LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 437 Daughter of the Void

When Kesha woke up from her slumber, the sunlight had turned dim.

She opened her eyes suddenly and looked around in horror, only to realize that she had not been taken too far by the bad guys.

She was still on a certain mountain peak outside the village, only a few hills away from home.

But this is not necessarily good news.

Kesha saw that the purple-robed man who had kidnapped her, the prophet among the believers, was currently suspended in the air in a strange purple halo, shining like a god.

As if they were holding some kind of sacred religious ceremony, those believers crowded tightly together, looking up at their great prophet with pious eyes and enthusiastic expressions.

As for the slaves they brought with them, they were all ignored and left aside.

The believers seemed not to worry at all about these slaves escaping. And those slaves stood at the ceremony site blankly, looking at the prophet suspended in mid-air with respect and fear, and they did not dare to escape easily.

Together, these believers and slaves almost covered this small hillside.

But that's not all.

Under the mountain peaks and beyond the mountains, there were still a few believers escorting the slaves, slowly coming from the distant desert.

"The sacrificial teams will arrive one after another in the next few days. When the sacrifices arrive, the ceremony will officially begin."

"Believers, look forward to this great nothingness!"

"Praise my Lord!"

"Praise my Lord! Praise my Lord!" The fans roared fervently on the mountain peak.

"Well..." Kesha became more and more nervous.

She didn't know why these strange guys gathered here, so close to her home and the village.

What exactly do they mean by the ritual?

"You're awake." At this time, Malzahar noticed her.

He turned his head and looked at Kesha quietly with his purple eyes.

"You, you..." Kesha was shocked when she saw his face clearly.

Because at this time, Malzahar no longer looked human.

Malzahar's entire skull seemed to be just a thin layer of... web? There is something scary inside the net, glowing with strange light...pulsing. swell. spread. Craving to eat.

"What are you?!" Kesha stepped back in horror.

She instinctively reached out to her waist and grasped the dagger given to her by her father - perhaps the believers were not afraid of the resistance of a little girl like her, so they did not specifically take away the weapons she used for self-defense.

"Child." Malzahar spoke, but his voice was not a voice at all. It was thrown directly into Kesha's mind, an extension of that non-light light, smooth, clear, and unreasonable.

Kesha's slender legs trembled with fear.

She couldn't understand what she was seeing.

"Don't be afraid." Malzahar said, "Let me wake you up."

In an instant, many scenes flashed through Kesha's mind.

A huge figure towered behind the prophet, filling the entire night sky. Many buildings... or something resembling buildings, were upside down, claws splayed, and sunk beneath a vast, strange ocean. Thousands of greedy creatures swam in groups. They were so huge that they even blocked the light spots that were definitely not the scorching sun, and stirred up ocean currents in the unusual sea water.

Immediately afterwards, Kesha saw Noxus again——

Although she had never seen Noxus at all, strangely enough, she knew that the vision that appeared in her mind at this moment was the distant Noxus Empire.

He saw countless monsters forming an incredible wave that engulfed Noxus. The immortal fortress burst into terrible cracks and then capsized in the sea of ​​monsters. The ice shattered, and everything surged and writhed.

Noxus was destroyed.

Then, the Twin Cities, Shurima, Demacia, Ionia, Bilgewater, Freljord...

The entire Runeterra appeared in Kaisha's eyes, and then disappeared into nothingness in a sea of ​​purple.

"You, you..." Kesha broke away from the illusion with a pale face.

She understood the visions: "Do you want to destroy the world?"

"No." Malzahar shook his head: "It's not that we want to destroy the world, but that the world will eventually be destroyed."

"The end will come. The void will surely come and wash away the world and all the misery in the world. What will disappear with it will also include each of you.

"..." Kesha's brain was buzzing with horror.

But this strong little girl quickly broke away from the web of fear, gritted her teeth and asked: "Where is my mother?"

As she spoke, she couldn't help but turn her head and look in the direction of the village.

Keisha was scared, afraid of what these madmen would do to her village.

"I said, don't be afraid." Malzahar spoke again: "Destruction is actually not terrible."

"I once saw the world ending in the absence of light and darkness, complete emptiness. But I was wrong then. The void has transformed into a new form. A new possibility - "

"All things will eventually perish, but they will be reborn again."

"The merciful Lord will open his arms to everyone, invite you to merge into the great nothingness, and then obtain eternal happiness in the endless purple sea!"

"Crazy, crazy..." Kesha bit her lip.

She couldn't quite understand Malzahar's words, but she knew that she and her village were probably in danger now.

She was scared. but...

"Mom!" Suddenly, Kesha turned around and ran away like crazy.

Even if there was only a glimmer of possibility, she wanted to escape back to the village and warn her mother and fellow villagers to flee quickly.

"Alas." Malzahar sighed: "Don't you understand, child? For your mother and the villagers, accepting the fusion of great nothingness is the real relief."

"Bah!" Kesha's short legs moved faster: "The devil wants this kind of relief! I want to save my mother!"

