
“This choice by RNG is very surprising.”

I remember that I couldn’t help but say something. I never thought that Xiaohu would choose Thain to confront the crocodile head-on.

In the follow-up, because both sides always have the relationship of first-hand selection, FPX chose to ban Kai’Sa and Bull Head, and RNG banned Tam and Titan.

It was Liu Rui’s request to disable the Titans in this move.

He can always recall Liu Qingsong’s deep-sea giant who wandered infinitely and opened up the upper middle field in the S9 finals in his mind.

So in the fourth move, after discussing with Dandi, RNG chose to take out the most OP protective support in the current version, Bron.

After the long test, FPX chose to lock in the strong laning combination of Verus and Karma.

Guan Zeyuan couldn’t help but commented: “This choice is in place. FPX made it clear that the two sides are going to play in the middle and field, so they chose a strong laning combination in the bottom lane.”

“This can not only suppress Uzi’s development, but also grab the right to line, so that the jungler can do more things when passing through the bottom lane.”

I remember nodding and said: “Now it’s up to RNG how to deal with it.”

As soon as the explanation finished speaking, Xiao Mingliang made a VN.



Although there are new troops rising up and leading the way, everyone still will not forget that the old soldiers are still there when the sword is not old!


A look of reminiscence flashed in Guan Zeyuan’s eyes: “Actually, from an objective point of view, this choice is not good, because the hero VN needs to develop and needs to be tilted in jungle resources.”

“There will be a lot of pressure on the mid-field against RNG, so how much resources VN will get is still to be determined, but I believe that old fans of RNG will definitely not doubt this choice.”

“After all, her user is Uzi, the man who labeled VN and made her the belief of many summoners!”

After he summed it up in one sentence, the lineup choices of both sides appeared on the big screen.

Red side RNG: Future Guardian, Blind Sin, Undead God of War, Night Hunter, Heart of the Freljord.

Blue party FPX: Ocean Disaster, Spider Queen, Desert Butcher, Retribution Arrow, Apocalypse.

The two sides entered Summoner’s Canyon.

“Let’s go, let’s go!”

As soon as it landed, Karsa sent a rally signal to the opposite wild area, clearly expressing his desire to play a first-level regiment.

This time, Liu Rui said that he would focus on laning. After discussing with Dandi, he handed over the command to RNG’s Nosuke.

In fact, it’s because the talent to activate is not Xu Rulin, but Luo Ruhuo.

Pulling the operation to the upper limit can defeat the crowd’s operation talent!

Everyone shrugged and didn’t shirk away. Under the leadership of Xiao Ming, they walked directly across the river.


A green energy beam came from the darkness, and immediately hit Braum, causing him to slow down.

This is Jingdong’s warning, warning everyone in RNG, I have already found you!

Although he was hit by Karma’s Q skill, Braum didn’t stop there.

This heart-warming uncle who was active on the permafrost of the Freljord patted the ice shield in his hand with his backhand, and suddenly a piece of ice shaped like a tiger’s mouth flew out.

Q, Winter’s Bite!

The ice cube fell into the grass, and actually hit the crocodile squatting in the grass, causing a deceleration effect.

“You can fight!”

At this moment, the eyes of everyone in RNG suddenly brightened. With Braum’s help, they were not afraid of any team battles at the first level.

It’s a pity that when Doinb saw that he was passively placed by Bron and the RNG army pressed him, he knew that there was nothing to be done, so he decisively handed over Flash and left through the wall.


Liu Rui sighed, and asked: “It’s quite profitable for a flash, how should I say, why don’t we go.”

Karsa thought for a while and said, “Give me another view and leave.”

The first wave of first-level battles ended with RNG earning a flash.

After FPX saw that RNG had completed the vision of the blue buff, the spider immediately used the scan on its body to remove the eyes.

And Liu Rui’s Jess also came to the road early, hid in the second grass, and turned his eyes.

This is a very important step under the instructions of the magic eye.

After 1 minute, with the first wave of troops on the lineOn the line, the captain on the opposite side came to the line with old steps, first paced back and forth in front of the first grass near the tower, and then dared to go in.

Jin Gong immediately walked towards the second bush, intending to plant eyes in the second bush.

This choice has to be said to be experienced. If Liu Rui controls the line in the early stage, then in the first three levels, the pawn line is likely to be stuck between the second grass and the first grass.

He will most likely use Jess’ range to hide in the second bushes to attack and consume secretly.

So in the first three levels of confrontation, the vision in the second grass is very important.

As long as he uses this field of vision to maintain blood volume and survive the captain’s weak period, after reaching level three, his speed of clearing the line with explosive barrels will not be weaker than that of Jess.

Jin Gong set a small goal for himself: pass the first three levels, and then hide under the tower, or hide far away to gain experience.

Anyway, never give Liu Rui another chance to kill solo!

But just when Jin Gong controlled the captain to the edge of the grass and was about to insert his eyes, he suddenly saw a blue energy cannon fired towards him and exploded in front of Planck.

“Fight for a better tomorrow!”

The Mercury Cannon in Jess’s hand instantly deformed, and he raised his hands slightly to raise the Mercury Hammer, as if making his figure look a bit taller.

Q, leap to the sky!

Jess raised the heavy hammer, made a half-rolling gesture in mid-air, and fell straight towards the opposite grass.

A heavy hammer fell, and a yellow thunder burst out immediately, falling towards Planck’s body.

The heavy hammer slammed down vertically, surrounded by lightning, and a bloody thunder fell from the sky.

The other party has vision!

Jin Gong realized in an instant that Liu Rui had already established his vision in the first grass long before he entered the grass, and when he came over, he would directly shoot a set of output.

Jin Gong had no choice but to retreat quickly after leveling A and playing the passive fire saber technique.

I don’t know why, but when facing Liu Rui, he always feels a sense of aggrieved.

It’s as if all my actions and thoughts are in the calculation of the other party.

For a professional player, this is simply incomprehensible!

It was enough to make one’s scalp tingle.

After earning 1/3 of the HP advantage in the early stage, Liu Rui chose the tactics of controlling the line and fighting attrition, and even stood in the middle of the blue pawn line, forcing Jin Gong to look at the pawns from a distance and only eat experience , dare not step forward.

However, even if he is already like this, Liu Rui still doesn’t let him go, controlling Jess from time to time, pulling out the acceleration door under his feet, and using the EQ electromagnetic pulse cannon to shoot out the consumption.


Don’t give people a way to live, right?

Jin Gong was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and immediately marked Jess on the opposite side frantically, and simultaneously pulled out the “ask for assistance” signal.

Big Brother can’t stand it anymore!

Xiaotian, save me!

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