LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 429 Shurima, your emperor is not coming back (two-in-one)

Seeing this scene, Nasus's dead soul seemed to have encountered nectar from heaven, and finally regained its vitality.

Three thousand years!

The Shurima Empire has been dead for three thousand years, and he has been waiting for it for three thousand years!

Three thousand years ago, the sun's disk was drained of power by Xerath's witchcraft and collapsed.

The holy water gurgling from the city's oases dried up, and Shurima fell into death and famine.

In the years that followed, other Ascended Ones tried to hold the shattered empire together, but their numerous rivals sparked infighting among themselves.

All the remaining warriors of the gods feel that their immortal hearts are missing the light of the sun's disk.

Losing the constraints of the empire and the guidance of the sun disk, the Ascended Ones, whose minds were affected by the void, turned into darkspawn abandoned by the world.

A darkin world war began. Not only did Shurima fall apart, but the entire Runeterra ushered in the Dark Age.

Nasus was powerless to stop or undo all of this.

As an Imperial Grand Maester who lost his empire, he was disheartened after the fall of Shurima and hid in a tower in a hidden cliff to live alone.

He lived in seclusion on the cliff for countless years, and used ancient astrology to ask the stars about Shurima's future destiny.

And the stars gave him a prophecy:

"In the distant future, Shurima will rise again from the desert. The true ruler will fight tirelessly to regain everything that has been lost."

"And Chalikar is a part of Shurima's rebirth. It will become a symbol of Shurima and call the people to rally."

The Ascended Ones are warriors of the gods, and Nasus believed in the prophecies given to him by the protoss.

But the content of this prophecy is only two sentences.

How far into the distant future is it? When will Shurima wait until it rises again?

Who will be the "real ruler" who will give Shurima new life?

Nasus didn't know. Even if he is as powerful as a god, he cannot see the full picture of the future.

So he put Chalikar, the weapon of the greatest ascendant Setaka, which was predicted to be "a key link in the resurrection of the Shurima Empire", into the tomb and buried it underground.

He believed that as long as the prophecy was accurate, Chalikar would one day reappear in the world under the guidance of fate.

And now...

"Charikal has reappeared." Nasus looked at Sivir with burning eyes.

Moreover, the person who holds it is the heir of the Ascension Blood and the direct descendant of Emperor Azir!

She took up the weapons of her ancestors!

Chalikar chose her. Shurima has chosen her!

"It can't be wrong." Nasus' heart surged: "You are the descendant of Eagle King Azir——"

"Heir to the Shurima Empire!"

He growled excitedly, and then...

"..." There was a strange silence.

Sivir looked at him for a few seconds.

Then, she couldn't help but comment: "Hey. Are you going to say something next..."

"In fact, Azir is not dead. He hid 100 tons of gold in the desert. Now he needs 2,000 Silver Wheel travel expenses to open the ancient tomb and resurrect the Shurima Empire?"

Nasus: "?"

"Save it." Sivir said sarcastically: "I don't believe those nonsense you said!"

"What about Azir, the Eagle King, and the Shurima Empire? What does that have to do with me?"

Azir will be resurrected and Shurima will be reborn. This has actually been a well-known prophecy and legend in the Shurima desert for a long time.

In the beginning, people used this legend to recall the glory of the past and express their good wishes.

Later, as the story spread more widely and became more true, a group of smart people began to use it to deceive fools.

To this day, Shurima is almost full of magicians who use the name of Eagle King Azir to defraud money under the guise of resurrecting the Shurima Empire.

Even Belgun has a singing eagle temple that worships Azir.

The priests of the temple all say that they are descendants of the great Eagle King.

But when Sivir followed the Wind Leader to take over Berghun, she only saw a bunch of vampires and parasites. Not to mention making Shurima great again, it would be good if they could not join forces with the Noxian colonists to deceive their compatriots.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Sivir looked at Nasus warily.

Although Nasus is powerful and unlike ordinary liars. But experience told her that people who always talk about "Azir" and "Shurima Empire" are probably bad guys with other agendas.

"No, Sivir." Nasus wanted to explain: "You are indeed a descendant of Azir..."

"Of course." Sivir smiled heartily.

Azir has been dead for almost 3,000 years. God knows how many descendants he has in Shurima today.

Whose family tree can go back 3,000 years without finding a single prince or noble?

If calculated this way, then Li Wei is still a serious descendant of Emperor Yan and the heir to the noble Yanhuang tribe.

