LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 471 Fiona returns home

"The Ningshuang Port Polar Economic Demonstration Zone Construction Working Committee held an unveiling ceremony today. Comrade Udyr, Chairman of the Freljord Branch of the Leader, Comrade Ashe, Vice Chairman, and all team members attended..."

"The first League of Legends Sports Competition League ended successfully in Zaun. The representative team of the Gale Sword Sect from Ionia won the 5V5 team championship..."

A distant voice came from the Hex radio.

Fiona was so absorbed in listening that she seemed to have forgotten that she was sitting in a bumpy carriage carriage on the way back to the country manor.

"Fiona, turn it off." She listened carefully.

But her father, Sir Sebastian, the head of the Laurent family, frowned slightly when he heard this.

"Father." Fiona was wearing a lady-like aristocratic dress, but her tone was as sharp as a swordsman's.

Not only did she not turn off the radio, but she also asked thoughtfully: "Father, who do you think is stronger between the swordsmanship of our Laurent family and the swordsmanship of the Swift Wind Sword Sect?"

"If I went there..."

"This is not something you need to consider." Sebastian interrupted in a deep voice: "Fencing is our most sacred and ancient noble tradition in Demacia. Only the barbarians of Zaun and Noxus can Think of it as performing a trick in the arena."

With that said, he reached out and turned off the Hex radio.

As the blue magical light gradually dimmed, Sir Sebastian's face became more and more gloomy and serious: "Fiona, don't forget your origin. Don't listen to these Zaun radio programs in the future. ”

"I don't have to listen." Fiona replied tit for tat: "But father, times have changed. It's not like we just bury our heads in the sand and everything will stay in the past."

"The leader has even arrived at Ningshuang Port. Do you think they can still be far away from Germany?"

"...." Sebastian was speechless.

But he still replied in a rigid tone: "That's enough! How to deal with the potential threat of the Wind Leader naturally has to be taken care of by the great nobles like His Majesty Jarvan and the Crownguard family. We only need to do our duty as nobles."

When Sebastian said this, he was not completely confident.

The well-informed and far-sighted nobles of Demacia have long been troubled by the existence of the leader.

While they were secretly sending family members to contact the leader behind the scenes, they were ready to bet on both ends;

On the other hand, they are extremely resistant to the coming of change, and continue to encourage King Jarvan in the court, hoping that King Jarvan will lead the charge as soon as possible to eliminate the deadly threat of the leader.

In order to win this war, some extremists even proposed a crazy plan to "laugh away their grudges" with their old enemy Noxus and join forces with Swain to fight against the Wind Leader.

Facing the increasingly radical war faction in the country, King Jarvan had to come up with a set of rhetoric to appease people in order to maintain the old social order and avoid premature collapse.

He announced that Galio was actually the final battle weapon left to Demacia by the Winged Guardian God through the hands of Master Durang. Its power is so powerful that even the goddess Janna who leads the wind cannot compare with it.

It's just that this "Gundam" has just woken up now, and it will take some time to fully restore its magic power.

Considering the unfathomable power that Galio had shown previously, and King Jarvan himself being the largest noble in the country, it was impossible for him to trick himself... everyone believed it for the time being.

"As long as Galio launches an attack, everything will be fine." With such confidence, Sir Sebastian finally suppressed a trace of worry in his heart.

He raised his head and continued to teach in a patriarchal tone: "Fiona, I know what you are thinking."

"But you'd better not do that. Don't bring shame on the Laurents, kid."

We have to start from the beginning.

Like other Demacia noble ladies, Fiona was destined to be a tool for political marriage.

But unlike other noble ladies, Fiona was not born a weak lady who could be manipulated by others. She is a genius swordsman, a peerless swordswoman, and a rebellious girl who gives her parents a headache.

Despite this, after Fiona's eighteenth birthday, she was eventually arranged to have a marriage that was beneficial to the family. The marriage partner was a collateral blood relative of the Crownguard family, a stranger she had never heard of before.

