LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 403 LeBlanc visits Levi three times (two-in-one)

"T-Teacher..." Lester's tongue was knotted.

He couldn't believe what he saw, but the eyes couldn't deceive you. The strong wind swirling in Swain's palm has confirmed his identity.

He is the leader and the rebel of the empire!

The commander-in-chief of Noxus actually took the lead in starting a rebellion in Noxus!

"Wait..." Lester thought of a terrible thing: "What about General Darius?"

Swain said: "Dreaus is the vice president of the Noxus branch of the Wind Leader Association."

Lester: "..."

His mind was buzzing.

How can it be! How can this be!

Swain and Darius are already the de facto "emperors and deputy emperors" of the empire, so why do they want to rebel on their own! Lester couldn't understand or imagine it at all.

Wait, could it be...

"Is this part of the plan?" A glimmer of hope flashed in Lester's eyes.

"Commander Swain, could it be that you have found a way to crack the Wind Leader's belief determination?"

Swain must have found a way to dismantle the Wind Leader Association from within, so he took the initiative to save the company!

This statement is baseless. But Lester would rather believe it.

"Lester..." Swain looked at him disappointedly: "Are you so unable to understand a true leader?"

"I've been asking you to read books these past few months. Don't you think you've made any progress in your thinking?"

Lester was speechless.

It's over, Swain has really taken the plunge.

He could actually give up the power and position of the "Emperor", the overwhelming wealth of the country, and the admiration and admiration of hundreds of millions of subjects!

He thought he knew his teacher, but Swain, as an idealist, was even more "crazy" than he imagined.

"Wait, before you..." Lester suddenly remembered with trepidation that Swain had used the banner of "cultivating mental immunity" a few months ago to openly harass his subordinates, disciples and former officials. Recommended theoretical books by leaders.

He felt something was wrong at that time:

This kind of book can almost have the effect of cultivating mental immunity if it is read by the senior generals of the empire who have opposing positions and conflicts of interest with the leader;

But by promoting it to those middle- and lower-level officers who are already dissatisfied and frustrated with the current status of the empire, and even the tortured lower-level soldiers who long for change, wouldn't it help them move closer to the leader?

Now it seems....

"I'm just giving you the opportunity to make progress." Swain said meaningfully: "In the past few months, many officers have kept up with my pace."

"But unfortunately, you are not among them."

"I..." A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on Lester's forehead.

He could hear the underlying meaning. Swain has become the leader, but he firmly stands on the opposite side of the leader.

And the leader attaches great importance to the purity of the team. Even if a person with no faith like him joins the bandwagon, even if he follows a big shot like Swain, there is no way he can get into the leader's team.

Then, what should he do in the future?

"Teacher." Lester tried to calm down and asked tentatively: "What plans do you have for me in the future?"

"Do your part first." Swain said: "The territory of the Noxus Empire is too vast and the situation is too complicated. Before the leader has the administrative ability to transform the entire Noxus, the empire It is necessary for the old order to continue to exist.”

"So, you should work hard these two years first. Then..."

"Looking at your contribution to the peaceful liberation of Noxus." Swain said bluntly: "I will let the organization pardon your past crimes, retain a certain degree of property, and work comfortably in the Immortal Fortress. A rich man’s.”

Retire as a wealthy man, take care of himself, and spend the rest of his life in peace and quiet. This seems to be a good ending.

But Lester still instinctively felt unwilling.

Pardon the crime? What's his crime?

Killing people, slaughtering cities, using young soldiers? As a general of the Noxus Empire, he just did his duty!

Retain a certain level of property?

These properties were all obtained in exchange for his life! It's all his money, his money!

The leader could not help but take away 70%. Doesn't he still have to thank the leader?

Finally, become a rich man?

What's the point of being a rich man, let alone being a rich man under the leadership of a leader!

The happiness of the rich never comes directly from money, but from the indescribable pleasure of being superior to the masses that money and power bring.

What he enjoys is that, when the lower class see him, their faces are filled with humility and flattery, they talk about "master" and "slave", wagging their tails like dogs to flatter themselves, just to get a bone as reward.

Although this was what Lester hated most when he was a boy.

But after being an officer for so many years, he has become addicted to the poison of power and is completely unable to extricate himself.

But in the leader's territory, this kind of thing does not exist.

Goddess Janna brings personal equality to all people. The workers there dare to stand upright in front of the business owners and chat and laugh with the top leaders who are leading the way.

This is something the Noxians who believe in the law of the jungle and order of superiority and inferiority will never tolerate!

"Lester?" Swain frowned slightly: "You seem... not satisfied?"

"I..." Lester returned suddenly. He knew he couldn't hide it, so he could only clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "Yes. The students are a little unwilling."

