Looking Forward to Another World

Chapter 110 Nothing has changed (Please subscribe! Please vote!)


The water ripples, causing ripples and waves.

Under the clear blue sky, the huge river as vast as the sea passes through numerous plains and mountains, extending in all directions of the earth.

On the water, a huge wooden boat rode the wind and waves while driving forward, causing intense waves of water, making the sound of water waves endless.

Not long after, a figure slowly walked up on the deck of the wooden ship, came to the bow of the ship, and looked into the distance.

“What a nice view.”

Looking at the endless water surface and the clear blue sky, Li Ge spoke out words of admiration in a rare happy mood.

One day has passed since I left the royal capital of Yerov.

As Yuri explained, after spending a day riding a carriage and arriving at the floating city of Trantia, Li Ge and his party boarded the boat that seemed to have been prepared from the beginning and followed the river through the Kingdom of Jinas. The Grand Canal in each territory, heading to Franzel Territory.

During the whole process, Li Ge and his party maintained the principle of not revealing their identities, so no one noticed that they had arrived in Trantia. The captain and sailors on the ship also turned a blind eye to everyone for some reason, as if they were completely unaware of the situation. Even though he knew about their existence, he never talked to Li Ge and others from the beginning to the end.

Li Ge didn't know why, but he thought it was the Franzel family's method, so he no longer cared about it.

Now, the ship has officially started sailing and will arrive at Franzel Territory in three days.

Li Ge held a wooden sword in his hand and originally planned to practice sword practice on the deck, but after seeing the scenery, he couldn't help but stop and admire it.

"How big is this river?" Li Ge said to himself unconsciously: "Looking like this, you can't see the shore at all, it's just like entering the sea."

Although no one answered this question, there was still a voice.

"So you still care about this kind of thing?"

Along with the pleasant voice, Yuli walked out of the cabin, came to Lige's side, leaned against the railing, and looked outside.

"It's just a casual emotion."

Li Ge was not surprised by Yuli's arrival. He didn't even cast his eyes on her. He still looked at the water outside and responded with a smile.

"I'm still thinking about what you would do if you get seasick." Yuli spoke in a relaxed tone, as if she had been liberated from something, and smiled: "The Kingdom of Jinas is not close to the sea, and few people can take a boat. Chances are, many people are not used to it when they take a boat for the first time. I was wondering if you need a magic potion to cure seasickness."

"That makes you worry." Lige said with a smile: "Unfortunately, I have no experience in taking ships, so I can't use your potion."

In his previous life, Li Ge had even done things like surviving in the wild in order to seek excitement. How could he not have gone to sea?

Not only has he been out to sea, but he has also challenged deep-sea diving, surfed tsunamis, and even thought about challenging sharks in the sea. If he had not been stopped by fellow crew members at the time, he might have been able to travel a year or two earlier.

For such a Li Ge, seasickness is naturally impossible.

In fact, even this scenery should not be able to arouse Li Ge's sigh.

After all, this is just a canal, not as good as the wonders on the sea, let alone the "Water City" on the 25th to 27th floors of the dungeon, but maybe it's because the mood is no longer as depressing as in the previous life. , and there is no need to be constantly on guard against monster attacks like in a dungeon, so Li Ge can enjoy the scenery with a lingering feeling in his heart.

"Why did you come out?" Li Ge then turned to look at Yuli and said, "It's still very windy outside. Don't let a delicate and frail magician like you get sick."

"You're still talking about me." Yuli replied without thinking much, "Aren't you also a magician?"

As soon as these words came out, both of them were stunned.

An atmosphere of silence filled the air between the man and the woman, and the cozy and warm atmosphere that had been there until just now was gone.

"Okay, let's go back."

After a while, Yuli spoke in a brisk tone, as if to break the uncomfortable atmosphere, and prepared to turn around and leave.

However, Li Ge stopped her.

"You don't even ask?" Li Ge said as if unintentionally: "Don't you ask me why you can still use magic after the \u003cdoor\u003e is damaged?"

Hearing this, Yuli froze.

"What are you worried about? Miss?" Li Ge glanced at Yuli, smiled, and said: "On the way, I thought you would definitely ask me this question, but it turned out that you seemed to be deliberately avoiding it. It makes me feel unbearable.”

After saying this, Li Ge also said something.

"This doesn't look like you at all."

