Looking Forward to Another World

Chapter 280 Joint Letter of Protest

Franzel's mansion, top floor office.

At this time, Li Ge and You Li were sitting opposite each other, one was looking at the nose and the heart, as if they were not looking at anything, while the other was staring at each other closely, as if they were staring at an unruly villain .

Beside, Liz and Marilyn were also present, one stood behind Li Ge, holding a sword, with a nervous expression on his face, and the other stood behind Yu Li, just like Yu Li, looking at Li Ge with the eyes of a sinner .

Under such circumstances, the entire office fell into an eerie silence.

"Is it you?"

After a long time, Yuli was the first to break the silence.

What she said sounded like she was asking, but her tone was full of affirmation.


Li Ge wanted to play dumb and showed an innocent expression, but what he got in return was only You Li's eyes.

"Do you still want to hide it from me?" Yuli scolded, "You were asked out for a meal by the Liat's family, and they said they wanted to talk about the third prince, but it turned out within two days." Do you think I would never have guessed that this is what you did?"

"Attacking the third prince Sorok, causing him to be seriously injured or even near death, this kind of big event that can stab the royal family in a confrontation, who would dare to do it except you?"

"You are really courageous, so I didn't want to ask you what you talked about with the Cordelion family. You caused such a disaster, what can I say about you?"

"Could it be that you were really incited by the members of Cordeleone's family? What exactly did Saint Shalia tell you?"

The more You Li spoke, the more excited she became. If there wasn't a table in the middle, she might have grabbed Li Ge's shoulder.

Li Ge also felt a little bit of a smile at such Yuli.

"It's not that I want to hide it from you on purpose. It's just that the less people know about it, the better. That way, it's the least likely to betray your flaws." Li Ge said with a calm face while laughing, "Isn't it just a mad dog? Nothing at all. What kind of disaster is a successful slaughter?"

"...You are the only one who dares to say that. No one else dares to be so blatant even in private." You Li had a complex expression on her face, and after sighing, she said to Li Ge, "But this time you It’s really a catastrophe. I have received news from my side. Before dawn, many nobles in the capital who either belong to the duke’s faction or have no clear stance have been summoned into the palace one after another. trial."

"Whether it's a duke or a marquis, all the nobles can't escape. Even some of the big nobles of the royal family have been interrogated, and the small nobles are even worse. Without exception, all of them are used by court magicians to read memory and interfere with the mind. Or magic such as mind manipulation was checked directly."

"The folks have also not escaped. The Knights of the Kingdom are searching from house to house. Once suspicious persons are found, all of them will be taken away, and no one will be spared."

"The current king is in chaos. The brother and sister of Cordeleon's family entered the palace not long ago. I should be summoned soon."

Yu Li told Li Ge with practical explanations how big this matter has become.

Liz was immediately frightened smoothly, and couldn't help casting her worried eyes on Li Ge.

However, Li Ge seemed to have anticipated all this, and his face didn't even change.

"They shouldn't use magic like reading memory or interfering with the mind on you?"

Li Ge only cares about the appearance of this matter.

"Who do you think I am?" Yuli gave Li Ge another look, and said angrily, "No matter how I say it, I am a strategic-level magician. Using that kind of magic directly on me is life-threatening to them." Is it long?"

As a strategic-level magician, Yuli's magic attainments are many times that of ordinary magicians.

For a magician of her level, even subconsciously, some immature interference magic can be rebounded with magic power. If she is prepared, even tactical-level interference magic will be defeated by You Li used magic to bounce back.

If you want to read the memory of a magician of Yuli's level and interfere with her heart and spirit, at least it must be the magic cast by a magician of the same level, or the legendary magic props are aimed at her. effect.

Coupled with Yuli's identity, if she uses such harmful magic on her casually, even the king would not dare to issue such an order.

Therefore, it is impossible for Youli to be read into memory or interfere with the mind.

"That's good." Li Ge nodded, and said: "Since that's the case, you don't have to worry about anything. No matter what the royal family asks you, you just can't explain clearly."

Needless to say, Li Ge knew what to do.

if not?

Should she report Li Ge?

She herself can't wait for that mad dog to die. How could she help the royal family find out the murderer?

The only problem is that...

"Then what about you?" You Li looked directly at Li Ge and said, "What are you going to do?"

That's right, the real problem is not Yuli, but Li Ge, the direct creator of the attack.

He is the target of the royal family, the object of the kingdom's search.

