"Father, the Demon Searcher Corps has officially surrendered to our Kaicheng. We have won this war!"

In the palace, the old king has received the good news from Prince Jiawen personally.

He thought it would be a tough battle, but he didn't expect that his good son would capture the Demon Searcher Corps headquarters in less than half a day.

Moreover, the prince also brought him an unexpected surprise:

"The Colossus of Justice..." King Jarvan looked into the distance at the giant statue walking proudly on the streets of Xiongdu.

After this battle, Galio officially became a member of the Demacia army.

Galio, the Colossus of Justice, Shyvana, the previous elemental dragon, and the liberated army of mage prisoners... Demacia's current power is getting stronger and stronger.

The only problem is:

These powers were directly in the hands of his son, not in his hands as the king.

"..." The old king pondered for a while.

"Father?" Prince Jiawen's call quietly brought him back to reality: "Father, what are you thinking about?"

"I..." The old king felt a little guilty.

As a father, he shouldn't speculate so maliciously on his son.

But as a king, he was fighting against others all the time. It's always cold at high places, and theoretically everyone could be his enemy.

The defeat of the Forbidden Demon Sect is now doomed, but the destruction of this sect does not mean peace in the world.

When the power vacuum left by the Anti-Devil Sect is completely filled and the interests are divided, he, the king, will face new enemies sooner or later.

Who could this enemy be? It’s hard to say.

As a king, a loner on the throne, he could only regard anyone who could threaten him as a potential enemy.

But at this moment, with the complete destruction of the Forbidden Demon Sect, the person who is most capable of threatening the royal power has become...

"Jiawen." The old king looked at his good son.

Now the crownguard family, the Bouvier family and other royal families have expressed their support for Prince Jarvan to varying degrees.

In a series of thunderous offensives against the Forbidden Demon Sect, Prince Jiawen showed great energy, gained great victories, and accumulated great prestige.

There is no doubt that this kid is a fledgling.

He may now have the confidence to take off his disguise and reveal his true feelings in front of his father - no matter what his true thoughts are.

So, the old king finally couldn't help but ask the question he wanted to know half a month ago: "Jiawen."

"You would rather go against my will, even risk the disapproval of the world, lead an army to go alone, and threaten the king, but also disregard the overall situation and start a war against the Forbidden Demon Sect... It is really just to win justice for your mage friend, and to abolish the Forbidden magic eucalyptus?"

The old king felt a little nervous when he asked this question.

Just a few months ago, Prince Jiawen was still the "silly son" who was so honest that it gave him a headache.

But look at him now:

He is majestic, majestic, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, a tiger's back and a bear's waist...

Although his face is still the same and his eyes are as sincere as before, he is indeed no longer a child, but a man.

Looking at his face, he really has a domineering air of "How can I stay under others for a long time?"

"Father." Prince Jiawen bowed deeply.

Then, he looked around and saw that there were no guards around...

"..." The old king suddenly became a little nervous.

He has only one son, and sooner or later the position will be his. Isn't it?

The old king was thinking wildly, and then he just heard Prince Jiawen say: "Father, I do still have a lot of things to do. I'm afraid you won't be able to accept these things, so I don't plan to tell you yet."

"But now Demacia is standing at a fork in the road of the times. If we take a wrong step, we may step into an abyss..."

As he said that, Prince Jiawen looked a little complicated.

He knew that after the Nobles of the Forbidden Demon Sect were destroyed, the remaining nobles would no longer have internal worries and would soon think of the Wind Leader as an external threat.

To suppress this anti-Leader wave within Demacia and prevent this meaningless war as much as possible, he cannot just be a good son who listens to his father.

He must be at the helm of the kingdom to put Demacia peacefully on the path to progress.

"So..." Prince Jiawen gritted his teeth and finally said: "Father, I still hope that you can trust me more in the future. It is best... let me help you share some of the pressure."

King Jarvan: "..."

It's coming, it's really coming.

