LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 483 Environmental Impact Assessment Expert Shen

Between the surging undercurrents, there are occasional ripples emerging from the water.

Ionia, Province of Navoli, Weili.

Shen carried the soul blade on his back, harnessed the strong wind, and slowly fell from the air to the ground.

There were already people on the ground waiting to greet them. That person was none other than his old friend, the former master of Shadow Stream, Jie.

"Shen, long time no see." Jie extended his hand to them with the courtesy of a leader.

"Long time no see." The two hands held each other tightly.

Their faces were full of composure and calmness, and they no longer had the passion and intimacy of their childhood.

But with the revelation of the truth, Ku Shuo's death, and the passage of more than a year, Jie and Shen put aside their past grudges caused by misunderstandings and became friends again.

However, due to their respective work reasons, the friends may not have seen each other for a long time.

"Jie..." Shen looked at the current Jie.

He had taken off the murderous Shadow Stream Armor and put on a simple Ionian robe. Paired with a blue bird badge in the style of a veteran cadre, it looks very upright and sunny.

That cold and stern face that was always full of bitterness and hatred, and intimidating, now has a bit of approachable warmth.

"You have changed so much." Shen felt that he could hardly recognize the other person: "When I first heard that you had become the administrator of Weili, I couldn't believe it."

In the past, Jie's image was that of a cold-blooded killer and evil master, but now he has transformed into an administrative official serving the people. This change is not surprising.

"It's just an organizational appointment." A hint of helplessness flashed in Zie's eyes.

Although the leader has so far only carried out comprehensive land and social transformation in the provinces of Baru'e and Navoli, it has also launched comprehensive land and social transformation in parts of Ionia.

The rest of Ionia is only nominally subordinate to the Wind Leader, but in fact is still controlled by various warlord-like clans and sects.

However, even such a limited-scale, local-scale land and social transformation practice still emptied the grassroots cadre reserve of the Leader, forcing the Leader Association to do everything possible to gather a sufficient number of local administrative officials.

Therefore, as a knowledgeable intellectual who has effectively managed a large sect, planned many anti-imperialist armed movements, has the ability to organize and mobilize, and has senior talents with administrative management experience...

Master Jie, who was originally responsible for suppressing bandits after the war, was unfortunately "captured" by the president of the Riwen branch and was assigned to Weili as the temporary local chief executive.

He used to be a murderous Shadow Stream assassin. He has a gloomy poker face that makes anyone feel nervous when they see him.

it's good now...

In order not to make the people in Weili feel intimidated, Master Jie, who has never smiled since he rebelled, had to work hard every day to practice his smile, cultivate his temperament, and train himself to be the kind of leading veteran cadre that everyone imagined. .

"Don't talk about me anymore." Jie's temperament has changed, but his style is still so decisive and capable.

"Let's get right to the point, Shen."

Yes. They were gathered here not to reminisce with old friends, but because of the official needs of the Leader Association.

The role played by Jie is the local chief executive of Weili.

After Shen led the Balance Sect to join the Leader, he also got a new job - he is now the president of the Ionia Sustainable and Balanced Development Association.

As the name suggests, Ionia wants to develop, but it also needs to develop sustainably and in a balanced way.

Everything in the newly born soil has animism. Development must not excessively damage the natural environment or cause excessive pollution, otherwise it will inevitably incur physical revenge from nature.

Therefore, how a region should develop in a balanced way, how many factories should be built, and what industries should be built so that it does not exceed the natural bearing capacity... This has become a very fatal problem.

No one else can answer this question, only the Ionia Sustainable and Balanced Development Association, which was reorganized from the original Balance Sect.

Therefore, in a sense, as the Eye of Twilight with the highest authority to interpret the way of balance, Master Shen has now become the most powerful figure in Ionia.

Every factory and every project in Ionia must go through an "environmental assessment" by him and the disciples of Balance, and only after passing the assessment can it be allowed to be implemented.

"Shen, please help me see what the situation is like here in Weili." Jie asked hopefully.

“We plan to build a new hydropower plant, thermal power plant, coal mine, machinery factory, cement plant, a textile industrial park and supporting urban infrastructure in the Weili area next year to help the Weili area achieve preliminary industrialization and urbanization. "

"You should have seen the detailed information of the project plan when we submitted it for review. The Weili area needs these projects very much. I wonder if you can approve them..."

"Jie..." Shen sighed helplessly: "This has to be observed with the ability of the Eye of Twilight before I can draw a conclusion."

“Whether the project can be approved and how much can be approved, in the end, the answer must be given by the method of balance.”

"I understand." Zed restrained his overly expectant gaze.

He is also from the Kinkou sect.

He knew that the balanced scale among all things was an objective theorem that could not be challenged in Ionia.

If you cross this limit, you will suffer natural backlash. The balance between the material realm and the spiritual realm will be broken, resulting in evil spirits that are difficult to remove.

The Eye of Twilight is just an observer and communicator who can completely see this boundary.