"I can guess that you did it, and the royal family will definitely suspect you." Yuli said worriedly: "If they use strong methods against you, they want to read your memory and interfere with your mind ,What about you?"

For You Li's worry, Li Ge just gave her a reassuring expression.

"It's good that they can do it."

Li Ge said so calmly.

With the effect of the [Self-Salvation] skill, it is immune to physical interference and immune to mental interference. Who can read Li Ge's memory and interfere with his mind and spirit?

Not to mention direct interference, even indirect hypnosis will not work.

After all, because of the [Endless] skill effect, Li Ge has the highest level of "abnormal resistance" ability.

Therefore, Li Ge was not at all worried that he would be deceived by such means.

Li Ge also believed that Cordelion's house would not be interfered by such means.

The duke faction is the rival of the royal family faction, how could it not be guarded against such means?

That is to say, as long as it is confirmed that Yuli will not be exposed, and these people present will not be exposed, then Li Ge will not be exposed.

As for Liz and Marilyn, they are servants. With the servant contract in effect, all information related to the interests of the master will be restricted. Even if others want to use magic to obtain it, they will not be able to succeed.

At least, if someone wants to break through the restrictions of the servant contract and forcibly use magic to obtain information known to the servant, then the other party's attainment in magic must be stronger than the two masters who signed the contract, Li Ge and Yuli. .

what does that mean?

It means that if it is not a strategic-level magician, it is impossible to break through the contract magic of Li Ge and Yuli.

Li Ge is already Lv.6. Not only does he have a high-level "magic" development ability, but also the potential ability of the "magic power" item has accumulated to an extremely high level. The strength of the servant contract he displayed is definitely not a strategy. Existence below the super magician can break through.

Needless to say, You Li, a strategic-level magician on the surface, is not a little watery. If she is not a magician of the same level, it is definitely impossible to tamper with the contract magic she casts.

And the magic that can affect oneself or others belongs to the interference magic.

In other words, this manipulative magician must be a strategic-level magician specializing in the Intervention Department.

However, among the eight strategic-level magicians in the mainland today, four are transformation magic specialists, two are manipulative magic specialists, two are structure magic specialists, and the interference magic specialists are not a single one.

In view of this, there is no one in this world who can tamper with Li Ge and Yuli's contract magic.

In this way, Li Ge naturally doesn't have to worry at all, people here will say things wrong.

He himself is also confident that he did not reveal his identity when he attacked Sorok.

You know, he has used the transparent world to the extreme, completely sealed up his breath and fighting spirit, and he has never used magic from the beginning to the end, leaving no trace of magic power.

Coupled with the Xia's breath that fused part of the essence of the shadow attack sword skill, Li Ge can evade almost all detection, and the possibility of Li Ge being exposed is infinitely close to zero.

The royal family may have serious doubts about him, but they will certainly not be able to fully confirm that it is him and find evidence that Rieger is the murderer.

Under such circumstances, Li Ge really didn't believe that he would be caught.

Besides, even if he was caught, so what?

At worst, go away and fly away.

With Li Ge's current strength, he may not be the strongest and most invincible existence in the world, but if he wants to run away, it is absolutely impossible to keep him, and the kingdom will not lay down a net with all its strength.

If it wasn't for worrying about hurting Youli and Franzel's family, Li Ge would have patted his ass and left after assassinating Sorok, regardless of whether his identity was revealed or not.

"It's good that you have a sense of proportion."

Seeing that Li Ge was not worried, You Li seemed a little relieved.

She still trusts in Li Ge's ability, knowing that since he is so confident, the possibility of being exposed should be really low.

As long as it is not exposed, then everything is fine.

Anyway, Yuli was definitely on Li Ge's side, and even felt gloating about what happened to the royal family.

No way, the last time Franzel's mansion was attacked, the royal family chose to turn a blind eye due to public relations. This time, if their prince was attacked, Yuli would naturally retaliate.

Not only will she not cooperate, but she will also disrupt the situation.

"Do you want to jointly sue the third prince with me?"

Yu Li suddenly smiled slyly at Li Ge, and said so.

"The people who sneaked out of the palace in the middle of the night, because he sent someone to kidnap them, this matter has been known to everyone as the incident was exposed. As a person directly related, you have every right to be a victim , protest to the royal family, right?"

Hearing this, Li Ge was startled.

Immediately afterwards, he gave a thumbs up.

"Makes sense."

Therefore, Li Ge and You Li jointly wrote a letter and sent it back to the palace, launching a strong protest.

This incident once again set off a storm in the capital.

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