Considering the honor of the family and the possible serious consequences of regretting the marriage, Fiona finally silently accepted the arrangement and made no move to resist for the time being...

But the situation has undergone subtle changes after Prince Jiawen's reforms.

Demacia opened its doors to the outside world, opened up official trade, and generously accepted the existence of mages and magical creations.

This series of measures resulted in the various novelty gadgets brought by the Zaun people quickly occupying Demacia's town markets at an incredible speed.

Like, for example, this Hex radio.

Those leaders even set up a "Voice of Zaun" branch station in Germany to broadcast radio programs from Zaun.

At the same time, they also sold radios in Demacia at extremely low subsidized prices, so that every German with a little extra money could hear the voice from Zaun at home.

As a result, residents of several major cities in Demacia were fully exposed to the outside world and the advanced industrial civilizations of Zaun and Piltover.

Many old aristocrats who cling to the past even scolded Prince Jarvan for not doing business with the Zaun people, while happily sitting in the Hex Flying Gate from the Imperial Capital to Zaun and running to the Twin Cities to eat, drink and have fun.

And for young people like Fiona, compared with the amusement parks, movie theaters, and shopping streets of the Twin Cities, the boring dinner parties and aristocratic salons in the upper class circles of Xiongdu are even less attractive.

And the attraction of material entertainment is not the most terrifying thing.

What's scary is the contagious culture and ideas of Zaun's leader.

Many young nobles, some yearned for the leader's great ideals, some wanted to escape from the constraints of feudal rules, and some were both, and began to move closer to the leader.

Some of them privately joined the Windleader's organization, and some simply crossed the Hex Flying Gate in the name of traveling and stayed in Zaun without coming back.

This kind of thing, which greatly disgraced the nobles and brought shame to the family, has happened several times in Xiongdu.

Sir Sebastian has every reason to believe that his little daughter Fiona, who has always been rebellious, also has the intention of fleeing Zaun.

Like those trendy young people in the capital, she became a loyal supporter of Zaun's leaders in culture.

During the live broadcast of the League of Legends game held in Zaun, she, a German thousands of miles away, was able to watch every game.

Cultural penetration also brings ideological infection. Sir Sebastian gradually discovered that Fiona had revealed some dangerous signs in her words.

And what's worse is... Fiona is already rebellious enough, and she was previously arranged by her family to have a political marriage that she didn't like.

Fiona had every reason to run away, whether in terms of personal motivations or ideological tendencies.

This made Sir Sebastian very uneasy.

Considering his daughter's somewhat perverted fighting ability, if Fiona was really determined to run away, it would be difficult for him to stop her...

After giving a stern warning, he couldn't help but add in a softer tone, "Fiona, I hope you can take the overall situation into consideration."

"The Crown Guard family is not something that a small family like us can mess with, and they will not tolerate the naked humiliation."

"If you secretly regret your marriage and flee to Zaun, then I, your mother, your brothers and sisters...the entire Laurent family will bear the wrath of the Crownguard family for you because of your selfish actions."

"I know." Fiona sighed softly, as if she heard it, but also seemed not to care.

She looked out the car window at the ever-changing countryside scenery and said in a serious tone: "This is my home, and I won't leave."

"That's good." Sebastian finally got the answer he wanted.

He also looked out the window at the increasingly familiar scenery: "We are almost reaching our family's territory."

"Fiona, you just stay in the countryside these days, follow the butler and learn how to manage the manor for your future husband's family, and then return to the capital when the wedding is held."

"Understood." Fiona raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and her attitude was unusually cooperative: "I will work hard in the countryside."

"This..." Sir Sebastian frowned slightly.

This girl suddenly stopped contradicting him, which made him feel a little uneasy.

Fortunately, they were now far away from the "smoky" capital and returned to the simple countryside.

There are no hex flying gates, no ostentatious leading propagandists, no rebellious youths who gather together to sing Zaun pop music, just a country manor that has not changed for hundreds of years.

Even if Fiona wanted to run, she couldn't get very far in a short while.