Whether he can build a factory or not is not something he can change by asking his old friends for a few drinks and a few words of love.

Leaders don’t play this game. Nature doesn't like this.

"I will conduct observations now." Shen secretly formed the seal, ready to communicate with the spiritual realm and enter the observation state.

But before that, he also specifically reminded: "Jie, I advise you not to have too much hope."

"After should have heard about the evaluation results of our Balance Sect in other regions."

"Yes." Zed nodded helplessly.

In order to bring Ionia into industrialization and modernization as soon as possible and change the poverty status of this agricultural country for thousands of years, the administrative officials of Leader in Ionia are eager to immediately build infrastructure and open factories in their jurisdictions.

However, the industrial construction plans submitted by local cadres after research are often ruthlessly rejected by the masters of the Balance Sect during the environmental assessment process.

Ten factories were submitted for review, and it would be good if one was finally approved to be built.

The rapid industrialization of Ionia imagined by the Leader cadres simply cannot be implemented in reality.

Even in areas ruled by the Wind Leader, the vast majority of Ionians can only farm in the countryside. Not to mention going to the city to enjoy modern life, even using electricity is considered a luxury for them now.

"No way, I understand your enthusiasm for progress in building your homeland. But Ionia has its own national conditions. As leaders, we must seek truth from facts and respect the objective laws of nature."

Shen opened his mouth with a phrase to reassure people in advance. Obviously, this is not the first time he has said this.

Considering that Zed was his old friend, he said a few more words: "To be honest, Zed, Ionia may not be able to take the path of industrialization at all."

"First of all, after years of war in Noxus, Ionia's natural environment has been damaged and very fragile."

"The death of too many creatures has seriously shifted the balance between the material realm and the spiritual realm. Invasions of evil spirits caused by the imbalance have occurred repeatedly in various provinces and regions."

"Building factories and infrastructure at this time will undoubtedly make things worse for Ionia." Shen said the bad news in a serious tone.

"Secondly, even if the balance of all things is gradually restored over time, I'm afraid I won't be able to build too many factories."

Industry is not a castle in the air, and there is no so-called high-end green industry that can exist independently of basic industry.

If a poor agricultural country wants to build industrialization from scratch, it must start from primary fields such as textiles, coal, electricity, steel, cement, metallurgy, building materials, papermaking, brewing, fermentation, textiles, tanning, mining, alchemy and chemicals. rise.

And none of these industrial projects is a highly polluting industry.

Take the textile industry, which is the easiest to get started and is built in the initial stages of development in late-developing countries, as an example:

At first glance, weaving and making clothes does not seem to cause much pollution. However, the printing and dyeing process will discharge a large amount of toxic sewage, which is highly polluted, difficult to treat, and the wastewater reuse rate is low.

If this sewage is discharged into the natural environment of Ionia, it will poison countless flowers, plants, trees, insects, birds, fish and shrimps.

And it is impossible for Ionia to only make ready-made garments and place the printing and dyeing links overseas - the supply chain is separated by the vast sea, and the extra logistics costs alone are enough to kill this already slim-profit industry.

This is true for the textile industry, and it is true for other industries as well. There are too many restrictions on developing industry in Ionia.

"So..." Shen said frankly: "Jie, you'd better not have too much hope for this."

"Is that really the case?" Jie An sighed.

In fact, these objective opinions raised by Shen have been recognized within the Leaders Association.

In order to inject chicken blood into the comrades of Ionia, Levi shouted the slogan "There will be Coke, there will be ice cream", and he also talked about pursuing sustainable development and going green in Ionia. Industry brings modern life to Ionia.

As a result, after more than a year of work practice, I have seen the objective reality that Ionia’s road to industrialization has been invisibly blocked by “environmental assessment”...

The last time Levi came to Ionia for inspection, he held a meeting with everyone, and it was his own review meeting.

The work line of the Ionia branch has also changed from "modernization with balanced development" to "limited modernization with balanced priority."

To put it bluntly, it means building as few factories as possible, using foreign aid to prioritize the construction of electricity, tap water, cement and building materials and other livelihood industries, so that Ionians can first live a semi-modern life with electricity, water and cement roads.

"Now my colleagues in the local area are almost driven crazy by this." Jie has been a leader of the Wind Leader for a long time, and he has completely lost the reticence of the Shadow Stream Lord in the past.

He lamented: "There are no other industrial projects to generate profits and income. How can we only rely on transfer payments to maintain people's livelihood infrastructure for a long time?"

"We need to protect the environment and get rid of poverty and become rich. How should we carry out this work?"

"There is no other way. Now everyone is trying their best to find ways to make money from areas other than industry."

Without industry, there will only be agriculture and service industries.

Ionia has inherent advantages in agriculture. The fruits, vegetables and crops here are all spiritual objects grown under the infiltration of magic. When shipped overseas, they can be sold at high prices several times higher than ordinary products.

