Jiang Tian took another bite of tofu brain and said with a smile: "Grandpa, if you say this in the south, you will definitely be refuted by others, of course, sweet tofu brain is delicious, and everyone who eats salty tofu brain is heretical." "

So serious?" Grandpa was surprised, "I only know that the taste of the north and the south is very different in terms of tofu brain, but I didn't expect that they could be regarded as heretics, which is really outrageous, that is, when there was trouble." "

Trouble?" Jiang Tian was stunned, and some did not react.

"It's a more complicated era!" Grandpa didn't say it explicitly.

Jiang Tian suddenly realized and understood, if you say it, it is estimated that it will be harmonized.

He quickly explained: "It's not that the heresy, it's a little exaggerated, but you can also feel how serious the differences are, if you leave it on the Internet, you can definitely argue for days, and even the interval time will come out to talk about it."

"Just some time ago, during the Dragon Boat Festival, because of whether it was eating sweet zongzi or salted meat zongzi, there were a lot of troubles, and I saw that there were still people on the news who fought because of this."

Grandpa shook his head and swallowed the fritters in his mouth, "There is no need to quarrel, the dietary differences between the north and the south are not big or small, some foods may be relatively similar, but some foods are different, but no matter what, these are their own habits, or need to be respected."

"It's like this tofu brain, I haven't eaten sweet, so I don't evaluate, salted tofu brain is we have been eating this for hundreds of years, that has been ingrained in the bones, that is, identify with salted tofu brain, so I will feel that other tastes are not adaptable, people are too, these are nothing, you eat yours, I eat mine, there is no need to forcibly infuse your hobbies into others."

"Do not do unto others what you do not want to be done to you!" Jiang Tian concluded.

"Yes, that's it." Grandpa gave a thumbs up, "Cultural people just don't talk about it."

Jiang Tian rolled his eyes, "What you said immediately separated the two of us, but according to this statement, is the bean juice of the imperial capital also their own eating habits?"

"I heard my classmates in the imperial capital say that ordinary people can't eat bean juice, and said that when I had the opportunity to go to him to play, I was invited to taste it, and I promise to never forget it."

"It's never forgotten!" Grandpa's faint voice sounded.

"I remember it was more than twenty years ago, when I had a meal in the imperial capital, and the other meals were okay, it was this bean juice, not to mention ordinary people, it was an iron-beaten man, if you gave him a drink, he could vomit!"

"Let's tell you this, in the past, when we were fighting, the conditions were difficult, we couldn't eat anything, the bark and leaves were good things, and it was already very good to be able to eat a nest head, unlike now, every family can eat white-faced steamed buns."

"It is precisely because of this that we can eat anything, just take cabbage stew vermicelli, it is absolutely delicious, it is the top dish at that time, at that time we drank bean juice, and we all said vigorously, isn't it bean juice, what's the big deal, I have eaten anything bitter, and I can't help this bean juice."

"Everyone drank, everyone vomited!" Grandpa's hand holding the spoon was trembling slightly, obviously remembering the pain of being dominated by bean juice.

"That taste is really indescribable, let's simply tell you so, it's the smell of swill that has been put for a long time, I don't want to drink bean juice anyway."

Grandpa ate a bite of tofu brain, and the beautiful taste washed away his dark memories.

Hearing his grandfather say this, Jiang Tian decided that it was better to be honest, there were so many delicious foods, why try this thing.

Grandpa continued: "Bean juice is a kind of thing, in fact, even the people of the imperial capital can not accept it, it is not as common as salty and sweet tofu brain, it can only be said that a certain part of the people are willing to drink it."

Jiang Tian silently added in his heart, maybe even if he is willing to drink, he will not eat tofu brain as often.

Take fritters and eat them dipped in the soup inside the tofu brain, the two flavors are mixed together, which is particularly refreshing.

Eat another tea egg, and the little life is very moist.

A breakfast was quickly eaten, touched the stomach, it was okay, not too much, and I was able to continue to eat.

"What are you going to buy?" Grandpa asked.

"I don't have anything to buy, take a look." Jiang Tian needs a lot of things, but they can all be bought online.

"Nothing? You don't buy vegetable seeds?

"Forget about this stubble, Grandpa, isn't that kind of son enough?"

"Nonsense, it's definitely not enough, the little seed I left is also planted in the vegetable garden, look at you, if you haven't planted the land, you can't even forget this kind of thing."

Jiang Tian smiled embarrassedly, it was indeed he who forgot.

"Let's go, I know that there is a small vegetable seed shop with good quality."

Led by their grandfather, they came to the side of the road, where there was a large row of small shops selling everything, but most of them did not even have names, and they could only know by going in and looking.

For the regulars, there are no problems at all.

I entered a small shop that looked a little old on the outside, and there were shelves on both sides with a large number of vegetable covers.

Such as cabbage, coriander, rape and so on.

"What are you going to plant?" Grandpa asked.


Shouldn't you even think about what vegetables to grow?" Grandpa stared at him, you have already contracted the land, but you don't even think about planting anything, this is fooling around.

This is not a child's house, it's over, it's nothing, now you spend your wallet and want to grow vegetables to make money.

Jiang Tian coughed twice in embarrassment, in fact, he really didn't think about it, because with the existence of spiritual water, no matter what vegetables are grown, the quality will be particularly high, and it will inevitably sell at a good price.

"You, you, forget it, I'll pick it for you." Grandpa can't help, who let him hurt the child.

"Grow some cabbage, this vegetable is more common, eat more, but the price is relatively cheap, a dollar is several pounds, so you don't have to grow too much, and then potatoes, eggplants, peppers..."

Grandpa picked a lot, "Considering that your three acres of land still need to get silt in the pond, it will take at least a month when it can be sown, when the weather is relatively cold, and you have no plans to make a greenhouse, then plant a raw vegetable."

"In such a big place, you have just started to grow it, so let's order any vegetables, and then it is good to see what vegetables are easy to sell, at least the loss is less."

Grandpa always thought that Jiang Tian would definitely lose money when he first started farming.

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