LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 463 Tryndamere: Ashe, I’m sorry

Another month passed unknowingly.

It was another evening in the canteen of Miyin City Industrial Zone.

Tryndamere came here to dine with the Iceborn warriors after get off work, just like usual.

But compared to a month ago, there were far fewer Iceborn warriors following him now.

From a tribe of nearly a hundred people at the beginning, to a small circle of more than a dozen people, and now, only a few core members are still united around him.

"Is everything okay?" Seeing that there were a few fewer people today, Tryndamere asked as usual.

"Yes. A new movie theater opened in Mithril City, and they all rushed to see it." The Iceborn warriors replied calmly.

"Oh." Tryndamere nodded.

He sat down naturally: "It just so happens that there is no training tonight. After dinner, let's go to the cinema."

"Okay." The Iceborn warriors nodded in agreement naturally.

They and Tryndamere seemed to have become ordinary workers, rather than warriors and leaders of the tribe.

It had only been a little over a month, and life on the ice sheet seemed like a long time ago. They have become accustomed to this peaceful nine-to-five life and to having electric lights at night.

The days seemed to go on peacefully and beautifully forever.


"Tryndamere." An Iceborn suddenly hesitated and looked up at him: "I received a spell transmission from my hometown."

The air suddenly became stagnant. Including Tryndamere, the expressions of everyone present became subtle.

Tryndamere no longer even thought about eating.

He put down the chicken legs and looked at the Iceman with mixed emotions.

This iceborn mage was originally the tribal shaman of Avarosa and a close confidant of Ashe.

But now, this shaman is wearing a perfectly straight blue work clothes. Not only is he wearing a delicate mechanical watch on his wrist, but he also has a beautiful gold-embroidered pen stuck in his chest.

He no longer looks like an ice shaman.

And his absolute loyalty to War Mother Ai Xi also...

"Tryndamere, it's time for us to make a choice." The shaman said in a subtle tone: "The news that Mithril City is accepting unlimited immigrants has gradually spread across the ice sheet."

"The loyalty of various tribes to Avarosa is rapidly wavering, and everyone is yearning for the legendary warm and humid land in the south. If this continues, the Avarosa Alliance will soon fall apart."

"So War Mother Ai Xi hopes that we will give her a reply as soon as possible - whether to fight or not to fight?"

These are the two options Ash gave, but...

The Iceborn warriors looked at each other in silence, and then all looked at Tryndamere.

Everyone knows that they actually have a third option. However, several of the people here were die-hard followers of the Avarosa tribe and loyal followers of Ashe, so it was difficult for them to make that decision.

Then they all said: "Tryndamere, we listen to you."

"I..." Tryndamere's voice was hard.

Why doesn't he know what everyone wants?

But Ai Xi is his sibling after all. How could he betray her?

"Put it off a little longer." In the end, Tryndamere could only reply helplessly: "Let's just say... Mithril City's food supply is already very tight, and these Germans will not be able to consume it sooner or later."

In the past month, he and these Iceborn warriors have been using this reason to deal with Ashe in a tacit understanding.

When his wife "called" him and asked him what he had been doing on his business trip, he said that he had been carefully lurking to inquire about military intelligence.

Until now...

"We can't delay it any longer." The Iceborn looked at each other and their eyes became firm.

They said to Tryndamere: "If this continues, the Avarosan Alliance may be brought down."

The shaman silently added: "It's true, Tryndamere. The situation back home is worse than we imagined."

"In order to curb the wave of defections from various tribes, War Mother Ai Xi is actually already preparing for war."

"The warriors of the tribe are heading south and will reach the border in half a month at most. They are all waiting for our news. Should we fight or not?"

This is actually no longer asking for their opinions.

The Avarosa Alliance has been forced into a desperate situation. It may suffer a loss if it starts a war, but it will definitely collapse and disintegrate if it does not start a war.

And the time to start this war will only be as early as possible. In the evening, I don't know how many tribes are going to defect.

So Ashe is actually asking them, are they ready to lead the army?

"..." Tryndamere remained silent.

"Tryndamere, please give me the order." Everyone looked at him eagerly.

"But..." Tryndamere clenched his fists tightly.

Everyone understands his dilemma. As the queen's confidants who had been favored by Ashe, they also had the same concerns.

"But we are doing this for Avarosa's good." There was no guilt in their eyes: "Tryndamere, we have been attending cultural and ideological classes here for a month."

"Don't you already understand that only the Wind Leader can save the Freljord?"

yes. Tryndamere lowered his head.

After a month of study and understanding, he now understands that Freljord cannot rely on its own strength to get rid of the resource dilemma and enter the beautiful life of industrialization.

