After the Hangover

The next day, when Liu Rui woke up from the hangover, he felt that his whole body was not well.

Dizziness, nausea, dry and sore throat.

“Ah… I really want to go to the hospital for an IV.”

Liu Rui rubbed his swollen temples, lifted the blanket on his body…huh? Where did the blanket come from?

Looking down, I saw that I was lying comfortably on the sofa, a battleground for drunken military strategists, and suddenly I felt a little confused.

I remember that last night, he collapsed in a daze after drinking faintly, so he shouldn’t be able to lie down here.

Looking down along the line of sight, Zhou Yujia was kneeling and sleeping in front of the end area of ​​the sofa. After the glasses on the bridge of the nose disappeared, that white and round baby face suddenly became three-dimensional.


Liu Rui couldn’t help laughing out loud, and saw the slight water stain at the corner of her mouth at a glance, and he immediately thought of the expression pack of “Abaaaba”.

This is what kind of delicious food must be dreamed to make the saliva become so self-conscious?

His gaze then swept across the tabletop, and then stopped. There was a thermos cup with a note on the top of the cup. On the note was a line of beautiful small characters: “To, Liu Rui♂”

Liu Rui glanced at Zhou Yujia with a smile, opened the note curiously, took a sip from the cup.

Well, it’s boiled water with a little sweetness, it seems to have added some honey, and it’s still warm.

Then it is impossible for this water to be kept overnight, and it is unknown when she filled it.

Liu Rui shook his head, sat up halfway, set his somewhat confused brain, and began to recall what happened late last night.

I heard that some people will explode emotionally when drunk, or swear, or cry bitterly; Cryin and XLB are the classics.

Cryin should be very depressed at ordinary times. After being drunk, he cried, scolded Brother Chen, and clapped his hands; what did he say: “This kind of person should have gone in a long time ago, the dog will die!”

After scolding every sentence, it seemed that the whole person’s emotions had been vented, and he went to the corner squatting and drawing circles by himself, holding a bottle of beer drunk.

Liu Rui turned his face to the side, and found that the whole body of this guy was leaning against the corner of the wall, and his hands were naturally placed on the ground, as if his whole body was paralyzed.

I remember that XLB seemed to start singing loudly when he was drunk, walking around the room while almost everyone was dragged by him to have a few drinks.

What about this guy?

After searching around the house several times, Liu Rui found him under the table.

Only half of his body was exposed outside, and his face was gone. If it wasn’t for his thinner figure and fairer skin than others, he really couldn’t be recognized.

But, drinking and drinking, why did he lie down under the table?

There is no memory in his mind, and Liu Rui didn’t care about it. His eyes swept over the second sofa placed vertically. PPgod and Gala were hugging each other, their feet intertwined, and sleeping in each other’s arms.

Liu Rui: “…”

These eyes have been defiled and must be washed.

At this time, Huang Dingxiao yawned and walked in from the door. The first time he saw Liu Rui, he was surprised: “Woke up so early?”

Remember last night LiuRui was the last one standing, and the four LR players took turns to fight, trying to get the captain down first.

But Liu Rui is also an evil person. From the beginning after drinking a few glasses of wine, he started to stumble, and after drinking a few cases of wine, he still stumbled; he just stood still!

Anyway, when Huang Dingxiao finally went upstairs to sleep, the other four people in LR except Liu Rui were already lying on the ground, and even Liu Rui couldn’t help lying down on the table.

However, after all, a wave of 1 for 4 was played.

Thinking of this, Huang Dingxiao couldn’t help but smacked his lips: “I can’t tell why you can drink so much, kid.”

Liu Rui rolled his eyes, got up and took a sip of warm water, quickly retreated to the sofa, and said with a guilty conscience: “People’s physiques cannot be generalized.”

There were two times when the stamina potion restored his state, and he could be counted as three lives. It was all overturned, which is really embarrassing.

“Ah Choo!”

Zhou Yujia sneezed suddenly in her sleep. When Liu Rui and Huang Dingxiao looked over, she seemed to be shivering, she seemed to be catching a cold, and shrank subconsciously.

Liu Rui had a headache, so he pressed his temples and looked at Huang Dingxiao: “What’s going on? How did I sleep here? How did she sleep here?”

He remembered that the coach stopped after only a few drinks, so he should be able to help restore the whole story.


Huang Dingxiao thought for a while: “Didn’t you just lay down on the table after you got drunk yesterday? Xiao Zhou was afraid that you would catch a cold, so it took a lot of effort to put you on the sofa.”

Immediately, his mind recalled the scene where Zhou Yujia gritted his teeth and propped up Liu Rui, who was like a dead pig, and then brought him all the way to the sofa to put him down.

It was he who couldn’t bear to go over to help, and the two of them worked together to lift Liu Rui onto the sofa.

After getting drunk, it is often the sober people who suffer.

After Liu Rui was settled, the two of them didn’t have the energy to move the others anymore, so they took the time to clean up the scattered packaging garbage and beer bottles.

After that, Zhou Yujia found a blanket and a towel soaked in hot water.

Huang Dingxiao saw her trembling hands, gently covered the blanket, and then wiped Liu Rui’s sweat carefully with a towel, her face flushed almost the whole time.

But after all, he didn’t choose to give someone else’s hand.

The two kept cleaning up the mess and relocating the team until after two o’clock in the morning.

Later, Huang Dingxiao couldn’t bear the drunkenness, so he yawned and said goodbye first.

Huang Dingxiao thought for a while and guessed: “It was already very late when I left, maybe she was so tired that she fell asleep after watching you all night?”

Liu Rui picked up the blanket, put it on Zhou Yujia’s body, shrugged and said, “How do I know?”

Although she still said that she didn’t care, her heart had already softened a little.


At this moment, Zhou Yujia pursed her lips, and after making an indistinct sound, she squinted her eyes and looked around.

‘I’m in a daze, I can’t see anything clearly. ‘

After complaining from the bottom of her heart, she quickly buried her chin in the crook of her right arm; stretched out her left hand, and groped around as if playing a piano.

Where are my glasses?

Huang Dingxiao and Liu Rui looked at each other, and couldn’t help laughing out loud.

“Who? Who’s there?”

Zhou Yujia pricked up her ears extremely vigilantly at this moment. Although she looked alike, she was not a cat after all, and she couldn’t even tell who was beside her.

Huang Dingxiao and Liu Rui looked at each other again, and Liu Rui pouted immediately.

Huang Dingxiao understood in seconds, and immediately coughed: “It’s me, Xiao Zhou, do you know where Liu Rui has gone?”

“Huh? You mean, he’s not here now?”

At this moment, Zhou Yujia seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

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