LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 473 Vayne and Lux

The kingdom of Demacia is going to hell fast.

Mithril City, a city governed by human traitors, has become a battlefield, firmly controlled by evil sinners. The fallen rulers left the country wide open and allowed the demons of the ice fields to invade the country...

The fate of Demacians is at stake.

She must drive out all these demons. Leave no one behind!

And the first damn thing is...

"Laxana Crownguard." Vayne looked at this "demon" girl from a distance.

In the eyes of others, Lux is the shining girl of Demacia, the pride of the Crownguard family, and the pioneer in the fight for equal rights for mages.

But in Vayne's eyes, Lux is a complete pest, and it was she who ruined Demacia.

To say he is harmful is an understatement.

To Vayne, Lux is the evil incarnation of the devil in the human world.

Because her parents and family died innocently and tragically at the hands of a female mage with horns on her head. It was the devil who caused her family to be destroyed.

From then on, her only mission in life was revenge - revenge against all those infected with evil and all magical creatures.

To this end, Vayne has been traveling to every corner of Demacia, playing the cruel role of a "civilian demon hunter".

She will hunt down any magical creature she sees without mercy, whether it is a monster or a magical person.

In the past, Vayne's efforts have achieved a lot of results.

The high pressure of the Demon Seeker Corps to ban demons, coupled with her spontaneous hunting to fill in the gaps, made this land look very "pure".

But all this changed because of the appearance of Lux.

"This devil..." Seeing the target getting closer and closer to her, Vayne couldn't help but secretly clenched her fists.

This guy confused many people with his harmless and beautiful face. But she won't.

If Lux hadn't infiltrated the top leaders of Germany and bewitched the Jarvan royal family, the forbidden magic would not have been revoked, and evil magic would not have completely enveloped the land.

Because of her, those demons can actually appear under the sun openly and openly as "human beings"!

This is simply...

"The sin is unforgivable!" The target gradually entered the range of the Holy Silver Crossbow, and Vayne's anger reached its peak.

But as a cold revenge machine and a ruthless night hunter, she never lets anger affect her state.

Her eyes were still as calm as water, like a crocodile lurking under the water, quietly staring at the approaching prey.

And Lux ​​didn’t come alone.

She is accompanied by a companion with blue hair and twin tails.

"Sona." Vayne also recognized her. This young mage from the Bouvier family is also at the top of her hunting list.

And Vayne can roughly guess where Lux and Sona are going now.

They were going to the factory building at the foot of the mountain ahead...well, it looked like an ordinary factory building.

But actually, it shouldn't be a factory.

Because Vayne only saw it with her own eyes today, there were not only ordinary workers going in and out, but also a group of Freljordians carrying frost staffs with them.

It seems that they are all shamans from the polar regions and of frost blood.

A group of alien mages, under the organization of Lux, the demon leader, use the factory as a cover to mysteriously gather in a big room all day long, doing things unknown to outsiders...

In Vayne's opinion, this place is undoubtedly a mysterious and evil underground mage association, a Demacia version of the Black Rose.

Lux is obviously colluding with those infected by Freljord and secretly planning some shocking conspiracy.

"She must die." Vayne's thoughts moved, and Lux ​​had another damn reason.

At this time, Lux and Sona had already entered the optimal shooting range of the Holy Silver Crossbow.

Thanks to Vayne's powerful concealment technique, which was like using invisibility magic, they were still unaware of the dangers they faced.

"Come on, old man." Vayne slowly raised her Holy Silver Repeater and locked Lux's head under the crosshair.

"Let us hunt those who fall into the darkness..." She pulled the trigger coldly.

Rest, rest, rest——

Three faint sounds broke through the air.

Three extremely powerful holy silver crossbow arrows hit Lux's head without mercy.

Vayne's heart didn't waver at all. She believed she wouldn't miss.

She quickly pulled the trigger again, preparing to take advantage of the target's panic to kill Sona as well.


"Who?!" Lux and Sona, who were unaware of the attack at first, actually caught the faintest change in the airflow at the last moment before the crossbow arrow flew.

And then...

"Wind Barrier!" Lux waved her staff almost instinctively, summoning an invisible wind wall.

"What?" Vayne was slightly startled.

Doesn’t the intelligence show that Lux is just a light magician?

This kind of light magician has high attack power and low health, long hands and short legs, so it is obviously the easiest to deal with.

But why did this guy suddenly become so responsive and able to control the wind element that was the most restrained to her?

Vayne couldn't figure it out. But she soon realized what this fatal intelligence error would do to her.

"Sona, there is someone there!" Lux quickly recovered from her panic and followed the direction of the crossbow arrows to find her hiding place.