"No, no, no." Nasus noticed Sivir's resistance and vigilance towards this statement.

So he patiently explained: "Ascension blood is more precious and scarce than you think."

Almost every generation of Shurima emperors is a powerful ascendant who has been baptized by the energy of the sun disk.

Therefore, the direct descendants of the Shurima royal family are the sons of the gods who have merged the blood of many generations of ascendants, and are the "descendants of the sun" in the true sense.

And 3,000 years ago, Xerath's witchcraft interrupted the ascension ceremony and detonated the solar disk out of control.

The vast energy erupted from the solar disk is even more powerful than a real nuclear bomb.

This "Tsar Bomb" not only killed the desert emperor Azir on the spot, but also razed the capital of Shurima to the ground and took away the direct descendants of the royal family who lived in the hinterland of the kingdom.

"I thought Azir's direct bloodline had been severed at that time."

"But I didn't expect..." Nasus looked deeply at Sivir, with a trace of hope in his eyes.

Sivir couldn't see his appearance clearly, but felt danger from his burning eyes.

"That's enough!" She is a stubborn person.

Even if the weirdo in front of him is stronger than himself, Sivir is not afraid to question: "Even if I am really the descendant of Azir, so what?"

"When my parents and family were trampled to death like ants by desert bandits, and when I was begging for food on the roadside like a dog, did my so-called 'noble blood' have any effect on me?"

"I don't know why you came to me, but if my bloodline is really so important, why didn't you show up earlier and save my parents and family?"

Nasus was speechless.

He unconsciously drooped his ears and his eyes were downcast.

"These...are the fates written in the prophecies." After a long time, Nasus said, "It was fate that led us here."

"Sivir, you also shoulder a more important mission. I believe that Shurima will rise again because of you..."

"Then what should we do?" Sivir got straight to the point.

"What do you want to do? What do you want me to do for you so that Shurima can rise again?"

"Uh..." Nasus really couldn't answer.

He came here simply to find someone to chat with. Who would have thought that he would see the prophecy confirmed as soon as he arrived?

But this prediction was only half confirmed.

Chalikar has finally seen the light of day again, and the "real ruler" seems to have come true in Sivir.

What about Shurima? What about the promises that "Shurima will rise again from the yellow sands" and "Shurima people will be united again"?

What will Sivir have to do next to make Shurima rise again and reunite the Shurima people who are fragmented and killing each other?

"I don't know either." Nether admitted frankly that he was confused.

"But fate has allowed you to meet Chalikar." He was full of hope for the future.

So what to do next? The answer to this question does not lie with him, but with Sivir, the protagonist.

So Nasus asked, "What are you going to do next, Sivir?"

"Ask for help from your companions and drive you away." Sivir said frankly.

"No, I'm asking about the longer-term plan." Nasus asked, "What are you going to do after you leave here?"

"What to do?" Sivir frowned.

Then she answered truthfully: "Continue to accept commissions to make money."

"No, you misunderstood." The bachelor persuaded patiently: "I mean, the ultimate goal of your life. Have you ever thought about what you will ultimately achieve in this life?"

Sivir: "Accept the commission to make money."

Nasus: "......"

This seemed a little different from the "real ruler" he imagined.

Sivir has no feelings for the Shurima Empire 3,000 years ago, and he doesn't care much about Shurima today.

Will such a person with no ambition really become the hero who saves Shurima?

"Perhaps, this is the reason why I am here." Nasus came to this conclusion after thinking.

Why did fate allow him and Sivir to meet here?

Perhaps, this was the stars reminding him that Sivir's growth still needs his assistance, and Shurima's rise still needs his power.

Shurima, your Grand Maester is returning.

"Come with me, Sivir."

"What are you going to do?" Sivir immediately picked up Chalikar and put on a posture that he would rather be broken than destroyed.

"You are not yet able to shoulder the heavy responsibility. Fate has chosen me as your teacher. I need to train you into a true ruler."

As the most knowledgeable imperial maester in Shurima, Nasus was originally the teacher of all Shurima emperors.

Now that destiny has arranged for him to meet Sivir, he must hope that he will cultivate this child well.

Nasus thought so.

"What if I don't want to go with you?" Sivir was extremely wary.

"You will understand my painstaking efforts in the future." Nasus only replied.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the smell of gunpowder filled the air.

Sivir seems to be trying to fight to the death.

Nasus looked at her quietly, like a parent watching an ignorant and noisy child.

