Swain wanted to persuade again: "But..."

Darkwill didn't give him a chance to speak at all: "Swain, don't forget who gave you your status today."

"What? You have so many 'students' under your command now that you don't even dare to obey my orders?"

These are strong words.

Normally, if an emperor says something like this to a general face to face, it means that the general is about to die.

"..." Swain closed his mouth wisely.

He stopped talking and just looked out the window silently.

The sky outside the window is still so dark, and the slums are still overcrowded. It's been decades and nothing has changed.

"What are you looking at?" Darkwill frowned dissatisfied.

"I..." Swain's expression darkened: "I'm looking at the sky, Your Majesty."


The movie comes to its final stretch.

Ionia, Presidio.

When the audience sees this scene, they can basically guess what famous scene they will see next.

The veteran Swain was defeated by a 14-year-old girl because he violated Presidian territory.

Swain's humiliating defeat later became the hottest topic in Runeterra in the past two years. In the end, his image changed from a pillar of the empire and a famous general to a living joke.

It's like meeting Zhang Liao's Sun Shiwan. No matter how glorious he was in the past... such a defeat will make people nag him for a lifetime.

So in the audience's past impression, Swain has always been a clown.

But this time, it was Swain’s perspective that they took on.

"Marshal Swain." Bad news kept coming: "The rebels are violently attacking our frontal defense line. Our army's flanks have also been completely surrounded by their reinforcements!"

"Hold on, let's hold on for a little longer..." In the headquarters, Swain sat at the table with a livid face.

The staff officers surrounded him nervously and did not dare to express their anger.

It turns out that the Battle of Presidian was not a failure at the beginning.

Swain's legion lured the enemy into the so-called trap as planned, and prepared to cooperate with the friendly forces to create a beautiful "central bloom".

However, the support promised by the friendly forces never showed up.

"Believe me... As long as the other battle groups launch the attack as promised, everything will be fine." The shouts of killing were already approaching the military tent, but Swain was still working hard to boost morale.

But this has no effect at all.

"Teacher, they..." the officers swallowed nervously: "They claimed that they did not have enough strength to launch an attack. The attack on Presidian did not happen."

Swain: "..."

Everyone could see the anger on his face, but he clenched his fists tightly and tried not to explode.

"Send the message to them again." The once proud imperial commander now showed a humble and humble demeanor: "Tell those war group leaders——"

"For the sake of the empire, help your brother, help your brother!"

His voice was transmitted through magic and was successfully sent out.

But no one responded to him.

The supporting battle groups that were supposed to appear here seemed to have evaporated at this moment, disappearing on the Navoli battlefield.

And this time...

"Ionia, be high-spirited and immortal!" The Ionia people's passionate and passionate shouts of killing had already reached Swain's ears.

"..." Swain sighed.

The wise general stood up and, with his weak arms, picked up the sword that he rarely used personally.

"The Empire cannot win this battle."

"We are doomed."

With that said, Swain walked out of the tent and faced the flying knives that came through the air.

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