The old king was silent for a long time, looking so haggard that he seemed to have aged several years out of thin air: "You really didn't learn the things I taught you in vain!"

"It's only been a few months, who would have thought that it would be your turn to teach me?"

"Father..." Prince Jiawen's face was filled with guilt.

But the old king breathed a sigh of relief and soon felt relieved.

"Okay, that's fine." He murmured and sighed, "I feel relieved if you have such a method."

The old king's tone was pleased.

But he still had doubts: "Child, tell me - is this all your own idea, or is there someone else instigating you behind your back?"

This is what the old king is most worried about.

"Is it that Galen?"

The old king used to think that this young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes was very reliable.

But seeing Galen's performance in the court today, he got to know the heir of the Crown Guard family again.

He now wondered whether Prince Jiawen had unknowingly become the puppet of his good brother.

"Father, you are too worried." Prince Jiawen said frankly: "This plan to eliminate the Demonic Sect and seize power in the kingdom was made by me from the beginning."

"I want to believe you, Jarvan." The old king frowned: "But you have to tell me - how did you convince the Crownguard family to betray me, the king, and follow you instead?"

If all this is not a conspiracy of the Crownguard family, then why does Prince Jiawen make the Crownguard family so obedient?

"This..." Prince Jiawen found it difficult to answer.

All he could say was, "Because Galen and Lux ​​support me. They are my family."

"But Peter and Ogesha are not your family." The old king snorted: "They are the real controllers of the Crown Guard family."

"I don't think Peter and Ogesha would make such a risky decision just because of the instigation of their three children."

Prince Jiawen was even more speechless.

At this time, the old king was keenly aware: "Jiawen, is all this related to what you just said, the 'real purpose' that you didn't want to tell me?"

"Is it because the big thing you really want to do is recognized by the Crown Guard family, so they support you so much?"

"...Yes." Prince Jiawen was silent for a long time and finally nodded.

"What on earth do you want to do?" The old king couldn't figure it out.

The treatment he gave to the Crownguard family was already that of an extremely humane minister.

What else can Prince Jarvan promise to the Crownguard family to allow them to follow in their adventure?

Could it be that Prince Jarvan wants to imitate Noxus in carrying out reforms, imitate the story of Swain and Darius, and ask Galen to be his "Executive Deputy Emperor"?

"This..." Prince Jiawen hesitated.

"Go ahead." The old king sighed softly: "You have complete control of the situation now, child. You don't have to worry about my objections."

"Even if you really want to imitate Swain of Noxus and change the Kingdom of Demacia into the Demacia Federation, I will never stop you."

"Okay..." Prince Jiawen took a deep breath and finally said, "Actually, I want to..."

"Change the Kingdom of Demacia to the Demacia Janna Dominion Alliance Republic."

Old King: "???"

He suddenly doubted his ears.

This answer was obviously far beyond his acceptance range.

"You, you..." The old king was so surprised that he could not speak coherently.

"Yes." Prince Jiawen helped his father fill in the words: "I am the leader."

"So are Galen and Lux."

There was a deathly silence.

"You...are the leader?!" The old king couldn't understand at all: "You are the prince of Demacia and the heir of the Crownguard family. What kind of leader do you think you are?"

"Born does not determine belief. Ideals are higher than everything else." As he spoke, Prince Jiawen's tone became firm: "Father, I believe you can understand me——"

"As the prince of Demacia when you were young, you could have followed the army to fight some favorable battles and gain some ready-made achievements."

"But you didn't do that. You chose to go to the place where the fighting was fiercest and fight side by side with the most ordinary German soldiers."

"Why is this? For profit or for your own beliefs?"

"I..." The old king was silent.

He seemed to recall what he looked like when he was young. Like, indeed very similar.

"Our beliefs are different. But Father, I believe you can understand me."

"What's more..." Prince Jiawen knew that his father was no longer young.

He will not be easily persuaded by the vague word faith.

So he turned to the practical pros and cons and said to his father: "Father, the rise of the leader is unstoppable. What's the point of resisting stubbornly just now?"