It must rely on external forces, and this external force can only be the leader.

Because the leaders are a group of noble, selfless, religious people who are free from vulgar taste.

They will not be like those profit-seeking companies who use the technological barriers they have established to push up the prices of talents and equipment to the limit, and use extremely high industrialization costs and a series of unequal trade terms to drain the blood of backward areas bit by bit. .

The leader will only regard the Freljordians as one of their own, as class brothers in need of help.

They can hold on to that "invisible hand" and use low-cost subsidies or even free assistance to deliver a large amount of talent and equipment to Freljord.

In this way, Freljord can complete the primitive accumulation of industrial seed benzene at the lowest cost and the lowest price.

"This is a great opportunity that has never been seen in ten thousand years." The Ice Descendants said excitedly.

Tens of billions of subsidies to Jiaduoduo only happen once in ten thousand years.

It can be said that it is a once-in-a-lifetime good fortune for a small, backward country to encounter the rise of a leader at this time.

"We can't miss it, Tryndamere." The Iceborn looked at Tryndamere with increasingly dangerous eyes.

"Isn't Warmother Ashe's ideal just to bring harmony and peace to Freljord?"

"We are now taking refuge in the leader, and we are also helping her fulfill her wish."

This is what the Iceborn warriors convinced themselves.

Tryndamere actually agrees with this statement. He also believes that the development of Freljord needs the support of the Wind Leader.


"What about Ashe?" Tryndamere asked himself in his mind.

Ashe is the war mother of Avarosa and the queen of the ice people. She is no one's vassal.

Based on his understanding of Ai Xi, she would never be willing to become someone else's vassal.

If the leader comes, what will Ashe do?

"No, no!" Tryndamere realized one thing:

The arrival of the Wind Leader may be a good thing for the Freljord, but for Ashe as the ruler, it may not be.

This question is too difficult. It was difficult for him to make a choice.

"Don't hesitate, Tryndamere." But the Iceborn's eyes were ready to move: "Didn't you see? We are the only ones who are still sitting here."

"If this continues, even if we don't surrender, others will report us sooner or later."

"..." Tryndamere also knew the seriousness of the problem. But he still couldn't decide.

Ai Xi is his sibling. His yearning for a better life was not enough to make him betray Ai Xi.

He also needs something purer to support him in doing so.

Maybe that'

"Janna." Tryndamere took out the "A Brief Account of Janna's Thoughts" that he had turned out from his arms.

After a month of study, he has understood the content of this book.

He has already met the prerequisites for becoming a leader.

Therefore, he decided to let Goddess Janna make this decision for him: "Goddess Janna, if I am already your believer, then please lower your divine power and show my thread of faith."

Tryndamere prayed so devoutly in his heart, but...

The thread of faith did not appear.

"I don't belong to Janna yet, I still belong to Ashe." Tryndamere breathed a sigh of relief.

But he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

He clearly understands Janna's theory and agrees that the Wind Leader is a good person who can save the ice field, so why doesn't he have faith in the Wind Leader?

"Tryndamere!" After a long time, a familiar call interrupted his thoughts, and the Iceborn warriors had to put away their burning eyes that encouraged surrender.

It's Lux here.

She ate in this workers' canteen every day, and she often met Tryndamere here.

After all, Tryndamere could pile up a mountain of bread on the table every time, and it was difficult for her not to see it.

"Are you reading a book?" Lux saw "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts" in Tryndamere's hand, and also noticed his expression of concentration just now.

So she immediately sat over like an enthusiastic teacher and said, "Do you have questions? Do you want me to answer them for you?"

"Uh..." Tryndamere hesitated.

He is indeed thinking about a big question, a big question that determines whether he will invest in venture capital.

"Yes." So he hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Miss Laxana, I don't quite understand why I don't have faith yet. I have obviously read this book and recognized you as the leader. ..”

"Haha." Lux laughed when she heard it.

Although she is young, she is now an experienced cadre.

She has already experienced this kind of problem: "Because you don't really believe it yet."

"It's no use just understanding the theory, you have to believe it from the bottom of your heart;"

"It's useless to just recognize the leaders. You have to treat us as comrades, not as good people who do good things."

"This..." Tryndamere suddenly said.

yes. His current recognition of the leader comes more from his gratitude and support to a group of great saviors.

He did not truly believe in Janna's theory and did not have the leader's ideal of universal unity.

"If you think about it carefully, what doubts do you have about Janna's theory and our ideals?" Lux asked seductively.

Tryndamere thought seriously this time.

