LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 460 Who can save Freljord?

One week later, Miylin City Industrial Zone.

After get off work in the evening, Tryndamere and the Ice Soldiers walked into the public canteen in the industrial area and took out their wallets.

This is the salary advanced to them by the blacksmith cooperative.

When the cooperative cadres distributed money to these ice people, they specifically told them that they would be paid for working here, and the excess wages could be saved and not spent too quickly.

After all, Miyin City Industrial Zone only provides basic housing and living security to employees. If you want to live in a better house and live a better quality of life in the future, you have to buy it yourself.

But Tryndamere and the others didn't listen to him.

For ice people, money is the least valuable thing, and houses are not important. Only the food eaten in the stomach and the fat growing on the waist are real wealth.

So Tryndamere used his salary generously to buy a barrel of spirits, a pot of oatmeal and vegetable stew, a pot of cabbage soup, a loaf of brown bread, and three alchemical quick-cooked roast chickens...

The food piled up into a small mountain on the table, causing the surrounding Zaun construction workers and local Mithril City workers to look askance at it.

"This is simply paradise." After eating and drinking, an Ice Warrior couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes." Tryndamere also burped happily.

There is no need to risk your life every day chasing big wild boars on the ice field. You can get so much delicious food in exchange for a day of burning a furnace and forging iron in the blacksmith shop.

What's more, in the so-called modern blacksmith shops of these Germans, there are also electric stoves, blowers, hydraulic hammers, and grinders that are said to be imported from Zaun...

They don't even need to burn the furnace themselves, or even make the iron with their own hands. They can learn to fiddle with the machines and supplement it with manual forging, so they can easily complete ten times the workload of the past.

It’s safe and labor-saving, and you don’t have to worry about eating and drinking. Compared with the past, aren't these magical days?

I'm happy here, don't think about it...

"Ahem!" After the drunkenness dissipated, Tryndamere's expression immediately became serious.

He put down the wine barrel in his arms and stared at the ice warriors around him who had been knocked unconscious by sugar-coated shells: "Everyone, don't forget what we are here for! It has only been a few days, but you have forgotten Which tribe do you belong to?"

"Well..." The Iceborn warriors lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Tryndamere wanted to teach him a few more words, but he swallowed them as soon as they reached his lips.

Because he understands the mentality of these fighters.

In the Freljord, mortals follow the Iceborn warriors, small tribes follow the big tribes, and the weak follow the strong. In the final analysis, they all follow the person who can bring everyone enough to eat.

And now, Laxana of Mithril City is undoubtedly the "alpha wolf" who can keep everyone fed.

Compared with Lux, Ashe has lost her biggest trump card as a leader.

"Alas." Tryndamere's heart was heavy, and even the roast chicken in his mouth was tasteless.

He looked at the dozens of Ice-born warriors surrounding him, and then asked belatedly: "Where are the others? Why aren't they eating in the cafeteria again?"

A week ago, they were acting collectively as tribes.

As soon as they were dispatched, nearly a hundred strong men gathered together, and the scene was as spectacular as a gangster patrolling the streets.

But now, there are only a dozen or so Iceborn warriors surrounding Tryndamere.

Many people "disappear" as soon as they get off work. They can only be seen at workers' night schools and workers' dormitories at night.

"They..." Everyone gave answers in a hurry.

Some of these "missing" Ice warriors went to taverns in the city, some to supermarkets in industrial areas, and some to roadside food stalls...

In short, everyone started living their own lives as soon as they got off work, no longer hanging around Tryndamere alone.

"This..." The more Tryndamere thought about it, the more something seemed wrong.

In the past, on the ice fields, everyone acted collectively as a tribe, hunting and grazing together.

Even if they operate separately, they will stay together as a small team, otherwise the biting ice and snow of Freljord and various ferocious beasts will make those lone wolves who have lost their packs taste a bloody lesson.

But when we arrived at Mithril City, everything was different.

People's work labor and private life are separated. They no longer have to surround themselves with the alpha wolf all the time and worry about losing the protection of the tribe.

So, unknowingly, the people around Tryndamere dispersed.

