Defeat; IG’s Weakness

He was caught and killed on the road, and Theshy’s fall caused a little confusion in IG for a while.

Ning later chose the strategy of grabbing the road.

RNG is also implementing the style of life-saving top lane.

The two sides took turns to visit the middle and the wild, but in the end RNG relied on the kills in the early stage to continue to win small-scale collisions.

The game time is 19 minutes and 24 seconds.

If you have an OB perspective, you will find that the economic gap between IG and RNG has reached 7000 at this time. RNG is gathering five people to use the big dragon buff to attack the high ground.

IG did not hesitate, as always, it opened against the windA wave of desperate team battles started.

JackeyLove seems to have returned to the day of S9. Xia in her hand is wearing a feather robe and holding a feather blade, flashing forward!

Under the blessing of the purple brilliance, Xia gave her Q plus move and hit AOE, flying feathers all over the sky!

But the moment he pulled out his E skill, Tam opened his mouth and swallowed Verus, and Ryze flashed back, dodging a wave of explosions that she did her best.

Huan Ling entered the arena later, keeping a close eye on the imprisoned Tahm. After activating the R skill, he used W to fly to Tahm’s feet.

But Tam has a quicksilver sash!

Xiao Ming has been farming for many years, which is considered rare in the LPL. He has many scene supports. At this moment, he pressed Quicksilver without hesitation, released the control, flashed backwards, and completely avoided Luo’s control.

Then Verus landed, and a jet-black chain burst out from his injured longbow, instantly freezing Luo in front of him.

Xiaohu controlled Ruiz to keep up, and instantly made a combo of QEWQ, and instantly beat Huan Ling in front of him to the brim.

Rookie had no choice but to keep up, stepped forward and used the QE push ball to stun Tam and Ryze, trying to save Luo, but at this moment a blue scout guard appeared in front of him.

While he was in a daze, a bald man suddenly slipped into the crowd from the shadow behind the wall.

Li Qing touched the high ground, swept his foot, and flashed backwards. The dragon swayed his tail, which seemed to have a displacement effect, kicking Syndra into the crowd of RNG.

Then, Karsa pressed down on the golden body without the slightest hesitation, leaving the IG people who had barely reacted helpless for a while.

Qinggang Ying, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly took over the control, hung the hook rope towards the rock wall, kicked back and kicked back with his left foot, knocking Syndra unconscious with one blow.

“Being independent is better than being a slave!”

Qing Gangying recited very charming lines like a life mentor, but he was merciless in his actions. He directly used the hook to hang his body and waved his blade-like long legs.

When Luo Fei entered the arena, she took the lead in using the whip leg to stab the soldier. At this moment, Qinggang Ying could just trigger the second Q skill with real damage.

A picks up!

Qing Gangying flexibly flipped her body and swept her blade-like long legs upwards. With the support of her superior equipment, she cut Xingdra’s blood volume by 2/3 with just one kick.

At this moment, Luo was also instantly dropped by the rest of RNG, like a bait just to catch Syndra.

Seeing this, Rookie quickly flashed backwards, wanting to get back into the crowd.

But at this moment, Qing Gangying kicked his feet on the ground, and leaped high into the air.


Her figure merged with Syndra in an instant, and cast a gray alloy field around her.

The appearance of this alloy field instantly repelled Rexai and Sword Fairy who wanted to rescue them.

As if her lines said: “The world is neither black nor white, but a fine gray.”

At this moment, Syndra is being imprisoned in the exquisite gray world.

Because she was too disadvantaged, she didn’t dare to buy defensive equipment at all. At this moment, she only had Luden and the hat she had just made out.

Compared with Qinggang Ying with Sanxiang, Bloody Hand, and Heiqie, she looks quite poor.

Now, Qing Gangying can kill her with just a kick like a sharp blade!

Syndra had no choice but to pour out the last dark energy and pour it all into Qinggang Ying’s body.

It’s a pity that he didn’t even get rid of the bloody skin.

“Syndra is dead, Syndra is dead!”

“Up, up, up, up!”

“AD, AD, AD, AD!”

RNG’s current mic completely exploded at this moment, and the voices of the five people intertwined at this moment, like an explosion.

They rushed forward, like a tidal wave of venting their anger.

In the end, IG only had time to concentrate all its firepower on one person. After killing the blind monk, it was overwhelmed by RNG’s tide-like offensive.

Xia, who didn’t flash, was the first to fall, followed by Jian Ji, who had already collapsed in the early stage. Although she beheaded the blind monk’s head, she also lost the chance to escape and was killed by RNG.

“The best one is dead, let’s push it!”

Liu Rui cheered, and quickly called on his teammates to move forward.

Everyone was stunned for a moment when they heard the words, and then burst out laughing. They followed suit and headed towards the IG’s hub crystal.

“This one doesn’t have the rhythm of my early stage. Can you win so easily!”

Karsa was bitter, but his soft rebuttal was instantly drowned out by the voices of his teammates commanding the advancement.

This night, the same script was repeated several times.

In the five training matches, IG only won the one in which their personal abilities exploded, and lost all the rest!

When the upper middle field, which is the best, suffered a setback, everyone in IG was a little confused.

It wasn’t until IG head coach Mafa saw that something was wrong and called a stop, that everyone stopped attacking each other.

Fierce failure!

Mafa suddenly realized at this moment that he might have overestimated the strength of IG’s tactics.

Relying on the superb laning, IG dominated an era in S9, but this team’s style of play is too single after all, just like RNG, it is easy to be researched and targeted.

The bottom lane remains stable. In the early stage, the upper and middle fields are mainly used as sharp knives to tear the opponent. In the middle and late stages, this blade is used to cut flesh and blood from the enemy’s body and feed back to the AD of one’s own side.

After tasting the sweetness in the S8 World Championship, they chose to continue to maintain this tactic in S9, still using the online and frontThe suppressive force in the early and mid-term will transform the advantage in the early and mid-term into the offensive rhythm, and launch a tidal offensive to overwhelm the opponent.

This should have been the most suitable version for them.

At the beginning of the spring split, they did play the rhythm they wanted: relying on the strong upper middle field to accumulate advantages in the early stage by laning and ganking.

Coupled with their explosive performance in the top and bottom lanes from time to time, they almost swept the LPL teams in the first half of the Spring Split.

What Theshy Sain single-handedly killed the old thief Sima, and Jack Wayne defeated RNG 11-1… IG showed a good ability to adapt to the version when it first entered the S9 version.

But anyone who is familiar with the history of the competition will know that they will expose their weaknesses in this year’s version of the MSI Mid-Season Championship.

They lost to TL with a 1-3 record, which was almost unacceptable to the LPL audience at the time.

Because they were like RNG that year, not losing to their opponents, but to themselves.

The state of Theshy on the road is still the same, like a killing god.

Their team battles are still like miracles. The players can still rely on their personal strength to make a comeback and regain their own advantages.

But it still couldn’t cover up those terminally ill problems.

Ning, who is in the jungle position, has become the easiest point to be targeted because of his lack of training and inflexibility.

Crouching on the field of vision several times ruined the early rhythm. Because of the eagerness to expand the advantage and end the game quickly, he repeatedly made mistakes in the middle and late stages, giving the opponent a chance.

These mistakes eroded the foundation of IG little by little, and finally caused the towering building to collapse in an instant.

In that year, IG was full of brute force, but under the circumstances of being targeted by TL for research, it became a trapped beast with teeth and claws.

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