– Lian Zhan Lian Jie

When XLB saw the phantom of the wolf’s head appear above his head and realized the danger, it was too late for him to retreat.

Accelerated by the talent predator and skill W, Skarner looked like a small car speeding on the road; with one turn, he came to the red buff area.

“Let you see my stinger!”

Skarner’s body seemed to be wrapped in blue crystals. At this moment, the huge sapphire attached to the tail reflected a faint blue light under the sunlight of the canyon.

Bright, mysterious, ancient!

It woke up from a long slumber, and now it wants to use its innate crystal venomous thorn to sting into the enemy’s body.

The moment Trundle pierced his body with the crystalline venomous thorn, it had a suppressive effect; at this moment, Galio flew up, Kai’Sa traveled through the void, and came to Trundle’s side with almost no delay.

The red square wild area trembled a few more times under Galio’s heavy punch, Kai’Sa also flew down to the ground, and at the same time, shed the torrential rain condensed by void energy.

Galio’s Astral Wind, Kai’Sa’s Void Finder… RNG’s middle, wild, and AD almost completely emptied their output in a short moment.

Wang Duoduo couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “Who would have thought that the attacks during this period were all initiated by RNG, while LR, who had played a big advantage before, seemed to have suddenly stagnated in rhythm.”

Rita thought for a while and said, “Is it because the trolls are a bit too obsessed? The wild area is always found by the opponent, and they didn’t buy a real eye to do it before opening the red buff.”

Wang Duoduo nodded and said: “Yes, LR has been suppressed in the middle lane during this period, and the vision of the river has been seriously lost, which led to the invasion of the two wild areas by RNG.”

“The troll here was not killed in seconds because of the meat outfit. He took a big move and handed over the flash to pass the wall, but Kai’Sa also handed over the flash, leveling A, and then leveling A! Played a passive plasma explosion As a result, the troll was dropped in seconds!”

“In the end, Uzi will take the head, and RNG will win again!”

Rita immediately boasted: “RNG is so decisive here, relying on the support advantage of its double C, relying on the stable control of the scorpion to grab the XLB hard, and slowly beat back the disadvantage.”

Wang Duoduo nodded and said: “Rita is right. RNG has chosen the timing of these few waves very well. The main reason is that they launched a combination of roaming in the bottom lane, forcing LR, who holds the upper hand, to dare not take risks.”

“LR’s advantage operation during this period of time is also too obsessed. Otherwise, with Tamm, a resource-based hero, they shouldn’t be robbed of the tempo by the opponent.”

Rita agreed: “Yes, the bot lane on LR’s side is notNow that they can only focus on their own development, they should also swim around and move around. ”

“LR still has a great upper-middle advantage. As long as they can get a chance to team up with RNG, they should still be able to snowball.”

Wang Duoduo immediately gave Rita a compliment in his heart. It is rare that this woman did not say a word wrong, and she nodded in agreement: “Yes, although RNG has recovered two waves of rhythm under the leadership of Scorpion, but the current advantage is still in control. In the hands of LR.”

“If LR can find an opportunity to fight a wave of small-scale team battles, they still have a great chance of winning.”

The game time is 15 minutes and 17 seconds.

“This wave of little dragons, force them to come and pick them up.”

Liu Rui took a deep breath and said, “Both the middle and the wild have real eyes. Let’s take a look at the dragon’s vision. When they go to the side, we will push the dragon to the center. The support and AD are in the center. I have a T. Go to the side to pull.”

After finishing speaking, Liu Rui controlled the captain to walk up the road, preparing to lead the troops deep and draw the attention of the other side.

And Liu Rui also suppressed his temper at this time, and did not use the magic eye again.

He dare not!

There are still nearly 20 minutes left for the innate aggression, which can fully last until the end of this round, but there is only one use of the magic eye left.

RNG’s counterattack has already made him vigilant: As a veteran team that has risen since S3, the five top players they gathered have the ability to turn around in adversity.

This last chance for Magic Eye, he will use it to win the final team and directly decide the outcome of this round.

Without the magic eye cheating, Liu Rui can only analyze the situation by himself: Galio is in the middle, Kai’Sa is leading the line in the bottom lane, and the missing people are Shang, Ye, and Su. These three people may come to arrest him.

After all, Galio still has TP on him, and his ult is already on CD.

The most important thing is that Xiaolong’s respawn is coming soon, but none of RNG’s people choose to do vision; there is a great possibility that they are going to catch him.

Thinking of this, he quickly gave out two company barrels, and quickly retreated after clearing the line of troops.

But it’s still too late!

At this moment, a blood-red wolf’s head appeared above Planck’s head. A crystal-like scorpion and a woman carrying a fan broke the explosive fruit, ejected into the river, and rushed towards him.

Rita looked at the screen and said: “I think RNG still wants to win. They have been squatting for a long time. Xiaolong should be planning to release it directly to LR. He wants to use this time difference to gamble and end this captain!”

Wang Duoduo: “…”

After all, this is also the final of the Demacia Cup! If RNG doesn’t want to win, how can it be on this stage?

Secretly complaining in the bottom of his heart, Wang Duoduo coughed and took over the conversation: “Yes, RNG has been planning for this wave of arrests for a long time. It seems that Planck will not be able to escape!”

“The scorpion summons the power of the crystal, first gives the E skill, level A to stabilize the captain, Plank immediately handed over the orange, and slowed down R at the foot, flashing away!”

“But Karsa didn’t hesitate to dodge directly, paralyzed the captain with the crystal venomous thorn, and dragged him directly back to the river! Galio has grown up, and Aoun has also grown up!”

Under the three big moves, even if Planck’s operator is the gifted Liu Rui, there is no possibility of surviving.

The hero itself has an upper limit. Without the ability to predict, even if it is operated by a god, there will be times when it will be powerless.

At this moment, the giant elemental dragon let out a wail.

While everyone in RNG killed the captain, LR didn’t sit still. He directly took down Xiaolong at a very fast speed, and pushed forward in a group.

At the scene, some audience members seemed to suddenly become depressed and sat back in their seats sullenly.

Even Wang Duoduo patted his chest and said with a long breath, “It turns out that player Rui can be caught to death.”

Rita immediately looked at him in surprise: “Why do you say that?”

Wang Duoduo laughed and said, “Rui is a vicious player. Almost every time he is arrested by several people, he is not the one who dies.”

Rita frowned and thought about it; it seems so!

RNG was also the first team to successfully capture Liu Rui without paying the price.

She thought for a while, and couldn’t help laughing: “I think, RNG fans should thank Colonel Guan for his off-court assists.”

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