"Wait." Taliyah, who had been observing silently, finally spoke cautiously.

She looked at Nasus' burly figure, which was completely hidden under his robes and bandages, and asked, "Sir, who are you?"

"I..." Nasus hesitated.

His name is familiar to every Shuriman.

To this day, the Shurima people still regard him as a great hero of this civilization and tell their children in stories.

His jackal statues still stand in temples everywhere for future generations to visit and admire.

But the more this happened, the more Nasus instinctively refused to reveal his identity in front of future generations.

He was afraid that these suffering children would ask him why he, the great hero of Shurima, was still alive, but Shurima had become like this.

"I..." Nasus was hesitant about whether to reveal his identity now.

Fortunately, Taliyah did not continue to ask.

She just said carefully: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. Sir, I can see that you don't mean any harm."

With the strength Nasus showed, if he was really malicious, he wouldn't have to patiently tell Sivir so much.

So Taliyah boldly believed what Nasus said: "You just said, 'This is the fate written in the prophecy.' In other words, you believe in a prophecy?"

"Yes." Nasus nodded: "The prophecy tells me that Shurima will rise again from the desert. The true ruler will fight unremittingly to regain everything that has been lost."

He spoke his prophecy, and then looked expectantly at Sivir and her Chalikar.

It was obvious that Sivir was the "real ruler" in his eyes.

"I believe in your prophecy." Taliyah first expressed her support.

And she really believed it.

After all, Nasus is not only powerful, but he also just revealed many secrets of the Shurima Empire.

He could even smell the breath of "Ascension Blood" and revealed the true origin of Chalikar that even Sivir himself didn't know.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Nasus had a lot of background.

"But your prophecy didn't mention the specific method by which Shurima will rise again, right?"

"Yes." Nasus looked at Sivir: "But the prophecy mentioned that Charikal would be a key link in the rise of Shurima. And it has already appeared."

Now that half of the prophecy has been fulfilled in Sivir, the next half will definitely come true as well.

As for how it would be fulfilled, he couldn't tell.

From his current understanding, it was fate that arranged for him to be Sivir's teacher and train her to become a great hero who would rule Shurima.


"Tell me, is there a possibility?" Taliyah tried to say: "Fate allows you to meet us here, but it does not allow you to take away Sivir who owns Chalikal——"

"But destiny is guiding you to join us?"

"This..." Nasus fell into thought.

It is indeed possible.

But he asked: "Who are we...'we'?"

"Wind Leader." Taliyah called to her door: "A follower of the goddess Janna."

"Janna, hehe..." Nasus smiled but said nothing.

The ascended ones are gods themselves.

How could fate make a noble ascended person follow the goddess Janna?

The order to destroy the Temple of Janna and ban heretical beliefs was still signed by him, the great bachelor.

"Janna is nothing compared to the greatness of the Shurima Empire," Nasus said proudly.

But Taliyah shattered his pride rudely: "The Shurima Empire has been dead for 3,000 years."

"Not only does the goddess Janna still exist, but she has also brought an unprecedented, new path to this world."

"Our beliefs and ideals, even you yearn for them, don't you?"

Taliyah had not forgotten that when Nasus first appeared, he said he was "coming here to gain knowledge." Later, when he met Chalikar, he suddenly focused on the prophecy.

It is not difficult to imagine that he must have overheard his discussion with Sivir and thus became interested in the Datong society in Janna's theory.

He is powerful, has a gentle attitude, can communicate normally, and is also interested in Janna theory...

Isn’t this the best development target?

Although she still didn't know the origin of Nasus' identity, Taliyah thought she could give it a try.

So she said: "Sir, since you regard Sivir as the child of the prophecy, you must at least listen to how she wants to bring new life to Shurima."

"But I asked." Nasus replied gloomily, "She just wants to make money now."

"Really? In your eyes, is Sivir really that shallow?" Taliyah looked at Sivir and asked.

Sivir stared at her innocently with his big eyes.

Is not it?

She wanted to ask this herself.

"Of course not." Taliyah said to Nasus: "Sir, I think you should have heard the discussion I had with Sivir about the Great Harmony Society."

"Do you really think this is something a shallow, ignorant, refined and self-interested person would think about?"

"This..." Nasus trembled slightly.

indeed. Everyone has the ability to think, but the reality is that only a handful of people love thinking.

The intelligence of most people is limited to a heavy life and low-level entertainment.

Few people look up at the stars and look toward the future—especially in today's dilapidated Shurima.

