Looking Forward to Another World

Chapter 199 The night is coming

Time flies by quickly.

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

During this month, the entire Ghost Killing Team has devoted themselves to a very tense and lively training atmosphere, making the training ground full of a large number of people every day.

Li Ge also acted as if nothing had happened, continued to use Jiuzhu as a training partner, and was also serving as a training partner for Jiuzhu, and fought fiercely every day.

Under such circumstances, among the pillars, someone finally successfully opened the transparent world.

This person is Beimingyu Xingming.

He is the transparent world opened on the third day of this month.

As the ceiling and the strongest of the Ghost Killing Team, Beimingyu Xingming told others with practical actions that he did not gain his reputation in vain, which greatly stimulated the rest of the pillars who failed to open the transparent world.

Therefore, the Pillars, with redoubled efforts and training, successively opened up the transparent world.

On the seventh day, Yihei Xiaobanei successfully opened the transparent world.

On about the tenth day, Shitou Wuichiro successfully opened the transparent world.

These two people, like Beimingyu Xingming, successfully opened the pillar of the transparent world at the end of the original work. Now with Li Ge's guidance, these three people were the first to open the transparent world.

Of course, the rest of the pillars are not to be outdone.

On about the thirteenth day, Immortal Chuan Shiya successfully opened the transparent world.

On about the sixteenth day, Giyuu Tomioka successfully opened the transparent world.

On about the twenty-second day, Purgatory Xing Shoulang successfully opened the transparent world.

So far, out of the nine pillars of the Ghost Killing Team, six pillars have stepped into the highest realm, awakening all the abilities of the three-piece suit.

Only Butterfly Ninja, Ganluji Mili, and Umo Tianyuan were left. It seemed that they were not born with this kind of material, and they have not been able to successfully open the transparent world since then.

This made the three of them seem very frustrated and discouraged. Even Butterfly Shinobi, who always had a smile on his face in the past, could see a haze flashing in his eyes from time to time.

Miri of Ganlu Temple also often had a tearful look, which made a certain Snake Zhu look down, and began to secretly lead her to open a small stove, personally give her additional training, and teach her the principles of penetrating the world. .

Yu Mao Tianyuan was thinking about it all day long, sitting on the tree with his thick arms folded, eyes closed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Obviously, the successive successes of their colleagues made the only three of them a little impatient.

Regarding this situation, although Li Ge saw it, he couldn't do anything.

"I have already said that the ability to see through the world is different from the other two abilities. It doesn't mean that it can be opened just by opening it."

No matter how you say this, it is the end point of martial arts and swordsmanship, and it is known as the realm of the highest realm. If it is really not possible, then it is not possible, there is no shortcut.

Yiwozuo has pursued this realm for hundreds of years but failed to enter it, which proves that this matter is really impossible.

At least, from Li Ge's own point of view, it's all come to this point, and Butterfly Ninja and others still failed to open the transparent world, so it's probably really hopeless.

"It's up to them to see."

Li Ge thought silently.

During the period, Yuya Shiki Yaozai summoned Li Ge and asked Li Ge to meet him.

When I met Yoya Yashiki again, the situation of the leader of the Demon Slayer Squad became quite bad.

He couldn't get out of bed at all, and now he was lying in bed all day, and it took a lot of effort to even say a word, it seemed that he really couldn't do it.

I also said so.

"I probably don't have much time left, so I'll try to finish what I have to say..."

When saying this, Yuya Ubuyashiki looked like he might die at any time.

Li Ge frowned, but there was nothing he could do.

He had already treated Yoya Shiki, the obstetrician.

[Dia Flatel] is the highest healing magic, it can not only heal injuries, but also expel curses.

With this magic, at first, Li Ge thought that he could cure Yaoya Shiki's illness.

Because the illness on Yoya Ubuyashiki is a kind of curse, a curse born of Onimai Tsujimu.

Thousands of years ago in the Heian era, Oni Mai Tsuji Mumi, who had not yet become an oni at that time, was actually a member of the Ubuyashiki family.

In other words, the Ubuyashiki family is related to Onimai Tsuji Mumi by blood.

And thousands of years ago, after Oni Mai Tsuji became a ghost, the Ubayashiki family seemed to be cursed collectively. No matter who it was, the children they gave birth to would become weak and sick, and die soon after.

Especially for boys, the probability of premature death is extremely high, which almost cut off the blood of the Miyayashiki family.

Later, generations of the Ubayashiki clan formed alliances with girls from the priest's family, in this way to delay the effect of the curse and extend the lives of future generations.

But even so, none of the Ubuyashiki family could successfully live to be 30 years old.

Therefore, all the members of the Ubuyashiki family were weak and sick, and all of them died young, without exception.

