Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 463 The villain dies because he talks too much

The Dragon-Elephant Prajna Realm and the Mysterious Realm of Mysterious Heaven….

After hearing these two world names, Zhao Ya couldn't help but a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Because during this time he has been reading information about Wanjie, including introductions to the two worlds of Dragon Elephant Prajna and Xuantian Shangmiao.

The Dragon Elephant Prajna Realm is famous for its hard physical skills, and the Dacheng Garden Treasure Mountain that Zhou Zheng belongs to is located in this realm.

The wonderful world of Xuantian is famous for its various light and strange techniques.

All in all, these are two veritable upper worlds, and their status is no less than the Wu Jingming world where Shi Bolong lives.

But that's not what Zhao Ya was thinking about.

He could feel that Shi Bolong was getting more and more excited in recent days.

Even though he concealed it very well, he still couldn't escape Zhao Ya's eyes.

Even Zhao Ya could guess almost exactly what he was thinking in his heart.

It was obvious that at this time, Shi Bolong felt that he was finally coming through.

Because once he enters these big worlds, he will have a way to contact his sect and obtain assistance.

And just as the snake girl said, being alone and facing a powerful sect like Wuyou Wanshou Palace, the situation is very dangerous.

However, Zhao Ya did not express these inner thoughts, but watched Shi Bolong's every move with cold eyes.

The black ship continued to sail. Although it was still surrounded by endless sea, some changes were quietly taking place.

For example, occasionally you can see the shadow of a huge sail passing by where the sea and the sky meet.

Zhao Ya knew that it was a kind of ship specially used to transport goods. The smallest one was as big as several black ships, and the big one was even like a moving island. It was a real giant.

The reason for this is that the boundless sea is so big that even the prosperous trade routes that have been established for a long time are extremely far away.

If merchants want to make profits under such a distance, expanding their scale is almost the only way.

That's why these cargo ships are getting bigger and bigger.

After traveling like this for another two days, we saw more and more silhouettes of ships, and even the statue on the bow of the nearest ship could be seen.

However, these ships obviously had enough respect for the black ship controlled by Zhao Ya, and would actively give way once they encountered it.

Zhao Ya understood that this was because the black ship from Tianjimen was a high-end model of warships.

To be able to purchase such a ship, in addition to proving that the owner has considerable financial resources, he must also have a strong background.

Therefore, facing such a presence, these merchant ships will naturally choose to avoid it.

But even so, Shi Bolong was still a little dissatisfied.

"If this was under the banner of Wuyou Longevity Palace, these merchant ships would not dare to appear in the sea area within a radius of twenty miles." Shi Bolong said.

Zhao Ya glanced back at him, and then said calmly: "So you mean to hang up the flag?"

Shi Bolong froze, and then quickly said with a smile: "That's all I said, I didn't mean anything else."

"Okay, let's hang the flag." Zhao Ya said suddenly.

Shi Bolong was stunned and thought he heard wrongly.

"Sir, what did you say?" The snake girl next to her was also confused and couldn't help but ask.

"I said hang up the worry-free flag, is there a problem?"

"But..." Snake Girl was shocked. She was about to dissuade her, but Shi Bolong beat her to it.

"Sir, you don't need to test me anymore. I really didn't mean anything else just now. I just expressed my feelings."

"You don't need to test me. I have no other intention. I just want to hang up the flag and feel how majestic your Wuyou Longevity Palace is." Zhao Yayan said.

Seeing Zhao Ya's indifferent expression, Shi Bolong was at a loss for a moment.

Because he didn't know if Zhao Ya was testing him or if he really wanted to do this.

However, these doubts were quickly dispelled.

Zhao Ya came to the console and quickly pressed a line of instructions.

In an instant, a huge flag could be seen appearing on the bow of the ship through the water screen.

There are two large characters embroidered on the flag.

No worries!

It is the symbol of the Wushou Longevity Palace, the Wushou Flag!

When it was confirmed that Zhao Ya had really done this, Shi Bolong felt ecstatic, thinking that he had endured the humiliation for so long and finally saw results.

Zhao Ya was obviously deceived by himself, otherwise how could he be so arrogant and openly display the worry-free flag.

But just when Shi Bolong was overjoyed, he suddenly felt stiff all over.

He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but it wasn't until the stiff feeling spread quickly and hit his whole body that Shi Bolong suddenly realized something was wrong.

"What's going on? What have you done to me?" Shi Bolong shouted in horror.

Zhao Ya was calm and composed, and even picked up the tea in front of him and took a sip before sighing.

"I have to say that you, the direct disciple of Wuyou Wanshou Palace, are indeed extraordinary. I have worked hard to poison you."

At this time, Shi Bolong could no longer speak and could only look at Zhao Ya with his mouth wide open and eyes full of anger and despair.

"You don't have to look at me like that. It's because you are too self-righteous. Do you really think that the black ship's captain's agreement will allow you to sit back and relax?"

Zhao Ya sneered, and then said: "It is true that I can't kill you, but I can still do it by depriving you of all mobility and tightly trapping you."

A hoarse gasp came from Shi Bolong's throat.

Zhao Ya chuckled, "I know what you want to ask. Do you not know how you were poisoned?"

"You high-ranking disciples of the powerful sect, one of the most common mistakes is arrogance. You think you can hide if you don't eat anything that comes from my hands, including tea, which must be secretly checked before you dare to eat it. pass?"

"I can only say that you think too much!" Zhao Ya said coldly.

Shi Bolong's eyes became more and more desperate, because he found that not only his body was restrained, but also his mind seemed to have become stiff.

This feeling of sinking into the abyss made him extremely frightened and confused.

Because as Zhao Ya said, he has been extremely careful these days because he is afraid that he will fall into Zhao Ya's trap.

As a result, despite all calculations, I still couldn't escape in the end.

Just when he thought Zhao Ya would give him an explanation, he saw Zhao Ya turned around and told the snake girl without hesitation.

"Drag him into the secret room next to him, and then monitor him around the clock. If he escapes, you must know better than me what will happen."

The snake girl's heart trembled, then she nodded solemnly, stepped forward and dragged Shi Bolong away.

When he was the only one left in the control room, Zhao Ya let out a sigh of relief, and then looked at the unburned stick of incense in the corner of the wall.

It turns out that Zhao Ya has been secretly preparing poison these days, and the target is naturally Shi Bolong.

Naturally, there were many failures during this period, but Shi Bolong didn't notice any of them.

This is because Zhao Ya did not poison the water and food, but poisoned this seemingly inconspicuous incense.

If only this was the case, it would still be impossible for Shi Bolong to fall into the trap. The key was that Zhao Ya creatively split the poison recipe. The incense burned every day only contained two or three of the poisons, and he continued to combine them for several days. A complete poison.

Relying on this method, Zhao Ya successfully made Shi Bolong fall into the trap.

"I'm stupid to explain to you what's going on. Haven't you heard a sentence? Villains die because they talk too much. Although I am not a villain, I don't want to talk nonsense to you!" Zhao Ya said softly to himself.

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