But what is Sivir doing?

She is discussing a harmonious society, studying distribution according to needs, and thinking about the distant future shape of human society.

And after thinking deeply, she asked Taliyah many sharp questions.

Does this seem like something a shallow, ignorant, and unambitious person would do?

"Actually, Miss Sivir has awakened." As she said that, Taliyah looked at Sivir solemnly: "I believe that in her heart, she has already chosen our leader."

"Is it right?"

"I..." Sivir instinctively wanted to retort.

She's just here to make money, that's all.

But... I thought about all the things I saw when I was doing social surveys in Bergün, the theories I had read carefully, and the discussion I just had about Datong society...

She thought for a while and answered honestly: "Indeed. I kind of believe in the leader's theory now."

"Especially..." Sivir looked at Nasus warily: "Compared to some prophecy that has nothing to do with it."

"I would rather believe in these leaders and believe that they can bring new life to Shurima!"

"This..." Nasus couldn't help but fell into thought.

The holder of Chalikal, the last descendant of Shurima, chose to follow the goddess Janna?

Could it be that fate really guided Janna?

More than 3,000 years ago, Shurima expelled Janna.

More than 3,000 years later, the expelled heretic became the righteous god of Shurima?

"You can learn more about us." Taliyah saw the right moment and handed him a "Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts".

"Well..." Nasus hesitated.

He finally stretched out his broad palm and took the booklet.

He was originally interested in the leader's knowledge and theory, so he simply sat upright, held the pamphlet in his hand, and read it on the spot with concentration.

But when I turned the page, the title page of the book read: "...There is no fairy emperor..."

"How come there is no immortal emperor?" Nasus wondered: "Isn't your Janna a god?"

"This is what it means." Taliyah said: "When we say there are no immortal emperors, we don't mean that there are no gods and emperors in the world - we mean that no one can be the master of mankind, be it gods or emperors. You can enslave all sentient beings from above."

"So..." Nasus hesitated: "You want to defeat all the gods and emperors who enslave people?"

"You could say that." Taliyah nodded.

"What about the Shurima Empire?"

"Of course it is included." Taliyah said bluntly: "If this backward slave empire still exists now, it will definitely be the enemy of the leader."

Nasus: "......"

"In other words, you don't want to restore the Shurima Empire?"

"Nonsense." Sivir would answer this question quickly: "The Shurima Empire has been dead for 3,000 years, why is it resurrected?"

"This..." Nasus was confused.

The return of Shurima he was looking forward to was not a new Shurima that believed in Janna.

What about the Empire? What about the Ascended? What about the solar disk?

If it doesn't have any of these, can it still be called Shurima?

"But the prophecy doesn't seem to say that the Shurima Empire will rise again in the future, right?" Taliyah said in time.

"Uh..." Indeed.

The prophecy states that "Shurima will rise again from the desert," but it does not say that it must be the empire that rises.

"Then who is the real ruler?" Nasus wondered.

The empire is gone, so why are there still rulers in the prophecy?

"The ruler is just the controller of the political power, and it does not necessarily mean that he must be the emperor." Taliyah analyzed: "Shurima is indeed about to usher in its true ruler -"

"Those are the people of Shurima!"

In this way, the prediction seems to be correct.

"But the prophecy also mentions Chalikhar. It will become a symbol of Shurima, calling people to rally."

Charikal is the weapon of Queen Setaka. The prophecy mentioned Chalikar, and Chalikar appeared in the hands of the "last princess". Doesn't this imply that the ascended blood should once again rule the land of Shurima?

"The Chalikal is only a weapon, sir."

"Weapons themselves cannot unite the people. What can unite the people is the owner of the weapon and his path."

"Chalikar's former owner was the emperor, but its new owner now——"

Saying that, Taliyah looked at Sivir:

"She will definitely be a leader."

Sivir's lips parted slightly, but in the end he didn't refute.

"The emperor of Shurima did not save the country. Shurima has risen again and no longer needs an emperor."

"This..." Nasus stopped questioning.

He looked tangledly at the pamphlet in his hand and Sivir, who looked at him warily.

He didn't fully understand the theory of the Wind Leader, nor did he believe in the goddess Janna. But fate did lead him here.

Since Sivir is the child of prophecy, her choice is worth his patience.

"I respect your choice, descendant of the emperor, master of Chalikar——"

"I will follow you temporarily and observe your future performance."

With that said, Nasus finally opened the "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts" again and continued reading.

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