I recall that half a month ago, he personally led nearly a hundred athletes to Germany. The soldiers followed him wholeheartedly.

But now, without realizing it, he had almost become a polished commander whose words were not listened to.

"This is wrong." Tryndamere frowned.

In the words of leaders, this is called productivity determining production relations, and changes in production relations have brought about the disintegration of old personal dependence relationships.

In the era of industrialization, herdsmen no longer need to be attached to tribes, and farmers no longer need to be attached to lords. People can freely leave pastures and land, find jobs in cities, and support themselves.

As a result, those outdated nomadic tribes, noble lords, and feudal clans will naturally be eliminated by history.

Tryndamere doesn't understand this yet.

But he already sensed the danger.

"If this continues, everyone will forget about the Horde soon." Tryndamere frowned.

In fact, this is already happening.

Not only them, but other tribes who came to work in Mithril City also soon began to naturally collapse under this modern lifestyle.

It has only been a week, but the majesty of many tribal leaders is no longer what it used to be.

People will still habitually obey the orders of tribal leaders, but they have gradually realized a problem:

Now we are all workers with equal status. Our wages are paid by the factory, and I buy the food with my own wages. So why should I listen to you, a useless wolf?

"This..." Upon hearing this, the Ice Warriors gradually realized the seriousness of the problem.

But they also couldn't understand the root of the problem, so they had to use their old thinking to understand: "There's nothing we can do about it."

"Everyone is eating Miss Laxana's food now, so of course you must be Miss Laxana's warriors."

Some people lamented this.

"Yes." Tryndamere was about to nod, but...

"Miss Laxana? Miss?" He said with a heavy face: "When did you all start using honorifics for her?"

"Um..." The atmosphere suddenly became a little subtle.

In the past, no one would speak back in this situation.

Because the ice people are always in a precarious and dangerous situation. Everyone's survival depends on the collective, and the collective must be united and implement decisions efficiently, otherwise it will be difficult for this fragile group of survivors to survive on the ice sheet.

Therefore, in most cases, the status of the tribal leader is absolute and his majesty cannot be challenged.

Even if Tryndamere is just a temporary leader and the "little wife" of the real leader Ashe, his majesty in front of his subordinates cannot be offended.

However, at this moment...

After a moment of hesitation, someone finally had the courage to answer: "Tryndamere, I think Miss Laxana may not be as bad as you think."

"Perhaps what she said is true."

"You?" Tryndamere wanted to get angry when he was slapped in the face as soon as he showed his majesty as a leader.

But when he saw the tangled faces and thought of the dozens of Ice Warriors who had gone missing right after get off work and had been invisibly out of control, he suddenly realized...

He is not qualified to speak like this now. Because everyone can leave him at any time, but he can't leave everyone.

And the worst part is, because Ashe is too benevolent and too trusting of these direct lineage warriors who were born in Avarosa... so she did not adopt a useful pledge system to transfer the blood relatives of these Iceborn warriors in advance. The family is under control.

Therefore, apart from the illusory "righteousness between king and subject" and the blood bond of the tribe, Tryndamere no longer has any means to restrain these warriors.

"Tryndamere." Seeing that Tryndamere stopped talking, the Iceborn warriors became bolder: "To be honest, I don't think Miss Laxana lied to us."

"She is sincerely good to everyone and truly wants the people of the Ice Plains to live a good life."

"...." Tryndamere became increasingly speechless.

In fact, he had a similar feeling.

Because Lux was really completely different from the German nobles he knew, and Mithril City was completely different from the Demacia he imagined.

Tryndamere used to think that Demacia should be a country full of oppression and exploitation, a country controlled by fat-minded and selfish nobles.

Everyone here is selfish and greedy. They can sell everything in order to gain money and power, without any selflessness and unity of the Freljord people.

But after coming to Mithril City, the situation was completely different from what he knew.

There is no aristocratic gentleman here with a whip to drive away the serfs. Instead, there is a group of cadres who are mixed among the grassroots workers so that no one can tell any difference.