"This is normal." Swain also thoughtfully considered the students' psychological problems.

Suddenly falling from the first two rows of the parliament to civilians, their psychological gap must be huge.

The solution Swain gave was: "Suck it up."

His voice was cold.

Students are certainly close. But those who cannot fight with him to the end are not his students.

"Anyway, don't do stupid things. Otherwise, you won't even be rich."

"..." Lester was silent for a while: "Yes!"

"Very good." Swain said calmly: "Go back, Lester. We have a scene to wrap up tomorrow."

"Yes, teacher." Lester took heavy steps and slowly turned around and left.

Swain, on the other hand, stared at his back with deep eyes and watched him walk out of the palace.

"Do you need me to monitor him?" Red Boy Crow spoke in human words.

"Yeah." Swain nodded.

"Are you worried about his rebellion?" Crow tilted his head.

"No, it's just for safety." Swain shook his head: "Lester is a smart man. He can understand the current situation. But the's hard to say."

"We will have no enemies in the future," Crow said. "LeBlanc will be defeated by us. And after her, no one in Noxus will be able to stand in front of us."

"Maybe." Swain sighed.

"You know what? I gave them a few months to learn the theory of the leader. But among the many officers who chose to change, except for Darius, no one is a senior general of the empire."

"It's really difficult for someone to kill themselves."

There are many people like Lester in the Noxus Empire.

It will be impossible for these people to be liquidated for a while. The Leaders do not have the ability to take over Noxus, and they still need these old bureaucrats to maintain stability and order in this huge country.

And Runeterra is so vast and mysterious. After LeBlanc, the leader may not encounter stronger and more terrifying enemies.

At that time, how will the "Leisters" choose?

Swain felt sad for a while. He looked at the sign on his desk, which was a photo of him and the students in the advanced officer training class as a tutor at the Imperial Military Academy.

The dozens of people in the photo are now independent senior generals of the empire.

And now...

Swain looked at the empty room around him.

The only one left who could accompany him on his journey was the demon.

"Our battle is not over yet." Swain looked out the window, and Lester walked out of Miyagi's back: "I hope they can always be on the right side."


The next day, the Immortal Fortress, the meeting place of Trifali Council.

The regular meeting will be held as usual. Swain occupied the main seat, and Darius stood beside him. Lester, Amystan and other generals present lined up on both sides, quietly waiting for the meeting to begin.

Everything was as usual, but the atmosphere seemed extremely subtle.

Because everyone knows that today is the day Swain announces his mysterious plan to deal with the threat of the Windleader.

Therefore, as soon as the meeting began, the generals' eyes were firmly fixed on Swain. Everyone was waiting for him to speak and say the words that everyone wanted to hear, "War on the Wind Leader."


"Let's get started." Swain spoke, but what he said was: "Let's continue yesterday's topic and discuss the decommissioning and resettlement of the Ionia Front in batches after they withdraw to the mainland."

"This..." The meeting place was in an uproar.

Didn’t say it! Swain still refuses to reveal his plan!

It has been delayed for two months, how much longer does he want to delay?

The generals were excited, but they were all intimidated by Swain's majesty and did not dare to stand up and question him.

Then, everyone looked at Darius.

"Um..." Amystan secretly clenched her fists and plucked up the courage to say, "General Darius, don't you have something to say to everyone at the meeting?"

It's not that she wants to stand out. But she knew very well that once she embarked on this path, there would be no turning back.

They are secretly collaborating behind Swain's back. If they don't take advantage of the situation to cause trouble now, they will be exposed to Swain sooner or later and be liquidated one by one by this iron-fisted commander.

So Amystan stood up and petitioned Darius on behalf of everyone.

"Yes, I have something to say." To everyone's relief, General Darius did stand up in time as promised.

"Commander Swain!" Darius said with a livid face.

Although he seems to be a reckless man, a big fool with zero IQ despite being bloody and angry.

But he was able to rise from a small soldier all the way to an imperial general, and even a transcendent marshal of the northern theater. In addition to his absolute personal strength, he also had the necessary acting skills in the political arena.

Like now.

Darius's face was livid, and he seemed to be suppressing endless dissatisfaction: "Commander Swain, didn't you make a promise a month ago that you would announce your plan to deal with the threat of the Wind Leader today?"

"Everyone is eagerly waiting for your answer, why are you avoiding talking about it?"

"Yes!" Amy Stan also gave up.

She echoed: "The rapid development of the Leaders has caused mass panic in the imperial army. If they are not given a reassurance, then..."

"So what?" Swain looked over coldly.

"I..." Amistan was so frightened by this look that she couldn't even open her mouth.