And then, without even waiting for Vayne to escape...

She desperately discovered that Sona, who was supposed to be a spiritual mage, actually flew into the sky on the wind in an instant.

Driven by the strong wind, the other party quickly approached a very dangerous distance.

Then: "Dancing Finale!"

Sona's slender fingers gently brushed the strings, and a materialized golden note overflowed from the trembling strings.

Vayne had no time to escape as she was immobilized by the golden note.

"Damn it!" She managed to regain consciousness with her strong willpower.

But just this brief second of pause...

"Don't move!" Lux's radiant staff had already pressed against her head.

This battle is over.

Lux and Sona were on the left and right, watching Vayne closely. Then she waved her hand and summoned a strong wind, blowing away the dangerous holy silver repeating crossbow in her hand.

Vayne tried hard to break free, but was still heavily "nailed" to the tree by the invisible airflow.

At this time, Lux finally turned cold and asked sternly: "Why do you want to assassinate me? Tell me! Who sent you here?"

"..." Vayne was silent.

She glared back fiercely, her eyes cold and crazy.

"This..." Lux couldn't understand.

who is this? Why do you hate her so much?

She didn't start fighting against the rich in Demacia. She just used Galio's power to scare a few old nobles who were unwilling to cooperate. They just touched a little bit of the cake, and they already hated her so much?

"Sona, please help me take a look." Seeing that Vayne refused to speak, Lux had no choice but to ask her friend for help.

"Yes." Sona nodded, then tried to reach out her hand and gently touch Vayne's shoulder...

"Hiss—" Vayne's twisted and extreme spirit suddenly made her shudder.

Lux looked over in surprise: "Sona, what did you see?"

"I saw... what she was thinking about, a memory that she was thinking about all the time." Sona gently covered her heaving chest and said in a complicated tone.

"Who is she?" Lux asked, "Who ordered her to come?"

"No one ordered her." Sona said, "She wanted to kill us just because... we are mages."

Lux was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Is this guy a remnant of the Demon Seeker Corps?"

"No." Sona shook her head: 'She is not from the Demon Searcher Corps. I can roughly tell from that painful memory... She hates magic so much because her parents and family members..."

"This..." Lux's expression changed slightly. There was a hint of understanding and sympathy in her eyes when she looked at Vayne.

"I see, it's because of the death of your family that you..."

"That's enough!" Vayne finally spoke.

She said coldly: "Devils. It was you who destroyed the forbidden magic eucalyptus and allowed those evil monsters to completely occupy this kingdom."

"Just because of this, you deserve to be cut into pieces!"

"You..." Lux realized how extreme this woman was.

But considering that the other party was not a class enemy of the nobles, she was still willing to calm down and have a good talk with Vayne.

"Evil monsters? You mean... us mages?"

"Ha." Vayne answered in the affirmative with a sneer.

"You think we are all monsters? Why?" Lux reasoned patiently: "Just because we can do magic?"

"Madam, I know you have experienced very bad things. But you should not elevate individual behaviors to the whole, and then rely on an identity label to hate everyone who wears this label."

"There are indeed some bad people among mages, but..."

"Some?" Vayne interrupted her with a sneer.

She said rudely: "If you read my memories completely, you should know how many villains I killed among the mages."

"I have killed at least hundreds of evil mages. Can this be considered an example?"

"Of course." Lux replied without changing her expression.

No matter how "massive" an individual case is, it is still an individual case. It cannot prove that all people in a group are so bad.

Using this deliberately collected "collection of individual cases" to form an intensive bombardment of information to create prejudice, incite hatred, and divide the masses was originally the trick that the Piltover plutocrats used to unite the people of Piltover and deal with the people of Zaun.

They gave the Piltover people a better life and certain privileges, and deliberately allowed the Piltover people to discriminate and oppress the Zaun people. They were able to create a de facto division and transform the class contradiction into a conflict between the Piltover people and the Zaun people. inter-ethnic conflicts.

Does this kind of contradiction between different identities exist objectively? Of course it exists. The people of Zaun have indeed been bullied by the people of Piltover. This cannot be just a matter of saying a few theories and pretending it doesn't exist.

But is it a fundamental contradiction? no. If you only think about defeating people with another identity and do not resolve the fundamental contradiction, then there will always be "Zuan people" who are bullied in the world.

Levi had already written these in his article. Lux knows very well.

"Deliberately collecting? Haha..." Vayne dismissed it: "Do you think I can still 'deliberately' find so many evil mages and kill them one by one?"

She usually kills mages when she sees them, and she doesn't care whether they are evil or not.

But her indiscriminate killing often never kills the wrong person.