Everyone works in a factory, and the factory is like a tribe. People work together in this "big tribe", and the factory will generously use part of the profits to ensure everyone's food, clothing, housing, transportation, and basic life.

Compared with the aloof tribal leaders, the leading cadres of Miylin City Factory are extremely approachable and approachable, which makes people feel like a breath of fresh air.

Especially Laxana. This aristocratic lady from the Crown Guard family actually eats with everyone in the factory cafeteria every day, and even laughs and chats enthusiastically with the most ordinary iceland immigrants.

Whenever Tryndamere sees her, she calls out his name with enthusiasm.

At first, he thought that he had exposed something suspicious and had been targeted by this great nobleman.

Later, he discovered that Lux not only remembered his name, but also the names of many ordinary workers, including their origins, temperaments, and living conditions.

The mage's extraordinary memory was used by her to care about the people's livelihood under her rule.

The current cadres in Mi Silver City are basically of this type.

It’s not like there are no nobles. There are also many minor nobles under the Crown Guard family who were enfeoffed for the second time, and many traditional landowners who resisted change.

When they heard that Lux was going to give up the ancestral method of farming and fighting and set up some kind of Western business in Mithril City, they also stood up and opposed it.

But the day Lux came back with Galio and the mage army, they all became honest.

Tryndamere and others did not know the inside story.

They only saw this beautiful scene like a peach blossom garden in Mithril City.

So, everyone couldn't help but have this thought: "It doesn't seem so bad to be a slave to the German nobles. Why do people who have been to Germany before say that the serfs lived a very hard life?"


"No!" Tryndamere gritted his teeth.

He insisted and told everyone: "Don't be deceived by the beauty in front of you."

"Yes, maybe Laxana is really as kind as she said, and these nobles in Mithril City who claim to be cadres are also good people."

Tryndamere also admitted this.

Because after this week's understanding and contact, he really couldn't say anything bad about Lux and others.

He believed that Mithral City was indeed a paradise on earth, a utopia run by saints.

"But this is definitely not the real situation in Demacia!" Tryndamere said: "Mithril City is just a special case!"

This is actually very well proven.

There are many serfs who escaped from surrounding cities in the Mithril City Industrial Zone. If all of Germany was so good, then they wouldn't have to run away.

"So, this is just a playground built by a noble lady. It does not represent the attitude of the Demacian royal family, nor does it represent the thoughts of all Demacian people."

"We expect these Germans to save the Freljord?"

"Do not make jokes!"

Again. The Germans are not their long-lost biological fathers, so why are they helping them like this?

Maybe Lux is a saint.

"But other Demacian nobles can never be like Laxana!" Tryndamere roared: "If Avarosa surrenders to Demacia, then they will definitely squeeze them twice as much as they squeezed those serfs. our!"

"I understand the truth." The Iceborn warriors nodded.

"But..." someone boldly said, "We can not follow the Demacian royal family, but only follow Miss Laxana."

"Uh..." Tryndamere suddenly turned off.

He spoke from the perspective of the Avarosan Alliance and all Freljordians.

A saint like Lux cannot support the entire Avarosa Alliance, let alone make everyone in the ice sheet happy.

Only Ashe can do this, and only through the strength of the Freljordians themselves.

So he has to keep fighting.

But the Iceborn warriors spoke from their own personal perspective.

Mithril City is not big, but it is still enough to support tens of thousands of Icelanders. Anyway, they are already here now... As for the fate of Freljord, what does it have to do with them?

"Tryndamere, I think we can convince War Mother Ashe." Then everyone's speech became more and more dangerous: "Let her bring our tribe here to work."

The Avarosa Alliance is a tribal alliance composed of hundreds of ice tribes, and Mithril City cannot accommodate it.

But the Avarosa tribe is just a large tribe, with only a few thousand people in total, and Mithril City can fully accommodate them.

As long as the alliance disintegrates, they will only have their own tribe to take care of.

Since Lux is a true saint and Mithril City is a true paradise on earth, why don't they turn down their sides and surrender with courtesy?

"Let War Mother Ai Xi bring everyone here as soon as possible, lest the job opportunities will be snatched by other tribes." Everyone couldn't help but say.

