There will be a song at last, I will see you off

The three days were the last time for the members of LR to talk freely, eat together, play games together, hook shoulders and sleep together, and sleep together.

On the morning of the third day, XLB, which was farthest away, quietly picked up his luggage and embarked on the road back to YM. He didn’t choose to say goodbye to anyone because he didn’t think it was necessary.

If you can see each other again, just pretend nothing happened and continue to hang your shoulders together; if you don’t see each other again, then don’t look back and just pretend that the brothers are still standing behind you.

Li Xiaolong booked the bus ticket very early, and after he left, the other team members of LR got up; including Liu Rui, everyone first stared at the neatly packed empty bunk, and then got up to wash as if nothing had happened.

When they went downstairs to eat breakfast, everyone sat around the dining table as usual, but the difference was that there was an empty seat between Liu Rui and Cryin.

At noon, Cryin left quietly. Who knows how he managed to pack his luggage, tidy up his bedding, get up and go home in the ten minutes he bought after a quick meal, and no one noticed.

In the afternoon, after waking up, LR, AD, and assistant lay on the bed and played with their mobile phones for a while. Gala first proposed to play games for a while.

Liu Rui shrugged noncommittally, went to ask Huang Dingxiao, took the key, and opened the door of the training room.

In 2019, the popularity of eating chicken is still very high. Under Gala’s suggestion, Liu Rui and PPgod also opened this game at the same time.

They randomly entered the map Elenge, and as soon as they entered the 55 Kai Square, they settled on Water City as their foothold.

Boarding the plane, watching the sky, and seeing the crowd scattered like stars all the way, they also pressed the “F” key when they were about to fly to Shuicheng.

Three figures hung down from the sky and flew obliquely towards the city whose foundation was buried in the water.

Liu Rui couldn’t help reminding: “Hey, Chen Wei, you have two teams over there!”

Gala suddenly smiled awkwardly: “It’s okay, just watch me operate them by myself.”

PPgod raised his eyebrows and said, “What should I do if I get fucked? Will you help me in the future?”

Hearing this, Gala was silent for a moment, and squeezed out a smile: “It’s impossible to think beautifully in this life!”

Liu Rui and PPgod shrugged almost simultaneously.

As professional LOL players, they are also talented players in other game fields. Except for Liu Rui, a guy who relies on the system, who is relatively good, PPgod and Gala’s skills are very good.

As a result, Gala, who was surrounded by two groups of eight people in total, killed five people extremely violently; but he himself was finally killed by the enemy and fell to the ground because there was no bullet in the gun.

PPgod couldn’t help complaining: “You said you jumped between the two teams, what’s the difference from sending them off?”

After finishing speaking, the headset fell into silence again.

After a while, Gala smiled and said: “I didn’t know they were so fierce! Girl, anyway, I helped you kill five, you must fight out of Shuicheng and take me to eat chicken!”

After finishing speaking, he stood up and stretched, said something to the two people opposite to go to the bathroom, and left.

Liu Rui and PPgod devoted themselves to this game extremely seriously; in order to eat chicken, Liu Rui also activated the talent Aggression like Fire, increasing his reaction speed and operation thinking.

For them, the last poison circle is the circle of divine punishment.

On the way to the finals while running poison, PPgod was shot down by someone; in the end, it was Liu Rui who killed the team with one against four and four horizontal shots, and got the chicken of this game.


PPgod stood up, high-fived Liu Rui just like he did after every victory in the German Cup, and laughed and cursed: “Damn it, we’ve all eaten chicken, Chen Wei, that brat hasn’t come back yet…”

After speaking, his voice became lower and lower, until he suddenly froze, as if he realized something.

Liu Rui just looked at him calmly, waiting for him to speak.

The next moment, PPgod took a deep breath, and the frozen expression on his face disappeared in an instant, and he laughed and cursed as always: “I have to go to the toilet to see, did this bastard fall into the pit?”

He hurried out of the door, still yelling loudly: “Chen Wei, who the hell are you? You don’t say anything!”

It’s just that voice, as the footsteps go further and further away.

Liu Rui just sat in a daze.

Not ten minutes later, Huang Dingxiao came in from the door calmly. He brought two bottles of beer and a bag of cooked peanuts, and sat next to Liu Rui, pushing the food and drink between the two of them.

Take a sip of the wine first, then peel a few peanuts and put them in your mouth.

The two sat in silence, and it took a long time to repeat the action. With two bottles of beer and a bag of peanuts, they abruptly stayed in the training room for 4 hours.

until the sky darkened and the sun set.

Only then did Huang Dingxiao get up, and patted Liu Rui on the shoulder: “Let’s go, let’s go eat. It’s not a big deal to stay here all the time.”

Liu Rui nodded, and the moment he stood up, he realized that tears were streaming down his face.

The next day, LR, the new team that swept across the Demacia Cup and swept the entire LPL, finally disbanded;on the return trip.

The four of them did not say goodbye, and either left silently or found an excuse to disappear; they seemed to be looking forward to the day when they would meet again in the future; at that time, they pretended that the time between them was just an excuse to leave, and they suddenly disappeared. Dream.

Compared with Liu Rui’s loss, Huang Dingxiao’s recovery speed is obviously faster.

He immediately got in touch with RNG’s management, rejected the generous contract offered by the other party, and only passed on Liu Rui’s request.

There is only one meaning inside and outside the words: I will not engage in those fake things with you; you are responsible for paying the money, and I am responsible for going to Tongtiandai.

This made Yao Xing feel very headache, so he hurriedly invited twelve directors to a meeting.

“The other party does not agree to join RNG,”

Yao Xing got straight to the point: “He has no interest in our contract at all. He doesn’t want to be an official player of RNG. He only plans to sign a temporary contract to help us play in the playoffs conditionally.”

In other words, it means working part-time and getting paid.

The representatives of the twelve sponsors understood in seconds, and Hu Yang, the speaker, frowned, and tapped his fingers on the table lightly: “Yao Xing, what do you say?”

Yao Xing was very straightforward. He spread his hands and said, “There’s no way. The attitude over there is very firm. Either they refuse directly, or they pay money and rent it to play games.”

“If you refuse, it’s a pity to be honest. LR’s team can win the German Cup championship, almost relying on Liu Rui alone. He can be borrowed to cooperate with our lineup. It can almost be said that it is a stable championship in the playoffs. .”

“Anyway, my suggestion is: Rent! The results of the team are more important than anything else. Although there will be some bloodshed, the benefits must outweigh the sacrifices.”

The eyes of the twelve directors met, and it seemed that they had made a decision; Hu Yang nodded and said, “It’s okay to rent, but you have to lower the price. It’s better to be lower than the contracted players.”

“Let’s try it out and see if we can use the unbalanced psychology to induce him to sign the contract and officially join us.”

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