Yeah, that's not like Yuri at all.

Before this, when Yuli was getting along with Li Ge, she almost said whatever she had to say, as if she didn't have to think about anything, let alone think about anything. She felt very relaxed and happy.

Just like what Li Ge had felt before, Yuli was usually very happy when chatting with him. Maybe it was because of this relaxed and happy feeling that he didn't need to think about anything deliberately, right?

However, during the day she left the royal capital of Yerov, Yuri often seemed to deliberately avoid mentioning this somewhat sensitive topic in the eyes of others.

What this caused was that Yuli gave Rige a feeling that she was worried about something and was talking to herself cautiously, which made Rige feel very uncomfortable.

"Just ask whatever you want to ask." Li Ge said in a calm tone: "You don't have to be so cautious."

Hearing this, Yuli fell into silence again.

Li Ge didn't rush her, just waited quietly.

After a while, Yuli took a deep breath, turned around and looked at Li Ge.

"If I ask you, will you tell me?"

Yuli stared directly at Li Ge, as if she wanted to see through his eyes and what he was thinking.

In this regard, Li Ge remained calm and even spoke with a faint smile.

"You made a mistake in a premise." Li Ge said to Yuli: "If I really wanted to hide something, I would not reveal it in front of you from the beginning."

When Li Ge said this, Yuli also reacted.

Seems reasonable?

If Li Ge really wanted to hide something and didn't want to expose anything, then he didn't have to show his abilities in front of him so calmly.

That time when he was attacked by the Shadow Knight, Li Ge showed his strength. It could be said that he had to do it because of the danger and to protect himself.

But this time when tactical-level magic was released in the Franzel family mansion, it was Li Ge who took the lead and took the initiative to display it in front of Yuri.

This shows what?

This shows that Li Ge has no intention of hiding the fact that he can use magic.

And since he doesn't intend to hide this matter, how can he hide it from himself?

Thinking of this, Yuli had been worried about it for a day, and finally let it go.

Li Ge's calmness told Yuli that he had no ulterior motives.

Whether he was seriously injured, whether he was recuperating at his own home, or whether he developed a relationship with him as a good friend, these were all real and not based on any purpose.

Realizing this, Yuli actually had the urge to be overjoyed.

"Then what happened to you?" Yuli hid her feelings and pretended not to care: "Why can you suddenly use magic again?"

"It would be a bit troublesome to explain this." Li Ge scratched his head and spread his hands: "Just think that I had an adventure, the night you saved me."

Yuli blinked and murmured: "An adventure?"

"That's right." Li Ge nodded and said, "The me before that day is no different from the me before you know me."

"It wasn't until I was seriously injured and nearly died that I became who I am now, and gained the possibility to survive in the world and realize my ideals."

"The power I have now, whether it's sword skills or magic, I only gained after getting to know you and healing my injuries."

Li Ge smiled slightly and explained this to Yuli.

"So, you don't need to be confused, let alone doubt anything. Just think that I got lucky. The rest has not changed."

Although these words were full of doubts, Yuli could still feel Li Ge's sincerity.

His calm tone and calm attitude made these words enter Yuli's heart and touch her.

Yuli looked straight at Li Ge.

Li Ge also looked at him.

The two looked at each other speechlessly for a long time, and then suddenly smiled in perfect understanding.

"I trust you."

Yuli said these words and regained all the relaxation and happiness in the past.


Li Ge also responded briefly.

At this time, there is no need to say anything more.

The distance between the two people suddenly disappeared, and they even became faintly closer than before.

"That's right." Li Ge seemed to have remembered something and said, "Can you teach me magic?"

"Teach you magic?" Yuli was slightly startled and asked doubtfully, "Can't you use it?"

"That's magic used in a relatively special way. My \u003cDoor\u003e is still damaged. I can't use the magic myself unless I meet the special conditions." Li Ge said: "So, I think Let you teach me how to use your magic so I can probably recreate it.”

"Is that so?" Yuli nodded, lost in thought.

However, Yuli didn't think about it for long.

"If you want to learn, it's okay to teach you." Yuli looked at Li Ge, smiled suddenly, and said, "But I will be very strict, right?"

These playful words made Li Gedu startled for a moment, and then he laughed again.

"Then please teacher, please treat me harshly."

Li Ge's words made Yuli laugh out loud.

That laughter was light and pure.

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