Thinking of this, Sir Sebastian finally felt at ease.

"But, father." Suddenly, Fiona asked him in a subtle tone: "Speaking of which, why did you go back to the countryside with me? Are you worried that I would escape on the road, so you want to personally monitor me?"

"No..." Sebastian denied this statement. Although that's part of the reason.

He frowned and explained: "Something happened in the territory, and I have to come back to deal with it."

"What's the matter?" Fiona asked.

"Some restless guys are causing trouble." Sebastian said unpleasantly.

"Oh?" Fiona became more and more curious: "Why? Aren't our tenant farmers always very peaceful?"

"This..." Sebastian hesitated for a moment.

Considering that his daughter had to learn to manage the family's affairs after getting married, he patiently explained: "This matter has to start in Mithril City."

"You know, King Jarvan is now encouraging nobles to invest in industry. And the Crownguard family is the first to do so."

"They have established many factories in Miylin City, including a number of wool textile mills. These textile mills are very profitable and have a huge demand for wool materials, so..."

"So, the price of wool has increased?" Fiona answered without asking.

Sebastian glanced at his daughter in surprise before saying, "Yes."

"Now the price of wool has soared several times compared with previous years, and it will rise even higher in the future."

"So I decided to take back all the land from the tenant farmers and turn the manor into a pasture specifically for raising sheep."

He deliberately slowed down his tone so that his daughter, who had never been exposed to general affairs before, could understand.

But Fiona's reaction was much faster than he expected: "Father, this is a big change. How did you make the decision so quickly?"

Market transmission is lagging.

If the price of wool had not risen, the aristocratic landowners who had grown grain for hundreds of years would immediately and boldly transform themselves into farmers and animal husbandry, staking all their wealth on it.

Compared with those aristocratic landowners who are still obsessed with land annexation and financial lending, Sebastian's progress is indeed fast enough.

"It's not me, it's the Crownguard family." Sebastian sighed: "Our territory is relatively close to Mithril City, and the Crownguard family is related to us by marriage."

The Laurent family was originally the younger brother of the Crown Guard family.

Now that the Crown Guard family has established a textile industry, they are short of raw materials and need high-quality and reliable suppliers.

The Laurent family and other "affiliated families" naturally had to respond to the eldest brother's call and "change wheat into sheep and rice into mulberries."

This business was already visibly profitable, and it was guaranteed by the long-term needs of the Crown Guard family, so Sir Sebastian boldly followed suit.

"Then isn't this a good thing?" Fiona asked in a subtle tone: "After the manor was converted into a pasture, the income increased and everyone's life became better. Why do the tenant farmers still make trouble?"

"This..." Sebastian looked strange.

Why? That's of course because...

If his income is high, what does it have to do with his family's tenant farmers?

In fact, because he changed his career to animal husbandry, the lives of those tenant farmers will be even more miserable.

Because the same piece of land requires fewer people to engage in animal husbandry.

There may have been 1,000 households of tenant farmers who originally farmed the land for the Laurent family. But now in animal husbandry, only 100 households are needed to take care of the sheep for the manor.

So where should the remaining 900 households go? of course...

Go as far as you can, go wherever your love goes.

"Did you drive the tenant farmers out?" Fiona's tone no longer seemed to be asking, but questioning.

"Yes!" Sebastian didn't like his daughter's attitude: "So what?"

Fiona's eyes looked like he had done something wrong.

But what did he do wrong?

"Those lands are not those of the mud-legged ones, but belong to our Laurent family. I can rent them out if I want, and take them back if I want. Is there a problem with that?"

Yes, legally speaking, Sebastian did everything right.

Because this land is the legal territory earned by his ancestors through military exploits, and it is the private property of the Laurent family.

The ownership of the land was originally his. It's just that he couldn't afford to cultivate such a vast land himself, so he rented it to tenant farmers.

"But they have been living here for hundreds of years for generations." Fiona said, "This is their home."

"No!" Sir Sebastian retorted: "This is our home. No matter how long they farm here, they are just our tenants."