Fortunately, Darius was in front: "Soldiers are very simple, and they are all born to be loyal to their country. General Amystan's words may be a bit troublesome, but she said it all for the sake of Noxus. Consider it for the future.”

"Commander Swain, please tell everyone when we can launch a decisive battle against the Wind Leader!"

And with this Hand of Noxus leading everyone to victory, the war-seeking generals present who were already ready to move finally started to agree with each other.

Swain quietly watched their performance.

When the atmosphere gradually cooled down under the pressure, he slowly stood up from his seat and looked down at the audience: "Answer the question I just asked - if I don't declare war on the leader today, what will happen?"

The air suddenly became extremely tense.

Amystan and the others did not dare to answer, so they looked at Darius for help.

"General Swain, please follow the people's will..." Darius seemed to want to persuade him again.

But Swain was resolute and refused to give in at all.

"Brothers can't wait any longer. Today, you must give us an explanation!" Darius quietly emphasized.

The generals present also tensed up their bodies instinctively, nervously observing this increasingly uncontrollable situation.

"I refuse." Swain only gave this short and cold answer.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief!" Everyone stood up one after another.

"What do you want to do?" Swain narrowed his eyes: "Have a fight here?"

"Why, is the Immortal Fortress the lair of the underworld?"

The generals were apprehensive, and once again looked collectively at their backbone, General Darius.

Finally, Darius stood up, picked up the giant ax placed aside, and cast his gaze at the shadow deep in the palace:

"Commander Swain, all we want is an answer."

" forced us to do this."

As soon as he finished speaking, a graceful figure slowly walked out of the shadows.

LeBlanc appeared from the darkness holding a staff, with two sealed crystal bottles, one black and one red, suspended next to her.

The lid of the crystal bottle has been opened, and the flames and shadows sealed in it are all tumbling out of the mouth of the bottle in the terrifying magic fluctuations, each of which vaguely condenses the outline of an ancient demon in the air.

One is a ball of flame with countless arms.

The other is a shadow covered in black mist.

Demon of Fire and Demon of Shadow - LeBlanc showed her trump card right from the start.

"What about you, Commander Swain?" LeBlanc walked to Darius and looked at Swain with a smile: "Where is your trump card that even the leader can ignore? ?”

"Please take it out——"

"Otherwise, we will have to use this rude way to ask you to fulfill your promise."

Swain was silent for a while. At first glance, he seemed to be shocked by the situation at this moment.

But faced with the desperate situation of being separated from his relatives and trapped in a tight siege, he didn't feel nervous at all.

He neither responded to LeBlanc nor ran away in panic. He just stayed in place with a calm expression and looked at everyone present: "It seems that you have made a choice."

"Commander/Teacher..." Wherever Swain looked, he saw the tangled, guilty but unrepentant looks of the generals.

The generals sided with LeBlanc and Darius and challenged him.

"So..." Swain finally asked: "You chose the black rose, and you don't plan to come back again, right?"

Amystan and the others did not dare to answer, but the way they stood firmly on the spot made their position clear. Once they made their choice, there was no way they could go back.

"Okay." Swain snorted coldly: "In that case, don't blame me for being unkind."

"The power of the Black Rose must be completely eliminated today." He looked at LeBlanc and then at the generals present: "Including you."

"This..." These words aroused a panic in everyone's hearts.

Now that General Darius has taken all of them to clearly stand in line, plus LeBlanc and the two ancient demons... Swain is alone here, and theoretically there should be no chance of a comeback.

But he was still so calm.


Could it be that...he really had some ulterior trump card that he didn't reveal until the very end?

The speculation that had been gradually shattered by uneasiness and suspicion in the past two months, as well as their fear of Swain, was resurrected at this moment, burning in the hearts of the generals.

"Swain, don't be pretentious." LeBlanc said with a gloomy face: "If you have any tricks, just use them!"

"Ha." Swain said coldly, "Don't worry, you won't be disappointed today."

"I let you go last time. This time, you should also be responsible for what you did before - what you did to my family, to my friend Darkville, and to those imperial soldiers who died in vain in Placidium. We must pay the price for what we did to this empire!"

"..." LeBlanc frowned.

Oops, the worst has happened.

Swain really has some incredible trump card. But he was not in a hurry to deal with the leader. Instead, he prioritized liquidating her.

After all, there was both national and family hatred between her and Swain. It's normal for this man not to let her go.

Sure enough, Swain said again: "The person standing in front of me now should be your body, right?"

"Except for your main body, I'm afraid no clone has the ability to control the fire demon and the shadow demon at the same time."

LeBlanc's heart sank.

Yes, this is her true nature. In order to defeat Swain, she had to take this risk.

And from Swain's tone, she couldn't even hear a hint of his fear of the Fire Demon and the Shadow Demon.

