The carp was processed quickly, and Jiang Tian pressed the well, washing the surface and inner layer with clean water.

This will work, grandpa is also a lot better, he is old, the heart is a little bad, this is all old problems.

As soon as he eased up, Grandpa began to pick up, he took out a fungus and shiitake mushroom from the kitchen, soaked it in hot water, and handed Jiang Tian the old hen that had been cleaned up under the eaves.

"You come and chop the hen into pieces, and I'll go to the vegetable garden in the backyard." He was holding a sickle and a vegetable basket.

Jiang Tian took it and put it on the cutting board, and the kitchen knife turned twice and chopped it up fiercely.

This old hen is free-range, raised for some years, the meat is firm, just chopping it is a little difficult, and when it will be boiled in soup, you need to stew more, otherwise let alone grandpa, even Jiang Tian, who is young and has good teeth, can't bite.

It took a lot of effort to chop the old hen, and my grandfather also returned from the vegetable garden, and the vegetable basket contained leeks, green onions, and coriander.

"Come and pick leeks, and I'll leave the rest to me!"

Jiang Tian took out the bamboo stool in the kitchen, washed the basin, and began to pick leeks.

Grandpa went to the kitchen, lit the earthen stove, added a few pieces of wood, took the large iron pot that had not been used for a long time, washed it with clean water several times, and put it on top of the stove.

When the water in the iron pot evaporates, pour a little peanut oil, and the smell of peanuts fills, which is pure peanut oil.

When the oil is slightly warmer, pour the old hen nuggets into it, stir-fry twice, pour in enough water, and cover the pot.

The old hen is ready and needs to be stewed for a long time, as long as a little wood is added from time to time so that the fire is not extinguished.

Anyway, it was still early, and Grandpa also found a stool to come over and pick leeks with Jiang Tian.

While picking it, I recalled the previous events.

"I still remember when you were a child, you were often brought here by your mother, at that time it was adjustable, and I couldn't control it at all, and once I ran to the mountain while we weren't paying attention, but it made us anxious, I remember that time it seemed to be the first time your mother hit you, right?"

Jiang Tian nodded, "It's also the only time, and I'll be much more honest in the future."

"I really didn't expect that such a long time has passed in the blink of an eye, you are already such a big person, you have already graduated, right?"

"Soon, I'm interning now, and I'll graduate in a while."

Grandpa looked at him, "Did something happen in the company, so you came back to relax?"

Jiang Tian was a little embarrassed, sure enough, Jiang was still old and spicy, he could see the problem at a glance, and he didn't hide it, "The company's kind of intrigue is not very suitable for me, or this natural place is suitable for me."

"No, people are always social creatures, and they still have to participate in the work, but now you don't have to worry about work, just rest here for a few more days, and grandpa will make you food."

The two people chatted about the sky, and the scene was very harmonious.

Originally, the sun was shining, gradually dimmed, the sky was a little gloomy, as if it was going to rain, and the mountains not far away were covered with smoke, like a shy girl covering it with a scarf.

Grandpa picked the last handful of leeks and put them in a basin and washed his hands.

"Look at this, there should be heavy rain tonight, go to the field in the afternoon, dig a ditch, otherwise the crops will be flooded."

"Let's stew the carp first, I guess I should be able to get out of the pot with the old hen."

The carp had already been processed earlier, and Grandpa took a kitchen knife and divided it into five segments, one section for the head, three segments for the torso, and one section for the tail.

"Fish head belongs to less meat and more bones, when the time comes to stew you a fish head soup, you can supplement calcium, it is very good for the body, just a few of us to eat, can not eat too much, one paragraph is enough."

Grandpa put the iron pot on the stove, put oil, carp, poured water, and cut the green pepper, garlic cloves and ginger slices on the board.

After about half an hour, the lid of the pot opened, and the heat rose, accompanied by a strong fragrance.

Grandpa couldn't help but praise, "It's so fragrant, this smell is the first time I smelled it, I originally thought that the carp that was too big was too old and not fragrant enough, but now it seems that I think too much." He

added green chili, sliced garlic, ginger, and poured in a pinch of salt and cooking wine.

When it comes out of the pan, sprinkle with a layer of coriander and the flavor is even stronger.

"Grandpa, how about we eat outside today, it's too hot inside." Jiang Tian proposed.

"Okay, just eat out." Grandpa smiled and was happy from the bottom of his heart.

Jiang Tian moved the table out of the room, washed the dishes and chopsticks, and took out a lot of dishes.

Grandpa packed carp in a large bowl, "Carp come!" "

The aromatic, milky white fish soup mixed with green peppers and coriander, green and white mixture, just looks appetizing.


Jiang Tian took the spoon and took a sip, the delicious taste made his taste buds burst, down his throat, into his abdomen, a warm current rose, making his whole person's spirit lifted.

"It's so delicious, grandpa, you can taste it."

"Yes, grandpa's craftsmanship can still be poor." Grandpa also took a sip, his eyes widened, and an incredulous expression appeared on his face.

"The taste is incredible, I've never drunk it before." Realizing that he was a little gaffe, Grandpa patted Jiang Tian's head.

"I really said a lot this day that I have never had before, such a big carp, such a delicious taste, all thanks to you."

Jiang Tian smiled embarrassedly, "No, it's so fragrant, is it okay for the old hen?"

Grandpa hurriedly rushed to the kitchen and shouted, "It's okay, let's be stuffy first, and I'll eat it later." "

Just as Grandpa was making leeks and stir-fried duck eggs, there was laughter outside the yard.

Uncle Wang and Uncle Guan walked in.

Lao Wang shouted: "Old man Ming, this big one smells the fragrance of your house very much, is the big carp ready?"

Grandpa looked over, "It turns out that you two guys are coming, sit down, and the dishes will be complete later."

Uncle Guan put the two jars on the table, "This is the peach blossom wine I brewed, as well as the green plum wine, the degree is not high, and young people can drink it."

Lao Wang was carrying a soup pot, "This is the old turtle soup that has been boiled for many hours, a big supplement." After

more than half an hour, Grandpa brought the rest of the dishes to the table.

Hen soup, turtle soup, carp soup, stir-fried yellow eel, fried duck eggs with leeks are set up on a large table.

As for crucian carp and those ear of wheat, wait until tomorrow.

"Come on, try the food!" Grandpa greeted.

Lao Wang tasted a mouthful of hen soup, "Well, it tastes good, it's stewed for a long time."

He took another sip of carp soup, "I'll go, this soup is probably too delicious, sure enough, the big carp is not ordinary." "

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