“If the landlord wants to take back the house, does he still have to follow the tenant’s opinions?”

"But where can they go after they leave the land?" Fiona asked again.

"Where?" What does it have to do with me?

Sir Sebastian thought so, but due to the dignity of the nobles, he could not say this directly in front of his daughter.

"They can go into the city," he said.

indeed. These tenants were not serfs, they were all legally free persons.

Although due to the invisible personal dependence on the land, they were unable to leave the countryside and escape the lord's tenancy agreement.

Lords would also use various private decrees to prevent them from leaving, so as to avoid excessive loss of labor in the territory.

And now, although they have nothing, they are truly free.

"Mithril City is building a large number of factories now and needs a lot of workers. Can't they just go to the city to make a living?" Sebastian felt that he was worthy of those tenant farmers.

If you drive them away, it's not like they have nowhere to go.

Life in Mithral City is so good. He is still helping these tenant farmers seek progress.

"Can Miyin City really accept so many manpower?" Fiona revealed the fact that her father didn't want to mention.

Factories are not bacteria, they can grow out of thin air if given some nutrients.

Can the speed at which the Crown Guard family builds factories really keep up with the speed at which landless tenant farmers move into the city?

What should so many tenant farmers do if they lose their land in their hometowns and cannot find jobs in the city?

"Noxus has taught us a lesson, Father."

Where did all the slums in the Immortal Fortress come from?

Where do the refugee camps and the orphan army in the imperial army receive a steady supply of manpower?

Where are the many exiles sent to various colonies by Noxus every year? Where are they caught?

This is the side effect of the barbaric development of the main body of ziben.

Factories were not ideally suited to accommodate the large numbers of landless farmers moving into cities. These "excess populations" will also be "optimized" and eliminated in various cruel ways.

And Noxus at least has colonies that can serve as relief valves, and years of war to divert conflicts.

If a Noxian refugee is lucky, he might even be able to become a master in the colony.

What about Demacia? What should the landless farmers of Demacia do?

"You are forcing them to die, father." Fiona said solemnly.

"You?!" Sebastian choked hard.

"Yes! But so what?" He finally said impatiently: "Those tenant farmers were just our tenants. I hired them to farm the land out of kindness, so that they could have a bite to eat in the past."

"Now that they can't find food elsewhere, do I have to continue to support them?"

"Of course!" Fiona actually glared back.

She asked: "Father, if I am correct, when the Crownguard family asked you to cooperate in running a ranch, they should have put forward additional conditions to you, right?"

"This..." Sebastian was slightly startled: "How do you know?"

Yes. Compared with him, the Crownguard family are the real good people.

Lux has already considered the refugee problem caused by "converting wheat to sheep".

Therefore, she made a special agreement with the Laurent family and other collaborators, requiring them to retain a small piece of land for the tenant farmers and their homesteads in the countryside after converting the manor into a pasture.

In this way, the tenant farmers who came to work in the city would at least have roots in the countryside and a way out.

If they can't find a job in the city, they can go back to the countryside. Even if you can't make a lot of money from that piece of land, you can at least ensure that you don't starve to death.

This was a good thing for the sharecroppers.

Compared with the original seed benzene sprouts from Noxus, it can also give people a way to survive.

But in the eyes of a lord like Sebastian...

"This is nonsense!" Sebastian felt that the Crownguard family's request was simply unbelievable: "That land originally belonged to our family, why should I reserve the land for those mud-legged people?"

How can this be called retaining allotments of land? This is simply robbing the rich to give to the poor, and allocating land to tenant farmers in disguise!

He is not a leader, so why should he do such a good thing?

"But by jointly running a ranch with the Crownguard family, you can already make a lot of money." Fiona advised: "Why are you still unwilling to leave a way for those tenant farmers to survive?"

"Fiona, can you think so?" Sebastian felt that his daughter was indeed deeply poisoned.

"This is not a matter of money! This is truth, it is law! Private property is sacred and inviolable. Why should the land be given to those tenant farmers when it is originally our land?"