"Bastard!" Tryndamere's anger bar was full.

Ai Xi finally united everyone and established this tribal alliance.

But these losers are ready to abandon the alliance, turning Ashe's life-long efforts into a joke.

This made Tryndamere very angry. Although he also ate from Laxana, he did not forget Ashe's great ideal.

And these ice warriors... they are obviously people of daily life and have no ideals.

But the problem is that although the power of ideals is great, for most people, ideals are an illusory thing and cannot be used as food.

Therefore, talking about ideals and goals with these ice warriors may not be able to restore their eagerness to move.

After Tryndamere thought for a while, he could only say: "Idiot!"

"Do you really think that everything will be fine if you take refuge in Laxana?"

"Didn't I tell you everything? She is just an anomaly among the nobles, and Mithril City is just a special case in Germany."

"Have you ever thought about how long this special case can exist? Mithril City seems to be prospering now, but can this momentum continue?"

"This..." Upon hearing this, the Iceborn warriors fell into deep thought.

Lux built Mithril City into a paradise on earth, and immediately made Ashe feel a fatal threat.

Ashe is like this, but what about the other Demacian nobles?

They watched helplessly as Lux, a stranger, wreaked havoc on the feudal order, watched the serfs under his command constantly fleeing to Mithril City, and watched the subjects under their rule become eager to move...

Will they really continue to acquiesce to this situation until then?

"I see, if she continues like this, Laxana will sooner or later turn herself into a public enemy of Demacia's nobles."

"No... not only Demacia, but even the kings and nobles around the world will dislike her!"

Tryndamere understood the cruelty of class struggle without any teacher.

"If this continues, how long can this little girl persist? Now she can build a factory to make money, but what if all the nobles in Germany unite with others to oppose her in the future and refuse to do business with Mithril City or buy her products? , don’t sell her food..."

"By then, will Mithril City still be as prosperous as it is now?"

"No matter how powerful the 'big stone man' under her command is, can he still be stronger than the forces in the world that oppose her?"

"..." The Iceborn warriors were stunned by Tryndamere's intimidation.

"Remember when we were in the immigration camp?" Tryndamere said while the iron was hot: "Laxana initially allowed us to eat freely, but within a few days, the camp changed to a material rationing system."

"The same principle... We can eat and drink without worries now, but what about in the future? How long can the little girl persist? How long can the model of Mithril City be maintained? Will the flag of Crown Guard fall from here one day?"

No matter how beautiful the ideal is, it still has to compromise with reality.

He believed in Lux's ideals, but he did not believe that her ideals could take root in this cruel reality.

"...." The Iceborn warriors were speechless.

They seemed to be able to see the tragic future described by Tryndamere.

Unless there are enough saints like Laxana to defeat the nobles of the world, Mithril City will have problems sooner or later under the hostility and opposition from the whole world.

And this is without considering internal factors at all and only considering external threats.

If we consider the internal affairs... the nobles of Mithril City, do they really want to follow Laxana and become a saint like her?

The more everyone thought about it, the more frightened they became, and the beauty in front of them seemed to become a mirror that could be shattered at any time.

"So, we can't count on Laxana! We can never rely on others to rely on us!"

Tryndamere clenched his fists tightly. He was not only persuading these ice warriors, but also speaking to himself.

Gradually, he, who had been careful to lower his voice when speaking, could not help but raise his voice:

"There is no savior in this world. Even if there is, he can't save everyone!"

"The beautiful life in Freljord can only be created by the hands of Freljordians!"

"We can only rely on ourselves! It's up to us Ava..."

Tryndamere almost shouted Avarosa's name loudly.

Suddenly: "Okay!"

An excited response came from behind.

Tryndamere's heart tightened and he looked back:

Lux appeared at the door of the cafeteria at some point, looking at him excitedly.

"Tryndamere!" Her eyes shone with excitement, like a lone wolf who finally found a companion on the vast ice field: "Well said, you said it very well!"

Lux walked over quickly: "What were you talking about just now? Tryndamere, how did you come up with these words?"

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