Leaders do not need to worry too much about agriculture. As long as they ensure the supply of goods and do a good job in brand management, Ionia's farmers can earn an income that far exceeds that of their overseas counterparts.

In the service industry, leading cadres are also trying their best to find income-generating ideas:

Levi once personally wrote adverts in newspapers in the Twin Cities, describing Ionia as a holy land of purity. He also said that everyone should go to Ionia once in their lifetime to cleanse their souls in the land of birth;

Master Yi persuaded Master Wuji to build Wuji Village, which was once the leader's base, into a historical education base for the anti-imperialist war. He prepared to launch a Janna-themed tourism and targeted the leaders who would visit Ionia in the future. and Wind Chaser;

Wuji Village targeted the wallets of Janna believers.

Riven, on the other hand, focused on those artistic young people who were obsessed with Ionian culture.

As the president of her branch, she successfully persuaded Master Karma to open several outer temples of the Eternal Sect, so that overseas tourists could have the opportunity to view these ten thousand-year-old monuments and pay homage to this legendary figure from afar through many mountain gates. The "reincarnated living immortal" in


Xia and Luo also proposed a plan to build a Vastaya ethnic-specific tourism, preparing to create an exclusive IP using the legend of the winged bird of their Lotlan tribe to attract passionate couples;

Yasuo Yongen, relying on his reputation as the champion of the first League of Legends 5V5 team competition, is planning to open several nominal martial arts competition clubs under the name of "Blizzard Sword Sect" to trick overseas fans into coming here to learn from his disciples;

Even Master Irelia, who was simple-minded, passively helped.

She debuted passively under the vigorous promotion of the newly established Ionia Tourism Bureau, and became known to the world as "the oriental saint who single-handedly saved the motherland", a girl idol who represents the innocent beauty of the land of birth. ..

"This..." Hearing this from Jie, Shen was speechless.

Although Ionia does have beautiful scenery, colorful humanities, and no shortage of tourism resources. But can tourism alone... bring Ionia?

"It can only be said that it has a certain effect." Zed said: "Tourism can definitely bring more income. But Ionia is so big, and relying only on farming and tourism, I am afraid it will still be unable to enter a wealthy and developed modern world."


So Levi's opinion is still, run if you need to.

After all, the whole world will be one family from now on. Ionia couldn't survive, so she went to work and settle in the vast continent of Valoran.

This is of course not a perfect solution, but it is the best solution under objective reality.

Just like the leader can't grow corn in the Freljord, Ionia can't achieve full-scale industrialization, so it just can't be done. Leaders who want to transform the world must also respect objective facts. There's no way around it.

Therefore, Ionia's future positioning may only be a tourist destination and the world's breadbasket.

"But as long as conditions permit, the more factories the better." Jie said: "Otherwise, we will have to import even the most basic fertilizer and agricultural machinery from the twin cities thousands of miles away... The money earned from hard-earned farming will be lost. All was spent on industrial consumption.”

"Although Valoran's comrades will transfer payments to us, it would be a pity if this money is wasted on the logistics costs of importing goods from overseas."

"I understand..." Shen nodded secretly.

He understood Zed's desire for industrialization. Every page of the project information submitted for review is filled with the people’s expectations for a better life in Weili.

However, objective conditions are objective conditions. That equilibrium limit cannot be crossed.

"I will conduct observations now." Shen said, "Maybe the situation in Weili will be better than other places."

"Yes." Zed stood aside silently, waiting for Shen's environmental assessment conclusion.

Shen was seen reciting incantations with his mouth, pinching spells with his hands, and his eyes were emitting a mysterious white-purple light.

The ability of the Eye of Twilight was activated by him with all his strength, and his thoughts communicated with the material realm and the spiritual realm at the same time, covering the vast land around Weili.

"Huh?!" Suddenly, Shen suddenly woke up.

"What's wrong?" Zed looked over.

Although he hadn't fought for a long time, he could tell that the solemn look in Shen's eyes was definitely not due to environmental impact assessment issues.

"There are evil spirits..." Shen replied, "I sense that there are evil spirits in this land."

"Evil spirits?" Jie said thoughtfully, "Is it caused by imbalance, invasion of evil spirits in the spiritual realm?"

"No." Shen shook his head.

If so, he wouldn't be so surprised.

"I can sense a special aura on it. It is not a spirit body from our Ionian spiritual realm."

"It has the power of death magic, just like the undead surviving in the dark fog of Shadow Island... But its power is even more evil."

Spiritual bodies are not supposed to exist in the physical realm. Their very existence in Ionia is disrupting the balance.

As the guardian of balance, the Eye of Twilight can naturally sense the opponent.

"An evil spirit from outside Ionia?" Zed frowned, and the fierce temperament he once had as the Lord of Shadow Stream quietly resurfaced.

Why did this evil spirit cross the vast sea and come to Ionia?

What's its purpose?

"Let's go." Shen had decisively drawn out the soul blade.

Jie followed without hesitation: "Let's go take a look."

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