Obstetrician Shiki Yoya is only 23 years old this year, but he is already seriously ill and will pass away soon due to this serious illness.

Li Ge originally thought that with the effect of [Dia Flatel] being able to expel the curse, it should be able to remove the curse for Yuya Miyashiki.

But he failed.

This curse is not imposed on the individual, but on the blood of the entire family.

In other words, if Li Ge wanted to get rid of the curse, he had to get rid of the curse of the entire Ubayashiki family at once.

But Kimai Tsuji is also a member of the Ubuyashiki family, and even the source of the curse.

He is not here, even if Li Ge gets rid of the curse of other people, the power of this curse will be regenerated from the blood of the Ubuyashiki family like a gangrene.

As a result, the curse on Yaoya Miyayashiki could not be removed at all, his body became weaker and weaker, and his body became thinner and thinner.

This time, Yuya Ubuyashiki summoned Li Ge with the intention of leaving a last word.

He first told Li Ge a piece of information.

"Recently, there have been frequent incidents of human disappearances in towns and cities around the world..."

Most of the missing persons are violent perpetrators or armed fighters, and even felons who have committed major crimes and are about to be executed.

Without exception, they all disappeared suddenly without any warning. Some disappeared at home, and some did not come back after going out, which caused quite a disturbance in the society.

According to the information network of the Ghost Killing Squad, most of these people had brief contact with ghosts before they disappeared.

At first, the ghost killing team thought that they were all eaten by ghosts, and then they realized something was wrong.

After all, these people all have a common feature, that is, they either possess force or have a certain degree of violent tendencies.

This aroused the great attention of the Demon Killing Team, and the final information was passed on to Yoya Ubuyashiki.

"Also, not long ago, everyone in a small town in the east disappeared, no matter men, women, old or young, thousands of people disappeared without a trace overnight..."

Yuya Ubuyashiki told Li Ge such information again, which made Li Ge frown.

"Are there so many people missing?"

This is definitely not a good thing.

You must know that human beings are a precious resource for ghosts, no matter how they look at it.

They can be used as food to supplement nutrition and enhance the strength of ghosts.

They can also become ghosts. As long as Gui Wu Tsuji gives them blood, they can immediately leave their identity as humans and join the camp of ghosts.

Now, there are a large number of collective disappearances of human beings. If it is said that there are no ghosts in it, Li Ge absolutely does not believe it.

Regardless of whether they became the food of ghosts, were used by ghosts to increase their strength, or were transformed into new ghosts as combat power, for the ghost killing team, it was a bad thing that couldn't be worse.

That's what Yuya Ubuyashiki said.

"I can feel that Onimai Tsuji's power is rapidly increasing..."

It is precisely because of this that Yuya Ubuyashiki's physical condition will become worse and worse.

This is the manifestation of the curse in the bloodline being strengthened.

The strengthening of the curse means that Onimai Tsuji, who is the source of the curse, is becoming stronger and stronger.

"You have to be careful..."

Miyayashiki Yoya was lying on the bed, his face was covered with a towel, and his nearly rotting face could not be seen clearly at all.

"We are preparing for battle, and the ghost side is also preparing for battle..."

"The decisive battle is coming, and the battle that will determine the future between humans and ghosts is getting closer..."

"And you are the key to this decisive battle..."

As if squeezing out the last of his strength, Yuya Ubuyashiki left a last word for Li Ge with a smile.

"I don't know if I can wait until that day, if not, the Ghost Slayer Squad and everything will be handed over to you..."

After leaving such words, Yoya Ubuyashiki lost consciousness.

"Master Yaozai!"

The wife of Yoya Shiki, the obstetrician, rushed in immediately with her daughter.

Li Ge also stepped forward, took a look at Yashiki Yaozai, and found that he just lost consciousness and did not die directly.

But his aura was like a candle in the wind, very, very weak and might go out at any time.

Even after Li Ge opened the transparent world, he took a look at the situation inside Yaoya Ubuyashiki's body, and what he saw was an extremely horrible picture.

"Time is running out...?"

Li Ge clearly realized this point, looked at the people who were nervously running around for the obstetric house, and silently exited the room.

On this day, the pillars of the Demon Slayer Team rarely showed up at the training ground, and they all came here, guarding the maternity house Yoyazai for a day, and did not leave until the next day.

Li Ge sat in the hall of his house, looked out through the courtyard, and watched the bright moon in the night sky.

The bright moon hangs high in the sky, but at some point, it seems to be stained with a layer of blood.


At the same time, in the castle with upside-down space and weird layout, the ghost king covered in blood quietly appeared.

He was also looking at the night sky and the bright moon, the blood remaining at the corner of his mouth was so obvious.

"about there……"

The ghost king showed a cruel smile.

"It's time to fulfill this long-cherished wish that has lasted for thousands of years."

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