Then he raised his head: "I still can't seem to understand why Janna's lordship is a historical necessity."

"After all, everything we enjoy now, this modern life... isn't it all brought by Lord Ziben?"

"It's obviously still very dynamic, so why is it bound to die?"

"This..." Lux frowned slightly. She knew what the problem was.

Li Wei had already written in an article that taking a hundred ideological education courses would be better than going to the factory in old Zaun to experience the "direct education of Zibenzhuyi".

But the problem now is...Ziben Zhuyi has been forced to improve by the leader, and now it has been changed to be too "gentle".

Because Demacia's industrialization still requires primitive accumulation, and it also needs to retain enough profits for expanded reproduction, the treatment Lux gives to Mithril City workers is actually not high.

But they are the leaders after all.

No matter how hard Misilver City suffers everyone, it cannot be as painful as the 19th century old London-style flesh and blood factory in old Zaun.

And this kind of treatment that can guarantee bread and quick-cooked chicken every day, but does not kill people like old Zaan, is already a paradise life for the Freljord people who are used to hardship.

They only feel the benefits of industrialization and the benefits of democracy, but how can they truly understand the despair experienced by the workers of Old Zaun in the documentary?

Therefore, in Tryndamere's view, the main idea of ​​Ziben is not that bad, and the Datong society is too far away.

"Miss Laxana." He asked, "What's the reason behind what Mithril City is doing now?"

"This..." Lux hesitated.

But she finally answered frankly: "The reformers under Janna's leadership."

"Then..." Tryndamere became even more confused: "Since the improved seed benzene can make us live a good life, why is it destined to die?"

"As long as you keep improving it like you do, won't it always have vitality?"

"Because no matter how much improvement is made by the Communist Party of China, it cannot change the distribution method based on capital." Lux replied without thinking: "It will definitely lead to serious polarization between rich and poor and create a vast proletariat - create a Its own gravedigger.”

This is basic common sense for leaders, but difficult for beginners to understand.

That's what Tryndamere is.

He asked: "Aren't everyone in Mithril City living a good life? Even if ordinary people are not that rich and have bread and milk every day, how can they become the gravediggers of Lord Ziben?"

Isn’t this a very successful improvement? Why is it going to die?

"Alas." Lux sighed helplessly: "I should really send you to the countryside to farm so that you can get to know the world."

"Huh?" Tryndamere was slightly stunned.

At this time, Lux asked him: "Have you ever thought about who the farm tools produced by our factory are sold to?"

"Other noble landowners?" he tried to answer.

“Where does the landowner’s money come from?”


"Then those Demacian farmers who have spent their blood and sweat to buy our products, bringing us huge profits, allowing us to eat bread and drink milk every day...will their lives be as good as yours?"

"You think the changes are successful now, but what about them? Do they think so?"

"..." Tryndamere was speechless.

"Have you not realized yet?" Lux solemnly reminded her word for word: "If you have a job in a factory now, you are already in the middle and upper class of the social division of labor."

"You think the improved seed benzene is good because you are the beneficiary of the current society."

"You are actually a 'Piltover'——"

"The distribution method of the Zibenzhu Yi is destined to be based on capital. For every 'Pi City person' like you who lives a peaceful life, there will be at least ten 'Zuan people' in places where you can't see. You carry your weight silently and move forward.”

"Do you understand, Tryndamere?"

Lux asked, causing Tryndamere to fall into deep thought again.

But after thinking briefly, he still raised his head in confusion: "I understand that there are still many people suffering in this world."

"But at the same time, our technology is also advancing, industrialization is advancing, and productivity is also improving..."

Blast furnace ironmaking, instant chicken, electric lights, movies...these things really shocked Tryndamere.

It was technology that changed everything and brought him a better life.

Therefore, he can't help but think that just by improving productivity, people's lives can become better and better.

And when everyone's life is better, they will not pursue change.

If no one pursues change, Lord Ziben will naturally not die, and Lord Janna will not come.

"Yes, productivity has increased, so compared to the past, life will definitely become 'relatively' better." Lux emphasized the word "relatively".

"But compared to the people of Freljord, the life of the people of Old Zaun is pretty good. Do you think they can be satisfied?"

Tryndamere and other ice people who were accustomed to hardship all thought that people would be satisfied if they had enough food and would be satisfied with the status quo.

But the fact is that this satisfaction lasts for a generation at most.

The previous generation felt that life was better now than before.

But for the next generation, their current life is a bad day that they think can't be more miserable.

After all, human needs progress in layers—from physical (food and clothing), to safety (job security), to social needs (friendship), to respect and self-actualization.