Damn it...what kind of trump card does he have in his hand that can make him so arrogant?

Apart from the three-headed demons, there shouldn't be any powerful treasures in the Immortal Fortress!

Could it be that Swain secretly contacted Mordekaiser in the underworld, or found a darkin, protoss, or some other powerful backer?

Or is he bluffing? But it’s already here, what’s the point of playing the empty city strategy!

LeBlanc couldn't figure it out.

But from Swain's cold and confident face, LeBlanc has already seen the worst ending: she will fail.

Those disloyal people who collaborate with her will be eliminated one by one by Swain in this "loyalty test".

And she will fall into infinite pain and torture because of the blood feud between her and Swain.

"Okay..." But LeBlanc didn't back down.

She took a deep breath, with a hint of determination in her eyes: "Swein, just show your cards if you have any!"

Yes, although LeBlanc is afraid, she is not afraid.

She had already considered the worst-case scenario, and the possibility that Swain might really have a trump card, but use it specifically to deal with her. but...

LeBlanc gritted her teeth: "You have a trump card, do you think I have no backup plan?"


Almost at the same time, Zaun.

After receiving a gentle farewell kiss from Seraphine, Levi walked out of the house, "rided" on Tam and got ready to go to work.

And before he could jump into Tam's big mouth...a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"LeBlanc?!" Levi was startled.

He really didn't expect to see this scheming enchantress at this time.

"Clone?" Levi looked at her thoughtfully.

"Yes." LeBlanc smiled and came closer: "Zu'an is the center of the world today. I always have several clones here, just to contact you in time."

"What are you doing here?" Levi was not too polite.

"I come to you, my master," LeBlanc said.

Levi: "..."

He doubted his ears.

Just listen to LeBlanc say: "I have evidence that Swain, in addition to mastering the secret demon, also hides an extremely terrifying trump card."

"Hmm..." Levi looked strange: "What trump card?"

"I don't know yet." LeBlanc said frankly: "But this trump card must be strong enough. Otherwise, he would not have the intention to liquidate me when facing the huge threat brought by the Wind Leader to the empire. .”

Levi: "..."

Now he finally understood.

"So..." And Levi's expression became extremely exciting: "Are you here to seek asylum from me?"

Good guy. Is he LeBlanc's back-up man?

Did this woman have a plan from the beginning? If Swain didn't cooperate with her, and she was unable to fight against Swain, or even be liquidated by Swain in turn, she would turn around and seek support from the Wind Leader?

"Yes." LeBlanc nodded: "At least Wind Leader has no personal grudge against me. If I have to accept a defeat, I would rather fall into your hands than the ruthless Swain. "

"Leaders treat prisoners preferentially, don't they? What's more, I took the initiative to surrender."

"Not to mention, Swain is also your enemy. Facing this powerful enemy with a huge empire and a mysterious trump card, I think you should also need my power. After all, I still control the Black Rose. The remaining forces, and a shadow demon whose strength is not inferior to that of a demigod."

"So, about 1,000 years of forced labor..."

LeBlanc frankly showed his united front value and bargained with Levi.

Her natural look made it impossible to imagine that this was the third time she had come to negotiate terms of surrender.

"Your face..." Levi couldn't help but sigh: "It's simply worse than Mr. Tam's thick skin."

"Thank you for the compliment." LeBlanc was not annoyed at all.

"So how is the situation over there?" Li Wei suppressed a smile and asked seriously: "Do you need me to go over there now for support?"

"It's not needed yet." LeBlanc shook his head.

"Jana, sir..." Levi couldn't hold himself any longer: "It's already here, are you still making preparations?"

She is simply a genius in the world of speculation.

"You still want to have a try with Swain, right?"

"Does it take Swain to completely pull out his trump card and subdue you and your two ancient demons before you are willing to truly bow to me and beg me to teleport to the Immortal Fortress to save your life?"

"That's right..." LeBlanc was about to nod.

But she suddenly realized something was wrong.

"How do you know that Swain and I are in the Immortal Fortress now?" LeBlanc looked at Levi with great concern.

"Hahahaha." Levi finally couldn't help laughing.

He pointed to Mr. Tam who had his mouth wide open and was already waiting impatiently: "If I want to go to the office, I can just fly there myself. So, Miss LeBlanc..."

"Where do you think I'm going to work now?"

LeBlanc: "???"

She suddenly had a very bad premonition.

"Mr. Levi." LeBlanc wanted to test her carefully, but Levi was no longer interested in talking to her.

"Goodbye." Levi jumped into Tam's big mouth.

Before disappearing into the abyss, he left behind a sentence:

"Congratulations, it's the year 2000."

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