Among the mages she met, nine out of ten were bad guys who deserved to die.

If you kill them all, there will definitely be injustice, but if you kill every other person, then there will definitely be someone who slips through the net.

This made Vayne even more determined: "Mages are born devils. They all deserve to die!"

"This is the result that I have seen and verified with my own eyes. It is absolutely correct!"

"No!" Lux shook her head tit for tat: "Madam, maybe your experience is correct, and the data you calculated that 'nine out of ten mages are bad people' is true, but..."

"Your conclusion is still wrong!"

Um? Vayne was slightly startled.

The experience is real and the data is correct, so how can there be mistakes?

"Because your data was compiled from the past Kingdom of Demacia."

What was the situation like in the past of the Kingdom of Demacia? The law strictly prohibits magic, and the culture strongly discriminates against mages.

There is no place for mages in society as a whole.

Just like Silas. He just awakened magic when he was a teenager, and he didn't do any bad things. He was reported by his biological parents and sent to the Demon Searcher Corps.

And once the identities of the mages are exposed, if they are lucky enough not to be captured by the demon hunters, they will immediately fall into the desperate situation of being wanted across the country.

They are unable to work and live normally. They can only hide in Tibet all day long and rely on some shady jobs to survive.

"Do you think a mage who grew up in this kind of environment can grow into a good person?" Lux asked in a serious tone.

Sona on the side also nodded secretly.

She and Lux ​​were both noble ladies, started as Celestial Dragons, and had experienced so much grievance and pain due to being infected with demons.

What about those folk magicians?

They have been living under discrimination and oppression from the whole society, and they are even born with serious crimes of being possessed by demons. How can they become good people who abide by the law?

Would a fugitive who has been sentenced to death still be afraid of murder and arson?

So in Demacia in the past, nine out of ten of the folk mages who survived were bad guys.

"But is this because they are born bad? Or is it because the suffocating racial oppression forces them to take this path?" Lux asked seriously.

"This..." Vayne was speechless for a moment.

"So you are wrong." Lux took advantage of the victory and said: "You did not consider the strong correlation between the environment and variables at all, and subjectively came to a wrong conclusion because of personal hatred."

This is actually a statistical trap.

Statistics in old Demacia, where mages were extremely discriminated against and oppressed, would of course only lead to the conclusion that "mages are all bad people."

Similarly, the Piltover plutocrats in the past always kept telling the people that the Zaun people were the ethnic group with the highest crime rate. Is this correct?

Of course.

The people of Zaun are so poor that they almost sell their kidneys, so the crime rate is certainly high.

The Zaun community is a veritable cesspit, even Zaun people like Levi despise it.

But does this lead to the conclusion that the Zaans are born bad and born criminals?

Are they really inherently bad, or has social environment molded the Zaunians into this way?

"Using the same logic, you can come to even more outrageous conclusions."

"For example, the mortality rate of patients in large hospitals is higher than that in small clinics, so doctors in small clinics have higher standards."

"There has never been an accident involving a female miner in the Mi Silver City Coal Mine, so women are more suitable for coal mining than men."

"Demacia has won more than lost in border defense battles in the past, so Demacia is the world's most powerful country, and Noxus is not worth mentioning at all."

"..." Lux cited several examples in succession, making Vayne choked to the point where she couldn't speak at all.

"Now, can you realize your mistake?"

"You are not doing scientific statistics at all, but interpreting the data subjectively with hatred."

This move was actually used by the Demon Searcher Corps in the past.

Their purpose is to prove the "racial inferiority" of those infected with demons and incite mortals to reject and hate mages, so as to ensure the legitimacy of their own existence and protect their own interests.

And Vayne is...

"You are blinded by hatred, madam." Lux sighed softly: "You are just believing in the result that you want to believe."

"If you don't believe it, you can make another statistics... Ask the current Demacians, are there so many bad guys among the mages they have seen?"

With the abolition of the forbidden magic eucalyptus, many good wizards and citizens who did not dare to reveal their identities and lived a low-key life have gradually come to the light of day.

If we do statistics at this time, there must be more good people among mages.

"No...I don't believe it!" Vayne gritted her teeth and refused to lower her head: "This is just your disguise! Just like you, the devil..."

"On the surface, you act like a good and well-loved lord, but secretly you are colluding with those Freljord mages, and you are still organizing a secret underground mage association here!"

"Who knows what conspiracy is hidden behind your beautiful appearance!"

"Huh?" Lux was slightly startled: "Collude with the Freljord mage...underground society?"

She thought for a while, then looked back at the factory not far away: "You mean... that factory?"