"Just because they are weak and pitiful, can they get something for nothing?"

"If they don't have the ability, what does it have to do with me?"

Sebastian was very resistant to this.

He felt that this outrageous request was entirely due to the childishness and innocence of that girl Lux.

So he ostensibly agreed to the terms of the Crownguard family, but secretly instigated the housekeeper to start forcibly evicting the tenant farmers.

He didn't reserve any land or homestead for those poor people.

Anyway, the Crownguard family is so aloof that they probably don't really care about the fate of those tenant farmers.

"So, the tenant farmers revolted. Right?" Fiona asked suddenly.

"This..." Sebastian's mood calmed down instantly: "Yes."

This is actually quite incredible.

Because of the absolute disparity in force between people in the extraordinary world, it would be impossible for the tenant farmers to resist their lords unless they were driven crazy.

"Besides, if the housekeeper can't handle it, you still have to come back to handle it in person?"

"Yes!" Sebastian was struck by his daughter's words again.

Not only did his tenants resist, but miraculously, his housekeeper and thugs were so frightened that they did not dare to move, so he had to ask him to take action himself.

how did you do that?

"How did a group of tenant farmers defeat Laurent's swordsmen?" Fiona asked in a subtle tone.

"Not those damn leaders!" Sebastian was very angry.

Of course the tenant farmers could not defeat the swordsmen of the Laurent family.

But just when these swordsmen were about to strike hard at the tenant farmers, these tenant farmers actually said:

"Aren't you afraid that the leader will come after you do such an unscrupulous thing?"

As soon as I said this...

"These losers don't dare to move!" Sebastian said bitterly: "Those mud-legged people actually said that the leader of the wind has come to Germany, and the goddess Janna is watching everyone from the sky. "

"What kind of inspectors will they send to the countryside to supervise us!"

"What kind of red and black accounts do you want to keep for us so that we can settle things down in the future?"

This is simply a naked threat.

A group of tenant farmers could scare the lord's henchmen so much that they dared not move even with a single word of Janna!

This is really a breakdown of etiquette!

"Oh, I won't be scared by them!" Sebastian said bitterly: "The leader is still thousands of miles away in Zaun, how can he control these country people?"

"What kind of inspectors, what kind of red and black accounts, what kind of liquidation..."

"It's all true."

"Uh?" Sebastian's expression froze.

"I said, it's true." Fiona smiled: "I am the inspector."

Sebastian: "..."

There was a delicate silence.

"Father." Fiona sighed: "I'm afraid you will have to remember one more black account."

Sebastian: "???"

"Wait..." He finally reacted in shock: "You, you are already the leader?!"


"..." There was another silence.

Sebastian quietly tightened his grip on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

"You can't beat me, father." Fiona didn't even raise her eyelids: "Besides, if you continue to be so stubborn, I really won't be able to save you."

Sebastian's hand trembled slightly.

"Also, do you know who is my introducer?"


"Your 'mistress', Miss Laxana. Otherwise, why do you think the Crownguard family would impose those additional conditions?"

Sebastian: "..."

He felt his daughter was trying to scare her. But when I think about it carefully... I think about all the deviant good things the Crownguard family has done in Mithral City, and their close relationship with the Jarvan royal family... the more I think about it, the more something is wrong.

The most important thing is that Demacia's so-called "Decisive Weapon" Galio... The pilot of this Gundam has always been Lux.

If this is true...

"She, she is really..." Sir Sebastian couldn't even speak.

"I can take you to see her at any time, as long as you want. Anyway, it's not far from Mithril City."


"Now, can you reserve allotments for the tenant farmers?" Fiona asked.

"I..." The old father's voice was hard.

He hesitated for a long time and then said: "Um... can you remember the black account less... I am your father after all..."

"Huh?" Fiona frowned.

"Keep it, I keep it!" Sir Sebastian immediately started to "make progress": "From now on, if I have a bite to eat, those sharecroppers will have to have a bite to eat!"

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