Years of living as a shepherd in the mountains have trained this little girl to be agile and agile.

She ran dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye, and it seemed that even the prophet believers couldn't stop her.

But this is obviously impossible.

Believers don't need to take action at all. I saw Malzahar's thoughts moving...

"Void Insect Swarm!" The space in front of Kesha appeared strangely distorted.

A dark purple narrow door opened out of thin air, and several void beetles about the same size as her, exuding a purple halo, appeared in front of her without any warning.

"You can't leave." As Malzahar's voice slowly sounded, the void beetles were like fleshy puppets, blocking Kesha's path from all directions.

In front of these ferocious void beetles, Kesha looked like a weak and pitiful lamb.

She had no way to escape and was unable to resist.

Malzahar thought so.


"Get out of the way!" The little girl let out an unyielding roar in extreme fear.

Although the voice is childish, it is full of momentum.

Kesha gritted her silver teeth and regardless, she pulled out the dagger her father had given her and charged forward desperately.

A void beetle stood in front of her, showing its ferocious fangs.

But she still didn't back down.

She dodged the claws of the void beetle with a sliding shovel, and then used the kinetic energy of sprinting forward with all her strength to stab the dagger into the monster's heart without reservation.

The heart glowing with a strange purple light suddenly exploded like an exploding fruit.

The viscous liquid splashed out from the void spirit's body, almost completely covering Kesha's small body.

Kesha just "embraced" the half-dead ethereal body and rolled together, falling weakly on the sloping hillside.

Her desperate struggle ended sadly and feebly.

"..." Malzahar was a little surprised.

He thought that a few low-level void spirits would be enough to scare this 10-year-old girl, but he didn't expect that she would have such will and courage to swing a knife at the void monster.

Could it be that this is what’s special about Kesha?

But what does this have to do with the Lord’s cause?

Malzahar was still thinking about the reason for his intuition, but at this moment...

"Ahhhhh-" Kesha struggled to get up, her little face full of fear and pain.

She wanted to get rid of the ethereal body that was pressing on her. And she did it.

But part of this monster's body still remains on her body——

That strange skin was now firmly attached to her arm. No matter how much she tore at it, the tough monster carapace stuck firmly to her skin.

This ethereal spirit is dead.

But its skin was still "alive" - ​​and gradually integrated with Kesha, even swallowing up her sleeves, collar, and even all the fabric and dirt on her body from bottom to top.

Gradually, Kesha's clothes were swallowed up, but an additional layer of purple living skin grew like tight armor.

"What, what is this?" Kesha was extremely frightened.

She tried hard to peel off the carapace, but broke the dagger in her panic.

But the carapace remained motionless. It grew firmly on the surface of her skin, like another piece of flesh extending out of her body - she could even feel pain when the dagger scratched the carapace.

"Help, help!" The little girl ran forward like crazy.

Several other void beetles still faithfully carried out Malzahar's orders and quickly blocked her path.

But this time, facing the siege of void beetles...

Kesha's movements were more than ten times faster than before.

She instinctively dodged the claws blocking the way of the ethereal spirit, and then punched towards her——

After swinging out her fist, the layer of ethereal armor wrapped around Kesha's arm passively squirmed and deformed, following the master's will and transforming into an extended sharp claw.

Just like that, Kesha killed the void beetle in front of her with one claw while her eyes were blank and horrified.

A piece of purple fluorescent liquid bloomed in the void beetle's body, and after the liquid splashed on Kesha's was all absorbed by the wriggling living skin.

It's as if this layer of skin can eat and evolve independently.

"This..." Malzahar shrank at the sight.

The surrounding prophet believers also looked surprised.

They had never seen such a scene, and they never dared to imagine it.

How could someone actually assimilate the virtual spirit after being personally contaminated by it?

This child was not devoured by the virtual spirit, she... realized symbiosis with the virtual spirit!

"That's it! That's it!" Malzahar yelled crazily: "Kesha, you are indeed special!"

"You - you are the symbiosis of human and void spirit, the daughter of void! You must be useful to the Lord!"

"I'm going to send you to the Purple Sea to meet your destined, real mother!"

Along with Malzahar's strange roar, the eyes of the surrounding believers also became fanatical.

Keisha became increasingly confused and frightened. She couldn't figure out why this skin grew on her body.

She just wanted to run away and warn her mother and fellow villagers to flee.

"It would be great if I could fly." Kesha couldn't help but think in despair as she faced the fanatical gazes of the believers around her.

But she just had a thought...

The living skin on her body squirmed and deformed, and a pair of beetle wings actually grew out of her back.

"This..." Kesha didn't even have time to be shocked.

She instinctively flapped her wings and leapt into the sky with all her might.

"Stay, Kesha!" Malzahar's eyes glowed with purple light: "The void is your destination! We are your family!"

He raised his arm slightly, about to summon a void gate to stop Kesha.

But at this moment...

"Kesha!" Suddenly there was a gust of wind howling in the sky.