"That's right!" Vayne looked over coldly: "Tell me, what do you want to do by gathering so many ice mages under the guise of opening a factory?"

"Uh..." Lux and Sona looked at each other.

Then, they smiled helplessly and said: "Of course it's to open a factory!"

Lacus pointed to the sign hanging at the door of the factory and said, "Didn't you see it? It says -"

"Mithril City Ice Factory." That's what the factory's signboard says.

This is an ice factory. And the reason why those Freljord mages were organized here is to...

"Ice making?" Vayne was stunned for a moment.

Then she immediately sneered: "Ha! Do you think I'm a fool?"

"Using the manpower of mages to make ice, will your ice be sold for more than gold?"

Although she hates mages extremely, she also recognizes that magic is a scarce resource.

If you let a high-level talent like a mage make ice by hand, then you have to go to your grandma's house?

"No." Lux shook her head and explained seriously: "What we produce is not ordinary ice."

"What these shamans produce is magic ice."

Zhenbing is said to come from the wings of the frost spirit bird Avonia. It was she who used elemental magic to create Zhenbing.

There are also legends that describe it as a magical creation of the three Frost Sisters, a supreme treasure left by the three sisters to future generations.

Real ice is extremely rare, extremely tough and never melts.

Ashe's Perfect Ice Bow is an ancient treasure made of this material.

Of course, the magical perfect ice created by ordinary ice-born wizards does not have this strange effect of breaking the law of conservation of energy and not melting or melting for thousands of years.

But even so, the magical ice created by these ice-born mages is still not a mortal thing.

Depending on the individual magic power of the caster, this artificial magic ice can generally be stored at room temperature for a long period of time ranging from 1 to 10 years.

"A piece of magic ice that can last for ten years and emit cold air for ten consecutive years... Think about it, what does it do?"

"It can be used as an air conditioner, refrigerator, and long-term cooling for cold storage, helping customers save a lot of refrigeration costs..."

This handmade ice has more craftsmanship than industrial ice.

In this world where spiritual power can really be used for refrigeration, the magic ice with the "artisan spirit" is undoubtedly a highly competitive and excellent product.

"Magic Ice is now the flagship product of Mithral City Ice Factory, and it is also a key poverty alleviation project that provides strong support for the Freljord immigration project."

"That's why I organized so many ice mages to work here and asked them to be responsible for producing magical ice."

"In this way, it not only solves the problem of laid-off and re-employment of shamans, but also creates income and provides funds for our production and construction undertakings." Lux said proudly.

"This..." Vayne was stunned for a moment.

Well, she can barely understand the use of magic Zhenbing. but:

"You actually use workers?"

Mages are naturally stronger than mortals. Are they willing to work in the factory?

These extraordinary beings are not poor students who can't help themselves, but masters in the true sense of the word - are they really willing to take off their magician's robes and go to the front line to participate in labor production?

"Of course." Lux said solemnly: "In Mithril City, mages and mortals are equal people."

"Of course they are willing to work for a better life."

"Moreover, times have changed. In the past, the main theme of the era was war and conflict, but now, what we need is peace and development, productivity, not pure destructive power."

"Therefore, mages must also find ways to complete the employment transformation and join production and construction."

Lux spoke seriously.

But Vayne still couldn't understand.

She couldn't figure out how mages and mortals could coexist as equals. Why are these extraordinary people who are accustomed to using violence to gain privileges willing to put down their status and work like ordinary people?

"Sona, tell her." Lux looked at her friend. She knew that she couldn't explain it for a while, so she simply asked Sona to play the "PPT".

"Yeah." Sona nodded.

She walked forward slowly and put her hand on Vayne's shoulder.

In an instant, all the information and knowledge she had about the Wind Leader flooded into Vayne's mind like a revolving lantern.


After a long time, Vayne finally woke up with a gasp.

She looked at Lux and Sona with a complicated expression: "Are you...the leader of the wind?"

Because they are the leaders of the wind, they are followers of the goddess Janna.

Under the wings of the goddess Janna, mages and mortals can be equal. Mortals will no longer discriminate against mages, and mages can no longer obtain privileges through violence.


"How is it?" Lux believed in the infectious power of Janna's thoughts. Except for the vested interests, generally no one can resist this wonderful future.

So she couldn't help but smile confidently: "We already have a world where mages and mortals can coexist equally."

"Madam, do you still think that all mages should die?"

"..." There was silence.

Lux took the initiative to reach out to Vayne.

Vayne was silent for a while.

"That goddess of yours..."


"They are also magical creatures."

Lux and Sona: "???"

"Go to hell!



Many divas.

The Zuan City Mental Health and Mental Hygiene Prevention and Treatment Center welcomed a new patient.

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