"Might as well..."

"Enough!" The old king still couldn't accept surrender: "Demacia will not give in easily. Even when facing the Wind Leader and the goddess Janna!"

"Don't forget, we are also protected by the Winged Guardian God."

"The Angel of Justice once left an oracle before she left: When Demacia is in danger of overthrowing, she will definitely come back to the mortal world to protect us!"

The old king's words were quite confident.

But Prince Jiawen said to him rudely: "Father, stop deceiving yourself."

Leaders will not be deceived by this kind of "nuclear blackmail" because "Prophet" Levi knows:

Just like LeBlanc dared not break Mordekaiser's seal no matter what, the nobles of Demacia never wanted to see the Angel of Justice Kyle again.

"Father, do you really want the Angel of Justice to come back?"

"If she really comes back, then the nobles of Demacia will probably rush to surrender to the Wind Leader and ask the goddess Janna to protect their lives, right?"

Goddess Jana can at least tell you something about the value of united front.

But there is no room for any sand in the eyes of the Angel of Justice Kyle.

In the goddess Janna, the nobles at least had sewing machines to step on.

But if Kyle saw what they had done over the years, he would probably just kill them all.

"Father," Prince Jiawen asked, "Are you so confident that you haven't broken any laws in all these years?"

Old King: "..."

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the goddess Janna is really more acceptable.

Of course, the most important thing is: now his only son has already joined the venture industry.

No matter how hard he protects this family fortune, who will he pass it on to after his death?

"I understand..." The old king sighed deeply: "Jiawen, you can do whatever you want. I can't control you anymore."

He finally accepted the reality.

"But..." The old king was still very concerned: "You helped the leader so much, what did the leader promise you?"

A new world was promised.

Prince Jarvan thought, but he didn't say so.

Because he knew what his father wanted to hear was: "The Wind Leader Association allows us to retain a portion of the royal property."

The Jiawen royal family had taken the lead in taking the risk, and it was certainly not good for the Wind Leader Association to confiscate their land and real estate and then confiscate their family's frivolous wealth.

Although compared to the land under the royal family's name, this part of the floating wealth is only a fraction.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. With this remaining royal property alone, the Guangdun family is enough to become the "people's tycoon" in the new era.

"That's it?" But the old king was still not satisfied.

That money originally belonged to his family.

The leader took away 70% in one go, leaving him 30%. He still had to thank them?

"No, that is not our money, but the people's support of Demacia." Prince Jarvan said solemnly: "It is too much for us to leave three achievements."

"There are still many people in Demacia who don't even have food to eat. If you ask me, the money should be donated directly..."

"Wait!" The old king hurriedly called to his son, fearing that the boy would completely defeat the old Guangdun family on impulse.

Then, he paused and said, "Money is a trivial matter."

"Jiawen, let me ask you - you have done such a big thing for the Wind Leader, didn't the Wind Leader promise you any position?"

"Father." Prince Jiawen frowned: "It is impossible to realize the power of our leader. Please stop thinking wildly."

"In other words, is it true?" the old king asked regardless.

"Yes." Prince Jiawen replied helplessly.

"What position?"

"Demacia Branch of the Wind Leader Association, Vice President."

"Vice President..." The old king was still thinking: "Is it similar to the position of the Crownguard family in Demacia?"

"Well, that's about right."

"That's okay." The old king sighed softly.

It is already very good for the former royal family to be a "vice emperor" in the new dynasty.

"Then who is this president?" He asked curiously: "Who was appointed by the General Assembly?"

"No." Prince Jiawen shook his head: "The president is also a Demacian."

"who is it?"


"There is also a Lux on the Wind Leader's side?"

"No, that's the Lux you know." Prince Jarvan smiled and said, "Laxana Crownguard, my sister."

Old King: "..."

There was a delicate silence.

"What's wrong, father?"

"It's nothing." The old king rubbed his eyes tiredly: "Jiawen, you should follow me from now on and take a few more classes."

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