"Father?" Kesha was slightly startled.

She could hear this voice: "Father! It's father!"

The little girl suddenly cried with joy.

Although she didn't know how her father ascended to the sky, Kesha still flapped her immature wings desperately and flew high into the sky following the sound.

At this time, along with a strong airflow falling from the sky, several figures quickly fell from the sky.

Those were Kassadin, Taliyah, Sivir and Nasus.

"Kesha!" Kassadin flew down excitedly and collided with his daughter who was flying up in the air.

The father and daughter hugged each other tightly in the air and staged a touching reunion.

"Are you okay?" Kassadin asked, holding Kesha in his arms.

"I, I'm fine!" The little girl threw herself into her father's arms, tears finally overflowing her eyes.

"As long as it's okay, it's okay..." The worry on Kassadin's face finally eased slightly.

Taliyah and Sivir on the side also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They rescued the group of slaves in Weikaola yesterday, and also intercepted the prophet believers who were buying slaves in Weikaola.

But those few believers were either extremely fanatical believers who committed suicide and were martyred, or they were newcomers who had just joined the religion just to earn a living and didn't know anything about it.

Therefore, they were unable to get any useful clues from the captive prophets. They just knew that the prophet would hold a huge sacrifice ceremony on Mount Bairat.

This made Kassadin worried about his wife and daughter who were left behind in his hometown.

Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of his family, Taliyah temporarily left the large forces of the investigation team and mercenary team in Vicoula after discussing the decision with Sivir.

And she, together with Kassadin, the leader of the wind, and the two bodyguards Sivir and Nasus, temporarily abandoned the large army, used all their strength to control the wind, and flew all the way to Baila in the south. Special mountain area.

Then, after a long flight this day, I took a break on the way because I needed to "return to the blue"...

When Taliyah and his party finally flew back to Bairat Mountain, they happened to encounter this scene.

Because Nasus heard the little girl's screams from a distance, under Kassadin's anxious pleading and urging, they flew towards the mountain peaks regardless.

"Fortunately, Kesha, you're okay." Kassadin breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he asked hurriedly: "Where is your mother? Is she okay?"

"Mother is at home, she should be fine." Kesha replied hastily, which made Kassadin feel relieved again.

Taliyah and Sivir felt even more grateful to see him reunited with Ke'Sa and his daughter without any casualties.

Only Nasus remained silent, and his face looked extremely ugly.

When he had just flown in, he had already heard some very bad conversations through his sensitive jackal ears.

And now, he saw this scene with his own eyes:

"Kesha, right? You..." Nasus looked over seriously: "What is this carapace on your body?"

"Huh?" Kassadin was slightly stunned.

Only then did he have time to notice that the layer of purple carapace tightly wrapped around his daughter's skin was like exogenous skin.

Moreover, his daughter actually grew wings?

How is this going?

"I, I don't know either." Kesha's voice was filled with tears: "It's that madman - he, he summoned a few purple bugs out of thin air, and then..."

Then Nasus was no longer in the mood to listen anymore.

"You mean, he can summon void creatures out of thin air?"

"Yeah." Kesha nodded timidly.

"..." Nasus was silent for a while.

He lowered his head and looked at the ground, seeing the void beetles still baring their teeth and claws, and the prophet Malzahar floating in the sky in the enchanting purple light.

Malzahar looked at him from afar.

Their eyes collided silently in the air.

Under the powerful fluctuations of magic power revealed by the Ascended One, Malzahar did not show any signs of flinching.

He even acted a little excited, as if a hunter had accidentally discovered a rare prey in his trap.

As a result, Nasus also saw what Kesa had seen before, the strangely flickering non-light in Malzahar's head.

"This..." His voice suddenly became harsh.

According to legend, this prophet can easily tear the earth of Shurima apart and summon endless terrifying creatures from the ground.

Nasus originally thought it was just a coincidence.

He also thought that this prophetic sect, which was obviously different from the Void in terms of doctrine, was just a group of ordinary followers of the evil god.

After all, the mission, or instinct, of void creatures is to devour everything in the material realm without limit.

In Nasus's knowledge, it is impossible for humans and void creatures to coexist.

In the long and difficult wars in the past, they have never had any record of cooperating with humans, let alone spreading doctrines and developing believers among humans.

What's more, the purpose of void is to annihilate everything, not to integrate everything. The "teachings" of the two are also completely different.

So until now, until he saw it with his own eyes, Nasus couldn't believe that this prophetic sect was really related to the void.


"Sivir." Nasus looked deeply at Sivir and the Chalikar in her hand.

The previous owner of Chalikar died in this terrifying purple halo.

Even if it is as powerful as the Ascended Queen Setaka, or as powerful as the Shurima Empire with an entire Ascended Legion, it can only barely compete with it.

But now, he was alone.

"What, what's wrong?" Taliyah and Sivir both noticed something was wrong.

"Run!" Nasus' voice was so serious for the first time: "The void is coming——"

"Run away, silly kids!"

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