Several people ate happily and satisfied.

After eating the noodle soup, grandpa went to make the noodles again, put the dish in it, mixed it slightly, mixed it with the noodles and ate, the taste was different.

A large table of dishes was quickly eaten, after all, there were three young people here, including Dong Shihao, the king of big stomachs.

A few young men cleared the dining table and aimed at the grapefruit candy in the bowl on the table.

At this time, it has been dried, everyone took such a few pieces, put them in their mouths and ate, biting the Q bomb Q bomb, plus the sweet and sour taste, whether it is eaten before or after the meal, it is a very good thing.

Stir-fried a large bowl of grapefruit candy, after a few people eat it, it simply can't last long.

Dong Shihao held the grapefruit candy in his hand and ate it beautifully.

"I didn't expect the taste of this thing to be so good, in the past, I used to eat grapefruit and throw it all away, but now it seems that it is too wasteful."

Song Guoqiang nodded, "Yes, I didn't expect that grapefruit peel can still be eaten, and it can be turned into sugar, sure enough, our people have become a big success in eating this aspect, and no country can compare."

"Yes, I heard that sweet potato leaves can be eaten, I don't know what it tastes like." Dong Shihao said.

"It's delicious." Song Guoqiang missed it a little, "I remember that when I was a child, I used to make this at home, and at that time I could eat enough and be nutritious.

Grandpa also spoke: "Now the sweet potatoes are not ripe, but the leaves are just ready to eat, since you mentioned, I will go to the field to take a look later, and make this dish for you in the afternoon."

"Thank you Grandpa!"

The two thanked each other, they now know the character of their grandfather, and they know that it is impossible not to let or not do it, then they can only thank them first.

Just then, there was a knock on the door outside.

When I opened the door, I could see two men in black jackets.

"Boss!" The two shouted at Dong Shihao.

"Jiang Tian, my men are down, let's go dig the vegetables, get it done now, I estimate that I will receive feedback by tonight."

The group went to the vegetable field, and each dish was selected dozens of pounds and put in bags.

The two men in black jackets came and went in a hurry, took the dish and left directly.

In the afternoon, Grandpa made sweet potato leaves and put them in the beans they had milled on the stone grind.

The two things that are originally unrelated are mixed together, and when the ingredients are added, a dish is formed.


kind of dish is still something that Jiang Tian has only seen in his hometown, and he has never eaten it outside.

The chopped sweet potato leaves were mixed in the okara, looking slimy, Dong Shihao had never seen this kind of dish, and he didn't know how to eat it for a while.

Even Song Guoqiang is the same, his family is also rural, but he has not eaten.

Seeing the two people stunned, grandpa smiled, "Eat, this bean foam is to eat while it is hot, if it is cold, it will not have that taste, don't be stunned." Dong

Shihao clamped a chopstick, this fluffy dish is still a little difficult to clamp, blew and put it in his mouth.

It's not as delicious as expected.

"Does it taste average?" Grandpa asked.

Dong Shihao and Song Guoqiang quickly shook their heads.

Jiang Tian said with a smile: "Just say it directly, if you eat this directly, the taste is not as amazing as other dishes, it is a simple and unpretentious taste, but you have to match it with other things."

Jiang Tian pointed to the pickles on the table, there were two plates, one with green onions, and the other without.

This pickle is specially mixed by Grandpa, and the ingredients in it are very simple, chopped green onion, coriander, chili, plus some shredded pickles and shredded pickles.

Of course, when Jiang Tian ate it before, there were not so many ingredients, at most it was green onion, coriander and pepper.

Jiang Tian took out the pancake and put it into the pancake with bean foam, not too much, not too little.

If there is more, it is easy to soak the pancakes, resulting in breakage, and if there is less, you will not be able to bite the pancakes.

Then, I took the chopsticks and put the pickles in it, put them evenly into one, rolled two rolls, and took a bite into the bowl next to the table.

You can see the soup dripping from the bottom of the pancakes.

Dong Shihao suddenly realized, "I still thought to myself how everyone had a bowl in front of them, and I thought it was for drinking soup, it turned out to be this use." They

followed suit and started rolling pancakes.

When I took a bite, I found that the taste was completely different from before, and the layers were more distinct, but after mixing, the taste changed, and it became indescribably delicious, that is, it was very special.

The softness of the bean foam, the fragrance of sweet potato leaves, and the flavor of these small pickles make people appetize.

Dong Shihao's eyes lit up, and he found that he liked the taste.

"Delicious, so delicious."

Jiang Tian and Grandpa looked at each other and smiled, in fact, the cooking method of this dish is not very difficult, as long as you simply learn it, you can learn it, but no one cares.

For example, Dong Shihao, this kind of child who grew up in a wealthy family, eats mountain and sea delicacies, and has never seen what mountain village people and rural people eat, which also has this feeling that he tastes good and likes it very much.

In a short time, Dong Shihao had already eaten two pancakes, watching him go to get the third.

Grandpa hurriedly opened his mouth to stop, "This is the last one, don't eat more pancakes, it supports the stomach, if you eat too much, easy to indigestion, if you drink some water, when the time comes to absorb the water, it is easy to expand, resulting in stomach squeezing, it is easy to be supported to death."

"This is not to scare you, there have really been such things before."

Dong Shihao did not dare to eat more, just thinking about it made him feel terrified, thinking that he ate too many pancakes, and after drinking water, the pancakes swelled and ran directly out of his stomach.

Shuddering, Dong Shihao reluctantly put down the pancakes.

Jiang Tian looked amused, "It's no problem to eat another one, it's not too late now, after eating, I will go out and walk around the village to digest it." Thinking

about this truth, Dong Shihao ate happily again, but this time he ate more slowly, as if he was recalling the taste.

Jiang Tian is very helpless, but such a real Dong Shihao is really cute.

Even if he ate slowly, the pancakes were still finished, Dong Shihao drank the soup in the bowl and licked his lips, although he was still unfinished, but he also knew what it was to be too late.

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