In a dominant society with improved productivity, the poor may be able to have food and drink without worries, have basic security, and be able to meet their personal social needs.

But respect and self-realization are things they will never get.

Because in a dominant society, they are poor, inferior people in front of the rich, and are labor machines alienated by others.

They also have dreams and ideals, but they can never be free and can only be trapped in day after day labor and grow old slowly.

"So, is it enough to have enough food? The unfair distribution method of Zibenzhu Yi will definitely turn the vast majority of people into 'Zuanites' in the long run. Looking at Pi City across the canal, they How can we not pursue change?”

"This..." Tryndamere was speechless.

But he was not convinced.

But he thought about it carefully: "Maybe... the productivity is not high enough?"

"I saw Zaun's steam robots and automated factories in the documentary. If one day, robots can replace human labor, then those poor people won't have to do such tiring work!"

If the poor are forced to work repeatedly to make a living, they will suffer and think about subverting their ideals every day.

Even if the production relations are not changed, as long as the productivity is raised high enough——

Let machines completely replace human labor, and then let the Ziben family use the highly developed productivity to "capture" the poor so that they don't have to work and don't have to starve to death, and just lie that enough?

"No." Lux replied decisively.


"Because when productivity improves to the point you mentioned, the main idea is actually dead."

"Huh?" Tryndamere was stunned for a while.

Just listen to Lux's explanation: "Without production and consumption, there would be no market for benzene, and there would be no market for benzene."

"When robots can completely replace producers, and when manufacturers eliminate ordinary people because they don't need labor, what they are completely eliminating is actually the vast number of consumers who maintain the existence of the main body."

"Without consumption, there would be no market for benzene. The benzene master will cease to exist, and the world will then degenerate into a feudal society."

"The former Ziben family will become a feudal lord occupying massive resources and protected by a large group of mechanical slaves - just like the alchemist baron of Zaun."

The Alchemy Baron of Zaun is actually a later upgraded version of the Ziben family.

They control extremely concentrated social wealth and have become close to "terminals". They replaced the political power with giant corporations and expanded the companies into "kingdoms", turning almost everyone in Zaun into poor people unable to consume and becoming slaves of this "kingdom of giant corporations".

If the whole world becomes like this in the future, and there are completely feudal alchemist barons everywhere, then can they still be called Ziben Lord Yi?

of course not.

No matter what it is, when the productivity develops to the point where ordinary people are unable to participate in production and consumption, the main body has died.

"Of course people will not be willing to be kept as livestock by a group of mechanical lords and become a 'useless population' that is worse than slaves. They will only seek change."

"And those so-called mechanical lords are naturally unable to extinguish the angry flames of hundreds of millions of resisters."

"Janna's wind of change will wipe them out. In the end, the world will move towards Janna Lord Yi."

"This..." Tryndamere lowered his head and pondered.

He tried to patch up his thoughts: "What if... we raise the standards of 'captivity'? Let the poor have money to spend, eat well, drink well, and do what they want to do, okay?"

Let the robots work to earn money and act as producers; then give humans a lot of money and act as consumers;

In this way, will the main body of Ziben not need to die?

"This..." Lux looked strange.

"What's wrong?" Tryndamere was puzzled.

"Didn't you realize that what you call 'high-standard captivity' is actually redistribution based on demand?"

When no one in the world is forced to work, they can receive the necessities of life that satisfy everyone.

Of course, this is not a society of distribution according to work, nor a society of distribution according to capital, but a society of distribution according to need.

And now that the whole world has achieved distribution on demand, is this still the main thing?

So, Lux asked her soul again: "Tryndamere, have you noticed——"

"Are you being forced by the endogenous contradictions of Ziben's main body to continuously improve, and the more you change, the closer you are to Janna's main body?"

"Uh..." Tryndamere was stunned for a moment.


Unknowingly, Ziben Zhuyi had been changed into this by him, and the change was infinitely close to the Datong society mentioned by the leader.

As they chatted, he felt that the energetic Zhu Yi had left him alone.

"Because if we don't realize great unity, the endogenous contradictions between the two will never be resolved. There will always be people who encounter oppression and inequality, and there will always be people who long for change and the emergence of the goddess Janna."

"So, Janna's dominance is a historical necessity, and the future is destined to belong to us. Do you understand, Tryndamere?"

"I..." Tryndamere swallowed.

Do I understand? he asked himself deeply.

Then, he lowered his head and tried to spread his hands.

A bright line was drawn out like this.

"..." Tryndamere was stunned for a long time.

"Hey!" He finally sighed: "Ashe...I'm sorry."

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